Sonntag, 13. November 2016

Is President Donald Trump an anti-imperialist?

Is President Donald Trump an anti-imperialist?

This compilation is about showing that Trump is -not- anti-establishment, anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist, anti-interventionist, anti-militarist and so on, although this was the way he was being marketed.

"Trump is an anti-capitalist who is challenging the big companies"

If you voted for Trump because he’s ‘anti-establishment,’ guess what: You got conned ... President-elect Donald J. Trump, who campaigned against the corrupt power of special interests, is filling his transition team with some of the very sort of people who he has complained have too much clout in Washington: corporate consultants and lobbyists. ... The head of his communications team? Jeffrey Eisenach, longtime Verizon lobbyist. Energy independence? Michael Catanzaro of Devon Energy and Encana Oil & Gas. Department of Agriculture? Michael Torrey, head of a multi-million lobbying firm that represents American Beverage Association and Dean Foods. ... Michael McKenna, another lobbyist helping to pick key administration officials who will oversee energy policy ... Martin Whitmer, who is overseeing “transportation and infrastructure” ... David Malpass, the former chief economist at Bear Stearns, the Wall Street investment bank that collapsed during the 2008 financial crisis, is overseeing the “economic issues” ... Dan DiMicco, a former chief executive of the steelmaking company Nucor, who now serves on the board of directors of Duke Energy, is heading the transition team 11.11.2016

Drei Tage zuvor hatte er bereits angedeutet, Steven Mnuchin zu seinem Finanzminister machen zu wollen. Steven Mnuchin ist ein ehemaliger Goldman-Sachs-Banker und ein Intimus eines der berüchtigtsten Spekulanten der Welt, des Milliardärs George Soros. ... Inzwischen ist auch bekannt, wer zu Trumps “Übergangsteam“ gehört, das gegenwärtig dabei ist, viertausend hochkarätigen Jobs in Washington zu besetzen: Es sind u.a. Lobbyisten der Großkonzerne Koch Industries, Walt Disney, Aetna, Verizon und Goldman Sachs. ... Als aussichtsreiche Kandidaten für Ministerämter gelten der ehemalige New Yorker Bürgermeister Rudi Giulliani, der ehemalige Sprecher des Repräsentantenhauses, Newt Gingrich, und der Gouverneur von New Jersey, Chris Christie. ... Es ist auch nicht ungewöhnlich, dass die US-Massenmedien sich gegen einen Kandidaten stellen, ihm letztlich aber auf diese Weise zur Macht verhelfen: Als der US-Kongress 1913 über die Gründung der US-Zentralbank Federal Reserve abstimmen sollte, führten die bereits damals von der Finanzindustrie gesteuerten Massenmedien zusammen mit den Banken einen vehementen Feldzug gegen diese neue Einrichtung und behaupteten wider besseres Wissen, sie werde die Rechte und Freiheiten der Finanzindustrie beschneiden.

Exxon Mobil Corporation, Chevron Corporation: Donald Trump to the Rescue ... If Donald Trump is elected President, his policies can allow energy companies to make a comeback ... Rex Tillerson, the CEO of Exxon, however, has been a strong critic of these climate resolutions. ... Oil companies have already suffered due to massive decline in crude oil prices. Environmental friendly policies would impose more costs on these companies and make it even more difficult for them to ride out the downturn. 27.05.2016

Anti-imperialist Henry Kissinger advises Trump to accept Crimea as Russia ... Kissinger is one of the few Americans who have met with Putin on regular basis, alongside Exxon's chief and Trump's candidate for the U.S. Department of State, Rex Tillerson

This lobbyist denied climate change for ExxonMobil. Now he’ll do it for Trump. ... Let’s take a quick stroll through the resume of Jim Murphy, hired Monday by Donald Trump’s campaign as national political director 07.06.2016

Did Putin help elect Trump to restore $500 billion Exxon oil deal killed by sanctions
Follow the money: Will Trump repay Putin by ending Russian sanctions and killing the Paris climate deal? 08.01.2017

Werte mit Potenzial: Mit diesen Macker-Aktien profitieren Sie von einem Wahlsieg Donald Trumps ... Auch die Zukunft des Ölriesen Exxon hellt sich bei einem Einzug Trumps ins Weiße Haus auf. Der Republikaner verspricht, die USA unabhängig vom Ölmarkt zu machen, die Opec abzuschaffen, mehr Fracking zu betreiben und sich auf den Ölfeldern im Nahen Osten zu bedienen. Neben Exxon profitieren die nationalen Ölbohrdienstleister 11.06.2016

Trump: "They have some in Syria, some in Iraq. I would bomb the s--- out of 'em. I would just bomb those suckers. That's right. I'd blow up the pipes. ... I'd blow up every single inch. There would be nothing left. And you know what, you'll get Exxon to come in there and in two months, you ever see these guys, how good they are, the great oil companies? They’ll rebuild that sucker, brand new — it'll be beautiful." 12.10.2015

For The Defense Industry, Trump's Win Means Happy Days Are Here Again ... Surges in weapons spending usually require Republican control of the White House and Senate, which is what Washington will now have ... Trump has repeatedly stated that he will modernize the nation’s aging nuclear arsenal, which consists of missile-carrying submarines, land-based missiles in Midwestern silos, and long-range bombers ... Big winners: General Dynamics and Huntington Ingalls Industries which make subs, Lockheed Martin which makes sub-launched missiles, Northrop Grumman which is building a new bomber, and Boeing which builds tankers and airborne command posts to support the nuclear force. ... Trump has proposed significantly increasing the size of the Army and Marine Corps, which will require major equipping initiatives. Vehicle makers BAE Systems and General Dynamics will benefit not only from new production, but also upgrades to the existing fleet making it more lethal and resilient. Helicopter makers Boeing and Lockheed Martin will almost certainly get more money, as will companies like BAE Systems and Raytheon that provide radios, electronic warfare gear, and ground-based air defense systems. ... Trump has stated an intention to expand the Navy’s fleet to 350 warships from less than 300 today. That probably means buying aircraft carriers and surface combatants faster, which would be good news for General Dynamics and Huntington Ingalls Industries — the nation’s two leading producers of warships. ... Trump’s defense plans call for a larger Air Force fighter force, which probably means a faster ramp-up in production of Lockheed Martin’s F-35 fighter.

Trump has said he wants to increase the size of the Army and the Marine Corps, build new ships for the Navy and add jets to the Air Force’s arsenal and modernize the nuclear arsenal. Defense stocks jumped Wednesday morning with news of his election. BAE System and Raytheon saw their stock prices go up more than 6 percent by 11 a.m. Wednesday. Lockheed Martin was up more than 5 percent.

“Trump’s win is good news for the defense industry, especially when coupled with Republican majorities in the House and Senate,” said Loren Thompson, a defense consultant who advises many of the nation’s top tier contractors.

Increasing the size of the military will favor BAE Systems and General Dynamics, plus helicopter makers Boeing and Lockheed Martin, in particular, he said. Northrop Grumman, which is building the Air Force’s new bomber, could be a winner, he said, as could General Dynamics and Huntington Ingalls, companies that make submarines.

Trump would most likely focus on weapons systems already in development or production, instead of starting new ones, Eaglen said, which would be good news for programs such as the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle, the Littoral Combat Ship as well as building new aircraft carriers.

Silicon Valley Titan Peter Thiel Is Backing Donald Trump ... Thiel, co-founder of PayPal and Palantir and a director at Facebook, is now a Trump delegate 10.05.2016 Palantir uses Big Data to help the CIA. The CIA-backed start-up that's taking over Palo Alto ... the heart and soul of Silicon Valley ... Palantir is notorious for its secrecy, and for good reason. Its software allows customers to make sense of massive amounts of sensitive data ... The FBI, CIA, Department of Defense and IRS have all been customers. Between 30 and 50 percent of Palantir's business is tied to the public sector 12.01.2016

jeder Like wird gespeichert ... Unklar war auch, ob Big Data eine grosse Gefahr oder ein grosser Gewinn für die Menschheit ist. Seit dem 9. November kennen wir die Antwort. Denn hinter Trumps Onlinewahlkampf und auch hinter der Brexit-Kampagne steckt ein und dieselbe Big-Data-Firma: Cambridge Analytica mit ihrem CEO Alexander Nix. Wer den Ausgang der Wahl verstehen will – und was auf Europa in den nächsten Monaten zukommen könnte –, muss mit einem merkwürdigen Vorfall an der britischen Universität Cambridge im Jahr 2014 beginnen. Und zwar an Kosinskis Department für Psychometrik.

