Table of contents (search on page)
Assad used Sarin
Turkey doesn't buy oil from Daesh
Assad is buying oil from Daesh
Can Dündar
Daesh captured it's weapons in Syria and Iraq
The PYD can't survive without US and Russia
Ethnic cleansing and massacres of the PYD
Operation Olive Branch
Afrin Fakes
Atrocities of the Shia extremists
US-backed Shia extremists are Assad's ground forces
Turkish army in Iraq
2015 Russian Sukhoi Su-24 shootdown
Victims of the Assad regime
Syrian refugees in Turkey
The Syrian people and minorities
The sectarian nature of the regime
Assad and PKK work together, they kill and demonize the Syrian people
Assad regime and Daesh did barely fight each other for years
Turkey is fighting Daesh
Euphrates Shield
US, NATO, Israel and Russia did never want the fall of Assad
Assad used Sarin
Bei dem Giftgaseinsatz auf Duma in Ost-Ghouta am Samstag sollen mindestens 42 Menschen getötet und mehr als 500 Personen in Krankenhäusern behandelt worden sein. Die Stadt Duma liegt im Gebiet Ost-Ghouta östlich von Damaskus. Das Gebiet in der Nähe der Hauptstadt wird seit Jahren vom Regime und seinen Verbündeten belagert.
Nur Russland und das Regime bombardieren Ost-Ghouta. Über Ost-Ghouta wurde vor vier Jahren eine Blockade verhängt. Wenn fremde Flugzeuge, Hubschrauber oder Drohnen das Giftgas abgeworfen hätten, ließe sich das durch Radaraufzeichnungen beweisen. Das Regime hat seit März 2011 215 dokumentierte Giftgasangriffe durchgeführt. Nach jedem Einsatz von Giftgas, der bekannt geworden ist, wurde behauptet, Assad hätte keinen Grund, Giftgas einzusetzen.
Ein großer Gaszylinder wurde nach dem Giftgasangriff auf dem Dach des Gebäudes gefilmt, in dem viele Tote gefunden wurden. Zwei Hubschrauber des Typs Mi-8 wurden 30 Minuten vor dem Angriff beobachtet, wie sie vom Militärflughafen ad-Dumair nach Südwesten Richtung Duma fliegen. Sie wurden auch kurz vor dem Giftgasangriff in Duma beobachtet. Die gleichen Zylinder und Hubschrauber vom Typ Mi-8 wurden auch in der Vergangenheit benutzt, als das Regime Chlorgas eingesetzt hat. Die gleichen Behälter wurden etwa Ende 2016 in Aleppo gefunden, nachdem Chlorgas einsetzt wurde. Die OPCW hatte schon Anfang 2015 berichtet, dass diese mit Chlorgas gefüllten Zylinder in Fassbomben abgeworfen werden.
Die Symptome der Opfer deuten auf den Einsatz organischer Phosphorverbindungen hin, während auch der Geruch von Chlorgas vermeldet wurde. Videoaufnahmen zeigen erstickte Frauen, Männer und Kinder, denen weißer Schaum aus Mund und Nase quillt. Ganze Familien sind erstickt in ihren Häusern in Duma gefunden worden.
Russland behauptet, es gäbe keine Indizien für einen Chemiewaffeneinsatz am 7. April 2018 in Duma. Russische Experten hätten den Tatort untersucht. Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) meldete jedoch, bei etwa 500 Krankenhauspatienten seien Anzeichen und Symptome festgestellt worden, die aufträten, wenn man giftigen Chemikalien ausgesetzt sei. Die Behörde beruft sich dabei auf Angaben von Experten und Medizinern vor Ort. Bei den Opfern seien insbesondere Anzeichen von schweren Irritationen der Schleimhäute, Atemversagen und Störungen des Zentralnervensystems festgestellt worden.
Russland hat im UN-Sicherheitsrat sein Veto eingelegt, um eine unabhängige Untersuchung des Giftgaseinsatzes durch UN-Experten sowie die Unterstützung der OPCW bei der Aufklärung des Angriffs auf Duma zu verhindern. Zuvor hatte Russland u. a. im April 2017 Veto gegen die Verurteilung des Einsatzes von Chemiewaffen insb. in Chan Scheichun und den freien Zugang für Ermittler, im Oktober 2017 gegen die Verlängerung der Arbeit internationaler Ermittler nach Chemiewaffen-Angriffen und im April 2018 gegen die Untersuchung zum Einsatz von Chemiewaffen durch UN-Experten eingelegt.
Putin und Assad haben mit dem Giftgaseinsatz die Aufgabe der letzten Rebellen in Ost-Ghouta bewirkt. Die Bodentruppen, die für das Regime kämpfen, hatten zahlreiche Verluste erlitten. Die syrische Bevölkerung wurde erneut für ihren Ungehorsam bestraft. Die Weltgemeinschaft wurde in ihrer Hilflosigkeit vorgeführt.
Victims of the chemical attack in Ghouta
Durch den Giftgasangriff in Douma wurden mindestens 40 Menschen getötet.
The Syrian Archive has documented 212 chemical weapon attacks through documentation efforts of individuals and groups in Syria. This Chemical Weapons Database, released on 24 April 2018, is the first publicly available collection of open source content documenting chemical weapon attacks in Syria between 2012 - 2018.
The collection contains documentation from over 190 sources that can be viewed, analysed and downloaded. This process not only identified an additional 50 attack sites in Syria but brought together 861 verified videos to corroborate these attacks.
It is clear that the remains of the munitions documented after the April 7th 2018 attack in Douma strongly resemble those documented after aerial chlorine attacks since 2016, showing a clear connection between those previous attacks by the Syrian air force, and the Douma chemical attack.
Assad, Putin Lügen und Propaganda gegen die Menschen in Syrien. Das nächste Foto was gepostet wird was angeblich gestellte fake szenen zeigen soll wie die Weißhelme einen Angriff faken. Ist eigentlich aus einem Video der Weißhelme das sie damals für die #MannequinChallenge gemacht haben. Hier die Orginal Quelle:
Wie man sieht ist das Video deutlich gekenzeichnet für die damals populäre Mannequin Challange ein trend damals wie die Icebucketchallange. Die Weißhelme wollten mit diesem Video lediglich auf ihre Lage hindeuten, wie so eine Mannequine Challnge eben in Syrien aussieht.
An oldie but a goldie, war crime denialists use images from a poorly thought out White Helmets mannequin challenge video as evidence they’re faking footage of war crimes
Assad, Putin Lügen und Propaganda gegen die Menschen in Syrien. Ein sehr beliebtes Foto bei Putin Assad Trollen um zu zeigen wie die Weißhelme "Fake" sind und alles gestellt ist. Foto stammt aus dem Oman und die älteste bekannte Quelle ist diese hier aus dem Jahr 2015:
Assad, Putin Lügen und Propaganda gegen die Menschen in Syrien. Oft wird dieses Bild gepostet mit der Behauptung es würde sich um die Weißhelme handeln wie sie eine gestellten Angriff auf Zivilisten gerade Filmen oder faken oder eine "false flag" Operation vorbereiten oder wie es auch immer die Verschwörungs Putin Trolle nennen. In Wahrheit handelt sich hierbei um Bilder aus dem Film "Revolution Men" hier die Orginal Quelle:
Images from the set of a film about a western journalist who travels to Syria and helps fake war crimes are repurposed by war crime denialists claiming it’s the White Helmets faking footage of war crimes: Kremlnetzwerke verbreiten Szenen aus einem Propagandafilm des Regimes und behaupten, man habe Rettungskräfte auf frischer Tat ertappt, wie sie einen Giftgasangriff inszenieren.
Derzeit werden Bilder auf Facebook geteilt, die als Beweisgrundlage für falsche Kriegsberichterstattung aus Syrien dienen sollen. Auf diesen Fotos sieht man Schauspieler, ein Filmset, eine Klappe… eben alles, was man so für den Dreh von Filmszenen benötigt. Diese Bilder werden derzeit von einer Statusmeldung begleitet, welche suggeriert, dass die Chemieangriffe in Syrien eine Hollywoodinszenierung seien. Woher diese Bilder genau stammen, darin schweigt sich die Statusmeldung aus.
Die Bilder zeigen tatsächlich die Dreharbeiten eines Films. Es sind auch keine Geheimaufnahmen oder unter Verschluss gehaltenes Material, sondern sie stammen von der Facebookseite des Regisseurs selbst. Was man an dieser Stelle jedoch nicht verwechseln darf: Es sind KEINE Bilder, die in der Kriegsberichterstattung genutzt werden. Der Name des Films lautet „Revolution Man”, die Bilder, welchle aktuell verteilt werden, wurden auf der Facebookseite des Films am 24. Februar 2018 veröffentlicht. Diese Bilder dokumentieren ein wenig das Behind-the-Scenes zu dem Film.
presented on Russian state-controlled TV as “new evidence of a fake chemical attack” on April 7 in Douma, Syria. “The Western politicians and the media are ignoring the obvious evidence that there was no chemical attack in Douma”, the presenter tells when the images are shown on Pervyi Kanal. In fact, the images were published already in 2016, as independent Russian media The Insider and TV Dozhd, quickly noticed. They tell the behind-the-scenes story of a Syrian-born director, who was shooting a film to attract international attention to the victims of the 2013 sarin gas attack. Only a week earlier, Russian state TV got caught out for repeatedly recycling images from another movie, Revolution Man, naturally as a “proof of the White Helmets faking pictures”. The same disinformation was first published by Russian Defence Ministry TV channel Zvezda already in March, a month before the attack
Russian TV Uses Film Stills as Proof Syria Chemical Attack Was Staged
Russia uses images from Humam Husari film Chemical to ‘prove’ Douma gas attack was hoax
The Russian correspondent falsely claimed the interview was in Douma; it was in a military facility; Photos actually came from the set of a 2016 short film. #Russia's propaganda stunt backfires at @OPCW as even reporters found disquieting spectacle of Syrians bombed for years by #Putin/#Assad being used (rejecting request of investigators) to make underwhelming case chemical attack was fake
einige Quellen behaupten, die Rebellen selbst hätten Giftgas eingesetzt, um das syrische Regime zu belasten. Der Kreml spricht von einer Inszenierung durch die Weißhelme. Wieder andere Quellen sagten, die Patienten in einem Krankenhaus in Duma seien wegen eines Sandsturms behandelt worden. ... das Interview [wurde] nicht in Duma, sondern offenkundig vor oder auf dem Gelände einer Militär-Einrichtung unweit des Verteidigungsministeriums in Damaskus geführt ... Der Staatssender Russia 1 hatte zuvor sogar behauptet, die Weißhelme hätten ein ganzes Filmset nachgebaut. Als vermeintlichen Beweis zeigte der Sender in seiner Hauptnachrichtensendung Ausschnitte aus einem syrischen Spielfilm ... OPCW, deren Experten erst mit erheblicher Verzögerung ihre Arbeit in Duma beginnen konnten ... Mediziner von NGOs hätten an den Opfern chemische Wirkstoffe gefunden. Zudem gebe es zahlreiche Zeugenaussagen, Fotos und Videos, deren Authentizität geprüft worden seien. Auch die Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO habe Berichte von medizinischen Partnerorganisationen vorliegen, in denen beschrieben wird, dass mehr als 500 Patienten Symptome gezeigt hätten, die durch chemische Kampfstoffe ausgelöst worden seien.
the boy and his father might not have felt free to accurately describe what happened, given that the interview was filmed at a Syrian army facility used by Russian military advisers. Former colleagues of the Douma hospital workers told The Guardian that Syrian officials had subjected the medics to “extreme intimidation,” threatening to harm their families if they made any mention of chemical weapons. ...
the original video was in fact shot by another group, the activists who run the Douma.Revolution Facebook pages. Since the images of the hospital used by Russia come from a compilation of that footage posted online hours after the attack by the Douma.Revolution activists, and are marked with one of their logos, it is unclear why Russian officials insist on attributing that footage to the White Helmets ...
speaking in defense of the government that has been shelling his hometown for half his life. In his brief remarks, the boy merely said that he had been doused with water in the clinic ... no sign of chemical exposure and no deaths among the patients they treated in the hospital, and Hassan’s father insisted that no one in his family had been sickened by gas, but there was no testimony at all related to what took place that same night in a nearby residential building — where activists had filmed piles of dead bodies, some with foam on their lips, and a large yellow canister identical to those used in previous chlorine gas attacks ... Hanen, told ... that he had survived the attack but lost his wife, mother, and brothers to gas. When the same man spoke to Seth Doane, of CBS News, inside his ruined home in the building, he led the reporter to an upper floor, where the large yellow gas canister was still resting ... Nuseir, told Bassem Mroue, of the Associated Press, that his wife and two daughters had been killed by gas ... Russia Today ... reported that he called reports of a chemical attack fake
Da immer mehr möchtegern "Pro Türkei Seiten" wie diese hier teilen Assadisten Fake News Propaganda, hier mal eine kleine Wiederlegung. Der Weißhelm Mitarbeiter in Aleppo vom 28 April und 26 September ist nicht der selbe man wie bei der Chemiegas Attacke in Idlib:
Debunking #Assad #fakenews #Propaganda which claims that the same guy is in Aleppo and Idlib, plz share.
#Aleppo 28 April 2016 the man is clearly seen:
#Idlib 2017 man has diffrent nose and looks completly diffrent in profile:
Kremlnetzwerke teilen Aufnahmen von einem Protest in Ägypten und behaupten, man habe Schauspieler auf frischer Tat ertappt, wie sie einen Giftgasangriff inszenieren.
Here's the top sharers for @Thomas_Binder's false claim RT'd 13k times:
@VRSoloviev @barisatay @DrodriguezVen @AvarBanu @husnumahalli @georgegalloway @barbarosansalfn @ceydak @OlegGazmanov @CarlaOrtizO
Will they apologise for spreading lies and encourage war crime denialism?
"Es ist falsch ein Regime zu unterstützen welche Chemiewaffen gegen die eigenen Bevölkerung einsetzt" 00:53ın-suriye-rejimine-ait-noktaları-hedef-alan-operasyonu-hk_en.en.mfa
Video footage claiming to show jihadi rebels teaching children to fake chemical attacks is from a 2013 play about “the horrors of chemical weapons”. Such a bad case of war crime denialism that even RT debunked it
Schon wieder Pro-Assad-Propaganda beim ZDF: Laut Gack soll nun der IS, den es in Douma gar nicht gab verantwortlich für die schrecklichen Bilder sein können. Chlorgasbehälter sollen auch bewusst zur Explosion von Islamisten gebracht worden sein. Dabei behauptete doch das Regime und Russland Beweise zu haben, dass gar kein Chemieangriff stattgefunden hat.
Nachdem das @ZDF vorgestern behauptete, der IS habe den Gasangriff mit Chlorbehälterm auf dem Dach herbeigeführt, heute die nächste Assad-Propaganda: Die Weißhelme haben ihn vorgetäuscht.
Die Zeugen: Ärzte aus Duma, die das Regime netterweise zu Herrn Gack schickte.
Der IS ist gar nicht in dem Gebiet aktiv, in dem Duma liegt. Die Gegend in der Nähe von Damaskus wird mittlerweile von Assads Truppen kontrolliert. Dort sind einige islamistische Milizen aktiv, in Duma zuletzt vor allem Dschaisch al-Islam. Anfang April stimmte die Miliz Medienberichten zufolge zu, Kämpfer und ihre Familie aus Duma evakuieren zu lassen und die Stadt den Assad-Truppen zu übergeben. ... Wie glaubwürdig sind die Aussagen der Gesprächspartner? ... Warum nennt Gack nur eine Theorie?
Kremlin Bots retweeting Gack
These ten accounts had identical schedules (they went dormant in early 2017). They appear to have tweeted the exact same content as well. ... Another interesting group of accounts-there are 9 with a very high tweet volume and a schedule that looks like this. The accounts tweeted 24/7 until the beginning of 2018, and then switched to generating one giant tweetstorm each morning. They link news sites of varying quality.
Douma Theory #32: Rebels managed to place canisters in the exact locations they knew the regime would drop conventional bombs thereby releasing chlorine. Never mind that there was no conventional strike on either of the 2 spots where canisters were found.
Russische Berichterstattung zum Chemiewaffenangriff in Duma -
Ja was denn nun? Chronologie der staatlichen russischen Berichterstattung zum Chemiewaffenangriff auf Duma am Beispiel von SputnikNews ... Keine Hinweise auf Giftgaseinsatz ... gestellte Aufnahmen ... Chlor aus Deutschland in Rebellenhochburg Duma entdeckt
Art. 823235, Chlor zur Synthese
Kreml-Netzwerke hatten diese Aufnahmen geteilt und behauptet, Regimegegner hätten sich damit selbst vergast. Diese Behälter werden benutzt, um Wasser zu reinigen. Sie werden seit 25 Jahren nicht mehr benutzt. Vierstellige Postleitzahlen werden in Deutschland seit 1993 nicht mehr benutzt.
Assad's regime shows that German chemical capsules were used by the opposition to bombard " itself " in Douma! First these capsules are to purify the water and stop use of 25 years, the second four-digit postal code Germany has ceased to use since 1993
“What can people say in government-controlled areas with Russian media except the government line?” ... anyone familiar with Assad’s Syria knows “that these people do not have the choice to say anything other than what the regime’s narrative spells.” As The Moscow Times revealed on Tuesday, the version of Evgeny Poddubnyy’s report embedded at the start of this post, and featured on Russian state television’s main Sunday news show, also misled viewers by falsely presenting production stills from a Syrian-born director’s 2016 fiction film “as evidence that the reported chemical attack was staged.”
Dass die von Rossija 1 verbreiteten Fotos jedoch nicht von einem Filmset der Weißhelme stammten, zeigten die Recherchen von Patrick Gensing für den "Faktenfinder" der Tagesschau. Vielmehr entstanden diese Bilder bei den Dreharbeiten an dem syrischen Spielfilm "Revolution Man", der von dem Mobilfunkunternehmen Syriatel sowie dem syrischen Kulturministerium finanziert und Anfang März in Damaskus vorgestellt wurde.