At the heart of the tale are several men, leaders of the Canadian mining industry, who have been major donors to the charitable endeavors of former President Bill Clinton and his family. Members of that group built, financed and eventually sold off to the Russians a company that would become known as Uranium One. 23.04.2015

For those finding it difficult to keep up - here's a run down of the week so far
To recap:
* On January 19th, 2017, DT said that he would cut funding for the DOJ’s Violence Against Women programs.
* On January 19th, 2017, DT said that he would cut funding for the National Endowment for the Arts.
* On January 19th, 2017, DT said that he would cut funding for the National Endowment for the Humanities.
* On January 19th, 2017, DT said that he would cut funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
* On January 19th, 2017, DT said that he would cut funding for the Minority Business Development Agency.
* On January 19th, 2017, DT said that he would cut funding for the Economic Development Administration.
* On January 19th, 2017, DT said that he would cut funding for the International Trade Administration.
* On January 19th, 2017, DT said that he would cut funding for the Manufacturing Extension Partnership.
* On January 19th, 2017, DT said that he would cut funding for the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services.
* On January 19th, 2017, DT said that he would cut funding for the Legal Services Corporation.
* On January 19th, 2017, DT said that he would cut funding for the Civil Rights Division of the DOJ.
* On January 19th, 2017, DT said that he would cut funding for the Environmental and Natural Resources Division of the DOJ.
* On January 19th, 2017, DT said that he would cut funding for the Overseas Private Investment Corporation.
* On January 19th, 2017, DT said that he would cut funding for the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
* On January 19th, 2017, DT said that he would cut funding for the Office of Electricity Deliverability and Energy Reliability.
* On January 19th, 2017, DT said that he would cut funding for the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.
* On January 19th, 2017, DT said that he would cut funding for the Office of Fossil Energy.
* On January 20th, 2017, DT ordered all regulatory powers of all federal agencies frozen.
* On January 20th, 2017, DT ordered the National Parks Service to stop using social media after RTing factual, side by side photos of the crowds for the 2009 and 2017 inaugurations.
* On January 20th, 2017, roughly 230 protestors were arrested in DC and face unprecedented felony riot charges. Among them were legal observers, journalists, and medics.
* On January 20th, 2017, a member of the International Workers of the World was shot in the stomach at an anti-fascist protest in Seattle. He remains in critical condition.
* On January 21st, 2017, DT brought a group of 40 cheerleaders to a meeting with the CIA to cheer for him during a speech that consisted almost entirely of framing himself as the victim of dishonest press.
* On January 21st, 2017, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer held a press conference largely to attack the press for accurately reporting the size of attendance at the inaugural festivities, saying that the inauguration had the largest audience of any in history, “period.”
* On January 22nd, 2017, White House advisor Kellyann Conway defended Spicer’s lies as “alternative facts” on national television news.
* On January 22nd, 2017, DT appeared to blow a kiss to director James Comey during a meeting with the FBI, and then opened his arms in a gesture of strange, paternal affection, before hugging him with a pat on the back.
* On January 23rd, 2017, DT reinstated the global gag order, which defunds international organizations that even mention abortion as a medical option.
* On January 23rd, 2017, Spicer said that the US will not tolerate China’s expansion onto islands in the South China Sea, essentially threatening war with China.
* On January 23rd, 2017, DT repeated the lie that 3-5 million people voted “illegally” thus costing him the popular vote.
* On January 23rd, 2017, it was announced that the man who shot the anti-fascist protester in Seattle was released without charges, despite turning himself in.
* On January 24th, 2017, Spicer reiterated the lie that 3-5 million people voted “illegally” thus costing DT the popular vote.
* On January 24th, 2017, DT tweeted a picture from his personal Twitter account of a photo he says depicts the crowd at his inauguration and will hang in the White House press room. The photo is curiously dated January 21st, 2017, the day AFTER the inauguration and the day of the Women’s March, the largest inauguration related protest in history.
* On January 24th, 2017, the EPA was ordered to stop communicating with the public through social media or the press and to freeze all grants and contracts.
* On January 24th, 2017, the USDA was ordered to stop communicating with the public through social media or the press and to stop publishing any papers or research. All communication with the press would also have to be authorized and vetted by the White House.
* On January 24th, 2017, HR7, a bill that would prohibit federal funding not only to abortion service providers, but to any insurance coverage, including Medicaid, that provides abortion coverage, went to the floor of the House for a vote.
* On January 24th, 2017, Director of the Department of Health and Human Service nominee Tom Price characterized federal guidelines on transgender equality as “absurd.”
* On January 24th, 2017, DT ordered the resumption of construction on the Dakota Access Pipeline, while the North Dakota state congress considers a bill that would legalize hitting and killing protestors with cars if they are on roadways.
* On January 24th, 2017, it was discovered that police officers had used confiscated cell phones to search the emails and messages of the 230 demonstrators now facing felony riot charges for protesting on January 20th, including lawyers and journalists whose email accounts contain privileged information of clients and sources.
And today: the wall and a ban on Muslims entering from a large number of countries and the end to accepting Syrian refugees
If you plan to share, please copy and paste rather than share. You'll reach more people. 26.01.2017

Foreign Policy of Trump

A move to improve relations with a combative, assertive Russia. Trump stressed repeatedly during the campaign, at some political cost, that he would work with President Vladimir Putin. “I think I’d be able to get along with him,” he said in September at a televised forum hosted by NBC’s Matt Lauer. “If he says great things about me, I’m gonna say great things about him. . . . I mean, the man has very strong control over a country.” Trump also discounted allegations that Russian hackers had meddled in the presidential election. ... A joint military effort with Russia and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to defeat the Islamic State. Trump proposed this shared campaign during that same debate. “If Russia and the United States got along well and went after ISIS, that would be good,” he said. He offered positive comments about Assad, saying, “He’s just much tougher and much smarter than her [Clinton],” adding that if the opposition should win in Syria, “you may very well end up with worse than Assad.” ... push for European allies to pay more for their own defense. It’s unlikely that Trump will dismantle NATO ... In Europe, Trump’s victory is likely to reinforce the trend toward politicians expressing similar right-wing, nationalist views. ... the most likely outcome of Trump’s protectionist rhetoric will be a global economic downturn ... by putting America’s interests first so nakedly, he may push many U.S. allies in Europe and Asia to make their own deals with a newly assertive Russia and a rising China 09.11.2016

Foreign policy of Clinton and Trump

"Würde ich Waterboarding genehmigen? Verwetten Sie Ihren Hintern darauf. In einem Herzschlag. Ich würde mehr als das billigen. [...] Es funktioniert ... und wenn es nicht funktioniert, verdienen sie es trotzdem für das, was sie uns antun." (Wahlkampfrede in Columbus, Ohio, November 2015)

"Ich würde höllisch Schlimmeres als Waterboarding zurückbringen." (Debatte der Kandidaten der Republikaner in Manchester, New Hampshire, Februar 2016)

"Ich werde eine große Mauer bauen - und niemand baut Mauern besser als ich, glauben Sie mir - und ich baue sie sehr kostengünstig. Ich werde eine große, große Mauer an unserer südlichen Grenze bauen und ich werde Mexiko für diese Mauer bezahlen lassen." (Ankündigung der Kandidatur zur Präsidentschaftswahl, Juni 2015)

"Wenn Mexiko seine Leute rüberschickt, dann schicken sie nicht ihre Besten. Sie schicken Leute, die viele Probleme haben. Sie bringen Drogen. Sie bringen Verbrechen. Sie sind Vergewaltiger." (Ankündigung der Kandidatur, Juni 2015) ...

"Weißt du, ich werde automatisch von Schönheit angezogen - ich fange einfach an, sie zu küssen. Es ist wie ein Magnet. Einfach küssen. Ich warte gar nicht erst. Und wenn du ein Star bist, lassen sie es zu. Du kannst alles machen. [...] 
Ihnen an die Pussy greifen. Du kannst alles machen." (Zuvor nicht gesendete Aufnahme von "Access Hollywood" aus dem Jahre 2005, veröffentlicht Oktober 2016)

"Hillary Clinton will Amerikas Angela Merkel werden, und ihr wisst, was für eine Katastrophe die massive Einwanderung für Deutschland und die Menschen Deutschlands ist. Die Kriminalität ist auf ein Niveau gestiegen, das niemand je zu sehen erwartet hat." (Wahlkampfrede in Youngstown, Ohio, August 2016) ... [Ja zu Kriegen und Diktaturen, nein zu Flüchtlingen und Flüchtlingsabkommen.]

"Meine Priorität Nummer eins ist, den desaströsen Deal (gemeint ist der Atomdeal, die Red.) mit dem Iran zu demontieren." (Konferenz der proisraelischen Lobbyorganisation Aipac in Washington, März 2016) [Wird er nicht. AIPAC weiß das und will das auch nicht. Russland und China haben im UN-Sicherheitsrat selber für die Sanktionen gegen den Iran gestimmt.]

Es gibt viele Nato-Mitglieder, die ihre Rechnungen nicht bezahlen. [...] Wenn sie ihre Verpflichtungen uns gegenüber erfüllen, ist die Antwort ja. (Auf die Frage, ob Nato-Mitglieder auf die USA zählen können, wenn sie von Russland angegriffen würden, die Red.) [...] "Wenn wir nicht vernünftig entschädigt werden für die gewaltigen Kosten, die für den Schutz dieser großen Nationen mit gewaltigem Reichtum aufgebracht werden, bin ich absolut darauf vorbereitet, diesen Ländern zu sagen: Gratuliere, ihr werdet euch selbst verteidigen." (New York Times, Juli 2016) ...

"Schaut auf Putin - was er mit Russland macht - ich meine, wissen Sie, was da drüben vor sich geht. Ich meine, dieser Bursche hat - ob sie ihn mögen oder nicht - er macht einen großartigen Job, wenn es darum geht, das Bild von Russland wiederaufzubauen und auch Russland aufzubauen. (CNN, Larry King Live, Oktober 2007)

"Er (Putin, die Red.) führt dieses Land, und er ist wenigstens ein Führer. Anders als, was wir in diesem Land haben. [...] Ich denke, unser Land tötet auch häufig, Joe." (Reaktion auf Kritik an Putin, dem die Ermordung von Journalisten vorgeworfen wird. In Morning Joe, Dezember 2015)

"Wäre Ivanka nicht meine Tochter, vielleicht würde ich sie daten." (The View, März 2006) [Würde mich nicht wundern, wenn herauskäme, dass er auch seine Tochter missbraucht hat.]


Trump to look at recognizing Crimea as Russian territory, lifting sanctions ... Trump said he “would be looking into that” when asked about his stance on Crimea and Russia. 27.07.2016

On August 16 2015, in an interview with NBC News, Donald Trump stunned the Ukrainians with his indifference to the prospect of the country's possible membership in NATO. "I wouldn't care. If [Ukraine] goes in, great. If it doesn't go in, great," Trump said. ... "I don't like what's happening with Ukraine. But that's really a problem that affects Europe a lot more than it affects us. And they should be leading some of this charge," he said.

"The people of Crimea, from what I've heard, would rather be with Russia than where they were," Trump said. This is whitewashing of a blatantly illegal territory grab by Putin, one that almost no countries on Earth recognize. ... If our country got along with Russia, that would be a great thing. When Putin goes out and tells everybody — and you talk about a relationship, but he says Donald Trump is going to win and Donald Trump is a genius ... Trump has repeatedly expressed support for Russia’s policy in Syria. ... he’s even expressed personal admiration for Vladimir Putin. We know this because several of his key policy advisers have direct or indirect ties to the Russian state. ... Trump wants to encourage Russian expansionism, which directly threatens the norm against wars for territory that helped keep the peace after World War II. Trump’s wishy-washy stance on NATO and Russia is even scarier

Meine Prognose ist daher, dass innerhalb de kommenden Jahre der Einfluss Moskaus in den ehemaligen „Satellitenstaaten“ und den früheren Teilen der Sowjetunion erheblich steigen wird. Die autoritäre und nationalistische Ordnung in Ostmitteleuropa wird sich verfestigen und auf weitere Länder übergreifen – womöglich auch des „alten Westens“. Eine notwendige „Rückbesinnung“ Europas auf seine Werte und ein tieferer Zusammenhalt, Anbetracht der Bedrohungen von außen, wird nicht stattfinden. Daher ist mit einem erheblichen Bedeutungsverlust Europas in globaler Perspektive zu rechnen, dem sicherlich auch ein wirtschaftlicher Niedergang folgen wird. Der 09. November 2016 ist somit eine „gegen-Wende“ zu der von 1989.

The US electorate can't say it wasn't warned. Interview with a Russian parliamentary official from Pravda [Russian state media], February 2016 ['Bush clan' is standard shorthand for 'Republican party']: 'Henry Kissinger came to Moscow to discuss new financial system with Putin;

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu congratulated Donald Trump, describing him as "a true friend of the State of Israel". Mr Netanyahu said he was looking forward "to working with him to advance security, stability and peace in our region".
The mayor of Jerusalem, Nir Barkat, was one of the first Israeli officials to send his congratulations. Mr Trump's campaign said his administration would recognise the holy city as the "undivided capital of the State of Israel". That would antagonise Palestinians, who want East Jerusalem as the capital of a future Palestinian state.
Israelis from the hard-right meanwhile hope that Mr Trump will not speak against the expansion of Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank. Israeli Education Minister Naftali Bennett put it quite bluntly: "The era of a Palestinian state is over."

Netanyahu: President-elect Trump, my friend, Congratulations on being elected President of the United States of America. You are a great friend of Israel.

Mr Trump has said he would recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital and move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to the disputed city, something former president George Bush promised but never delivered.

Trump's vice president Mike Pence: Shalom, I love Israel, we stand with Israel

Orthodox and Russian Jewish neighborhoods in New York City came out strong for Donald Trump ... only 24% of Jews nationwide voted for Trump. But in Jewish Brooklyn, Trump appears to have connected with a conservative electorate willing to buck its communal and political leadership.

"Rabbi Hillel Weiss, spokesman for the Sanhedrin, contacted Breaking Israel News to announce that the election of Trump, who has promised to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, coupled with Putin's expressed desire for the Temple to be rebuilt, prompted the Jewish court to send a letter offering the two the opportunity to act as modern-day Cyrus figures: non-Jewish kings who recognized the importance of Israel and the Temple."

Trump’s National Security Adviser Flynn said in July that the military’s attempt to overthrow the government was “worth clapping for.” Donald Trump'ın danışmanı Türkiye'deki darbe girişimini desteklemiş (Türkçe altyazılı)

İslam Karşıtı ve İşkenceci: İşte Trump'un Kabinesi: Pence, Flynn, Pompeo, Bannon, Sessions. Mnuchin, Barrack, Ross, Dimicco, Paulson.

Trump'ın 'tımarhanesi'
ABD'de geçtiğimiz ay gerçekleşen başkanlık seçimlerinin galibi Trump, kabinesini şekillendirmek için bazı isimlere teklif götürdü. Trump'ın tamamen beyazlardan oluşan kabinesi tepki çekerken, bakan olarak düşündüğü isimlerden her biri dikkati çeken açıklamalarla tanınıyor.

Für die wichtigsten Posten in Trumps Gruselkabinett werden schon Namen genannt.

Trump said Hillary was owned by Goldman Sachs, then gifted Goldman Sachs the White House: Steve Bannon, Steve Mnuchin, Gary Cohn, Jay Clayton, Dina Powell ... (Well known Egyptian-American Copts are comically right-wing.)

Goldman Sachs has gained from the Trump trade and its alumni have taken key roles in the administration, from left: Stephen Bannon, Steven Mnuchin and Gary Cohn 20.01.2017

Donald Trump is assembling the richest administration in modern American history ... Trump’s nominee for commerce secretary is industrialist Wilbur Ross, who has amassed a fortune of $2.5 billion through decades at the helm of Rothschild’s bankruptcy practice and his own investment firm, according to Forbes. Ross’ would-be deputy at the Commerce Department, Todd Ricketts, is the son of a billionaire and the co-owner of the Chicago Cubs. Steven Mnuchin, who Trump named to head the Treasury Department, is a former Goldman Sachs executive, hedge fund executive and Hollywood financier. Betsy DeVos, a Michigan billionaire who was named as Trump’s education secretary, is the daughter-in-law of Richard DeVos, the co-founder of Amway. Her family has a net worth of $5.1 billion, according to Forbes. Elaine Chao, the choice for transportation secretary, is the daughter of a shipping magnate. ... Harold Hamm — a self-made oil industry executive who ranks 30th on the Forbes 400, a list of the wealthiest Americans, with a net worth of $16.7 billion, — is on Trump’s shortlist for secretary of energy. Andrew Puzder, a restaurant industry executive, has been floated for labor secretary.

Giuliani is a leading candidate to be Trump's secretary of state

Der zukünftige Präsident bediente sich oft genug an Sprachcodes, die wohlwollend von den "White Supremacists" aufgenommen wurden. ... How America’s dying white supremacist movement is seizing on Donald Trump’s appeal. "I hope he does everything we hope he will do," former KKK leader David Duke said. Ku Klux Klan group plans North Carolina rally to celebrate Donald Trump's election victory ... League Of The South Hails Trump, Wants ‘No Mercy’ Towards ‘Jews, Minorities And Anti-White Whites’

US election: Trump and the rise of the alt-right: Offensichtlicher ist die Unterstützung der amorphen Alt-Right Bewegung, deren Vertreter Stephen Bannnon ( Trumps Wahlkampf führte. Diese werden mit anzunehmender Wahrscheinlichkeit versuchen Ansprüche geltend zu machen. In den Medien jener Bewegung tauchen zeitweilig apokalyptische Szenarien auf, die entsprechend den Untergang der "weißen" Zivilisation thematisieren, siehe Werke von Jean Raspail.

"How To Make Women Happy: Uninvent The Washing Machine And The Pill"

'Hail Trump!': White Nationalists Salute the President Elect

Before Trump hired him in August, Stephen Bannon hosted a daily radio show where many of his guests demonized Islam. ... Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's antipathy for Islam is well known, including his repeated calls to ban Muslims from entering the United States.

Neben der Alt-Right Bewegung musste Trump den (erz)konservativen Flügel bedienen, wofür er bereits durch die Ernennung von Mike Pence (Tea Party Unterstützer) zum Vize einen Schritt getan hat.

Donald Trump says he's going to deport up to three million immigrants immediately 13.11.2016 President Donald Trump Promised To Deport 6 Million Immigrants 09.11.2016

Nigger Lynching’ group text shocks Penn freshmen ... black freshmen at Penn were added to another group titled “Mud Men” and “Trump Is Love,” ... The news at Penn follows a racist graffiti incident in South Philly where “Black Bitch” and “Trump Rules” were spray-painted on a car. Penn is Donald Trump’s alma mater.

The SPLC, which tracks hate crimes, says it has logged more than 200 complaints since the election 12.11.2016

disturbing surge in reported hate crimes in the US since Donald Trump was elected ... High school students are handed ‘deportation letters’ ... Racist graffiti telling black people their lives don’t matter ... Pupils do Nazi salutes and call black students ‘cotton pickers’... Black university students added to a racist social media account with a ‘daily lynching’ calendar ... ‘Trump!’ written on the door of a Muslim prayer room at NYU ... School children chant ‘Build the wall!’ ... Swastikas and other Nazi graffiti in Philadelphia ... ‘Whites only’ and ‘Go back to Africa’ scrawled on walls of high school ... Student in a hijab confronted with comments about Trump and Muslims ... Man yanks woman’s hijab off her head ... A black doll hung from a curtain pole ... NY: ‘All niggers and spics have one week to vacate this building!!! ... A KKK ‘victory’ rally in North Carolina

We had thought the racist eugenics movement had died out, but Donald J. Trump wants to bring it back.

Die Schauspielerin Rosie O'Donnell nannte er einmal ein "fettes Schwein". Einer Journalistin der "New York Times" schrieb er, sie habe ein "Gesicht wie ein Hund". Über die republikanische Präsidentschaftsbewerberin Carly Fiorina sagte er: "Schauen Sie sich das Gesicht an! Würde das irgendjemand wählen?" Über Hillary Clintons Niederlage gegen Barack Obama in den Vorwahlen von 2008 sagte Trump, "she got schlonged" – das Substantiv "schlong" kommt aus dem Jiddischen und könnte mit "Schniedel" übersetzt werden. Der Fox-News-Moderatorin Megyn Kelly warf er indirekt vor, sie habe ihm nur deshalb so kritische Fragen gestellt, weil sie ihre Tage gehabt habe.

Einmal hat er einen behinderten Journalisten nachgeäfft. Ein anderes Mal sagte er: Wenn es den Schwarzen in Amerika nicht gefällt, sollen sie zurück nach Afrika gehen.