The Russian-faked ‘evidence’ was spotted by the independent TV Dozhd channel which reports that news broadcasts on both Pyervy Kanal [Channel One] and Rossiya 1 used film footage shot by Humam Husari, a young Syrian-born filmmaker in 2016. The film was aimed at attracting international attention to the victims of the 2013 sarin gas attack near Damascus. It follows a rebel fighter whose wife and child were killed in the chemical attack, and is forced himself to take up arms against an attack from government forces.
This was, understandably, not the impression that the two Russian channels gave. On 22 April, in the Pyervy Kanal news report, the reader stated that “western politicians and the press are ignoring obvious evidence that there was no chemical attack in the Syrian town of Douma”.
Bu saldırılar ağırlıklı olarak IŞİD bölgelerine sivil, savaşçı ayrımı gözetilmeksizin yapıldı. Ayrıca Suriye'deki muhaliflere de bir çok saldırı yapıldı. Ancak hiç bir zaman savaşa hayır denilmedi.
scores of people who convulsed and died on 7 April 2018 outside Damascus did so as a result of dust or smoke inhalation, not from a chemical attack, as is widely suspected. These reports glaringly exclude evidence based on witness statements, photographs, and videos from the scene which have been widely reported on by international news media.
Russian Trolls Denied Syrian Gas Attack—Before It Happened ... Outlets like Sputnik have amplified spy-novel stories about several British commandos captured near the scene of the attack in Douma supposedly operating on behalf of an international Super Friends alliance of the U.S., Israel, Jordan, and the U.K. aiming to thwart the recapture of rebel-held territory. ... (Batshit insane fake) A number of British forces have been captured by the Syrian army during military operations in Eastern Ghouta, according to reports by local media.
And this facility isn’t anywhere near “the scale needed for the attacks that have been observed,” Rofer wrote in an email. “All of the equipment, except for the boilers, is at laboratory scale. But the more fundamental problem is that none of the equipment is what is needed to produce chlorine and compress it into the cylinders that [investigative journalism outlet] Bellingcat has documented” in Douma.
It seems that not only were rumors of Ian56‘s (@Ian56789) Twitter “death” (suspension) on Thursday exaggerated, but on Friday afternoon the world became acquainted with the real man behind the Twitter account with over 32,000 followers. And contrary to what you see in his profile pic, he’s not male model David Gandy.
Der mit Assad sympathisierende Arzt Thomas Binder behauptet, die Szene wäre gestellt , da die Elektroden falsch angelegt worden wären. Sein Beitrag wird dreizehntausendmal retweetet. Später muss er zugeben, dass es nicht stimmte, was er gesagt hat. Die Elektroden waren nicht falsch angelegt. Keiner, der das retweetet hat, denkt daran, den Sachverhalt klarzustellen.
Here's the top sharers for @Thomas_Binder's false claim RT'd 13k times:
@VRSoloviev @barisatay @DrodriguezVen @AvarBanu @husnumahalli @georgegalloway @barbarosansalfn @ceydak @OlegGazmanov @CarlaOrtizO
Will they apologise for spreading lies and encourage war crime denialism?
Syria Daily: OPCW Inspectors Blocked from Reaching Chemical Attack Sites 17.04.2018 Warum dürfen die Inspektoren der OPCW erst am Mittwoch nach Duma/Syrien ?
Russian military police have taken a number of doctors who have refused to leave the city of Douma to the Al-Khatib Investigations Branch in Baghdad Street of Damascus.
Hezbollat-Reporter kündigt Massaker an: Hossein Murtada, a correspondent for the Iranian Al-Alam TV, points out, hours before the attack, with chemical weapons in Duma, says that now there will be something huge, meaning a chemical attack by #Assad regime 07.04.2018
Pro #Assad Facebook page: "there is no need to denie or fear. We say it loudly and proudly: we attacked #Douma with chemical weapons and we'll use anything available from bullets to atomic bombs
We have #Russia, #Iran, and #China on our side
Let the US help you"
Kremltrolle behaupten, es wäre ein Giftgasangriff inszeniert worden, damit die USA Raketen auf zwei leere Gebäude abschießen, um sich zu profilieren. Trump: "Mission accomplished."
May: This is not about intervening in a civil war. It is not about regime change. It is about a limited and targeted strike that does not further escalate tensions in the region and that does everything possible to prevent civilian casualties.
Warum sollte das Assad-Regime Giftgas einsetzen, wenn es am "Gewinnen" ist? Hier ist das Warum, im Stadtteil Ost-Yarmouk haben die Rebellen mehrere Panzer des Assad-Regimes und seiner schiitischen Milizen zerstört sowie einer weiteren Offensive des Regimes dort einen Dämpfer verpasst. Rein militärisch und logisch gesehen würde man in so einer Situation Giftgas einsetzen und die Stellungen der Rebellen so leichter überrennen, statt die Stellungen unter hohen Verlusten einzunehmen. Douma war wie wir wissen der am besten befestigte Stadtteil von allen in der ganzen Region, viel besser als Yarmouk und bei Yarmouk scheint sich schon das Regime die Zähne auszubeißen, wie man sieht. Außerdem ist der Sinn von Giftgas, schwer befestigte Stellungen zu säubern. Darum wurde Giftgas überhaupt erfunden im ersten Weltkrieg, um dort die Gräben leichter überrennen zu können.
Reference list in response to “Anti-War” memes about Syria circulating April 2018 ... Just “questioning” the facts of what happened ... False Equivalence and Whataboutery Memes ... Deflection arguments in detail ... Prominent Western Assadist Propagandists ... What we should do next, after the airstrikes on CW sites
Die UN hat bestätigt, dass das Assad-Regime im April 2017 in Khan Sheikhoun Sarin eingesetzt hat.
both the Commission of Inquiry and the UN’s Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Joint Investigative Mechanism have confirmed that the regime was responsible for the April 2017 sarin attack on the town of Khan Sheikhoun. The sarin samples from Khan Sheikhoun also match the ones used in the August 2013 attack on Eastern Ghouta and the March 2013 attack on Khan al-Asal
Assad setzte am 3. April 2017 erneut Sarin ein.
Evidence 'definitely proves' Syrian regime behind largest chemical attack. Samples tested found the Syrian regime culpable of chemical attacks in the country, linked to Damascus' chemical stockpile. 30.01.2018
Newsweek Engages in Easily Debunkable Syria Chemical Weapon Trutherism with the Help of Ian Wilkie 02.2018
Esed rejimi çoğu çocuk 100'ün üzerinde kişiyi kimyasal gazla öldürdü
Did Russia Accidentally Provide the Best Evidence of the Syrian Government’s Involvement in Sarin Attacks? 11.2017
Assad still hiding chemical stockpiles in secret depots: document, witness 11.2017
Fresh Evidence of Sarin Use by Syrian Government Forces from the OPCW 11.2017
Assad forces behind deadly Sarin attack - UN 10.2017 Russia uses veto to end UN investigation of Syria chemical attacks 10.2017 11.2017
Idlib chemical attack
Assad Says Videos of Dead Children in Syria Chemical Attack Were Faked ... “We don’t know whether those dead children were killed in Khan Sheikhoun,” Mr. Assad told Agence France-Presse in the television interview from Damascus, which was recorded on Wednesday. “Were they dead at all?”
Assad says the chemical attack in Idlib Province is “100% fabrication”. @FactCheck looks at the plausibility of his claims.
Putin gave an interview where he pointed out “two possible versions” of the events. ... The first version, Putin said, was the one spread by his military on the day after the attack. The regime hit a Syrian rebel chemical weapons depot in Khan Sheikhoun, causing the agents to spread and kill people. Eight days after the massacre, neither Russia nor Assad brought up ANY evidence that would support such a claim. Both are active with drones and jets in the area – not just during the attack but also since then. ... Putin also repeated the claim that the rebels planned to bring their chemicals to Iraq to use them against the Iraqi Army and International Coalition Forces in the country. ... he mixes up Syrian rebels and ISIS terrorists ... even IF there would be a cooperation between jihadi rebels in Idlib and ISIS in Hama eastern province, the closest ISIS-controlled point to Khan Sheikhoun is separated from the rebel-held territory by an area occupied by Assad forces, so it would be geographically impossible for the rebels to transport materials to Khan Sheikhoun. Putin ignores this on-the-ground fact. ... The second version Putin promoted on Wednesday was a “provocation to discredit the Syrian authorities.” While he did not elaborate on what he meant, this could mean two things: First, a chemical weapons attack from the air by a third party other than Assad regime or Russia is absolutely absurd and was not even suggested by the regime itself or Iran; or, second, he could mean that Assad was right to do what he did and no one in the world had the right to criticize him for that 12.04.2017
After the poison gas attack in Idlib, he claimed that the rebels did it. Or that it never happened. Or that the victims were ‘acting’. In fact, between Assad and the Russian government there are all kinds of stories swirling about, but the truth is that the regime killed those children. This excellent factcheck from The New York Times debunks the various claims.
How Syria and its main partner, Russia, have distorted the facts surrounding the chemical weapons attack on Khan Sheikhoun. 26.04.2017
Nobody has been given an opportunity to carry out an investigation in Khan Sheikhoun. A United Nations Security Council resolution was put forth which would have allowed an investigation into the events to take place, but it was vetoed by Russia. Furthermore, we do have plenty of information about the attack. In fact, we have reports from laboratories in Turkey identifying the toxin used as Sarin. The first reports of the attack on April 4th came in at around 4:59AM local time, which is early for most Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) strikes, but not uncommon for reports from previous chemical attacks.
Al Jazeera rejects Russian claim it faked Syrian gas attack video 05.2017
Aufklärungsroulette: 5. April Chemielager getroffen, 6. April Putin fordert Untersuchung, 11. April Giftgas, 12. April Russland lehnt Untersuchung ab
Russia blocks UNSC resolution condemning Syria gas attack ... Russia blocked on Wednesday a Western effort to condemn last week’s deadly gas attack in Syria at the UN Security Council and push Assad regime to cooperate with international inquiries into the incident.
Russian Forces Have, most likely, Supported the Syrian Regime Forces in Khan Sheikhoun Chemical Attack
Russian claims debunked
Han Şeyhun bölgesini bombalayan uçaklarının kalktığı Şayrat askeri hava üssünde kimyasal madde depolanan Rus yapımı varillerin görüntüleri var. Bu bölgeyi Rus ve rejim uçakları bombalıyor. Başka birisi yapmış olsa bu radar kayıtlarıyla ispatlanabilir. Ölüm şeklinden ve cesetlerden sarin veya VX sinir gazı kullanıldığı anlaşılıyor. Rusya, biz rejime karşı savaşan grupların sarin ürettiği bir tesisi vurduk dedi. Ancak sarin ve benzeri maddeler, kullanımdan kısa bir süre önce iki maddenin birleşmesiyle üretiliyor. Sarin gazını hazır olarak saklamak da mümkün, fakat bu teknoloji sadece ABD ve Rusya'da var. Sarinin üretildiği maddeler metilfosfonik diflorür ve izopropil alkol. Bu maddelerin bulunduğu bir depo vurulmuş olsa sarin oluşmaz. Yanıcı bir madde olan izopropil alkol deposu vurulduğunda dev bir ateş topu oluşur. Böyle bir şey gözlemlenmedi. Saldırı Suriye saatiyle sabah 6:30'da gercekleşti, görüntüler sosyal medyada paylaşıldı. Rusya ise rejim uçaklarının saldırıyı 11:30 ile 12:30 arasında gerçekleştirdiğini öne sürdü. Bu ise bir hastanenin de vurulduğu ikinci saldırı dalgasının gerçekleştiği zaman dilimi.
Sarin ist ein so genannter Binärer Kampfstoff und wird kurz vor dem Einsatz aus Methylphosphonsäuredifluorid und Isopropylalkohol hergestellt. Wenn eine Herstellungsstätte getroffen wird, wie Russland behauptet, entsteht kein Sarin. Die Vorläufersubstanzen werden zerstört. Wenn Isopropylalkohol von einer Bombe getroffen wird, entsteht ein großer Feuerball. Das war nicht der Fall.
Residents in Idlib's rebel-held town of Khan Shaykhun found themselves gasping for air on Tuesday morning after rockets were fired by regime jets, witnesses say. ... First responders and doctors said the victims showed symptoms consistent with exposure to nerve agents, such as the sarin gas. An autopsy of the bodies carried out by experts in Turkey, where many of the injured have been moved for treatment, confirmed that sarin was indeed used. ... Medical staff of the NGO Doctors Without Borders who examined eight victims also said they saw symptoms – constricted pupils and muscle spasms – that are consistent with exposure to a neurotoxin, such as sarin gas. ... Shortly after the attack, Russia’s military said Syrian regime jets had struck a depot in Khan Shaykhun where rebels stored weapons, suggesting the nerve agent was hidden there. ... The Russian Ministry of Defence said the jets carried out the strike between 11:30am and 12:30pm on Tuesday. But the first reports of the incident started to come out hours before, at the break of dawn. Experts also point out that it's very unlikely that chemicals stored in a warehouse could react to form sarin or any other nerve agent after being hit by rockets. "Aerial bombardment of a warehouse allegedly containing ingredients for chemical warfare is not likely to be the explanation for what happened," Dan Kaszeta, a former US Army Chemical Corps officer, told TRT World. A place where chemical components for sarin are stored "would go up in a ball of flame -- a very large one," if attacked either from the air or ground, he said. Nerve agents have to be used shortly after they are made because once mixed they do not have a long shelf life, he said. The technology of making nerve gas that can be preserved in artillery shells or rockets for a longer period is difficult to come up with, said Kaszeta. "It seems unlikely to me that some rebel faction had the ability to make a higher grade of nerve agent than the regime itself, which has 40 years of expertise." Investigations into previous chemical attacks have shown that the Syrian regime made sarin just days before its use.
The first air raid conducted by the Syrian army was at 8:30 am (11:30 am local time) on April 4, 2017, according to Walid Muallem, Syria’s Foreign Minister ... Locals claim the attack took place around 3:30 am (6:30 am local time) in all statements found. Translations of such accounts can be found in our article on the attack published earlier. The earliest reference we have discovered to it being a chemical attack is a tweet at 5:21 am (8:21 am local time), referring to a video published at 4:59 am (7:59 local time). ... At 3:26 am (6:26 am local time), ground observers working with an organization of spotters reported that a Su-22 called Quds 1 – the Su-22 fleet’s squadron commander – took off from its airbase in Homs.
The Khan Sheikhoun Chemical Attack, The Evidence So Far: On Tuesday April 4th 2017, videos and images emerged from sources within Syria showing what is claimed to be a chemical weapon attack that targeted Al Sheikhun south of Idlib.
Syrian warplanes dropped the chemical weapons, which caused injuries and deaths that the World Health Organization said were "consistent with exposure to organophosphorus chemicals, a category of chemicals that includes nerve agents." ... Russian claims the warehouse containing chemical weapons was bombed two to three hours AFTER the first images of victims were posted online. ... images from the chemical attack were posted online at 2:28 a.m. ET, two hours before the air strike was said to hit the chemical warehouse, which Russia said occurred at 4:30 a.m. ET. ...
Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons inspections after Syria’s accession to the Chemical Weapons Convention in 2013 "revealed a variety of fixed and mobile mixing apparatus for making binary nerve agents."
The Assad regime began mixing the chemicals to create sarin in 2012, CNN reported at the time.
"Even assuming that large quantities of both sarin precursors were located in the same part of the same warehouse (a practice that seems odd), an airstrike is not going to cause the production of large quantities of sarin," Kaszeta added. "Dropping a bomb on the binary components does not actually provide the correct mechanism for making the nerve agent. It is an infantile argument."
Brian Palmer, a reporter for Slate covering science and medicine, wrote in 2012 that "the technical challenge for users of sarin is the dispersal." The nerve agent, he wrote, is exponentially more deadly when it is "aerosolized," or converted into a fine spray.
Because one of the "precursors" for sarin is isopropyl alcohol, if a warehouse with sarin in it had been bombed, then it would have gone up "in a ball of flame," Kaszeta wrote. "A very large one. Which has not been in evidence."
Additionally, he said, the sheer volume of materials — many of them "exotic" — necessary to produce sarin makes it extremely unlikely that the rebels could have stockpiled it in a large enough quantity to kill dozens of people.
"Having a quantity of any of the nerve agents relies on a sophisticated supply chain of exotic precursors and an industrial base," Kaszeta wrote. "Are we to seriously believe that one of the rebel factions has expended the vast sums of money and developed this industrial base, somehow not noticed to date and not molested by attack?"
In a must-read article on Bellingcat by Dan Kaszeta, we learn that Sarin gas is extremely volatile and cannot be stored as the final product used in military strikes since the main chemical reaction that produces Sarin creates one molecule of hydrogen fluoride (HF) for every molecule of Sarin. This hydrogen fluoride byproduct destroys nearly anything the Sarin would be stored in and quickly degrades the Sarin gas itself. The USA and Russia developed technology that could purge HF but have kept it top-secret and proprietary for obvious reasons. Syria certainly does not have that capability and only managed to produce Sarin by combining its ingredients just moments before weaponizing it. Even if the jihadists had such ingredients, it is beyond belief that they had mastered the same technology as the US and Russia to keep them safe and stable over a long shelf-life. Kaszeta writes:
Even assuming that large quantities of both Sarin precursors were located in the same part of the same warehouse (a practice that seems odd), an air-strike is not going to cause the production of large quantities of Sarin. Dropping a bomb on the binary components does not actually provide the correct mechanism for making the nerve agent. It is an infantile argument. One of the precursors is isopropyl alcohol. It would go up in a ball of flame. A very large one. Which has not been in evidence.
He concludes his article with the same observation he made after the East Ghouta attack:
Finally, we are back to the issue of industrial capacity. It takes about 9 kg of difficult to obtain precursor materials to generate the necessary steps to produce Sarin. The ratio is similar with other nerve agents. Having a quantity of any of the nerve agents relies on a sophisticated supply chain of exotic precursors and an industrial base. Are we to seriously believe that one of the rebel factions has expended the vast sums of money and developed this industrial base, somehow not noticed to date and not molested by attack? It seems an unlikely chain of events. ...
Why didn’t the jihadists lob Sarin-bearing rockets into West Aleppo or into the area of Damascus containing government buildings? Instead they tend to use mortars and even clumsy DIY artillery that can certainly kill enemy combatants (and cause collateral damage unfortunately) but not as efficiently as weaponized Sarin. For all the fears about rebels getting their hands on MANPAD’s, how do you explain a warehouse filled with the stuff in Idlib sitting idly? Just go ahead and Google al-Nusra and Sarin and nothing comes up except links to idiotic Seymour Hersh articles about a ratline from Turkey into Syria for Sarin gas. Since he was making a point exactly like Antonopoulos’s, there’s not much to support a case that they are being used against Assad’s military. 05.04.2017
From a technical chemical weapons perspective, it seems unlikely that the Russian “warehouse/depot” narrative is plausible as the source of the chemical exposure seen on April 4th. To date, all of the nerve agents used in the Syrian conflict have been binary chemical warfare agents, so-named because they are mixed from several different components within a few days of use. For example, binary Sarin is made by combining isopropyl alcohol with methylphosphonyl difluoride, usually with some kind of additive to deal with the residual acid produced. The nerve agent Soman can also be produced through a binary process. The nerve agent VX has a similar binary process, although it proved to be a more complicated process than merely mixing the materials.
There are several reasons why the Assad regime would use binary nerve agents. Binary nerve agents were developed by the US military in order to improve safety of storage and handling, so that the logistical chain would not have to actually handle nerve agents. The US had developed some weapon systems that mixed the materials in flight after firing. These particular weapon systems were the M687 155mm binary Sarin artillery shell, the XM736 8 inch binary VX artillery shell, and the Bigeye binary VX air-dropped bomb. All were the product of lengthy research and development efforts, and none of them worked terribly well in practice, particulary the VX weapons. There is no evidence that the Assad regime has ever made or fielded “mix-in-flight” binary weapons. OPCW inspections after Syria’s accession to the CWC in 2013 revealed a variety of fixed and mobile mixing apparatus for making binary nerve agents.
The other key reason for binary Sarin is that only a few countries really ever cracked the technology for making “unitary” Sarin that had any kind of useful shelf-life. The main chemical reaction that produces Sarin creates 1 molecule of hydrogen fluoride (HF), a potent and dangerous acid, for every molecule of Sarin. This residual HF destroys nearly anything the Sarin is stored in, and quickly degrades the Sarin. The US and USSR had devoted a huge effort to finding a way out of this problem. They found different ways to refine the HF out of the Sarin using very expensive heavy chemical engineering techniques which, for obvious reasons, are best not described here. Syria either did not develop such techniques or decided it was far cheaper, safer, and easier to stockpile binary components for a “mix it as you need it” process. Hence the “mobile mixing equipment” found by the OPCW. Nor did Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, which had huge problems with the short shelf life of its Sarin.
Even assuming that large quantities of both Sarin precursors were located in the same part of the same warehouse (a practice that seems odd), an air-strike is not going to cause the production of large quantities of Sarin. Dropping a bomb on the binary components does not actually provide the correct mechanism for making the nerve agent. It is an infantile argument. One of the precursors is isopropyl alcohol. It would go up in a ball of flame. A very large one. Which has not been in evidence.
Another issue is that, if the Syrian regime actually did believe that the warehouse stored chemical warfare agents, then striking it deliberately was an act of chemical warfare by proxy.
Finally, we are back to the issue of industrial capacity. It takes about 9 kg of difficult to obtain precursor materials to generate the necessary steps to produce Sarin. The ratio is similar with other nerve agents. Having a quantity of any of the nerve agents relies on a sophisticated supply chain of exotic precursors and an industrial base. Are we to seriously believe that one of the rebel factions has expended the vast sums of money and developed this industrial base, somehow not noticed to date and not molested by attack? It seems an unlikely chain of events. 05.04.2017
As a PhD student in chemistry who does not use his real name for obvious reasons, DDTea is not only a walking encyclopedia of the chemistry of sarin gas and other such weapons but is a formidable polemicist like Kaszeta. The two of them in combination with Elliot Higgins are like a trio of Van Helsings that are more than a match for the Assadist Draculas who bare their fangs on Bellingcat on an ongoing basis.
New evidence supports the conclusion that Syrian government forces have used nerve agents on at least four occasions in recent months: on April 4, 2017, in a chemical attack on Khan Sheikhoun that killed at least 92 people, and on three other occasions in December 2016 and March 2017. … The photos and videos of the crater show two remnants from the chemical weapon used: a twisted thin metal fragment with green paint and a smaller circular metal object. Green coloring is widely used on factory-produced weapons to signify that they are chemical weapons. The KhAB-250, for example, one of two Soviet-produced bombs specifically designed to deploy sarin from a warplane, has two green bands. The circular object seen in photos of the crater appears similar to the cap covering the filling hole on the KhAB-250. 01.05.2017
The @HRW report on the Khan Sheikhoun attack has previously unpublished images of the filling cap from the bomb used
Hamish de Bretton-Gordon, a former commanding officer of the British Armed Forces Joint Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear (CBRN) Regiment, said it was "pretty fanciful".
"Axiomatically, if you blow up Sarin, you destroy it," he told the BBC.
"It's very clear it's a Sarin attack," he added. "The view that it's an al-Qaeda or rebel stockpile of Sarin that's been blown up in an explosion, I think is completely unsustainable and completely untrue."
Sarin gas is highly unstable and is easily rendered inert. “Decomposes thermally to form a variety of phosphorus containing products as well as propylene. The rate of decomposition increases with increase in temperature, and in the presence of acids. At the boiling point of GB, under atmospheric conditions, decomposition is fairly rapid.” ... The Russian account of having bombed a Sarin containing depot is scientifically impossible. If you bomb Sarin with incendiaries, it will be rendered INERT by the exceedingly high temperature of any blast. It just takes 150 °C to decompose Sarin into various forms of phosphorous. The average missle emits 2,480 °C (4,500 °F) which is way beyond what it would take to completely erase any Sarin. ... Center for Disease Control: “Because it evaporates so quickly, sarin presents an immediate, but short-lived, threat.”
“From 11.30am to 12.30pm local time, [9.30am to 10.30am BST] Syrian aircraft conducted an air strike in the eastern outskirts of Khan Sheikhoun on a large warehouse of ammunition of terrorists and the mass of military equipment,” said Major General Igor Konashenkov, according to a translation by Russian state media.
But witnesses and survivors said the bombs struck hours earlier, with images showing at least one hit a road rather than a building. ...
“Something that needs a certain level of expertise and also money,” she told The Independent, saying any facility would need the ability to take oxygen out of the area where sarin is stored. “I don’t think rebel groups would have the ability governments would have to purify nerve agents to a level that would make them stable,” Dr Unal added. ... images of bomb craters in Khan Sheikhoun indicated small payloads, rather than explosives of the type typically used to destroy an entire building. ...
“The team found people fainting, and people with froth coming from the mouth, and shivers in their bodies…many died while they were asleep.”
The regime claims that it did not use chemical weapons on the opposition-held town of Khan Shaykhun, but rather, it bombed a “chemical weapons warehouse.” The regime’s story been widely condemned all over the world as absurd based on (1) the overwhelming physical evidence of a regime chemical weapons attack, (2) the regime’s past chemical attacks and expansive chemical weapons program, (3) the total absence of any evidence that the opposition possessed chemical weapons, and (4) the scientific impossibility of an explosion at a “chemical weapons warehouse” being the cause given that binary nerve agents were involved.
Assad's chemical weapons program tied to Russian mob money 06.2017
1- The attack happened in Khan Sheikhoun (pro. Shay- khoun) [], a mid-size town in northwest Syria, strategically located on a major highway halfway between Idleb (north) and Hama (south). It has been outside the control of the Assad regime since May 2014.
2- There is no and there has never been any ISIS presence in Khan Sheikhon. The closest ISIS posts are tens of miles away, in the Hama dessert. In fact, the ISIS areas are separated from the rebels' by the regime [].
3- The attack took place in the early morning hours (6:30 am Damascus time; 11:30 pm Monday ET), as is typical of the Assad’s regime chemical attacks.
4- The attack was conducted via an airstrike. Only jet fighters operating in the region are those belonging to Syrian and Russian air forces. Eyewitnesses report four missiles fired by a Sukhoi 22 (Su-22) jet fighter. Local activists report intercepting radio communication to suggest this plane left and landed back in Shayrat military airport [] in Homs dessert. Just like almost all of Assad’s airports, it is located in open space and far removed from residential areas for added security and military safety. And just like all of Assad’s airports, it has been fully engaged in the daily bombardment of civilians since July 2012 with complete impunity.
Hasne, "Katliam günü, Humus'taki Şayrat Askeri Üssü'nden 2 uçak havalandı. Kudüs-1 kodlu uçak, yerel saatle 06.26'da havalanarak kuzeye yöneldi. Kudüs-6 da 2 dakika sonra havalandı." dedi. Uçaklarının kalkışını anons geçtiğini söyleyen Hasne, Kudüs-1 kodlu uçağın frekansının 25 Mart'ta Hama kırsalındaki Latamne'ye klor gazı atan uçağınkiyle aynı olduğunu fark ettiğini belirtti. 4 yıldır telsiz dinlediğini ve kimyasal katliamı yapan uçağın pilotu Muhammed Hasuri'yi sesinden kolayca tanır hale geldiğini ifade eden Hasne, şöyle devam etti: "Kudüs-1, Han Şeyhun'un batısından gelerek, 06.48'de (kimyasal gaz yüklü) 2 füze bıraktı. Kudüs-6 ise doğudan gelerek, farklı bir noktaya 4 bomba attı. Kanımca Kudüs-6'nın normal bomba kullanmasının sebebi, dikkatleri kimyasal silah saldırısından uzaklaştırmaktı. Kimyasal silah kullanıldığı kesinleşince sivil savunmaya maske giymeleri için anons geçtik. Buna rağmen, saldırının hemen ardından bölgeye gitmiş oldukları için zehirlendiler."
Doch die Erklärung von Generalmajor Igor Konaschenkow, dem Sprecher des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums, weist mehrere Ungereimtheiten auf. So behauptet der Sprecher, der Luftschlag habe "zwischen 11.30 Uhr und 12.30 Uhr Ortszeit" stattgefunden.
Das ist eine Lüge: Augenzeugen berichten, der Angriff habe sich gegen 6.30 Uhr Ortszeit ereignet. Die ersten Meldungen der Nachrichtenagenturen liefen kurz vor 9 Uhr mitteleuropäischer Sommerzeit, also gegen 10 Uhr syrischer Zeit über den Ticker. Schon zu diesem Zeitpunkt war davon die Rede, dass die Opfer Symptome eines Giftgasangriffs zeigten. Videoaufnahmen von Opfern mit Atemnot und Krampfanfällen kursierten bereits im Internet. SPIEGEL ONLINE berichtete um 9.50 Uhr, also um 10.50 Uhr syrischer Zeit, über die Hinweise auf den Chemiewaffenangriff.
Die Behauptung der russischen Regierung, der Luftangriff, der das Chemiewaffenlager traf und damit die Vergiftung der Menschen in Chan Schaichun auslöste, habe zwischen 11.30 Uhr und 12.30 Uhr stattgefunden, kann damit nicht zutreffen. Das Zeitfenster passt eher zu der zweiten Angriffswelle auf die 90.000-Einwohner-Stadt, bei der unter anderem ein Krankenhaus getroffen wurde.
Konaschenkow behauptet weiterhin, der Luftschlag habe "ein großes Munitionslager der Terroristen und militärische Ausrüstung" getroffen. "Auf dem Gelände dieses Lagers gab es Werkstätten, um Projektile herzustellen, die mit chemischen Giftstoffen gefüllt werden", sagte Konaschenkow.
Doch wäre tatsächlich ein "großes Munitionslager" getroffen worden, hätte es am Einschlagsort in Chan Schaichun Explosionen und einen Brand geben müssen. Die Bilder, die bislang aus der Stadt bekanntgeworden sind, liefern dafür keinen einzigen Hinweis. ...
der IS ist in der Stadt und der umliegenden Provinz Idlib überhaupt nicht aktiv. Im Gegenteil: Das dort herrschende Rebellenbündnis und auch die Terrormiliz Eroberungsfront Syriens sind mit dem IS verfeindet. Dass sie die Dschihadisten mit chemischen Kampfstoffen beliefern, ist äußerst unwahrscheinlich. Auch über Verbindungen zwischen den Rebellen von Chan Schaichun zu anderen bewaffneten Gruppen im Irak ist bislang nichts bekannt. ... Mediziner in Chan Schaichun und Vertreter der Weltgesundheitsbehörde WHO, die Opfer in der Türkei begutachtet haben, kommen zu dem Schluss, dass die Menschen in dem Ort mit Sarin oder einem anderen Nervengas getötet wurden. Bislang gibt es keinen Hinweis darauf, dass die Rebellen diese Kampfstoffe besitzen.
Videos and photographs showed victims with symptoms consistent with severe exposure to a nerve agent or some other deadly substance. The videos, shared by activists and residents, showed children and older people gasping and struggling to breathe. Here, a child is treated in the town of Khan Sheikhoun. Medical workers and witnesses said that chlorine attacks, which have become frequent in northern Syria, usually kill just a few people, often those trapped in an enclosed space, and the gas dissipates quickly. This time, they saw people collapsing outdoors, in much larger numbers, and dozens of people died. Some lay motionless in the mud as rescue workers ripped off victims’ clothes and hosed them down. Witnesses said the gas was delivered by a government airstrike. The attacks raised the possibility that the Syrian government used a banned nerve agent, like sarin, after it agreed in 2013 to eliminate its chemical weapons program. In this attack, the symptoms included pupils reduced to pencil-point dots, a marker associated with exposure to nerve agents. One doctor posted evidence of what he was seeing. Other victims were seen foaming at this mouth, another possible symptom of nerve-agent exposure.
“Sarin gas metabolite, isopropyl methylphosphonic acid, has been detected in blood and urine samples of the Syrian victims Sait Huseyin, Esme al-Hasan, Mohamed Avat and Ahmed al-Salih, who is still getting medical treatment in Hatay,” Akdag told Anadolu Agency. Akdag said the evidence had been confirmed by the Public Health Institution’s Chemical Warfare Agents Diagnosis and Verification Laboratory. “Our laboratories identified the metabolite of this chemical warfare agent, sarin gas, in the urine of a Syrian citizen, Sait Hussein, who lost his life, by using two different methods,” he said. “Our laboratory made the detection in accordance with the standards of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, confirming that sarin gas was used in Syria.” 11.04.2017
Bei dem Angriff auf den syrischen Ort Chan Scheichun ist nach Angaben von Experten "unbestreitbar" das Nervengas Sarin oder eine ähnliche Substanz eingesetzt worden. Dies habe die Analyse von Proben von zehn Opfern des Angriffs ergeben, teilte die Organisation für das Verbot von Chemiewaffen (OPCW) am Mittwoch in Den Haag mit.
OPCW Director-General Shares Incontrovertible Laboratory Results Concluding Exposure to Sarin
A fact-finding mission in Syria has found evidence of sulfur mustard in samples taken from an alleged attack on 16 September 2016, while samples from a 4 April incident have revealed exposure to sarin or a sarin-like substance, the United Nations disarmament chief told the Security Council today. 23.05.2017
Auch fehlt bis heute jede Spur von 2000 speziellen Bombenkörpern, die für den Einsatz von Chemiewaffen konstruiert worden waren. ... Sarin wird kurz vor dem Einsatz aus zwei Komponenten gemischt ... Die "vorliegenden Informationen bezüglich der Natur, Qualität und Menge der Kampfstoffe" zeigten, dass die "Verantwortlichen wahrscheinlich Zugang zum Chemiewaffen-Arsenal der syrischen Armee hatten" und über das Wissen und die Ausrüstung verfügt hätten, sicher große Mengen Chemiewaffen zu handhaben - ein Verweis darauf, dass Sarin in aller Regel erst kurz vor dem Einsatz aus zwei Komponenten zusammengemischt wird. ... Der Guardian-Journalist Kareem Shaheen, dem es am Donnerstag gelungen war, nach Khan Scheikhun zu kommen, fand zwar die Spuren der Einschläge des Angriffs. Die bombardierten Gebäude, eine Lagerhalle und Getreidesilos, seien aber leer und dem Augenschein nach schon lange nicht mehr genutzt worden. Keine Spur von einem Chemiewaffen-Labor.
Suriye'nin İdlib ilinin Han Şeyhun bölgesinde Beşşar Esed rejiminin kimyasal silah saldırısı düzenlediği bölge, AA tarafından havadan görüntülendi. Vurulan noktanın hububat silosu olduğu, görüntülerde daha net şekilde farkediliyor.
Suriye'de Esed rejiminin düzenlediği kimyasal silah saldırısından kurtulan siviller, Türkiye sınırına yakın bir kampa göç etti. Mağdurlar, vurulan yerde yalnızca boş hububat siloları ve bir fırın olduğunu anlattı.
This is a video I took in Khan Sheikhoun when I visited there on Thursday, two days after the chemical attack. I've tried to show the relative location of where the chemical laced missile landed and the nearby warehouse and grain silos that were said by Russia to contain toxic gas that leaked when the place was bombed. The warehouse as you can see is empty (you might not be able to make it out in the video but there was even a volleyball net at the far end of it). The silos were similarly empty except for some soil and a little animal dung as far as I could tell from the smell. As you can see some of the silos are destroyed, but they are on the far side of the explosion. The ones closer to the explosion are undamaged, which indicates it wasn't damaged in the chemical bombing. Locals (and satellite imagery) say it was bombed a while ago.
Khan Sheikhoun: Locals flee homes after #Assad chemical attack
ARD und ZDF lassen zur besten Sendezeit Personen in ihre Sendungen, die unwidersprochen Falschaussagen verbreiten. Auf dem Rücken der syrischen Opfer werden Tatsachen gezielt verfälscht.