Gay Man Reportedly Attacked By Trump Supporters On Election Night "They were saying things like, ‘We got a new president you fucking faggots.’" ... Beschimpft, beleidigt und bedroht: Lesben, Schwule und Transgender in Trumps USA

How US Evangelicals Fueled the Rise of Russia’s ‘Pro-Family’ Right. An alliance is born between anti-gay, anti-abortion American groups and the Russian Orthodox Church. [I don't endorse homosexuality, but US Evangelicals, Russian Orthodoxes and Christian fundamentalists in general are really obsessed with homosexuality because of some unknown reason.]

NS-Vernetzungen von USA über Eurasien bis nach Recklinghausen: Das gelobte weiße Land

The KKK, the American Nazi Party, and now the founder of Blackwater - truly Trump is endorsed by his equals... 'Blackwater Founder Erik Prince, Who Got Rich Off Of Iraq, Now Backs 'Anti-War' Donald Trump' Erik Prince––the notorious former head of Blackwater, a military contracting firm blamed for the killing of Iraqi civilians––is all aboard the Trump Train. 23.10.2016

At Donald J. Trump's rallies, some supporters express themselves with slurs and violent language. Here's what it's like up close.

This woman has been yelling racist slurs at train passengers ever since Trump won.

Anti-Trump protests

Der Antideutsche Henryk Broder liebt Trump

Broder und Stefan Herre: Die Propagandawelle begann in den 2000er Jahren mit dem Irakkrieg.

Trump-Putin alliance sparks diplomatic crisis as British ministers demand assurances from US over Russia ... Vladimir Putin urged Donald Trump to encourage Nato to withdraw its forces from Russia's borders as part of a bid to improve relations 12.11.2016

Putin applauds Trump win and hails new era of positive ties with US 09.11.2016

President Assad: Syria is ready to co-operate with Donald Trump

Putin, Trump'ın Moskova ve Washington arasında normalleşme gerektiği konusunu kabul ettiğini söylemiş ... They "agreed on the need to unite efforts in the struggle with the enemy number one: international terrorism and extremism," the Kremlin said, adding that in this context they discussed the "issues over resolving the crisis in Syria." 14.11.2016 Putin, Trump'ın Moskova ve Washington arasında normalleşme gerektiği konusunu kabul ettiğini söylemiş

Daesh: Trump’s hate towards Muslims will make recruitment easier ... This guy is a complete maniac. His utter hate towards Muslims will make our job much easier because we can recruit thousands.

Sisi taraftarı medyanın en soytarı figürlerinden Ahmet Musa, Trump'u tebrik etmekle kalmıyor adeta yalıyor. ... Egyptian TV Host Ahmed Moussa Congratulates Trump on Victory: The Muslim Brotherhood Have Bought all the Anti-Diarrhea Drugs in Egypt

Rechtspopulisten fühlen sich bestätigt. Le Pen, Wilders und Orban gratulieren Trump

Marine Le Pen is happy about Donald Trump's election ... Le Pen has described Donald Trump's election as part of a new world order. ... Evidence gathered in Algiers by the Guardian and eyewitness accounts by his alleged victims published by Le Monde yesterday have revealed details of the torture campaign that Mr Le Pen, as a 29-year-old lieutenant, was allegedly part of. ... Jean-Marie Le Pen ... stating last year that Ebola could be a solution to Europe’s “immigrant problem.” Jean-Marie has been accused of committing unspeakable atrocities during his time as a lieutenant in the French-Algerian war of the 1960’s ... Violence specifically perpetrated against women occurred in tandem with the French Army’s attempts to control women’s allegiance to suit the colonial project with the “emancipation” campaign, revealing the ultimate paradox of the civilizing mission. ... Both men and women were subject to similar methods of sexualized torture in detention centers. Electrodes (using a gégène) were applied to the breasts and genitals. Men’s testicles were crushed or burned away with electric shocks. Women and men could be raped with various objects.

'Nigel Farage visits Trump Tower as president-elect works on White House team'

Juhu, Antiamerikanismus bei Rechtspopulisten und Nazis über Nacht verschwunden!

Das Wort als solches ist schon älter, hat aber erst seit Beginn der 1990er Jahre größere Verbreitung gefunden. Damals wurde es von der politischen Rechten bzw. Konservativen in den Vereinigten Staaten aufgegriffen, die die Verwendung und Dominanz „politisch korrekter“ Sprache als Zensur und Einschränkung der Redefreiheit kritisierten. In der Folge griffen auch konservative Kreise in Europa diese Kritik auf.

Foreign Policy: Trump ist gar nicht mal so übel. Why a Trump presidency might not be as awful as we fear. ... In the battle against terrorism, he began by calling for taking Iraq’s oil, for bombing the “shit” out of the areas under Islamic State occupation, for torturing terrorists and killing their relatives — all of which would constitute war crimes. At a March 3 debate, he insisted that the military would carry out his orders even if those orders were illegal under international law; the very next day, however, he reversed himself and said he wouldn’t order the armed forces to do anything illegal. ... On U.S. troops overseas, he has called NATO “obsolete” but also said he wants it to play a bigger role in the war on terrorism.

Exit polls show white evangelical voters voted in high numbers for Donald Trump, 81-16 percent, according to exit poll results. That’s the most they have voted for a Republican presidential candidate since 2004, when they overwhelmingly chose President George W. Bush by a margin of 78-21 percent.

Two of three white men voted for Trump

Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin: The plutocratic evil twins claim to stand against the neoliberal economic order (they don’t) ...

... Instead, from 1992 to the Russian debt crisis of August 1998, the West in general — and the U.S. Treasury, USAID, the State Department, the IMF/World Bank, the EBRD, and many leading economists in particular — actively promoted and, indeed, helped to finance one of the most massive transfers of public wealth into private hands that the world has ever seen.

For example, Russia’s 1992 “voucher privatization” program permitted a tiny elite of former state-owned company managers and party apparatchiks to acquire control over a vast number of public enterprises, often with the help of outright mobsters. …

In 1994–96, under the infamous “loans-for-shares” program, Russia privatized 150 state-owned companies for just $12 billion, most of which was loaned to a handful of well-connected buyers by the state … initially just 25 or so budding oligarchs with the insider connections to buy these properties and the muscle to hold them. …

For the vast majority of ordinary Russian citizens, this extreme re-concentration of wealth coincided with nothing less than a full-scale 1930s-type depression, a “shock therapy”-induced rise in domestic price levels that wiped out the private savings of millions, rampant lawlessness, a public health crisis, and a sharp decline in life expectancy and birth rates.

This is the backstory of how today’s hyper-criminal and hyper-capitalist Russia was created ...

Trump, in particular, had just suffered a string of six successive bankruptcies. So the massive illicit outflows from Russia and oil-rich [former Soviet states] like Kazahkstan and Azerbaijan from the mid-1990s provided precisely the kind of undiscriminating investors that he needed. These outflows arrived at just the right time to fund several of Trump’s post-2000 high-risk real estate and casino ventures — most of which failed. ... his domestic financing evaporated in the 1990s and how dependent he became on foreign money ...

Bayrock Group LLC, “a spectacularly unsuccessful New York real estate development company” Trump was associated with ... The same fate befell Bayrock’s Trump International Hotel & Tower in Fort Lauderdale in 2012, “while at least three other Trump-branded properties in the United States, plus many other ‘project concepts’ that Bayrock had contemplated, from Istanbul and Kiev to Moscow and Warsaw, also never happened,” Henry reports. ... A third focus of Henry’s attention is FL Group, an Icelandic private investment fund involved in Bayrock financing. ...

The Patterns Repeat: A fourth case concerns another Trump associate, Russian-Canadian billionaire Alex Shnaider, As Henry describes, Shnaider “co-financed the seventy-story Trump Tower and Hotel, Canada’s tallest building,” opened in Toronto in 2012, which went bust this past November “like so many of Trump’s other Russia/FSU-financed projects.”

Shnaider, in turn, owed some of his success to his former father-in-law, Boris J. Birshtein, “a close business associate of Sergei Mikhaylov, the reputed head of Solntsevskaya Bratva, the Russian mob’s largest branch, and the world’s highest-grossing organized crime group as of 2014, according to Fortune.” It’s a small world, after all. ... Number five on Henry’s list is “The Case of Paul Manafort’s Ukrainian Oligarchs,” ...

“The Case of ‘Well-Connected’ Russia/FSU Mobsters” who just happen to call Trump Tower home. As he explains, unlike most New York luxury buildings, the tower has no prying coop board and its residents have included “tax-dodgers, bribers, arms dealers, convicted cocaine traffickers, and corrupt former FIFA officials.” I’ll highlight just one example: David Bogatin, considered a key figure in Semion Mogilevich’s Russian organized crime family, has “a long string of convictions for big-ticket Mogilevich-type offenses like financial fraud and tax dodging,” Henry explains. ...

Donald Trump has also literally spent decades cultivating senior relationships of all kinds with Russia and the FSU. … 22.01.2017

Sue Sparks: The exit poll demographics bear out that it wasn't a revolt of the poor against neoliberalism. Trump voters are older, whiter, slightly more male, less educated but not lower income. 55% of under 30s voted Clinton against 37% for Trump. 58% of whites for Trump, 74% of non-whites for Clinton (88% of blacks, 65% of Latinos and Asians for Clinton). Under $50K annual income: 52% of Clinton voters, 41% of Trump's. 64% of Trump voters see immigration as the major issue facing the country, and 57% terrorism. Only 42% of Trump voters see the economy as the most important issue (52% of Clinton voters). College education is not so stark a division, with 52% of Clinton voters and 43% of Trump's having a college degree.