Lüders unterlaufen ebenso wie Seymour Hersh, dessen Ausführungen er teilweise paraphrasiert, zahlreiche Fehler. Darüber hinaus bedient sich Lüders in seinem Interview Auslassungen wichtiger Sachverhalte, um dort Eindeutigkeit zu konstruieren, wo keine existiert. ... Es war Seymour Hersh der schrieb, dass entsprechende Geheimdienstberichte vom 20. Juni existieren. Nachlesen kann man diese, anders als Lüders behauptet, nicht: Die US-Geheimdienste bestreiten, dass solche Berichte existieren. Vor Hersh behauptete eine rechte verschwörungsaffine Website Zugang zu diesen Unterlagen zu haben. Einige Beobachter gehen davon aus, dass der Autor dieser Website (ein gelegentlicher Gast russischer und iranischer Fernsehsender und ehemaliger Mitarbeiter des Verteidigungsministeriums unter George W. Bush) eine der anonymen Quellen Hershs gewesen sein könnte. ... Dem Journalisten sind – insbesondere bei der Entlastung des Regimes – viele Fehler unterlaufen, die bereits vielerorts zerpflückt wurden. Hersh erklärte beispielsweise dass die mit Giftgas bestückten Raketen aus einem Gebiet abgeschossen worden seien, das zu diesem Zeitpunkt unter Rebellenkontrolle gewesen sei. Das kann er jedoch nur behaupten, weil er einige Einschlagsorte unterschlägt und vor allem verschweigt, dass Regime-Truppen kurz vor dem 21. August in diesen Vorort vorgerückt waren. Die Mehrheit der Experten widerspricht seiner Darstellung. Auch kann er nicht erklären, dass diese Raketen von diesem Kaliber sich im Arsenal der syrischen Armee befinden und nur von diesem zuvor benutzt worden waren. ... Die Menge des in Ghouta eingesetzten Giftgases von einer halben Tonne spricht wiederum für staatliche Produktion, was die Angaben des UN-Menschenrechtsrats weiter stützt. Der einzige nicht-staatliche Akteur, dem es bislang gelang große Mengen Sarin herzustellen, war die Sekte Aum Shinrikyo in Japan. Ihre millionenteure Fabrik ermöglichte es ihnen gerade einmal einzelne Sarin-Einheiten von acht Litern herzustellen. Bis heute sind nur zwei Fraktionen in Syrien durch die UN eindeutig der Nutzung von Giftgas überführt worden. Das Assad-Regime und ISIS. Diese benutzten Chlor- und Senfgas. Die Nutzung von Sarin konnte niemandem eindeutig nachgewiesen werden. Nur vom Regime aber ist es eindeutig gesichert, dass es Sarin besitzt. Der Einsatz von Giftgas ist besonders perfide. Chlorgas etwa – dessen Einsatz die UN dem Regime nachgewiesen hat – ist schwerer als Luft und sinkt dementsprechend. Das führt dazu, dass etwa jene Keller in denen sich Menschen vor Bombenangriffen zu schützen versuchen, zu Todesfallen werden ... Doch die Debatte um das Giftgas verengt auch den Blick auf die im syrischen Konflikt begangenen Verbrechen. Hungerblockaden, zigtausendfache Folter, Massenhinrichtungen, der systematische Krieg gegen die zivile Infrastruktur in dessen Rahmen bislang fast 800 Ärzten und Krankenhausangestellte getötet wurden, geächtete Streu-, Fass- und Brandbomben – brutaler und rücksichtsloser als das syrische Regime kann man einen Krieg kaum führen. 09.04.2017
Im "Guardian" analysierte der britische Investigativjournalist und Blogger Eliot Higgins die Hersh-Texte und kam zu dem Schluss, es sei eindeutig, dass die Türkei nicht in den Giftgas-Angriff von 2013 verwickelt war, so wie es Hersh behauptet hatte. Higgins berief sich dabei unter anderem auf UN-Erkenntnisse zu dem Angriff sowie auf eine Untersuchung der "Organisation for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons" (OPCW) - welche die Einhaltung und Umsetzung der Chemiewaffenkonvention der Vereinten Nationen überwacht. Neben Fragen zur verwendeten Munition sei vor allem unklar, wie Rebellengruppen überhaupt Sarin in großen Mengen hätten bekommen oder herstellen können. Von Lagerung und Transport ganz zu schweigen. Es sei höchst unwahrscheinlich, dass die Rebellen überhaupt einen solchen Angriff durchführen könnten - selbst wenn sie es wirklich wollten. Es sei deutlich plausibler, dass das syrische Regime den Angriff durchgeführt habe. Die "New York Times" betonte zudem, Hersh lasse entscheidende Erkenntnisse einfach aus. So habe das syrische Regime das Gebiet, in dem Giftgas eingesetzt wurde, danach noch bombardiert und eine unabhängige Untersuchung mehrere Tage verhindert. Ake Sellström, der die UN-Mission zur Aufklärung des Angriffs auf Ghouta leitete, ließ in einem Interview wenig Zweifel daran aufkommen, wen er für verantwortlich hält - und forderte Belege für die These, die Opposition habe das Giftgas eingesetzt ... Auch der UN-Menschenrechtsrat kam in seinem Bericht zu dem Ergebnis: "Die vorliegenden Beweise hinsichtlich der Art, der Qualität und der Menge des eingesetzten Sarin legen nahe, dass die Täter Zugang zum Chemiewaffenarsenal des syrischen Militärs hatten - sowie die nötige Ausrüstung und Expertise, um große Mengen chemischer Kampfstoffe sicher zu handhaben."
Lüders vermengt den Artikel von Seymour Hersh mit dem von Dündar, in dem es überhaupt nicht um Giftgas ging, und webt daraus eine eigene Verschwörungstheorie. Dabei widerlegen die Fakten auch Hershs These. Die UN-Inspektoren, die den Vorfall von 2013 untersuchten, durften zwar den Täter nicht benennen, aber in ihrem Bericht erwähnten sie, dass das Gas mit Boden-Boden-Raketen verschossen wurde, und zwar von einem Hügel, der von Assad-Truppen kontrolliert wurde. Des Weiteren ist die Türkei Mitglied der OPCW seit den 70igern. Ohnehin bedarf es eines gewissen Aufwandes um binäre Kampfstoffe herzustellen. Da beißt sich die Logik in den eigenen Schwanz, vor allem wenn man das Ausmaß des syrischen Waffenprogrammes alter Tage berücksichtigt.
Wird Michael #Lüders jetzt auch sagen das die Türkei Assad diese Chemie Waffen Kontainer in Shayrat gegeben hat!? Russische Quelle:
Selbst Dündar sagt, dass Lüders lügt: Lüders hatte sich in einer ZDF-Talkshow unter anderem auf Dündar berufen und erklärt, dieser habe im Jahr 2013 über türkische Giftgas-Lieferungen an Rebellen in Syrien berichtet. Dündar sagte nun der "Frankfurter Allgemeinen Sonntagzeitung" (FAS), das sei "totaler Unsinn". Seine Zeitung "Cumhuriyet" habe damals über Waffenlieferungen berichtet, von Giftgas sei nie die Rede gewesen. 09.04.2017
Aum Shinrikyo hat 30 Mio. USD ausgegeben, um Sarin herzustellen. Die Sekte hatte ein Team von ausgebildeten Wissenschaftlern, verfügte über eine mit erstklassigem Equipment ausgestattete Fabrik und profitierte von den laschen Sicherheitsvorkehrungen im damaligen Japan. Dennoch konnten sie nur sehr wenig Sarin herstellen. Durch den Einsatz in der U-Bahn (nicht an der freien Luft) sind damals insgesamt lediglich 13 Menschen ums Leben gekommen.
Aum Shinrikyo spent $30 million, and had a team of trained scientists, top-class equipment and at least one factory at its disposal. In addition it benefited from the frankly inexplicable Japanese security climate of the time, which left the cult free to do dangerous and scary things, to purchase and stockpile ingredients and equipment and even to conduct live tests of distribution mechanisms on real victims.
Orton: „Falls es eine große Chemiefabrik bei oder in Chan Scheichun, einer eher ländlichen Stadt, gab, dann hätte das jemand vor gestern gewusst.“ Der „Switch“ des angeblichen Angriffs von einer Waffenfabrik auf eine Lagerhalle sei „bemerkenswert“ und trage zur Unglaubwürdigkeit beider Versionen bei. „Die echte Geschichte hier ist, dass sowohl Assad als auch Moskau einen Regime-Luftangriff am Dienstagmorgen eingestanden haben und die Vereinten Nationen und andere Beobachter sagen, dass alle Beweise auf einen Chemiewaffenangriff mit Flugzeugen hindeuten – die die Rebellen nicht haben“, sagte der Experte. Auch die vom russischen Verteidigungsministerium angegebene Zeit des Angriffs ist klar falsch. Demnach soll er „zwischen 11.30 Uhr und 12.30 Uhr Ortszeit“ stattgefunden haben. Ein syrischer Arzt bestätigte jedoch: „Chan Scheichun wurde am frühen Morgen, zwischen 6.30 Uhr und 7 Uhr Ortszeit, angegriffen. Die meisten Leute haben noch geschlafen.“ Um 9.02 Uhr deutscher Zeit (10.02 Uhr Ortszeit in Syrien) hatte BILD am Dienstag den ersten Artikel mit zahlreichen Bildern erstickter Frauen und Kinder online veröffentlicht. ... „Die russische Regierung wurde wiederholt dabei erwischt, wie es zu Luftangriffen in Syrien lügt und angebliche ‚Beweise‘ produzierte, die nachweislich und bewusst in die Irre führen“, sagt Eliot Higgins vom Recherche-Blog Bellingcat. „Dazu gehören Lügen zum Datum von Luftaufnahmen, dem Ort der Bombardements oder dem, was ihre Aufnahmen zeigen. Ihren ‚Beweisen‘ zu glauben, oder auf die Verlässlichkeit ihrer Angaben zu trauen, wäre völlig naiv“, so Higgins, der schon 2013 Details zum Sarin-Angriff in Ghouta aufgedeckt hatte, die der russischen Darstellung fundamental widersprachen. „Letztlich müssen wir sicherstellen, dass die OPCW (die Organisation für das Verbot chemischer Waffen in Den Haag) Zugang zu dem Standort bekommt und das dokumentiert, was passiert ist, und nicht das, was wiederholte Lügner behaupten.“
Russian #chemical weapons containers at Shayrat Military Airfield. Photo from Shayrat is from Assad's AFB. Photo on bottom shows Russian Chemical Weapons containers for compare.
On April 7, 2017 two US warships fired 59 Tomahawk missiles at the #Shayrat Air Base located in the province of Homs in western Syria. This strike was delivered in response to the recent attack on civilians with the use of sarin, lethal chemical weapon. Mikhail Voskresensky, a reporter for Russian RIA Novosti news agency, in his footage from Shayrat, captured some #Russian or Soviet containers for binary chemical weapons. The photos were taken at Shayrat Air Base to demonstrate the aftermath of the American missile strike. 08.04.2017
Şayrat hava üssünde görülen kilitli variller Rus kimyasal varilleri ile neredeyse birebir uyuşuyor.
Die UN hat bewiesen, dass Assad Chemiewaffen eingesetzt hat
Rusya Savunma bakanlığının açıklamasına göre İdlip’te kimyasal bir saldırı yoktu fakat teröristlerin kimyasal silah deposunun vurulması sonucu zehirli gaz yayıldı. Bir çok Rus gazeteci için bu tür bir açıklama tanıdık gelir. 1999’daki diğer bir ‘anti-terör’ operasyonunda Rus roketleri Çeçenistan Grozni’deki merkezi bir Pazar alanını hedef almış 140 kişi ölmüş ve yüzlercesi yaralanmıştı. Rus yönetimi alelacele bir açıklama yaptı ve patlamanın teröristlere ait bir silah deposunun infilak etmesi neticesinde gerçekleştiğini ilan etti.
After horrendous footage from Khan Sheikhoun showed children suffocating from sarin gas and relatives crying over piles of dead bodies, Russia was forced to react. ... The ministry of defence announced that there was no chemical attack but that a rocket had hit a stockpile of "terrorists'" chemical weapons, which led to the release of the poisonous gas. To many Russian journalists, this explanation sounded familiar. In 1999 during another "counterterrorism operation" (the one that brought Vladimir Putin to the presidency), a Russian rocket attack hit the central market in Chechnya's capital Grozny. Between 60 and 140 people died, hundreds were injured. The Russian authorities were quick to announce that the incident was caused by an explosion of a stockpile of weapons belonging to the "terrorists".
[Infographic] The Assad regime and chemical weapons 04.2017
Turkey invites WHO to join probe on Assad's chemical attack on Idlib's civilians 05.04.2017
On June 25th 2017 the German newspaper, Welt, published the latest piece by Seymour Hersh, countering the “mainstream” narrative around the April 4th 2017 Khan Sheikhoun chemical attack in Syria. ... as with those other recent articles, Hersh based his case on a tiny number of anonymous sources, presented no other evidence to support his case, and ignored or dismissed evidence that countered the alternative narrative he was trying to build. ... In the face of allegations of chemical weapon use neither Russia nor Syria mention targeting “a jihadist meeting site”, and described the location as a “large warehouse” on the “eastern outskirts of Khan Shaykhun”, not a “two-story cinder-block building in the northern part of town” with “security, weapons, communications, files and a map center.” In fact, the only thing Hersh’s account and the Russian and Syria account agrees on is it was a Syrian aircraft which conducted the attack. In addition to this, neither Syria nor Russia presented any evidence to support their claim. If, as Hersh claims, Russia had been observing the site with a “drone for days” then they would not only have the precise location of the site, but footage of the site.
Sy Hersh's incredible secret source 07.2017
The OPCW Just Trashed Seymour Hersh’s Khan Sheikhoun Conspiracy Theory 07.2017
Sy Hersh's incredible secret source 07.2017
Following the July 4th, 2017 publication of the OPCW fact-finding mission (FFM) report on the April 4th, 2017 Khan Sheikhoun Sarin attack in Syria, questions were raised about claims made by the veteran journalist Seymour Hersh in his June 25th, 2017 article in Welt, “Trump‘s Red Line“.
After the April 4, 2017, Khan Sheikhoun sarin attack, Hersh returned with his latest chemical weapon investigation, this time published in Germany’s Die Welt. In the article ("Trump‘s Red Line"), Hersh claimed that Russia had provided the regime with a precision bomb to target a terrorist meeting, but the bomb also incinerated a room full of cleaning supplies, which created a toxic cloud resulting in the massive number of casualties.
The problem was, as the OPCW-UN JIM report into the attack showed, this was a complete fantasy that not even the Syrians and Russians supported. Even though the body set up to investigate chemical attack in Syria showed Hersh’s scenario was complete fiction, Welt has never issued a correction, and Hersh’s response to the criticism was that he had “learned just to write what I know, and move on”.
Everybody, including the Russian Federation, including the Syrian government, have accepted that fact. Despite this, there are still some who cling to the idea that the videos and photographs taken at the scene of the attack, in particular those showing rescue works treating victims and filmed at what is reportedly the impact site, were somehow faked. There are two ideas seized upon to “prove” that the attack was faked: that rescue workers showed no signs of Sarin exposure despite their proximity to victims, and that the presence of individuals close to the impact site that show no signs of Sarin exposure. 08.2017
Deutsche Firmen an Giftgas-Produktion in Syrien beteiligt 03.2014
'Do you only care how we die?' Syrians ask why gas is the only red line,toplu-katliamlari-icin-yalnizca-kimyasal-silah-kullanmiyor.-4764h.htm
Russia and the regime are using napalm and phosporus bombs regularly
Children burned by assad regime & his allies dropping phosphorus & some idiots in the west think he's a "good guy" 06.2017
The US Military Command has declared that it was "not their intention" to render the Assad regime's Sha'ayrat airfield inoperable. The US had indirectly given the regime advance warning of the strike, allowing its prior evacuation.
Meanwhile whilst the world was distracted by damaged tarmac, 15 civilians - including two families - were killed in a US airstrike in Eastern Syria on Sunday, to add to the 80 civilians who perished in last week's US airstrikes on a school in Raqqa and mosque in the countryside of Aleppo. As on those occasions unfortunately, no "anti-war" protests were held, with Stop the War Coalition seemingly more concerned with Assad's airfields than Syrian civilians - even when the perpetrator is the US instead of Russia.
Russian-operated drone flew over a hospital in Syria as victims of the attack were rushing to get treatment. Hours after the drone left, a Russian-made fighter jet bombed the hospital in what American officials believe was an attempt to cover up the usage of chemical weapons. ... The official said the presence of the drone couldn't have been a coincidence, and that Russia must have known the chemical weapons attack was coming and that victims were seeking treatment.
Perpetrator of second largest chemical attack in Syria identified ... Colonel Hasouri is the commander of the Sukhoi 22 Squadron at al-Sha’yrat airport.
The pilot Yousef Hasouri, who has carried out the chemical attack in Idlib has been killed.
Neo-nazis and Stalinists support Assad: Neo-Nazis, Stalinists, Catholic fundamentalists and pacifists may seem like strange political bedfellows, but they have found common ground in a diffuse brand of anti-imperialism. This left-wing/right-wing alliance's online campaigning and its active support for the Assad regime have led to a lack of solidarity with the Syrian people not only in Italy but elsewhere in Europe too.
Assad hat Sarin eingesetzt, um die Bevölkerung einzuschüchtern und zu zermürben. Die Vernichtung der Bevölkerung durch konventionelle Waffen wird erlaubt, indem man sich nur über Giftgas empört. Ohnehin werden die Verbrechen systematisch geleugnet, wo es geht. Etwa ARD und ZDF lassen zur besten Sendezeit Personen in ihre Sendungen, die z. T. unwidersprochen Partei für Assad ergreifen, obwohl ihre Aussagen einfach zu widerlegen sind. Die Medien sagen, dass er Fassbomben einsetzt, weil es unzählige Videos gibt, die den Einsatz dokumentieren. Sie sagen jedoch auch, man dürfe das Land nicht der -in der Regel muslimischen- Bevölkerung überlassen. Um Assad zu stürzen, braucht man ihm keinen Chemiewaffeneinsatz unterzujubeln. Es gibt Zehntausende Videos, in denen zu sehen ist, wie Bomben auf bewohnte Gebiete abgeworfen werden. Assad setzt immer wieder Chlorgas ein, etwa um Menschen zu töten, die sich in unterirdischen Schutzräumen befinden. Selbst mit Unterstützung Russlands, des Irans -und- der USA kontrolliert Assad nur noch einen kleinen Teil Syriens. Die meisten Bodentruppen, die für das Regime kämpfen, stammen nicht aus Syrien, sondern werden von den Mullahs aus verschiedenen Ländern angekarrt, insb. aus dem Irak.
Die Cui-Bono-Frage bringt keine Indizien ans Licht [sondern ignoriert sie] ... lässt sich ein Großteil der Gewaltverbrechen nicht allein auf rationale Motive zurückführen ... Denn auch wenn Verantwortliche solcher Taten fest im Militär oder anderen Sicherheitsapparaten verdrahtet sind, heißt das noch lange nicht, dass sie rationale Interessen verfolgen: Rache, Rassismus, Paranoia, Korpsgeist, Hass, Ressentiments aller Art ... Die Kriegsführung des Assad-Regimes und seiner Verbündeten scheint aber nicht nur rücksichtslos „Kollateralschäden“ zu produzieren, sondern es auf zivile Opfer geradezu abgesehen zu haben: Die Angriffe mit ungezielten Fassbomben, mit Streu- und Brandbomben auf zivile Ziele, die gezielte Zerstörung von Krankenhäusern, Schulen und anderer ziviler Infrastruktur sind Alltag in Syrien. ... Kaum eine andere Waffe ist geeigneter, Menschen zu zeigen, dass selbst ein Luftschutzkeller keinen Schutz mehr bietet. Wenn es darum geht, in der Zivilbevölkerung wie auch unter den Kämpfern größtmögliche Ohnmachtsgefühle und Agonie zu verbreiten, ist Giftgas wohl ein rationales Mittel der Wahl.
Warum bombardierte Assad gerade jetzt "Khan shaikhoun" mit Gas ? Ist er blöd ? Oder gibt es einen anderen Grund?
It is in this military context that Assad decided to bomb Khan Sheikhoun with nerve gas on April 4. He likely sought to shatter local resistance and stave off further rebel offensives emanating from that area
It seems rather lame to have argued after the 2013 sarin attack that Assad wouldn't have done it because he was on the verge of winning, and then come back after the civil war has been raging on for another four years to make that same argument, that he wouldn't have done it in April 2017 because he is still on the verge of winning. It just has a kind of "fool me twice, shame on me" feel to it. So maybe we should start looking at some reasons why Assad may have used sarin. In past blog posts, I have pointed out that chemical weapons, while relatively ineffective against a prepared enemy force, are a preferred weapon for use in the suppression of rebellious civilian populations because it can injure or kill people without destroying property.
The warehouse was an important food source for this rebellious community. No doubt that is why it was bombed. It was left empty because the people know that if they tried to use it, it would just be bombed again.
Why would #Assad use sarin in a war he’s winning? To terrify #Syrians
Furthermore, the regime and Russia have continued to use chlorine to bomb Syrian civilians and Internally displaced people, as well as napalm, white phosphorus (or incendiary) bombs, cluster bombs, anti-aircraft missiles and vacuum bombs, among others. Russia has even bragged about the weapons it has tested on Syrian civilians.
Given this, the US’ declaration that its attack on Shayrat airbase was a direct response to the use of chemical weapons was quite puzzling. It became even more puzzling when the US admitted it had notified Russia, an ally of the regime, that the air strikes were coming.
Russland hat am Mittwoch mit seinem Veto im Sicherheitsrat eine UN-Resolution zum Giftgasangriff in Syrien verhindert. Der Entwurf sah vor, die tödliche Attacke zu verurteilen und die syrische Regierung aufzufordern, mit Ermittlern zusammenzuarbeiten. 13.04.2017
İdlib'in Han Şeyhun beldesindeki kimyasal silah saldırısının soruşturulmasını isteyen BM Güvenlik Konseyi karar tasarısını Rusya veto etti. Tasarıda Esed rejiminden 4 Nisan'daki hava operasyonları ile ilgili tüm uçuş bilgileri ve tesislerde inceleme talep ediliyordu.
İki gündür dolaşıma soktukları bir haber daha var Suriye Ordusunun açıklamasına göre Amerika Deyr Ez Zor'da İşid'in kimyasal deposunu vurmuş ve yüzlerce kişi zehirlenerek ölmüş. 2 gün geçtiği halde olayın gerçekleştiğine zehirlenmiş insanlara dair bir video hatta bir fotoğraf dahi yok. Belli ki kendilerini aklamak adına medya üzerinden acemice ve ucuz bir propaganda yapıyorlar. Fakat bakıyorsun o sıra sıra dizilmiş çocuklara burun kıvıranlar, altında komplo teorileri arayan sivriler şu üç kuruşluk dezenformasyonu gerçekmiş gibi paylaşıyor.
Russia: No information about US’ raids on poisonous materials cache in Deir ez-Zoor as Assad regime claims 13.04.2017
US-Led Coalition Denies Syrian Regime Rumors On Targeting ISIS Chemical Depots 14.04.2017
Assad setzte Sarin in Ghouta ein und setzt immer wieder Chlorgas ein.
Ist das Giftgas nur ein Vorwand für die USA, einzugreifen? Einen solchen Vorwand haben die USA nicht nötig. Sie hätten längst in den Konflikt eingreifen können, wenn sie gewollt hätten. Das Gegenteil ist der Fall. Die Regierung Obama hat wenig Lust auf einen militärischen Einsatz in einem islamischen Land, zumal Dauer und Kosten des Einsatzes schwer abzuschätzen sind. Welche Interessen haben die USA an einem Sturz Assads? Assad war für die USA und den Westen ein berechenbarer Diktator, ein Anker, der für die Stabilität in der Region gut war. Der Westen sah Assad als zurückhaltenden Reformer.
Down the Alt-Right’s Syrian Rabbit Hole. How a Chemical Attack in 2013 set the Stage for Trump’s Post-Truth Presidency, and How We Can Fight Back. 29.12.2016
Assad regime trained scientist planning UK chemical attack 09.01.2017
Assad's Mufti threatening Europe with suicide attacks;s_Grand_Mufti%E2%80%99s_threats_in_2011
the attack was carried out from two separate locations and involved 15 to 20 chemical warheads. The warheads were fired by the 155th Missile Brigade in Qutayfa, 35 km north of Damascus and the 4th Armored Division in Qasyoun Mountain, also north of the capital
Anadolu Agency (AA) reached detailed list including information about the chemical attack as well as the names of Syrian army troops who were on duty during the attack in Damascus.
According to the list of names of the Syrian regime troops who participated in the chemical attack, 155th Missile Brigade: 51,52,577,578,579 and 1097th Missile Row and technical support row to support them were resposible for the chemical attack.
The attack directly organized by Syrian regime forces was done on 21 August, 2013 at 02.45 a.m. targeting Zamelka, Douma-Harasta regions in East and West Ghouta.
The chemical weapon attacks by Assad regime were carried out by two separate centers simultaneously.
The attack was carried out with about 15-20 chemical warheads missile-rockets by the troops between 155th Missile Brigade in Qutayfa, 35 km to the north of Damascus and 4th Armored Division in Qasyoun Mountain. In the attack in Qutayfa, it is estimated that the regime used the missiles of FROG-7/Luna and/or M600. In Qasyoun, 220 mm rockets with 15-70 km-range were estimated to be used in the attack. 30.08.2013
Videos: Chemical attacks on Ghouta. Guta Katliamının 3. yıl dönümü! 1500 kişi böyle katledildi? (Video)
The Russian state-run propaganda TV channel RT’s latest hobby is recycling already debunked stories to defame Turkey.
Twice has Seymour Hersh given his outstandingly ridiculous conspiracy “analysis” as to the events of Ghouta’s 21st August attack, and twice he has been shut down with his ramblings dissected:
1st Hersh Article “Whose Sarin”:
“Whose Sarin?”
The reporter does not take into account that multiple sites, not just one, were hit with chemical agents on August 21. Reports on the day and subsequently indicated that 7-12 sites were attacked with chemical agents at the same time. In other words, whoever was responsible for the attacks launched multiple surface-to-surface rockets with chemical payloads against opposition-held towns in East Ghouta and one town in West Ghouta, near Damascus.
These attacks were immediately followed by very heavy conventional attacks.
This map, posted by activists, shows the areas hit by the chemical weapons.
A report by Human Rights Watch includes a map showing the impact sites of 12 330mm chemical munitions in the Zamalka area of East Ghouta alone.
In omitting these details from his argument, Hersh does not bother to ask who would have had the capability and the capacity to carry out such a widespread operation against multiple, opposition-held targets at the same time.
Hersh also does not examine how insurgents could fire multiple chemical warheads on opposition-controlled towns like the West Ghouta Moadamiyyat ash-Sham. That town, one of the first places that started to demonstrate against the Assad regime over two years ago, has been under a tight regime siege for over a year and is literally surrounded by key regime military strongholds. It is right next to the Mezzeh Military Airport, the site of fierce fighting between regime and insurgent fighters, and just south of the 4th Armored Division base, Sumarieh residences, and key police housing. So while it is easy to see how regime forces could fire on Moadamiyyat ash-Sham from outside the town — indeed, the regime is firing conventional weapons at the town on a daily basis — it would be practically and logistically impossible for insurgents to fire at short-to-medium range from outside the town.
One ordnance found and analysed by the UN team in the opposition-controlled town of Moadamiyya, West Ghouta (which is surrounded by regime military bases) was detailed in the UN report as having engravings in Cyrillic on the bottom ring of the engine.
A munition linked to one impact site in Zamalka in East Ghouta was reported as “indicatively matches one of the variants of the M14 artillery rocket”. The warhead was not observed at the impact site and was surmised to have been “either an original or an improvised warhead”. A munition linked to another impact site in Zamalka was described as “by observed and measured characteristics indicatively matches a 330 mm caliber, artillery rocket”.
there is a high likelihood based on the information given that the “former senior intelligence official” is F. Michael Maloof, a former staffer in the Undersecretary of State of Defense’s office in the George W. Bush Administration.
That selection of raw intelligence was taken over in 2002 by Undersecretary of State Douglas Feith’s office — of which F. Michael Maloof was a key member.
However, in the attempt to dismiss the report of the UN weapons inspectors, Postol — or at least Hersh’s citation of the source — gives the false impression that the UN inspectors only found and analysed a single rocket.
Higgins also counter Postol’s claim on the range of the Volcano. He says, from conversation with Postol’s co-author Richard Lloyd, that the rocket can travel up to 2.5 kilometers, putting its launch site within Damascus suburbs seized by the regime in June 2013.
In areas where they have no significant presence, Jabhat al-Nusra sometimes has small teams for networking and reconnaissance, but as far as I know, they did not have strength in the areas hit on August 21.
after carrying out the August 21 attacks, the Assad regime — primarily to avoid military retaliation and/or political setback — committed itself to a handover of its remaining chemical stocks.
While Postol’s theories gets even the most basic facts about the attack wrong and were clearly nothing more than a series of desperate attempts to poke holes in the growing body of evidence collected about the attack, Hersh relies on testimony from one unnamed source that cites the existence of a mysterious rebel munitions depot that Hersh was unable to provide a location for.
What happened
The first reported use of chemical weapons came at 02:45 local time on 21 August in Ein Tarma, in about 6km (3.7 miles) east of the centre of Damascus, and again at 02:47 in Zamalka, an adjoining district.
Using witness statements, GPS information and satellite imagery,Human Rights Watch confirmed four sites in Zamalka where at least eight rockets struck - al-Mahariq Street, Naher al-Tahoun Street in the Bostan area, near the Hamza mosque, and near the Tawfiq mosque in the al-Mazraat area.
In Muadhamiya, a town about 20km (12 miles) to the west of Zamalka, was struck by rockets at about 05:00 local time. One opposition activist said he counted seven projectiles falling in two areas - four next to the Rawda Mosque, and the other three about 500m (1,640ft) away in the area between Qahwa and Zeitouna Streets.
Meanwhile, the Syrian military is widely believed to have more than 1,000 tonnes of chemical agents and precursor chemicals, including several hundreds of tonnes of sarin, as well as the required expertise.
Using open source evidence alone it was possible to establish the following:
- The types of munitions used in the attacks.
- That both types of munitions were used by Syrian government forces.
- That the Volcano rockets were unique to the Syrian military’s arsenal.
- The likely range of the Volcano rockets.
- The likely chemical agent (Sarin) used in the attack.
- Areas controlled by the government forces on August 21st in the east of Damascus.
- The exact impact sites of several Volcano rockets in the east of Damascus.
- That those impact sites were in range of government positions.
Open source investigation provides a compelling case that Syrian government forces were responsible for the August 21st 2013 Sarin attacks in Damascus, and also clearly counters many of the attempts to blame other groups for the attacks. More information on the August 21st 2013 Sarin attacks can be found in the following articles: 21.08.2015
2nd Hersh Article “The Red Line and the Rat Line”:
Mr. Hersh does not address the physical evidence, which is summarized in various UN and OPCW documents. Sarin was used (at least Hersh doesn’t deny that fact), and the joint UN/OPCW team found physical traces of sarin, its byproducts, decomposition products, and additives in Ghouta. But the biggest fact of all is that Assad’s regime has now admitted to a chemical weapons research, development, and production infrastructure which has now been inspected and inventoried by OPCW inspectors. As a specialist in chemical weapons, one of the things I have found most interesting are the close correlations in chemistry (such as hexamine, a possible sarin additive) between the trace evidence found in the field and the inventories disclosed by the OPCW.
Who is more likely to have committed the sarin attack? The regime, which has confessed to chemical weapons production facilities (verified by inspectors) and has declared a stockpile of chemicals that match the 8/21 chemistry very well, and which has the actual weapon system used in its inventory? Or Nusra, with their alleged un-located factory, no trace of either supply chain or waste stream, and no known expert staff? Surely, Nusra would have found a more efficacious use of the tens of millions of dollars it would have cost.
In his 6,000-word article Hersh relies heavily on single, unnamed sources for each of his claims, and constructs a narrative in which the Turkish government was responsible ... Hersh makes no mention of the munitions used on 21 August ... Videos and photographs from 21 August show at least eight examples of the chemical type of Volcano rockets ... sarin is difficult to make. Anyone who claims otherwise is oblivious to both history and chemical engineering ... there is a difference between making a spoonful and enough for the August attacks, which would have needed about half a ton ... sarin is one of the hardest to make ... To make this operation work it is going to take a lot of highly trained people, raw materials, and specialised equipment, as well as a facility ... You don't turn precursor material magically into sarin: you need about 9kg to end up with 1kg of sarin. This stuff has to come from somewhere, but where? ... How do you hide all of this? The building, the supply chain, the people, the money, and the very smelly waste stream. Where are they? ... admission of the Syrian regime that they used hexamine as part of their formula, and by Syria's declaration to the OPCW of an inventory of 80 tonnes of hexamine, specifically as part of their chemical weapons program.
Using trajectory analysis it has been possible to calculate their likely launch coordinates, which, even with the two kilometer range, places them in zones where regime forces were active on August 21. ... the rockets exactly match the specifications of two known types in the regime’s arsenal — the Volcano and the Soviet 140mm M14. They are not, as Postol and Lloyd insist, “improvised”.
the fact that the delivery system used in the attacks is peculiar to the regime, or that the UN has established that the sarin could only have come from government stockpiles ... For Hersh, the fact that the DIA and the ODNI have flatly rejected his story is further proof of a cover-up. He does not explain, then, why British, French, and German intelligence services also reached exactly the same conclusion. He does not mention at all the investigation carried out by Human Rights Watch or the analyses from Higgins and the British chemical weapons expert Dan Kaszeta.
Postol dated December 28th 2013 ... This report and none of Postol’s work addresses the basic fact that only the regime has Volcano munitions.
Was the mortaring of the Homs UN aid convoy by NDF loyalists when the regime was trying to play up its committment to “reconciliation” logical? This is a regime which is juggling multiple agencies, militias and forces that are laws unto themselves. ... All of Hersh’s argumentation (both ver 1.0 and 2.0) have centred on Jabhat al-Nusra ... was not seeking intervention but positively worried about it, for fear that they would be targetted.
This one carried toxic chlorine instead of the usual TNT. The regime, like Hersh, blamed the Islamist group Jabhat al-Nusra. But only the regime has an air force; Jabhat al-Nusra does not have helicopters.
So when an attack occurred last August, employing a weapon that the regime was known to possess, using a delivery mechanism peculiar to its arsenal, in a place the regime was known to target, and against people the regime was known to loathe, it was not unreasonable to assume regime responsibility.
But video and photographic evidence prove that the rockets exactly match the specifications of two known types in the regime’s arsenal — the Volcano and the Soviet 140mm M14. They are not, as Postol and Lloyd insist, “improvised”.
As for the distance issue, the calculation by Postol and Lloyd of a range of up to 2.5 kilometers — a useful revision of the original claims on East Ghouta — is compatible with firing by regime forces on East Ghouta, a scenario for which Postol has produced no contradictory evidence.
And of course, the regime munitions used on West Ghouta did have a range of up to 9.5 kilometers.
Richard Lloyd has said, in exchanges with Eliot Higgins and others, that a range of up to 2.5 km is plausible for the Volcanoes.
Importantly, regime forces were about 2 km from the East Ghouta target areas on August 21
“A range of beyond 2.5 kilometers would put potential launch sites in an area between Jobar and Qaboun, to the north and northwest of the impact locations, that has been a hive of government activity for months,” Mr. Higgins wrote in an email on Friday.
The assumption that the warheads contained a large volume of nerve agent also helped shape another prominent analyst’s assertion that the details of the Aug. 21 attack implicated the Syrian government.
So now the Baathists are free to use any weaponry at their disposal to crush the revolution, now that they are safely within Obama’s red line.
As I’ve detailed elsewhere, this is clearly incorrect, there’s a huge amount of information linking Volcano rockets used to the Syrian military, including videos from pro-government sources, and Hersh totally ignores the use of M14 140mm artillery rockets, certainly not homemade, and documented by the UN/OPCW report into the attacks, which one would assume Hersh would have read as part of any research into a piece on August 21st.
the individual numbers sprayed on their rocket motors suggest they are being mass produced on a scale that has not previously been seen in opposition-controlled areas.