These statistics show the opposite - the majority of rich people voted for Trump, while the majority of poor people voted for Hillary Clinton. Those voters for whom foreign policy was the most important area voted for Hillary Clinton by a huge margin, while those who cared more about hating immigrants voted for Donald Trump.

Clinton had way more voters making under $50,000 than Trump. Trump won because (mostly) white people voted for him. Stop blaming poor people.

Hamad: Corbyn genuinely believes that people voting for an overtly racist, imperialist and nativist fascist scumbag like Trump is a 'rejection of neoliberalism'. These people are the modern equivalent of third period Stalinists. ... Karadjis: Trumpism is also *not* opposed to neo-liberalism, except in style and some rhetoric. It may be more protectionist re trade, but in terms of what is really horrible about neoliberalism, the smashing of welfare, allowing the rich to keep all their cash with little or no tax, destruction of the role of unions etc, Trump is every bit as neoliberal if not more so than Clinton.

Donald Trump declined to release any of his tax records ... to legally avoid paying any federal income taxes for up to 18 years 02.10.2016 Trump paid no federal income tax in 1978, 1979, 1984, 1991, or 1993 ... Trump has been very good at using "artistic interpretation" to avoid subjecting his real-estate income to ordinary and capital-gains taxes, and because the estate tax is the last piece of the puzzle that stands in the way of his passing a great deal of tax-free income on to his children

Trump's Atlantic City windfall left others broke ... There is still a lingering misperception that Donald Trump is some kind of business wizard, but it's actually easy to identify one of his key strategies for success: He excels at ripping people off. ... uses bullying and arrogance as negotiating methods, before ending the relationship by withholding payments and making contractors settle for far less by threatening them with litigation – knowing the cost of litigation would eat up most of the money in the dispute 04.07.2016 How Donald Trump Bankrupted His Atlantic City Casinos, but Still Earned Millions 11.06.2016

Starting in 2013 – just as the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act – a coterie of Trump operatives, under the direction of Kris Kobach, Kansas Secretary of State, created a system to purge 1.1 million Americans of color from the voter rolls of GOP–controlled states.

Clinton said her campaign was in the lead until FBI director James Comey sent a letter to Congress on October 28 announcing that the FBI had uncovered emails possibly related to its earlier probe into her use of a private server as secretary of state.

This was Donald Trump after the 2012 presidential election. Now he is down by 200,000 votes in the popular vote count and is being saved by the very system he called a disaster.

Russians have heavily influenced this election for the past six months and have successfully hacked into the election systems of more than half the states in the country ... a lot of activity during Election Day from the Russians and believe that the voting results projected don’t match the internal and public polls ... Trump/Manafort set-up the “rigged election” narrative months ago preparing for exactly this scenario ... Conway, an expert conservative pollster, was selected as Trump’s campaign manager when Paul Manafort took too much heat about his Russian’s connections and “resigned” ... Paul Manafort, who has heavy ties to the Kremlin, is being federally investigated for his work in Ukraine

Russian Intel Bots Are Boosting Infowars Alt-Right Twitter Accounts For Trump

RT America and Sputnik, two U.S.-based, state-funded media outlets, help craft the Russian narrative for millions of Americans.

Russia said it was in contact with President-elect Donald Trump’s team during the U.S. election campaign, despite repeated denials by the Republican candidate’s advisers that any links existed. Der Stab von Donald Trump hatte stets bestritten, dass es Verbindungen nach Russland gebe. Der russische Vizeaußenminister Sergej Rjabkow sagt nun: "Da waren Kontakte."

Donald Trump's campaign advisers have money in Russian gas and finance companies, and concealed records might be hiding his own possible ties.

ABC Uncovers MILLIONS Of Payments From Russia To Trump

...Trump’s rhetoric and the Kremlin agitprop frequently looked synchronized during the US presidential campaign:...
...Seemingly emboldened by Donald Trump’s victory, Russia is ready to bolster its military attacks on the Syrian opposition.
...For Moscow, the most important pressing concern is regime change in Kyiv.

The “Denver Guardian” is not a real news source and definitely isn’t Denver’s oldest news source. On Nov. 5, a story began circulating on Facebook (at points gaining 100 shares per minute) with the headline “FBI AGENT SUSPECTED IN HILLARY EMAIL LEAKS FOUND DEAD IN APPARENT MURDER-SUICIDE,” and hosted at The only problem is that there is no such thing as “The Denver Guardian” and the news story it “reported” never happened. 05.11.2016

Pizzagate was a fake story!5364337/

Trump supporters even shared this article as if it is authentic: “Quite frankly, Israel didn’t teach Hamas a harsh enough lesson last year,” reads the letter, obtained by The Mideast Beast. “As president, I will give the Jewish state all the necessary military, diplomatic, economic and moral support it needs to truly vanquish Hamas – and if that means killing 200,000 Gazans, then so be it.” (The Mideast Beast (TMB) is a satire news site that produces spoof articles about or connected to the Middle East only for comedic and entertainment purposes.)

Donald Trump’s presidential campaign woes have gotten bigger as his campaign manager Paul Manafort’s name has turned up in a ledger of illegal payments that were made by a network in Putin’s sphere of influence in Ukraine.

The New York Times reported:
Handwritten ledgers show $12.7 million in undisclosed cash payments designated for Mr. Manafort from Mr. Yanukovych’s pro-Russian political party from 2007 to 2012, according to Ukraine’s newly formed National Anti-Corruption Bureau. Investigators assert that the disbursements were part of an illegal off-the-books system whose recipients also included election officials.

In addition, criminal prosecutors are investigating a group of offshore shell companies that helped members of Mr. Yanukovych’s inner circle finance their lavish lifestyles, including a palatial presidential residence with a private zoo, golf course and tennis court. Among the hundreds of murky transactions these companies engaged in was an $18 million deal to sell Ukrainian cable television assets to a partnership put together by Mr. Manafort and a Russian oligarch, Oleg Deripaska, a close ally of President Vladimir V. Putin.

Connecting the following seven dots. Do you see a pattern?

1. Trump is suggesting the US and NATO might not come to the defense of NATO member states in the Baltics in the case of a Russian invasion -- an important issue to Putin.

2. The Trump Camp was totally indifferent to the Republican Party platform, with one exception: They changed the party platform to eliminate assistance to Ukraine against Russian military operations in eastern Ukraine. Not incidentally, this is the single most important issue to Putin.

3. Trump's debt load has grown dramatically over the last year, from $350 million to $630 million. At the same time, he’s been blackballed by all major US banks.

4. Post-bankruptcy, Trump has become highly reliant on money from Russia -- most of which has over the years become increasingly concentrated among oligarchs close to Vladimir Putin.

5. Paul Manafort, Trump's campaign manager and top advisor, spent most of the last decade as top campaign and communications advisor to Viktor Yanukovych, the pro-Russian Ukrainian Prime Minister and then President whose ouster in 2014 led to the on-going crisis and proxy war in Ukraine. Yanukovych was and remains a close ally of Putin.

6. Trump's foreign policy advisor on Russia and Europe is Carter Page, a man whose entire professional career has revolved around investments in Russia and who has deep and continuing financial and employment ties to Gazprom, which, in turn, is part of Putin’s financial empire.

7. Over the course of the last year, Putin has aligned all Russian state controlled media behind Trump.

Will Russia hack and release ‪#‎TrumpTaxes‬? Your guess is as good as mine. Feel free to share.
Credit: Robert Reich, 7/26/2016

Boris Reitschuster findet Trump nicht so schlimm und meint: Wladimir Putin hat bislang bewiesen, dass er nicht vertragsfähig ist und Abmachungen mit ihm fast ebenso werthaltig sind wie Treueversprechen von Heiratsschwindlern. Für Trump als gelernten Geschäftsmann sind Zusagen und Handschläge aber von besonderer Bedeutung [Reitschuster profilierte sich in Vergangenheit als Kritiker Putins. Seine Argumentation ist jedoch schwach.]

Auf den Trump-Schock folgt der Maischberger-Schock: was in aller Welt qualifiziert Oskar Lafontaine und Alice Schwarzer, zur besten Sendezeit zu Aussenpolitik und zu den transatlantischen Beziehungen zu sprechen?

Trump werde den Import einschränken, die us-amerikanische Wirtschaft stärken, zuerst China, dann Europa beschneiden müssen, damit er auch eine zweite Amtszeit antreten kann, fasst Journalist Nabi Yücel zusammen. Das könnte sich zum Nachteil Europas auswirken.

Nabi Yücel Europa ist schockiert, weil es um knallharte Wirtschaftspolitik geht, die Trump umsetzen muss, damit er auch eine zweite Amtszeit anleiern kann; bedeutet, den Import einschränken, die eigene Wirtschaft stärken, zuerst China, dann Europa beschneiden und damit trifft man auch das Mark Made in Germany. Bereits jetzt müssen sich BMW oder Mercedes überlegen (bzw. haben sich bereits im TV geoutet), was sie mit ihren Planungen in Mexiko anstellen sollen... da Mexiko ebenfalls von der neuen Wirtschaftspolitik Trumps maßgeblich betroffen sein wird.

Euro spikes after Trump's trade adviser says Germany is using 'grossly undervalued' currency ... Navarro said that Germany was one of the main hurdles to a U.S.-EU trade deal and that talks over a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) were dead, the newspaper reported. "A big obstacle to viewing TTIP as a bilateral deal is Germany, which continues to exploit other countries in the EU as well as the U.S. with an 'implicit Deutsche Mark' that is grossly undervalued," the FT quoted Navarro as saying on Tuesday. 31.01.2017

Deutschland beute mithilfe eines «krass unterbewerteten» Eurokurses andere Länder aus, sagte Peter Navarro diese Woche. Der oberste handelspolitische Berater von US-Präsident Donald Trump meinte damit nicht nur, dass Deutschland die USA im Handel übervorteile, sondern warf Berlin implizit auch vor, den Währungskurs des Euro, den er eine «verschleierte D-Mark» nannte, zu manipulieren. 04.02.2016

US congress cancels global trade deal "TPP", while "TTIP" is now "frozen" according to the EU.

Es gab auch deutsche Unternehmen, die Trump unterstützt haben: US-Niederlassungen namhafter deutscher Großunternehmen mehr als zwei Drittel ihrer US-Wahlkampfspenden den Republikanern zukommen lassen. Darunter die Konzerne Bayer, Siemens, Allianz, BASF und – ganz vorne mit dabei: Die Deutsche Bank.

Die Medien sind nicht gegen Trump. In den 2000er Jahren wurden auch Broder, Sarrazin und Konsorten so vermarktet, als ob die Medien gegen sie wären, dabei waren sie auf die Berichterstattung angewiesen, um ihre Standpunkte unters Volk zu bringen. Sie spielten die Bad Cops.

News outlets have wrongly treated Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump as two equally flawed candidates. That “false equivalence” makes it harder for voters to understand what's at stake in this election.

Nach Wahlerfolg: Erst Prügel, dann Kuschelkurs: So verebbt die deutsche Kritik an Trump 09.11.2016

Throughout the election, critics often savaged the media for “normalizing Trump,” broadly defined as the act of treating his rank sexism, xenophobia and fascist dog-whistles as just another policy difference against equally valid opponents. ... Oprah Winfrey, in an interview with Entertainment Tonight, said Trump’s recent visit to the White House gave her “hope” and suggested he has been “humbled” by the experience. The Guardian’s Simon Jenkins told his readers to “calm down” and that Trump wasn’t the “worst thing.” His college, Nouriel Roubini, insisted the Oval Office will “tame” Trump. People magazine ran a glowing profile of Trump and his wife Melania (though a former People writer accused Trump of sexual assault). The New York Times’ Nick Kristof dubiously added that we should “Grit our teeth and give Trump a chance.” The mainstays—Washington Post, New York Times and CNN—while frequently critical, are coving Trump’s transition as they would any other. President Obama, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have all issued statements recognizing Trump’s legitimacy and pleading we give him a chance.

Normalising Trump: The US media whitewash

Friedrich Trump, a German, was issued with the document in February 1905, and ordered to leave the kingdom of Bavaria within eight weeks as punishment for having failed to do mandatory military service and failing to give authorities notice of his departure to the US when he first emigrated in 1885.

Donald J. Trump is a hawk, not a dove

"Monitor": Clinton ist eine Kriegstreiberin. Wenn sie gewählt wird, wird die Außenpolitik der USA aggressiver.

Im Video wird ein Dokument mit dem Namen Extending American Power zitiert, das im Mai 2016 veröffentlicht wurde. Darin steht, dass eine politische Lösung den Abgang Assads beinhalten muss, nicht jedoch alle Mitglieder des Regimes. Dabei wird als militärische Maßnahme eine Flugverbotszone genannt, nicht jedoch der Einsatz des US-Militärs außerhalb dieser Zone. Nicht nur für Monitor, sondern für alle Kritiker Clintons ist lediglich die Flugverbotszone der Stein des Anstoßes, die abgesehen davon sämtliche US-Militärinterventionen befürworten und davon profitieren.

Unter den Unterzeichnern seien Clinton-Bekannte, so Monitor. James Rubin habe sogar gesagt, das Assad-Regime müsse gestürzt werden. Aber auch der Republikaner und Bush-Anhänger Robert Kagan sei für Clinton. Monitor verschweigt jedoch, dass u. a. Michael Rubin vom American Enterprise Institute, das zu den Architekten des Irakkrieges gehört, der israelische Premierminister Netanyahu, diverse israelische Generäle, CIA-Vizedirektor Michael Morell, der ehemalige hochrangige CIA-Funktionär Graham Fuller, der ehemalige CIA-Chef Michael Hayden gesagt haben, Assad müsse an der Macht bleiben. US-Generalstabschef Dempsey und NATO-Generalsekretär Rasmussen haben von Anfang an immer wieder in aller Deutlichkeit gesagt, dass sie nichts gegen Assad unternehmen werden. In Syrien haben die USA Gruppen wie SRF und die Hazzm-Bewegung mit Waffen beliefert, die gegen "islamistische" Gruppen gekämpft haben. Das irakische Regime, das von den USA an die Macht gebracht wurde, gehört zu den wichtigsten Verbündeten Assads.

Boeing, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin hätten dem Strategiepapier finanzielle Unterstützung zukommen lassen, wird gesagt, es wird jedoch verschwiegen, dass Trump noch mehr Aufträge für Boeing, Lockheed Martin, BAE Systems , General Dynamics, Northrop Grumman oder Raytheon verspricht als Clinton, da er wiederholt versprochen hat, das Nukleararsenal zu modernisieren, Armee und Marine Corps deutlich zu vergrößern, die Marineflotte auf über 350 Schiffe aufzustocken und die Air Force auszubauen.

Der Abschluss des Videos: "Mit Clinton wird es eine Neuausrichtung der US-Außenpolitik geben." Auch die Macher der Sendung gestehen wohl ein, dass die USA nichts getan haben, um Assad zu stürzen, obwohl sie es hätten tun können. Zum Schluss wird ein Prof. Andrew Bacevich zitiert, der sagt, Clinton werde nicht zögern zu bombardieren. Zum Vergleich: Trump hat ausdrücklich gesagt, er werde "die Scheiße aus ihnen rausbomben".

Günter Meyer fordert ein noch härteres Vorgehen gegen die muslimische Bevölkerung.

Haupthindernis für einen Friedensschluss sieht Günter Meyer angeblich in der hegemonialen Politik Saudi-Arabiens. (Damit will er sagen, dass er die Regime im Irak und Iran unterstützt.)

Es laufe darauf hinaus, dass auch Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel die Menschenrechtsverletzungen akzeptiere, um die Flüchtlingsproblematik zu lösen, betonte Meyer. 17.03.2016 [Meyer: Ich will Kriege und Diktaturen, aber keine Flüchtlinge und kein Flüchtlingsabkommen.]

Die Republikaner haben unter Bush den Irakkrieg geführt, die Demokraten haben ihn unter Obama fortgeführt. Die Verantwortung wird Clinton zugeschoben, um die USA von Sünden zu reinigen. Alle "Kritiker" Clintons unterstützen die Politik der USA.

Obamas Drohnenkrieg richtete sich stets gegen die Gegner des Irans, niemals gegen seine Verbündeten. Trump befürwortete den Irakkrieg und den Sturz Gaddafis. Trumps Vizepresident Mike Pence befürwortete den Irakkrieg und den Sturz Gaddafis. Auch Russland und der Iran befürworteten den Sturz Gaddafis. Gaddafi war ein Idiot. Nach dem Sturz Saddams wurde der Irak dem Iran überlassen. Die Unterstützer Trumps wissen das aber betreiben Taqiyya, weil sie wissen, dass Trump eine noch aggressivere Politik in ihrem Sinne verfolgen wird.

Artikel, in denen fälschlicherweise der Eindruck erweckt wird, Trump wäre ein Israelgegner und Anti-Imperialist.

In a February 2016 interview on NBC’s Meet the Press, Trump said that he didn’t know what he meant during his 2002 conversation with Stern. "That was a long time ago, and who knows what was in my head." Trump said. 07.09.2016

Trump admitted to supporting the Iraq war in 2002 before the war began ... Trump vice presidential pick Mike Pence strongly supported the Iraq War — he co-sponsored and voted in favor of the bill authorizing the Iraq War 26.09.2016

March 21, 2003: Neil Cavuto of Fox Business interviews Trump about the impact of the Iraq war on the stock market. Trump says the war “looks like a tremendous success from a military standpoint,” and he predicts the market will “go up like a rocket” after the war.

What exactly is Fox News doing that is making Trump so happy?Fox is reading Putin’s statements nearly verbatim on the air ...There were two dangerous precedents established by Trump’s tweets. First, the president-elect is using the power of his position to criticize media outlets. Second, media outlets who report the truth about Russia are being criticized by name by Trump. 30.12.2016

Mike Pence Praised Hillary Clinton During The Libya Intervention

Donald Trump Supporting Libya Intervention In 2011

Trump complains that the US didn't say the rebels that they have to give the half of the oil to the USA.

Die Behauptung, dass Hillary Clinton "Krieg will" und gar "den Dritten Weltkrieg auslösen will", stützt sich darauf, dass sie sagte, sie werde sich für eine Flugverbotszone in Syrien sowie für die Aufklärung von Kriegsverbrechen einsetzen, wenn sie gewählt wird.

Einer ihrer Berater für Außenpolitik, Jeremy Bash, sagte, sie werde die US-Politik in Syrien "überarbeiten". Dabei profilieren sich Clinton-Gegner als Kriegsgegner und Gegner von Interventionen. In Wirklichkeit unterstützen sie die heutige Politik in Syrien und Irak, durch die (offenbar gezielt) ein religiöser und sektiererischer Krieg geführt und geschürt wird.

Clinton: "Russia hasn't paid any attention to ISIS. They're interested in keeping Assad in power. So I, when I was secretary of state, advocated and I advocate today a no-fly zone and safe zones. ... I think wherever we can cooperate with Russia, that's fine. And I did as secretary of state. That's how we got a treaty reducing nuclear weapons. ... I would go to the negotiating table with more leverage than we have now. But I do support the effort to investigate for crimes, war crimes committed by the Syrians and the Russians and try to hold them accountable."

Trump responds: "Look at what she did in Libya ... It's a mess." He ignores that Russia, Iran, his vice Mike Pence and he himself supported the fall of Gaddafi. Russia and China supported the sanctions against Iran as UN Security Council members. Trump: "You don't even know who the rebels are ... Assad is killing ISIS. Russia is killing ISIS. And Iran is killing ISIS." 10.10.2016 Actually they barely fight against ISIS. They are waging a racist, religious and sectarian war and fueling radicalization. The "rebels" which the US are (or were) arming are: SRF, Hazzm Movement, PYD, SDF, NSyA.