On August 31, Obama laid out the case that punishing Assad for his violation of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) was a vital national interest — but then left the use of force to a Congressional votewithout calling for an emergency session of the body, which was then in an August recess.
On September 9, Kerry suggested that Assad could simply give up his chemical weapons and join the CWC in order to resolve the crisis. This is exactly what ended up happening. With the oversight of Assad's allies in Moscow — a government with its own patchy record of semi-compliance with the CWC — Assad eventually disposed of 1,200 tons of chemical agents without a single U.S. tomahwak missile being fired.
Claims Of Opposition DIY Weapons Used In This Week's Alleged Chemical Attack
Within 24 hours of the attack, Russia — unsettled by the threat to its ally Bashar al-Assad — would try out the propaganda line that the attacks were with “homemade weapons”, implying that the Syrian military was not responsible. That line would be developed in the following weeks by the Russians, working with Iranian and Syrian agencies; by pro-Assad activists; and by conspiracy theorists. To this day, some continue the diversion that rebels must have carried out the attacks — again, on seven different sites with rockets held only by the Syrian military — on their own areas near Damascus
A range of beyond 2.5 kilometers (1.6 miles) would put potential launch sites in an area between Jobar and Qaboun, to the north and northwest of the impact locations, that has been a hive of government activity for months.
Western nations removed 1,300 metric tons of weapons-grade chemicals, including ingredients for nerve agents sarin and VX, and destroyed production and mixing equipment and munitions.
On Tuesday, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov welcomed the participation of “moderate” insurgents at the conference: he did not “rule out that the armed opposition, if it does not stand for extremism or terrorism views, could very well be represented”.
2:52 West Ghouta Soviet made rockets multiple attacks Aug 21st
The Conclusions of the Final Report of the UN Mission on the Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria:
Syria Video: Eyewitnesses Tell UN Inspectors Of Chemical Weapons Attacks (English Subtitles)
1. Chemical weapons were delivered with munitions not used by rebels.
2. The sarin was fired from a regime-controlled area.
3. Chemical analysis suggests sarin likely came from controlled supply.
4. Cyrillic characters on the sides of the shells
But more importantly the two types of rocket used - a Russian-supplied 140mm system and especially the larger 330mm weapon of unknown origin - are significant since according to both Human Rights Watch and a number of independent arms experts - these are weapons that have only been observed in use by Syrian government forces during this conflict.
But, as with all theories, without being able to explain the use of Volcano rockets in the attacks it leaves the same hole so many other theories have failed to fill. It should also be considered that a few hours later M14 140mm artillery rockets were used to attack Western Ghouta with Sarin, and based on their impact sites it seems impossible they could have been launched from the same location as the Volcano rockets. The attack on Western Ghouta is frequently ignored by people putting together these theories, for example Seymour Hersh doesn’t mention it in any of this work, claiming the rockets used in the attacks were “homemade”, clearly not the case with the M14 rockets.
– A smaller explosive type based on 107mm rockets, with a range of a few hundred meters.
– The type used on August 21st, based on a 122mm rocket (as used by theBM-21 Grad multiple rocket launcher), which had both a chemical and explosive warhead.
– The largest type, which looked virtually identical to the 122mm type, but used a 220/240mm (the exact size has not yet been established) rocket, and carried a payload of several hundred kilograms. 107, 122 and 220 mm
The 122mm type of Volcano is believed to have a range of around 2-2.5km, while a March 2014 video showing the 220 type shows it has a range of at least 2.7km.
Syria Special: Chemical Weapons Conspiracy That Wasn’t — Hersh’s “Exclusive” Dissected ... Hersh’s article is based on suspect, unnamed sources and precious little examination of the evidence — the real evidence — that has accumulated since August 21. ... there is a high likelihood based on the information given that the “former senior intelligence official” is F. Michael Maloof
Yossef Bodansky ... F. Michael Maloof ... Hersh’s specific claims of a Turkish-insurgency conspiracy rest on two — and only two — unnamed sources. Neither person, like the members of VIPS and F. Michael Maloof, is currently employed by the US Government. (10.04.2015)
Maloof and Wurmser gave their findings to the Bush Administration, which used them to claim that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and ties to terrorism. Neither claim has shown to be true ... David Wurmser ... served as Middle East Adviser to former US Vice President Dick Cheney ... at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI). ... Wurmser's wife, Dr. Meyrav Wurmser, co-founded the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).
Hersh 21 Ağustos’ta kullanılan ve de saldırıların anlaşılması için kilit bir noktada bulunan mühimmattan hiç söz etmemektedir. Democracy Now’daki bir röportajında Hersh, bu silâhların el yapımı olduğunu ve de Suriye’nin cephaneliğinde bulunmadığını dile getirmektedir. Bu iddiaların ikisi de yanlıştır.
21 Ağustos’ta iki çeşit mühimmat kullanılmıştı ve bu iki mühimmatın ikisi de sarin gazının yayılımı ile ilişkilendirilmektedir. Bunların her ikisi de AB ve OPCW (Kimyasal Silahların Yasaklanması Örgütü) tarafından kayıt altına alındı. Bu iki maddenin sarin gazı olduğuna dair pozitif işaretler verdiler. Bir tanesi Sovyet devrinden kalma M14 140mm bir topçu roketiydi ve kesinlikle “ev yapımı” bir mühimmat değildi. İkincisi de büyük ölçüde bilinmeyen bir mühimmattı.
Peki ya Hersh’in, Türkiye’nin, El Kaide’ye bağlı Nusra Cephesi’ne Halep’te sarin üretmesi için yardım ettiği iddiasına ne demeli? Burada yedi noktaya değinmek gerekmektedir: üretimin zorluğu, nicelik, silah seçimi, ekonomi, lojistik, saklama ve de üretilen şeyin kendine has özellikleri.
Birincisi sarin, üretimi zor olan bir gazdır. Bunun aksini iddia eden her kim olursa olsun hem tarihten hem de kimyadan bîhaberdir. Almanya, ABD ve eski Sovyetler Birliği sarin üretimini geliştirmek için senelerini harcadılar. Sarin üretimi bir dizi karmaşık adımı
ADANA’DA bombalı eylem hazırlığında oldukları iddiasıyla yakalanan El Kaide örgütünün El Nusra Cephesi üyesi 12 zanlıdan 5’i tutuklanırken, ele geçirildiği iddia edilen sarin gazının antifiriz olduğu ortaya çıktı. Bomba imalatçısı olduğu ve bomba için kimyasal madde satın almak istediği iddia edilen ve tutuklanan Suriye H.Q.’nün bu kimyasal maddelerle Suriye’deki keskin nişancıların hedeflerini görmelerini engellemek için sis bombası yapmayı planladığı ortaya çıktı.
Eren Erdem: Republic prosecutor of Adana, Mehmet Arıkan, made an operation ... The phone recordings in the indictment showed all the details ... Erdem said that ... Turkish Mechanical and Chemical Industry Corporation was also involved .
Sarin ist ein hochtoxischer Kampfstoff, der schon in geringsten Mengen das vegetative Nervensystem angreift und zu einem Kollaps der Organe führt. Das Nervengift ist zwar mit einfachen Grundsubstanzen wie Chloriden und Phosphaten herzustellen, aber die Herstellung sowie Lagerung selbst erfordert ein gewisses Maß an Know-how, da die Substanz hochtoxisch und flüchtig ist sowie die Befüllung von Granaten oder Raketen sich extrem schwierig gestaltet. Darüber hinaus hängt die Haltbarkeit von Sarin an den Bedingungen der Herstellung ab, muss also immer wieder nachproduziert werden. Chemiewaffen-Experten wie Ralf Trapp oder John Hart vom Internationalen Friedensforschungsinstitut SIPRI in Stockholm halten es daher für recht wage, dass die Milizen in der Lage sind, dieses Nervengift selbst herzustellen. Der syrische UN-Gesandte erklärte Ende 2013, dass die Milizen die selben Grundstoffe dazu verwenden würden, weißen Rauch nachzuahmen und so die syrische Regierung damit zu belasten, Nervengas eingesetzt zu haben. ...
Sieben der Verhafteten seien nach ausgiebigem Verhör wieder freigelassen worden, fünf, darunter auch der syrische Staatsbürger in Untersuchungshaft genommen worden. Später sollen auch vier der fünf Untersuchungshäftlinge auf Beschwerdeanträge hin vom Haftrichter per Auflagen freigelassen worden, nur der syrische Staatsbürger sei weiterhin in Untersuchungshaft geblieben. Trotz der geringen Verdachtsmomente und Beweise habe die Staatsanwaltschaft am 22. Juli 2013 Anklage erhoben, was laut Generalstaatsanwalt Mehmet Arıkan die Verdächtigungen von Eren Erdem entkräften. Am 30. Dezember 2013 soll das Gericht in Adana am ersten Verhandlungstag, aufgrund der geringen Beweise und auf Beschwerde von Hayyam Kasap, den Angeklagten gegen Auflagen freigelassen haben. Kasap setzte sich daraufhin vermutlich ab. In Abwesenheit wurde Kasap nur aufgrund terroristischer Aktivitäten im Land Ende 2015 zu 12 Jahren Haft verurteilt. 06.04.2017
Suriyeli şüphelinin temin ettiği bir kimyasal madde tespit edilemediği gibi Türkiye'den Suriye'ye sevkıyat yapıldığına ilişkin de tek bir bulgu yok. Erdem'in iddialarına Başsavcı vekili Arıkan da yanıt verdi. Basın mensuplarına konuyla ilgili açıklama yapan Arıkan, "Türkiye Cumhuriyeti devleti insanlık dışı bir suçun içinde gösterilmeye çalışılıyor. Bırakın kimyasal maddeyi, numunesi dahi ele geçirilemedi" dedi.
Soruşturma sırasında şüphelilerin, temin etmeye çalıştığı kimyasal maddelerden herhangi birinin numunesini dahi temin edemedikleri anlaşılmış, yapılan aramalarda da elle çizilmiş bazı düzenek ve krokiler, az miktarda antifriz ve belgeler dışında herhangi bir kimyasal madde ele geçirilememiştir.,631.html
Mahkeme kararinda saniklarin sarin gazi iddialarindan beraat ettikleri, Qassap'in terör örgütü üyeliginden dolayi hapis cezasina carptirildigi belirtiliyor.
“9. Ağır Ceza Mahkemesi’nin 29.12.2015 günü kararı çıkan 2015/29 esas sayılı dosyasında ile ‘Terör Örgütlerine Silah Sağlamaya Teşebbüs’ suçundan cezalandırılmaları istemiyle açılan kamu davasında yargılanan sanıklar Halit Usta, Bekir Karaoğlan, Halit Ünalkaya, Hytham Qassap, İbrahim Akça ve Raif Ay hakkında, eylemlerinin hazırlık faaliyetleri kapsamında kaldığı, suça teşebbüs aşamasına dahi geçilmemiş olduğu, bizatihi suç teşkil edecek kimyasal zehirli gaz olabilecek herhangi bir madde ve eşyanın elde edilememesi nedeniyle Ceza Muhakemeleri Kanunu’nun 223/2-a maddesi gereğince beraatlerine karar verilmiştir.
Sanık Hytham Qassap hakkında ise, bu suç dışında, terör örgütü El Kaide ile bağlantılı El Nusra silahlı terör örgütü üyesi olduğundan bahisle Türk Ceza Kanunu’nun 314/2 ve 3713 Sayılı Terörle Mücadele Kanunu’nun 5/1 maddesi gereğince ‘Silahlı Terör Örgütüne Üye Olmak’ suçundan 12 yıl hapis cezası verilmiştir.” 30.12.2015
Mahkeme heyeti, Hytham Qassap'a "Terör örgütüne üye olmak" suçundan 12 yıl hapis cezası verdi. Diğer sanıklar Ay, Karaoğlan, Usta, Ünalkaya ve Akça ise "suçun hazırlık safhasında kaldığı ve kanunda bu durumun suç kabul edilmediği" gerekçesiyle beraat etti.
No Chemical Arms Seized ... A Turkish envoy to Russia insisted in a Wednesday news conference that suspicious materials seized recently from Syrian militants were harmless and could not be used as chemical weapons, despite Moscow's public suggestions to the contrary, Interfax news agency reported.
"The substance that was intercepted was seized," Aydin Sezgin, Ankara's ambassador to Moscow, told reporters in the Russian capital. "As it turned out, it was antifreeze, and we informed our Russian counterparts about it."
Last month, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said he was seeking clarification on early reports that al-Nusra Front rebels had in their possession homemade sarin, a highly lethal nerve agent that Washington and its allies have accused Syrian President Bashar Assad's military of using in the two-year-old civil war. Russia has denounced the accusations and pledged air defense technology and other aid to Assad. (05.07.2013)
To produce a ton of Sarin one needs an industrial effort and a factory-sized facility. However, the alleged transcript refers to procuring materials to make 50kg of Sarin. This is about one twentieth of what was needed for the 8/21 attacks. 950Kg or more is missing.
the agency responsible for this rather incoherent article is also a Gülenist property, just like Zaman ... sarin is difficult to make ... needed about half a ton ... a scale only reached by big state production programmes ... Of the panoply of chemical warfare agents available to modern science and engineering, sarin is one of the hardest to make ... it is going to take a lot of highly trained people, raw materials, and specialised equipment, as well as a facility. It would cost many tens of millions of dollars ... logistics ... precursor material ... into sarin: you need about 9kg to end up with 1kg of sarin ... end up with 8kg of waste, rather a lot of which is very dangerous, smelly and corrosive ... How do you hide all of this ... from the Syrian regime but from other rebel factions, western intelligence agencies, the Russians, and perhaps even your own people who might desert ... Hexamine in field samples plus hexamine in Syrian inventories, plus an admission that hexamine was in their recipe, seems a compelling case for tying the Sarin in the field to the Syrian regime ...
in Hersh 1.0 the dirty work was done by Jabhat al Nusra using expertise from Iraq and with a giant sarin factory in Aleppo. Hersh obviously doesn’t understand much about Syria, so he wasn’t aware of the ISIS-Nusra split which pretty much cut Nusra off from the Iraqis ; nor of the fact that half of Aleppo was run by Asad’s Airforce intelligence. Someone must have had a word in his ear, so he came up with Hersh 2.0 in which Turkey supplied the Sarin to Nusra. The common denominator in both stories is the claim that Nusra launched the attack to provoke US intervention. Fatal flaw there is that Nusra has never wanted US intervention, as they knew they would be first in line if the US stepped in, as indeed they were in November ’14. This latest Zaman version is 3.0: in this the perpetrator of the attack becomes ISIS- overlooking the fact that ISIS had no presence in Ghouta at the time of the attack. It also claims that not only the sarin but the rockets for delivering it were obtained in Turkey (a first for that one). The two Turkish politicians who cooked up the story also contradict each other – Erdem is quoted as referring to “how sarin was procured in Turkey and delivered to the terrorists” while Şeker talks about “people who smuggled the chemicals required to procure sarin” – i.e precusors, not sarin. 26.10.2015
THEN CAME the horrific chemical attacks on August 21, on East Ghouta, part of the vast swathe of working-class outer Damascus fiercely loyal to the revolution, a region where Assad had not been able to crush the uprising despite massive use of his "conventional" missiles, aircraft, helicopter gunships, tanks and artillery. And an area that he continued to attack with all these means for five days after the chemical attacks, while holding up a United Nations team wanting to get in and investigate.
And much of the left wants to believe it may have been a bunch of Free Syrian Army (FSA) people who were unknowingly transferring some containers of sarin gas from Saudi Arabian contacts in Jordan to al-Qaeda, not knowing what it was, who then had an "accident" in a tunnel, tripped over and spilled the sarin.
And apparently this not only killed everyone in the tunnel (except some who apparently survived to tell the tale), but also people scattered over 12 villages in the region (though separated by some areas that somehow weren't affected). When members of the group Aum Shinrikyo released sarin in a subway in Japan years ago, 13 people were killed, all in the subway. This time, some on the left want to believe the sarin wickedly spread out of the tunnel and killed hundreds of people over an area far and wide.
Of course, while the story sounds stupid enough already, for anyone who actually knows anything, the idea of Saudi Arabia providing chemical weapons to al-Qaeda, their arch-enemy, whose reason for existence is the overthrow of those they consider the Saudi apostates, is completely stupid; the creators of conspiracy tales ought to do their homework.
The United Nations had already sent a mission to Syria to investigate chemical attack claims earlier in March and April, 2013. After the Ghouta attack, the UN requested immediate access to the areas bombed on August 21. According to both Syrian and international sources, the Syrian regime continued to bomb the area on August 22. The government and rebel forces fought on August 23. After the UN called for a ceasefire, the Syrian regime allowed the UN team into Ghouta on August 25, which was four days after the chemical attack. There was also widespread intelligence and open source reporting prior to August 21 that the Assad regime was distributing gas masks to its troops in and around Damascus. Not surprisingly, there were no casualties of Syrian troops in Ghouta on August 21.
After completing its report three weeks later, the UN Report released on September 16 confirmed the use of Sarin gas in Ghouta, saying that it "collected clear and convincing evidence that surface-to-surface rockets containing the nerve agent Sarin were used… in the Ghouta area of Damascus."
Source: Secretary General Report of CW Investigation
Another UN Report released on February 12, 2014 noted that all evidence regarding the August 21 attack "indicated that the perpetrators likely had access to the chemical weapons stockpile of the Syrian military, as well as the expertise and equipment necessary". The inspectors on the ground also identified the surface-to-surface rockets as 140mm BM-14 rockets, which were manufactured in Russia and 330mm rockets manufactured probably by the Syrian army.
Source: Report of the independent international commission of inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic
Various reports after the August 21 chemical attack confirmed not only the fact that the Syrian regime had sarin agents in its chemical arsenal, but also the fact that it alone had the capability to launch it through surface-to-surface missiles – advance weapons the Syrian rebels do not possess even today.
Source: Attacks on Ghouta
After the UN report, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called the findings a clear evidence of a war crime.
It is also important to note that months before the Ghouta attack, as reported by Le Monde, there was evidence of the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian regime in Aleppo, Homs and other Syrian cities in March and April 2013.