Republican nominee Donald Trump accused President Barack Obama of founding the Islamic State terror group. “He is the founder of ISIS,” Trump said, repeating, “He’s the founder of ISIS, okay? … He’s the founder! He founded ISIS.” Taking it a step further, Trump then went on to target his opponent in the presidential race. “And I would say, the co-founder would be crooked Hillary Clinton,” he said.

While the far-from-perfect Clinton advocated an end to Obama's appeasement policy when it came to Russia and Iran in Syria - such as by advocating increasing support for the Syrian rebels and implementing no-bombing zones that would hasten the end of the regime - Trump sees in Russia, Iran and Assad as allies against the Islamic State group (IS).

9:10 Trump foreign policy adviser J.D. Gordon says here that the governments in Iraq and Syria are Iranian puppets, you have to have a Sunni force to retake the areas occupied by ISIL. There should be Saudi boots on the ground, he says.

But J.D. Gordon is normally parroting Iranian propaganda against SA and Turkey

"Bringing down Assad would ... be a massive boon to Israel's security" is not something Clinton said. It's the content an e-mail which have allegedly been sent to her. This has been reported with the headline "Hillary Clinton: Destroy Syria for Israel" by psyop and disinfo sites.

The 2012 e-mail about bringing down Assad, released by Wikileaks in March 2016: Some argue that U.S. involvement risks a wider war with Russia. But the Kosovo example shows otherwise. In that case, Russia had genuine ethnic and political ties to the Serbs, which don't exist between Russia and Syria, and even then Russia did little more than complain.

The actual content of the e-mails shows that Israel is concerned because of the success of FSA and doesn't want the fall of Assad.

An E-Mail from Sidney Blumenthal to Hillary Clinton, July 25, 2012:

1. European officials are concerned that the ongoing conflict in Syria will lead to uprisings in these countries that will bring increasingly conservative Islamic regimes into power, replacing existing secular or moderate regimes. This individual adds that, Israeli security officials believe that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is convinced that these developments will leave them vulnerable, with only enemies on their borders.

2. In private conversations senior Israeli Intelligence and Military commaders state to their European associates that they have long viewed the regime of Syrian President Bashar al Assad, while hostile, as a known quantity and a buffer between Israel and the more militant Muslim countries, a situation that is threatened by the growing successs of the rebel forces of the Free Syria Army (FSA). This source is convinced that these Israeli leaders are now drawing up contingency plans to deal with a regional structure where the new revolutionary regimes that take over the various countries will be controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood and possibly more problematic groups such as al Qa'ida, which doesn't bode well for the Israelis.

4. and 5. Don't attack Iran. This would start a regional war. 3. and 6. Don't attack Iran. This would cause a global economic crisis which would be blamed on Israel. Attacking Iran would turn the Iranian population in support of their rulers. Netanyahu supports sanctions. 7. One single source says that fall of Assad could lead to a sectarian war which would not be a bad thing for Israel and its Western allies. [US have brought the sectarian Iraqi regime to power which is an ally of Iran and Assad.] 8. Israel doesn't want war with Iran but wants to convince the public that it wants to attack Iran. 9. Manipulate events but avoid a general conflict.

The second mail [above] which I've linked is from Sidney Blumenthal. Blumenthal states: "secure an air base in Saudi Arabia that would suggest a staging ground for an eventual attack, then "leak" the word to the media that their are eminent plans to carry out a bombing raid and do everything possible to persuade the world they mean business." So they depict the Saudis as puppets of Israel to smear them. Sidney Blumenthal has been a trusted advisor of both Clintons for more than two decades.

At the same time, they depict Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey as supporters of terrorism to make them incapable of doing something against the US (and also Russian) policy, probably also to be able to intervene if they see it as necessary. Podesta states:

"We need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region ... Turkey moves toward a new, more serious Islamic reality, it will be important for them to realize that we are willing to take serious actions, which can be sustained to protect our national interests."

Clinton also depicts Saudis as supporters of terrorism: "The Saudis have exported more extreme ideology than any other place on Earth over the course of the last 30 years," she told the Jewish United Fund at a 2013 dinner. She added, “Saudis and others are shipping large amounts of weapons — and pretty indiscriminately — not at all targeted toward the people that we think would be the more moderate, least likely, to cause problems in the future.” [Many adherents of this narrative know that there is no evidence at all for the claim that Saudis support terrorism, but they think that Arabs should give their money and natural resources to them because deus lo vult.]

Navy widow is the first US citizen to sue Saudi Arabia over 9/11 terror attacks 02.10.2016 [No "inside job"?]

9/11 Families Can Now Sue Saudi Arabia in U.S. Courts 28.09.2016 [Victims of the US can't sue anyone and "anti-imperialist"shills who mushroomed after 9/11 are loving it.]

both major candidates for president say they support the measure and would sign it. Democrat Hillary Clinton said she supports the legislation "to hold accountable those responsible" for the 2001 terrorist attacks; Republican Donald Trump called Obama's veto "one of the low points of his presidency." 23.09.2016

Trump registered eight companies in Saudi Arabia during campaign

Russian government officials and American corporations participated in the technology transfer project overseen by Hillary Clinton’s State Department that funneled tens of millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation.
A Putin-connected Russian government fund transferred $35 million to a small company with Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta on its executive board, which included senior Russian officials.
Podesta failed to reveal, as required by law on his federal financial disclosures, his membership on the board of this offshore company.
Podesta also headed up a think tank that wrote favorably about the Russian reset while apparently receiving millions from Kremlin-linked Russian oligarchs via an offshore LLC.

Walid Phares, a top-foreign policy adviser to U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, said the Trump administration will sign a bill that designates the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization.

Walid Phares is touted as an authentic expert on Muslims and political Islam despite being a former militiaman and foreign affairs spokesman for the mostly Christian Lebanese Front—the militia responsible for the Sabra and Shatila massacres of Muslims during the September 1982 Lebanese Civil War.

"Anti-imperialists": The camps had been sealed off by Israeli tanks. When the militiamen, who were worked into a frenzy ... For the next 38 hours, the militiamen raped, tortured, mutilated and massacred civilians. The exact number killed is still not known. On 22 September the International Red Cross gave a figure of 2,400, but Palestinians claim more died.

Hillary Clinton is also against Muslim Brotherhood:

"We believe in democracy, not just on moral and philosophical grounds, but because over the long run, democracy gives us more partners and fewer adversaries. But let's be honest. Mubarak had been an ally of the United States for many years. We have important interests in the region in addition to democracy including our fight against terrorism; defense of our allies, especially Israel; and a secure supply of energy. There are times in government, as in business, when not all of our interests align. Now, we work to align them, but that's just the reality.”

"Certainly Egypt posed very direct threats to Israel because of the, number one, instability and then number two, the unpredictability of the Morsi government. That also posed in the eyes of the Saudis and the Emiratis a threat to them because they view the organized efforts for political Islam to be threatening their status quo."

"Well, I am one who was very cautious about the aftereffects of the Arab Spring, in part because there was no organized opposition that was not the Muslim Brotherhood. What Mubarak had done, unfortunately, for more than 30 years was to really prevent any other outlets for political
positions, for any letting off of steam, any organization of groups that had policy or political
goals. And the Muslim Brotherhood, despite Mubarak’s best efforts to try to break it, was able to continue to develop because it had the mosques, and it had small businesses. And it had a network that he could never penetrate, but the non-Islamic opposition was decimated.”

"I came away feeling very pessimistic that there could be a vigorous opposition to the Muslim Brotherhood. And yet at the same time, holding elections is something we favor in our country, and we believe that elections are not in and of themselves sufficient because too many people believe in one election one time and then they never give up power. So we tried hard to continue to work to build up a secular opposition.

"The military is going to remain in charge for as long as they choose to, really. They are going to
face more internal threats that they are going to have to be very tough in dealing with, and they
are going to try to, in as much as they can, squash the Muslim Brotherhood and their political arm. And they are getting a lot of help from the Saudis to the Emiratis—to go back to our original discussion—because the Saudis and the Emiratis see the Muslim Brotherhood as
threatening to them, which is kind of ironic since the Saudis have exported more extreme
ideology than any other place on earth over the course of the last 30 years.”

Clinton received plan to secretly galvanize Palestinian protests. Former envoy to Israel emailed proposal to then-US secretary of state that Palestinian, Israeli women should spark Tahrir-style protests to push sides into talks ... On December 18, 2011, Thomas Pickering, a former US ambassador to Israel who also served as undersecretary of state for political affairs under former president Bill Clinton, emailed Clinton a recommendation to spark Palestinian demonstrations, led by female protesters, to push Jerusalem into talks.

Do anti-Israel Emails From Hillary's Inner Circle Show Her True Colors? From an ex ambassador's suggestion to support Palestinian protests to a senior advisor forwarding his son's anti-Zionist articles, emails sent to Hillary Clinton raise questions about the presidential candidate's views on Israel. ... Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, a friend and associate of Republican kingmaker and Netanyahu backer Sheldon Adelson has been using social media to attempt to crowd-source funds to run an anti-Clinton ad in the New York Times, writing: “Friends, I urgently need your help to raise $37,500 to place a full-page ad in The New York Times and call on Mrs. Clinton to disassociate herself from Sid and Max Blumenthal. ... Max Blumenthal, a controversial anti-Zionist author and journalist and activist hostile to Israel - to his father Sidney - and through to the Clintons. [Max Blumenthal is a disinfo agent who depicted himself as a critic of Israel by producing useless junk, obviously to be able to support Assad openly.] Clinton responds approvingly at various junctures, calling Max’s work “interesting reading” or “a very smart piece – as usual” or “Pls congratulate Max for another impressive piece. He’s so good.”

OPEC or: Why did they suddenly began to hate Saudi Arabia so much?

But what he has said will be seen as supportive for the share prices of U.S. independent oil and gas producers as well as oil majors with large exposure to the U.S. shale industry such as Chevron (CVX.N), ExxonMobil (XOM.N) and Shell (RDSa.L). ... Trump said he was in favor of removing oil-sector regulations, opening federal land to drilling, and vowed to revive a major trans-Canadian and trans-U.S. oil pipeline project while pledging to support the coal industry. 09.11.2016

The advisers, U.S. Congressman Kevin Cramer of North Dakota and another who asked not to be identified, said they had urged Trump to criticize the OPEC cartel for contributing to a crash in world oil prices by producing full throttle, a factor that has helped push many U.S. oil companies into bankruptcy. 25.05.2016

WTI is now below its 200-day moving average at $43.37. ... Trump victory could be followed by a rapprochement with Russia. This could mean lifting of Treasury sanctions on the Kremlin and a boost to investment in Russian energy assets. ... On the other hand, Donald Trump opposes the Iranian nuclear deal, writes, RBC's Croft, adding "there is a real risk that he refuses to certify Iranian compliance… likely resulting in extraterritorial congressional sanctions snapping back, which could curb the enthusiasm of foreign companies looking to invest in Iran's energy sector. 09.11.2016

The Oil market has a lot to digest, and it may have reasons to be Bullish as Donald Trump was elected to the 45th U.S. President over Hillary Clinton. In short, the free-trade that made Oil abundant and aggressively supplied may face some friction as we begin to get a glimpse of the likely pivot from clean-energy policies toward a revival of U.S. Fossil Fuels to revive job growth. Therefore, we might not have enough impetus to turn bearish on Crude Oil. ... However, in anticipation of Trade Deals getting redrawn under President Trump, it’s possible that OPEC producers are now more encouraged to take less absolute revenue in hopes of becoming more powerful together. ... A specific level on the chart worth watching that is below the 200-DMA is $42/71, which was the September low. A break below this level in addition to the 200-DMA and Ichimoku Cloud would favor an impulsive decline against the corrective move higher that would also bring into discussion the double top downside targets.

One component that had not shown up as the price of Oil trades at the 200-DMA is a strong US Dollar. After the election of Donald Trump, we should be on the watch for continued Dollar strength that tends to align with Oil weakness like we say in H2 2014. While the recent bearish move in Oil has been on reliant on the breakdown in OPEC negotiations, a resumption of USD strength that we saw in late October could keep price pressured near the 200-DMA until more clarity is gained. 09.11.2016

Trump, who will take office in January, has said he wants to make the U.S. completely energy independent and remove restrictions on oil drilling on federal land. That could lead to a larger glut of supplies and lower prices, both of which are why OPEC reached a proposal in late September to curb member production. ... But Trump’s energy plans could also help the U.S. grow its oil market share, which is also a notorious worry for OPEC. ... encourage oil development, permit pipelines, reduce corporate profit taxes and generally make U.S. oil more competitive ... produce oil at a lower cost ... “more price pressures on OPEC” that “potentially could negate” the price climb that followed OPEC’s output plan announcement six weeks ago ... If their true goal is support oil prices, OPEC would “now have to cut [production]—and potentially even more to keep…prices at these levels,” Courtney said. “If they don’t, prices would…probably fall.” Economists have also mulled the potential for a recession should Trump initiate a trade war. ... threat of losing market share. If OPEC were to cut back on production and raise oil prices, that would “only strengthen the U.S. oil sector, intensifying competition with an industry that now has the full backing of the president and a Republican congress,” ... “This means if a good OPEC deal is unreachable, the Saudis are more likely to walk away, under the pretense of taking a ‘wait and see’ attitude regarding the new president, while continuing to keep the pressure on U.S. shale,” they said. About 52% of total U.S. crude-oil production, or 4.9 million barrels a day, came from shale oil in 2015 ... S&P Global Platts said OPEC’s member output hit a record 33.54 million barrels a day in October. OPEC has kept production levels high, in part due to concerns that a cut back would offer non-OPEC producers, including the U.S., to grow their share of the oil market. OPEC has “given up a lot of market share, and the U.S. has taken more market share,” said Exencial’s Courtney. “I think [OPEC has] always had an eye towards market share, but the primary issue was trying to keep prices higher and I don’t think any of this will help their costs” to produce oil. Still, Trump’s energy plans “would bring cost of production lower for the U.S.” which is more profitable for domestic oil companies, said Courtney. 10.11.2016

increased U.S. oil output ... around $46 per barrel by 10:55 a.m. GMT. OPEC will meet on Nov. 30 in an effort to curtail output and reduce the global oil glut that has seen prices more than halve since 2014. ... “This will have huge negative implications for Asia, given how much their GDP is tied to trade with the U.S. Hence it is negative for growth and oil demand, at least due to the uncertainty that Trump creates,” ... the U.S. shale industry such as Chevron CVX -0.01% , ExxonMobil XOM 1.23% , and Shell 09.11.2016

The result could be “bearish for the emerging markets, which drive oil-demand growth” because Trump has vowed to scrap international trade agreements in Latin America and Asia, according to consultant FGE. His surprise win could also weaken prices by aiding a revival in U.S. shale oil production. ... inward-looking and protectionist U.S. is bad for economic growth globally, so less oil demand ... Removing restrictions on emissions actually means removing restrictions on the consumption of fossil fuels. This means more gas guzzling cars and more oil demand ... undo last year’s nuclear accord with Iran, potentially reversing increases in the Islamic Republic’s oil exports ... Trump’s election may have little impact on either the market or OPEC’s negotiations ... any new policies will first need to be approved by Congress ... OPEC aims to finalize how much each member should reduce output after agreeing in principle to a joint cut to between 32.5 million and 33 million barrels a day in September ... Iran and Iraq arguing they should be exempt because of their production losses in recent years 09.11.2016

Saudi Arabia and Russia Just Threw the Oil Market With a Big, Fat Head Fake ... Crude spiked nearly $3 on a blast of hot air from top producers. Crude oil prices rocketed, then fell back almost as precipitously ... promises about restraining output ... little more than big words ... Russian cooperation is vital to the success of any production freeze because it produces over 10% of the world’s oil. ... “Saudi Arabia wants to remind the U.S. it has other allies, while Russia wants to avoid simply taking Iran’s side in all regional disputes,” with an eye to boosting its arms exports to other Gulf countries that have traditionally been rivals of Iran, she added. 05.09.2016

The Saudi-led Gulf states have certainly succeeded in killing off a string of global mega-projects in deep waters. Investment in upstream exploration from 2014 to 2020 will be $1.8 trillion less than previously assumed ... Consultants Wood Mackenzie estimated in a recent report that full-cycle break-even costs have fallen to $37 at Wolfcamp and Bone Spring in the Permian, and to $35 in the South Central Oklahoma Oil Province. The majority of US shale fields are now viable at $60. ... Today's frackers [allegedly] can just about cope with oil prices in the $40 to $50 range. ... 90pc of the 3,900 drilled but uncompleted wells - so-called 'DUCs' - are profitable at $50 ... losers are high-cost projects elsewhere: off the coast of Nigeria and Angola, in the Arctic, or the oil sands of Canada and Venezuela ... Saudi Arabia has deeper pockets but its net foreign reserves have fallen from $737bn to $562bn 31.07.2016

in North Dakota, it’s roughly $40-$50 a barrel ... Saudi production costs average $10-$20 a barrel 12.12.2014

the oil price has fallen below $28 a barrel ... The oil price has collapsed more than 70 percent since mid-2014 ... The American shale industry needs oil at about the 60 to 70 dollar a barrel level in order to survive 18.01.2016

Mr Gelder, however, does not think many US shale operators can continue production with prices below $50. "There are some sweet spots in the US where some operators are able to keep production going at lower levels, but it's not economic at under $30," he says. 18.01.2016

One reason Saudi Arabia has dominated the world oil market is that they have more oil that is easier to produce than anyone else. They can bear to sell at $15/barrel without going bankrupt. The break-even costs for North American shale producers were thought to be about three times higher than for similar costs for Middle Eastern producers. Shale wells also deplete faster than conventional wells, with production rates falling about 70% after the first year.

A bit over a year ago, Saudi Arabia declared war on the U.S. oil industry ... Saudi ... tried to stabilize prices by pumping more oil when prices went up and pumping less when prices went down ... fracking revolution led to a surge in U.S. oil production, eating into Saudi Arabia’s share of the oil market and (along with other factors) driving down prices. In late 2014, the Saudis decided they weren’t going to cut back their production to accommodate new U.S. crude. Instead, they turned on the taps full-blast, betting that by flooding the market they could chase U.S. oil companies out of business. ... On Monday, Chesapeake Energy, once the highest flier of the U.S. oil boom, had to deny publicly that it was preparing to file for bankruptcy; some 60 oil companies have already done so, and the research firm IHS estimates that as many as 150 companies could follow suit. On Wednesday, The Wall Street Journal reported that private-equity giant KKR & Co. was backing away from risky bets on oil companies. Industry leaders are starting to sound desperate: The New York Times quoted the head of a Texas oil group as telling his members that “today our goal is to survive.” Oil companies have survived low prices this long because banks and investors were willing to lend them billions of dollars on the assumption that the price plunge would be short-lived. But as experts become increasingly convinced that prices will stay low for years, Wall Street is turning off the money spigot. ... The unemployment rate has fallen below 5 percent for the first time since 2008. But don’t tell that to Donald Trump. In his victory speech after Tuesday night’s New Hampshire primary, the pugnacious billionaire said the real unemployment rate is as high as 42 percent. 12.02.2016