Source: Chemical warfare in Syria
At the time, the Syrian regime was denied all access to UN and other international observers to investigate the claims. American, British, French, Turkish and Israeli intelligence had all confirmed the use of chemical agents by the Syrian regime.
After the international outcry in late August, the Syrian regime hastily acceded to the Chemical Weapons Convention on September 14, 2013 and accepted the UN Security Council Resolution 2118, which imposed on the regime to disclose and destroy its chemical weapons and production facilities within a set time-period. Having been caught red-handed in Ghouta, the Syrian regime had no choice but to accept a chemical weapons agreement in the middle of a brutal war. ...
one can justifiably ask why the regime did not hesitate killing more than 200 thousand people with conventional weapons in the first place. We may also ask why it imprisoned and tortured tens of thousands of people and forced millions of civilians to flee to neighboring countries. On January 20, the gruesome pictures of torture and ill treatment of thousands of people in Syrian prisons were published, showing the extent of the Syrian regime's brutality and disregard for human life.
Seymour Hersh's "The Red Line and the Rat Line" ... highly selective data to fabricate a story ... His claims about Turkey's support for al-Qaeda-related groups are not based on any evidence except the highly questionable personal testimonies and statements of "anonymous intelligence sources" ... Turkey shoulders the economic and humanitarian burden of a bloody and costly war along its 911-km border. ...
When the war in Syria got out of hand, the Assad regime wanted to peddle to the Arab world the notion that this was a war against Israel and for an Arab-Islamic cause. It presented itself as a resistance front against Israel to rally the Arab support behind him. This propaganda fell apart when Hamas, utterly shocked by the regime's brutal and bloody response to the legitimate demands of the Syrian people, left Damascus at a great security risk for itself. The Arab League rejected Asad's claims and urged him to leave. ...
Implementing an expertly designed PR strategy, it sought to position itself as fighting against Islamic radicals, crazy jihadists, throat-cutting fundamentalists and Western-hating Islamists. The PR stunt worked and is still using this tactic. The reality, however, is that the Asad regime is supporting the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) against the Free Syrian Army in northern Syria and along the Syrian-Iraqi border to divide the opposition forces. The regime is no stranger to using terrorist organizations as proxy groups; Turkey knows well of its support to the PKK during Hafiz Asad's reign in the 1990s. The Lebanese, too, know these tactics well from their own country's checkered history.
The Syrian regime has the types of munitions that we assess were used to carry out the attack on August 21, and has the ability to strike simultaneously in multiple locations. We have seen no indication that the opposition has carried out a large-scale, coordinated rocket and artillery attack like the one that occurred on August 21.
In the three days prior to the attack, we collected streams of human, signals and geospatial intelligence that reveal regime activities that we assess were associated with preparations for a chemical weapons attack.
Our intelligence sources in the Damascus area did not detect any indications in the days prior to the attack that opposition affiliates were planning to use chemical weapons.
Multiple streams of intelligence indicate that the regime executed a rocket and artillery attack against the Damascus suburbs in the early hours of August 21.
Local social media reports of a chemical attack in the Damascus suburbs began at 2:30 a.m. local time on August 21. Within the next four hours there were thousands of social media reports on this attack from at least 12 different locations in the Damascus area. Multiple accounts described chemical-filled rockets impacting opposition-controlled areas.
We intercepted communications involving a senior official intimately familiar with the offensive who confirmed that chemical weapons were used by the regime on August 21 and was concerned with the U.N. inspectors obtaining evidence.
On the afternoon of August 21, we have intelligence that Syrian chemical weapons personnel were directed to cease operations. At the same time, the regime intensified the artillery barrage targeting many of the neighborhoods where chemical attacks occurred.
The Turkish government has flatly denied claims by the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh’s that Turkish intelligence, rather than the Syrian government, was behind the August 21 deadly sarin gas attack in the Ghouta area of Damascus. 04.2014
In April 2013 Zahir al-Sakit or al-Sakat,[60] a former Syrian army general from the chemical weapons branch, said he had been instructed to use chemical weapons in caves and tunnels that are used by the FSA, during battles in the southwestern area of Hauran. But instead, Sakit disobeyed the orders and swapped the chemicals with disinfectant water he called "Javel water".[61]
After spending two months in the rebel-held Jobar district of Damascus, several reporters for the French news media Le Monde personally witnessed chemical weapons attacks on civilians in the Jobar chemical attacks, holding the Syrian Army responsible.[62][63]
On 29 April 2013, a chemical attack was reported, in Saraqib, in which 2 died and 13 were injured. The attack was said to involve canisters of white-grey powder dropped from a helicopter.[64] The injured were taken to Turkey. On 5 May, Turkish doctors said initial test show that no traces of sarin had been found in the blood samples of victims.[65] French intelligence acquired blood, urine, earth and munitions samples from victims or sites of attacks on Saraqeb, on 29 April 2013, and Jobar, in mid April 2013. The analysis carried out confirms the use of sarin.[2]
It is believed the SSRC military research center in Jamraya near Damascus, which Israel struck on 5 May 2013, held chemical weapons.[66]
On 21 August 2013, the area of Ghouta was the scene of an alleged Assad government chemical weapons attackthat caused the deaths of 1,300 people according to the opposition Local Coordination Committees and the Syrian National Council.[67]
On 13 April 2013, The Times reported that British military scientists had found forensic evidence of chemical weapons being used in the conflict, after examining a soil sample smuggled out of Syria.[68] The perpetrators of the probable gas attacks remain unknown.[69]
On 18 April 2013. Britain and France sent a confidential letter to the UN, claiming that there was evidence that the Syrian government had used chemical weapons on more than one occasion since December. Saying that soil samples, witness interviews and opposition sources support charges that nerve agents were used in and around the cities of Aleppo, Homs and possibly Damascus.[70][71] Israel also claimed that the Syrian government had used chemical weapons on 19 March near Aleppo and Damascus.[70] By 25 April the U.S intelligence assessment was that the Assad government had likely used chemical weapons – specifically sarin gas.[72] However, the White House announced that "much more" work had to be done to verify the intelligence assessments.[73] Syria has refused an investigation team from the UN from entering Syria, though Jeffrey Feltman, UN under-secretary for political affairs, said on Wednesday that a refusal would not prevent an inquiry from being carried out.[74]
A U.N. report in June stated that there were "reasonable grounds" to believe that limited amounts of chemical weapons had been used in at least four attacks in the civil war, but more evidence was needed to determine the exact chemical agents used or who was responsible. Stating that it had not been possible "to determine the precise chemical agents used, their delivery systems or the perpetrator."[75]
In June 2013, British and French authorities claimed to have evidence that Sarin nerve gas has been used in Syria, these findings and evidence have been passed on to the US government. The evidence was largely made up of samples of bodily fluids taken from individuals who claim to have been affected.[76][77]
On 13 June 2013, the United States announced that there was definitive proof that the Assad government had used limited amounts of chemical weapons on multiple occasions on rebel forces, killing 100 to 150 people.[78]
On 9 July 2013, the Russian Federation submitted the results of its inquiry into the use of chemical weapons at Khan al-Assal to the United Nations. Russian scientists analyzing 19 March 2013 attack found that it was most likely launched by opposition forces, and not the Syrian government.[79]
JIC assessed that the Syrian government used lethal CW on at least 14 occasions from 2012. Additionally concluding that the Ghouta attack on 21 August 2013 was undertaken by the Syrian government, concluding that "there are no plausible alternative scenarios to regime responsibility".[80]
Chlorgas - Chlorine
Child suffocates after Syrian regime carries out 'chlorine attack': medic 03.2017
#Damascus: #Assad regime bombed #Ain_Terma with chlorine gas this evening 07.2017
Syria regime launches gas attack near Damascus 07.2017
Syrian regime strikes targets in Hama with chlorine gas 30.03.2017
Civilians suffer suffocation after Assad chlorine attack on Harasta 27.02.2017
Dataset of Verified Videos About Chemical Weapons Attacks in Syria 13.09.2016
The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) said it has documented 139 chemical attacks in Syria since September 2013 when the UN Security Council issued resolution 2118 for dismantling Syria's chemical weapons arsenal. 20.08.2016
+18 Syria Chlorine Gas Attack on Al-Zubdiah neighborhood in Aleppo Russian warplanes dropped a missile containimg toxic chlorine gas on the al-Zubdiah neighborhood in the city of Aleppo, which led to more than 70 injured, including children, and the death of three people, including a woman and her child due to asphyxiation, according to the latest statistics. Aleppo, Al-Zubdiah neighborhood 10.08.2016 (Bashar Assad Crimes Archive - 11.08.2016)
'Revenge gas attack' near site of downed Russian helicopter ... Hours later and activists reported "50 air raids" in the area, followed by a chlorine gas and barrel bomb attack. 02.08.2016
Assad regime accused of 35 chlorine attacks since mid-March 24.05.2015
Suriye ordusuna ait bir askerin helikopterin Halep'te muhaliflerin kontrolündeki semtte ''klor gazı'' içerikli varil bombasıyla düzenlediği saldırı sonucu 3 kişinin öldüğü, 20 kişinin gazdan etkilendiği bildirildi. 11.08.2016
Breaking: Civilians and doctors have reported an regime-launched chlorine gas attack in the Zebdia neighborhood of Aleppo City. Many, including children, are experiencing suffocation and other symptoms.
Turkey doesn't buy oil from Daesh
The goal behind claiming Turkey is behind ISIS was to blame Turkey for the genocide in Syria and Iraq which has been committed by Russia, USA, Iran and the colonial regimes.
Claim: Turkey purchasing DAESH-produced oil
Claim: Turkey involved in DAESH oil trade
Claim: Turkey exports oil produced by DAESH
CIA has apologised to Turkey over false allegations regarding Daesh 16.12.2016
“IS-Türkei-Öldeal”: CIA entschuldigt sich für falsche Behauptungen
Öl beschlagnahmt und illegale Pipelines zerstört:
Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri (TSK), akaryakıt kaçakçılığıyla yürüttüğü mücadele kapsamında 11 ayda Suriye sınırında, yerin altına döşenmiş 282 kilometre uzunluğunda boru hattını imha etti. 14.11.2014
Rusya'nın, Türkiye, Suriye’de IŞİD üzerinden kaçak akaryakıt alıyor” iddialarına Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri’nden (TSK) yanıt geldi. TSK, Suriye sınırında 2011 yılından bu yana 5.5 milyon litre kaçak akaryakıt ele geçirildiğini bildirdi.TSK, Suriye’de iç karışıklık çıkmasından bu yana 911 kilometrelik sınırda yaşanan gelişmelerle ilgili bilanço yayımladı. 08.12.2015
"Die westliche Route führt von den Ölfeldern inRaqqa durch West-Syrien (wo das russische Flugzeug abgeschossen wurde) zu den Mittelmeerhäfen Dörteyol und Iskenderun
Die nördliche Route geht von den Ölfeldern bei Deir- Ez-Zor im Osten Syriens entlang dem Fluss Euphrates zur Ölraffinerie in Batman, etwa 100 km nach der syrisch-türkischen Grenze. Ein Satellitenbild vom 18.Oktober zeigt 1.722 Tanklaster bei Deir-Ez-Zor, die darauf warten, beladen zu werden.
Die östliche Route beginnt im Norden des Irak, geht über die türkische Grenze (bei Zakho) und endet an einem großen Schiffs-Umschlaghafen (Pumpstation) in Cizre. Ein Satellitenfoto vom 14. November zeigt mehr als 3000 Tanklaster beim Grenzübertritt auf in die Türkei. Zwei weitere Bilder zeigen einen Teil der Strecke zwischen der syrischen Stadt Azaz und dem Grenzübergang. Auf dem ersten sieht man 240 Tanklaster auf der türkischen und 80 auf der syrischen Seite. Das zweite vom 16. November zeigt eine Kolonne von 360 Tanklastern am gleichen Grenzübergang."
Die KRG hat die Vorwürfe dementiert
Barzani'nin ziyareti öncesi Bölgesel Yönetim Başbakanı Neçirvan Barzani TRT KURDİ’ye verdiği özel mülakatta Rusya'nın 'Türkiye DAEŞ'ten petrol alıyor' iddiasına da cevap verdi. Barzani, "Rusya’nın delil diye yayınladığı videodaki yer Habur" dedi. (08.12.2015)
Sherko Jawdat, der Vorsitzende des Energiekomitees des KRG-Parlaments, erklärte am Donnerstag, dass die von Moskau präsentierten Luftaufnahmen, die angebliche IS-Öllieferungen in die Türkei beweisen sollen, tatsächlich einen Konvoi aus der KRG kommender Trucks zeigen, die in Richtung Ceyhan unterwegs seien. (04.12.2015)
Man kann auch in kurdischen Medien nachlesen, dass nordirakische Kurden die Behauptung dementieren, die Türkei kaufe Öl vom ISIS.
03-12-2015: 'The head of Ibrahim Khalil Border Security Abdullah Barzani has rejected Russia’s accusations that IS is smuggling oil across into Turkey, as no tankers use the crossing.
"Russia wants to use Kurds as a card against Turkey … In response to the recent Russian accusations accusing the KRG helping the Islamic State (IS) smuggle oil to Turkey, Talabani said, "We have responded to Moscow through Russian media and reject the rumors." He added, "We have explained that the KRG has had economic and oil-related business ties with Turkey since the 1990s."
Kürdistan Bölgesi Hükümeti Basın Müsteşarı Kifah Mahmud, Rusya Savunma Bakanlığı'nın IŞİD petrolünün Zaho-Silopi hattından Türkiye'ye geçtiği iddialarını sert bir dille yalanladı. 27.12.2015
According to the Turkish Energy Ministry’s official data, provided to Buzzfeed in late 2014, Turkey intercepted 19.9 million liters of smuggled oil along the border of Syria and Iraq between January and August 2014 alone. This is almost four times more than the amount captured in 2013 compared to same period. The Turkish government officially declared ISIS a “terrorist” organization in October 2013.
The Turkish army regularly raids locations used to smuggle oil with small pipelines, mostly composed of tubing no larger than shower hoses. For example, between September 5-11, 2014, the Turkish army intercepted a total of 12.561 liters of oil, along with 2,300 meters of pipe laid across the Turkish border with Syria and being used to smuggle oil.
Die PYD ist mit Assad, Russland und den USA verbündet.
Russland präsentierte Fotos von Grenzregionen zwischen der Türkei und von den syrischen Gebieten, die vom russischen Bündnispartner «PYD/PKK» kontrolliert werden.
Fakat Rusya Savunma Bakanlığı’nın bu iddiaları, yayınlandıktan kısa bir müddet sonra gerek ulusal gerekse uluslararası birçok kaynak tarafından yalanlandı.
Öncelikle paylaşılan haritada işaret edilen güzergâhlara dikkat edildiğinde, bu bölgelerin bir kısmının IŞİD’in değil, IŞİD ile savaş halinde olan PYD’nin kontrolünde olduğu fark ediliyor. Afrin ve Haseke bu bölgelerden iki tanesi. Dolayısıyla bu harita baz alınırsa ortaya IŞİD ile PYD’nin ortak bir şekilde petrol ticareti yaptığı gibi bir durum ortaya çıkıyor.
Ayrıca mevcut hat üzerinde bir adet rafineri var ve o da Haseki’de. Buradaki hattan da bir tankerin geçmesi mümkün değil.
Rus kaynaklarının paylaşımlarının gerçeği yansıtmadığı, paylaşılan haritanın bugünkü Suriye’yi yansıtmadığından da anlaşılıyor. Zira IŞİD’in kontrolünde olarak gösterilen yerler bugün artık Suriye’deki diğer başka güçlerin eline geçmiş bir halde.
Rus yetkililer, paylaştıkları fotoğraflarda, var olduğunu iddia ettikleri hiçbir tankerin görüntüsünü paylaşmıyor. Paylaşılan fotoğraflarda sadece dorseli tırlar görülüyor ve bunlarla da petrol sevkiyatının olmadığı biliniyor.
Her ne kadar Rus yetkililer petrollerin TÜPRAS’a teslim edildiğini söylese de, bilindiği gibi TÜPRAS bugün Koç Holding tarafından yönetiliyor ve Koç Holding Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi’ne eleştirel yaklaşımlarıyla biliniyor.
Bütün bunlara ilaveten, yine aynı tarihte, Almanya Dışişleri Bakanlığı Sözcü Yardımcısı da yaptığı açıklamada Rusya’nın paylaştığı verilerin gerçeği yansıtmadığı bilgisini verdi.
ABD Dışişleri Bakanlığı Sözcüsü Julia Mason da, 2 Aralık 2015 tarihinde “Türk hükumetinin petrol kaçırmak için IŞİD’le işbirliği yaptığı iddiasını reddediyoruz. Böyle bir suçlamayı destekleyen hiçbir kanıt görmedik” açıklamasında bulundu.
Relations between the YPG and Turkey aren't so good, to say the least, so it seems implausible," van Wilgenburg added. "It would be more logical if the Russians would suggest ISIS is smuggling oil to Syrian-Turkish controlled IS border towns like Jarabulus."
The distance between where the Russian Jets were bombing (Turkmen Mountain) and where the closest ISIS location is 130km. The left point is where we shot Russian Jet down.
Erdogan versprach Russland, dass er zurücktreten wird, wenn bewiesen wird, dass die Türkei Öl vom ISIL kauft und forderte im Gegenzug den Rücktritt Putins, wenn die Vorwürfe nicht bewiesen werden.
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan “Türkiye’nin DAEŞ ile petrol alışverişi olduğu ispat edildiği anda istifa ederim. Rusya ispat edemezse Putin o makamda durur mu?” Kremlin Sözcüsü Dmitriy Peskov, “Önemli olan bir şeyleri ispat etmek için değil, terörle mücadelede kullanmaktır.”
The quality of the products was poor, but many buyers, particularly those in rebel-controlled areas, had little other option, and typically paid a heavy premium over international prices.
Es wurden zwei Nahaufnahmen präsentiert, die vom 14. November 2015 stammen sollen. Die erste soll einen Stau elf Kilometer südöstlich der türkischen Stadt Silopi zeigen, die zweite die benachbarte irakisch-kurdische Stadt Zakho. Ein Blick auf die Landkarte zeigt: Die angeblich auf den Satellitenaufnahmen gezeigten Orte liegen rund 500 Kilometer entfernt von der Stelle, an der der russische Kampfjet abgeschossen wurde. Als Beleg, dass mit dem Abschuss angebliche Schmuggelrouten des IS geschützt werden sollen, taugen sie also kaum. Die abgebildeten Gebiete werden darüber hinaus gar nicht vom IS kontrolliert. Auf der irakischen Seite der Grenze haben stattdessen die irakisch-kurdischen Peschmerga das Sagen. Diese sind mit dem IS verfeindet.
The satellite image shown above, dated November 14, 2015, was shot in the region of Zakho in northern Iraq and shows Zakho and Turkey. However, this image in no way verifies the claims of Putin as these regions are not controlled by Daesh, but in fact Peshmerga-controlled areas. In addition, trade between Turkey and the Kurdish Regional Government in northern Iraq is still continuing under normal conditions.
Later on, Sherko Jawdat the chairman of the KRG Parliament's Energy Committee, had said on Thursday that the oil tankers shown in the aerial photos and footage presented by Russia as evidence of the alleged trade are in fact carrying oil from the KRG to Ceyhan terminal in southern Turkey.
Furthermore, KRG spokesman Safin Dzayi had said his government was saddened by Russian accusations, adding that "Russia's explanations are based on wrong sources" as it strongly rejected Russian accusations.
Urteilt man nach den Satellitenbildern von Google und der „Logik“ des Generalstabs Russlands, kauft der türkische Präsident Erdogan das Erdöl beim IS seit 2004 ein, wobei der IS erst seit 2013 existiert.
In Russia's Ministry of Defense briefing, military officials claimed to identify "the largest logistical support center" for Turkey's illicit oil trade with ISIS:
In reality, this is a parking lot for Iraqi Kurdistan trucks awaiting customs inspection:
Die Kurdische Regionalregierung im Nordirak (KRG) warf der russischen Regierung vor, mit falschen Beweismitteln gegen die türkische Regierung zu agieren. Auf Bildern, die angebliche Öltanklaster der Terrormiliz IS in Richtung Türkei zeigen sollen, seien tatsächlich Laster aus der Kurdenregion zu sehen.
"The KRG exports its oil via pipelines and tankers to Turkey for sale to buyers around the world," he said. "The Russian satellite images showed these tankers."
Zwei weitere Satellitenaufnahmen mit Orts- und Zeitangaben sollen am 18. Oktober 2015 östlich der syrischen Stadt Deir al-Sor aufgenommen worden sein, ebenfalls fern der Abschussstelle.
Auf den Aufnahmen sollen nach russischen Angaben "390 Tank-LKWs" zu sehen sein. Sollte dies stimmen, bleibt offen: Wem gehören sie? Wohin sind sie unterwegs? Denn es ist zwar längst bekannt, dass der IS die Ölfelder östlich von Deir al-Sor kontrolliert. Von dort verkauft die Miliz das Öl weiter an irakische und syrische Händler, die mit dem IS nichts zu tun haben. Diese vertreiben das Öl ihrerseits weiter, vor allem innerhalb Syriens und des Iraks. Die Tanklaster könnten also auch diesen Händlern gehören. Und selbst wenn sie dort in der Wüste tatsächlich mit Öl betankt werden, bedeutet das noch lange nicht, dass sie den Rohstoff auch in die Türkei liefern. Kurz: Die vorgelegten Aufnahmen suggerieren vieles, als Beweis taugen sie aber kaum.
#Russia'n lie propaganda shows a gas plant -not an oil refinerie in #Syria
"Rusya'nın Vurduğu Petrol Tankerleri" Yalanı
Son üç yıldır Batı ve yerli medyada yer alan, IŞİD, petrol kaçakçılığı, yabancı terörist savaşçılara ilişkin söylemler amatörce birleştirilmiş.
Rusya Savunma Bakan yardımcısı Anatoly Antonov'un yukarıda gösterdiği uydu görüntüsü, 14 Kasım 2015'te Kuzey Irak'taki Zaho bölgesinde çekildi. Uydu görüntüsü Kuzey Irak'taki Zaho ve Türkiye'yi gösteriyor. Ancak bu uydu görüntüsünün, Putin'in iddialarını nasıl doğrulayabileceği bir muamma olarak kaldı. Çünkü söz konusu bölge IŞİD tarafından değil, peşmerge tarafından kontrol ediliyor. Türkiye ile Kuzey Irak'taki Kürt Bölgesel Yönetimi arasında ticaret olağan koşullarda devam ediyor.
Kuzey Irak Bölgesel Kürt Yönetimi de, Rusya'nın Türkiye'nin IŞİD'den petrol aldığı iddiasını yalanlayan bir açıklama yaptı. Parlamentonun Enerji Komisyonu Başkanı Şerko Cevdet, Rusya Savunma Bakanlığı'nın IŞİD petrolünün Zaho-Silopi hattından Türkiye'ye geçtiği iddialarına ilişkin konuştu. Kürt yetkili, "Rusya'nın uydudan çektiği görüntüler, Kuzey Irak'tan Ceyhan Limanı'na petrol taşıyan tankerlere aittir" dedi.
Rusya Savunma Bakanlığı tarafından yayınlanan bu uydu görüntüsü de 14 Kasım 2015 tarihine ait. Uydu görüntüsü Şırnak'ın Silopi ilçesini gösteriyor. Silopi'nin hemen karşısında ise Zaho yer alıyor. Yıllardır bu bölge üzerinden ticaret yapılıyor. Zaho, Irak sınırında en güvenli bölgelerden biri olarak biliniyor. Irak ve Suriye'de terör örgütü IŞİD'den kaçan birçok sığınmacı bu bölgede barınıyor.
Russische Beweisfotos von 2004
Rusya'nın yayınladığı bu uydu görüntüsü ise, tankerler petrol doldururken görülüyor. Ancak Rusya Savunma Bakanlığı bu görüntünün ne zaman ve nerede çekildiği konusunda açıklama yapmadı. Petrol taşıyan tankerlerin nereye gittiği konusunda da bir bilgi verilmedi.
Yukarıdaki uydu görüntüsü ise, Suriye'nin Deir ez-Zor kentinin doğusunda çekildi. Rusya bu uydu görüntüsünün ne zaman çekildiği konusunda da bir açıklama yapmadı. Rusya'ya göre, bu uydu görüntüsünde 390 petrol tankeri görülüyor. Rusya'nın bu uydu görüntüsüyle ne kanıtlamak istediği muğlakta kaldı.
Bu uydu görüntüsü de, Suriye'nin Deir ez-Zor kentinin doğusunda çekildi. Rusya bu uydu görüntüsünün ne zaman alındığı konusunda da bir açıklama yapmadı. Deir ez-Zor şu anda bir kısmı Suriye'deki Esad rejiminin, bir kısmı da terör örgütü IŞİD'in kontrolünde. IŞİD'in bu bölgedeki yataklardan çıkardığı petrolü Irak ve Suriyeli petrol kaçakçıları aracığılıyla elden çıkardığı biliniyor. Söz konusu petrolün Suriye'de Esad rejimine ve Irak'ta satıldığı iddia ediliyor.
... Ein Überwachungsvideo zeigt auch, dass diese Lastwagen an der türkischen Grenze nicht kontrolliert werden. (Kann von YouTube blockiert werden)
Im folgenden Video, aufgenommen von einer russischen Drohne, sieht man angeblich, wie in der Nähe der türkischen Stadt Reyhanli völlig unkontrolliert Lastwagen die syrisch-türkische Grenze passieren.
Weder haben wir das Territorium des syrischen Grenzkontrollpunktes gesehen, noch wurde uns die Ein- und Ausfahrt an dem türkischen gezeigt. ... werden die Getreidespeicher zielgerichtet vernichtet
Orient Net can say that Russia deliberately observed the entry of trucks loaded with goods and food in of Bab al-Hawa border crossing which is controlled by Free Syrian Army (FSA) factions.
Furkan Azeri
Rusya'nın yayınlayıp ve ‘’Teröristlerin Ticareti’’ dediği Bu koordinatlar; Reyhanlı, Bambul Hava, Sarmada ve Dana gibi tamamıyla sivillerin olduğu bölgelerdir. Bu bölgelerde birçok mülteci kampı var ve 10 binlerce insan yaşamaktadır. Ayrıca Bütün insanı faaliyet, gıda, Ticaret, Hastane gibi temel ihtiyaçlar buradan sağlanıyor ve bu bölgeler Kurtarılmış bölgelerin nefes borusudur. Rusya, resmen Uyduruk belgelerle 10 binlerce sivil insanı hedef gösteriyor, buraları bombalayacağının sinyalini veriyor. Bu resmen Savaş Suçudur. Yukarda belirttiğim bölgelerde insanlar bunu anlayıp göç etmeye başlarsa bu ekstradan 100 binlerce Mülteci demektir.
Rus savaş uçaklarının Halep'teki petrol rafinerisini vurduk" diye gösterdiği yer aslında bir su arıtma tesisi olduğu belirlendi. Rusya'nın IŞİD'İn merkezi olarak kabul ettiği Rakka'da vurduğu "IŞİD'e ait petrol deposu'nun da bir buğday silosu olduğu belirlendi. Ayrıca Rus savaş uçakları İdlib'te IŞİD'e ait petrol depoları adı altında tahıl depolarını ve bir gıda fabrikasını hedef aldığı ortaya çıktı. Son olarak Rakka'da petrol deposu imha edildi bilgisi yalanlanarak vurulan yerin bir pamuk depolama fabrikası olduğu açıklandı.
Su artıma tesislerini petrol rafinerisi vurduk diye servis eden Rusya... Malesef sana inanan beyinsizler var..
Russische Luftwaffe bombardierte die Erdöldepots der DEAS/ISIS aber es waren die Weizensilos von Rakka und die LKW's keine Tanker sondern LKW's die auf ihre Mehl Lieferung warteten.
Ayrıca Rus savaş uçakları İdlib'te IŞİD'e ait petrol depoları adı altında tahıl depolarını ve bir gıda fabrikasını hedef aldığı ortaya çıktı.
Russia's Ministry of Defense claimed to destroy ISIS oil storage facilities:
In reality, Russia destroyed grain storage facilities:
In fact, Russia had to know what it was bombing, since grain storage facilities in Russia look nearly identical to the ones they destroyed in Syria:
Die deutsche Bundesregierung sieht keinerlei Hinweise für Geschäfte der Türkei mit dem IS. ... „Was wir aber wissen, ist, dass das Assad-Regime große Mengen an Öl von ISIS bezogen hat. Wir haben Beweise und wir haben Indizien, die zeigen, dass dem so ist“, erklärte Chebli.
Assad is buying oil from Daesh
Assad regime and PKK/PYD share oil revenues in al-Hasaka 07.2017
In the petroleum deal, Evro Polis, a corporation formed last summer, will receive a 25 percent share of oil and natural gas produced on territory it captures 07.2017
Kremlnaher Oligarch Prigoschin soll Syriens Ölfelder bewachen und darf sie dafür ausbeuten
The Partnership of Oil Between ISIS and the Regime
The likely answer is not much, for several reasons. First, ISIS already has a captive market. Second, ISIS was blown out of the refining business by the initial waves of airstrikes in September-October 2014. That means it’s stuck selling crude. There simply aren’t that many customers for crude outside ISIS territory.
The amount of oil being smuggled into Turkey from Syria is not enough for anyone to profit from it significantly ... there is not a lot of smugging happening of any significant volume between ISIL controlled territories and Turkey," the official said. "The volume itself of the oil being smuggled is extremly low and has decreased over time." ... to smuggle about 20,000 barrels of oil into Turkey per day it would take about 1,000 trucks ... we would see thousands of trucks going through this territory and it would have to cross several different areas of control, and at every point have to pay fees. ... "The oil is being consumed almost entirely inside areas of control of Syria and trading with the regime" of ... Assad ... US officials have said that images posted by Russia of oil tankers crossing into Turkey from Syria were dated and were not of trucks crossing the border into Turkey. (05.12.2015)
In February of this year, TIME reported on a Sunni businessman with close ties to the Assad
regime describing various forms of actual cooperation between the Assad regime and IS,
including how the Assad regime buys oil from IS-controlled oil facilities, how Syria’s two main
mobile phone operators provide service and send repair teams to IS-controlled areas, and how
Damascus allows food shipments to the IS capital, Raqqa.
Though many believe that Isis relies on exports for its oil revenue, it profits from its captive markets closer to home ... The bulk of oil refineries are in Isis-controlled Syria.
DeyriZor'da 3 petrol rafinesi rejim kontrolünde. Etrafı IŞID ile çevrili ne hikmetse 3 yıldır hiç saldırı olmadı.
Es ist das von Russland mit massivem Militäreinsatz an der Macht gehaltene syrische Assad-Regime, das am meisten von Öllieferungen des IS profitiert.
George Haswani ist ein Geschäftsmann mit syrischem und russischem Doppel-Pass. Haswani, ein Christ aus der Stadt Yabroud im syrisch-libanesischen Grenzgebiet, und seine Firma Hesco stehen auf Sanktionslisten der EU und der USA, weil er als Mittelsmann im Ölgeschäft zwischen dem IS und der syrischen Regierung tätig sein soll. Haswani hat enge Beziehungen zu russischen Partnern, mit denen er Projekte in Algerien und im Sudan vorantrieb und vor zwei Jahren eine Erdgasanlage in Zentral-Syrien baute, die inzwischen vom IS kontrolliert wird; nach Angaben der EU wird sie gemeinsam vom IS und der syrischen Regierung betrieben, die offiziell bittere Feinde sind.
Apparently, ISIS makes $1.5 million a day by selling oil, making it a strategic priority to take over oil fields and refineries in Syria.
Syria needs oil to fight these wars, and since ISIS controls a significant amount of the oil production infrastructure in the country, they are forced to buy oil from ISIS.
The U.S. Treasury Department said in a statement that it had also sanctioned three other individuals for providing support to the Syrian government, and businesses linked to them, including a Russian bank. The measures, the latest round of sanctions related to the ongoing civil war in Syria, freeze any U.S. assets and prohibit Americans from transactions with the targets. ...
The government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has also agreed to purchase IS oil, a Treasury official said last year. The U.S. Treasury said it was targeting Syrian businessman George Haswani, who it said "serves as a middleman" for oil purchases by the Syrian government from Islamic State. His company, an engineering and construction firm, was also sanctioned. The European Union sanctioned Haswani in March ...
The U.S. sanctions also target Mudalal Khuri, who the Treasury said assisted or acted on behalf of the Syrian government, its central bank, and central bank officials, and represents Syrian government interests in Russia. Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, who the Treasury said is a wealthy Russian businessman and president of the World Chess Federation, was also sanctioned for helping the Syrian government. Russian Financial Alliance Bank was targeted for being controlled or owned by Khuri and Ilyumzhinov. (25.11.2015)
In November, the US Treasury imposed sanctions on Haswani, who was also placed on an European Union sanctions list, for serving as a middleman for oil purchases by the Syrian regime from the Daesh group. The new US sanctions also apply to Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, a wealthy Russian businessman and long-standing president of the World Chess Federation (FIDE) who was formerly president of the southern Russian region of Kalmykia. (03.12.2015)
ABD Hazine Bakanlığı, Esed rejimine finansal destek sağladıkları ve DAEŞ'ten petrol almasına aracılık ettikleri gerekçesiyle aralarında Rusların da bulunduğu 4 kişi ve 6 şirketi kara listeye aldı.
George Haswani is accused of selling Daesh oil to the Assad regmine; Haswani also works for a subcontractor for Russia's Stroytransgaz
Russian Defence Ministry provided maps on Wednesday claiming to show DAESH oil is being smuggled into Turkey through PYD controlled areas. ... The US imposed sanctions on supporters of Syrian President Bashar al Assad's regime to buy oil from DAESH, including a Russian bank that financed the regime, the US Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OPAC) said last week.
Russian Financial Alliance Bank and two individuals, Mudalal Khuri and Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, who hold shares or manage the bank, are also among those who are targeted for their role in financial transactions with the Syrian government.
Esed rejimi DAEŞ'in en önemli petrol müşterisi ... Suriye'nin ana petrol sahaları, Irak sınırındaki illeri Deir ez-Zor ve Haseke'de bulunuyor. Irak sınırındaki ülkenin en büyük petrol sahası olan El Ömer'in üretim kapasitesi ise 75 bin varil civarlarında bulunuyor. Ayrıca, DAEŞ kontrolünde olan sahaların arasında Humus civarlarında bulunan Şaar, Cahar ve Tanak doğalgaz sahaları da var. 02.12.2015
Assad's government depends on the militant group for oil and natural gas to the extent that the capital Damascus “relies on gas produced in ISIS territory in the Palmyra area for a large part of its power generation,” a European counterterrorism official said. Western officials said the Assad regime has fallen behind on payments to Islamic State for the gas. They said they suspect Islamic State blew up a separate Syrian gas plant on Jan. 8 to send a message demanding payment. 19.01.2017
Oil and Gas Sales to the Syrian Regime Are Now ISIS’s Largest Source of Funds, Report Says 20.01.2017
Assad regime has resumed buying oil from ISIS’ rich oil fields in Deir ez- Zoor in the northeast of Syria. Hussam Ahmad al-Katerji, a middleman who plays the role of buying daily shipments of high qualitative oil. The oil is produced in the fields of al-Omar, which are located 65 km to the east of the city centre of Deir ez-Zoor. These shipments go immediately to the Assad regime-controlled areas where the Homs Refinery processes these oil quantities 21.12.2016
The Syrian regime has done business with ISIS from day one, just as it did with al Qaeda’s Nusra Front and other rebels who took over energy assets early in the war. President Bashar al-Assad’s point man for ISIS deals, George Haswani, was first designated by the European Union in March. The U.S. Treasury went a step further with its designation on Nov. 25. In addition to the oil deals, Treasury fingered Haswani’s engineering and construction company (HESCO) for servicing active ISIS fields.
Assad Regime Cooperating With ISIS to Provide Electricity to Regime-held Areas (08.12.2015)
Esed rejimi ile IŞİD arasında, petrol ticaretinden sonra elektrik ve doğalgazda da işbirliği olduğu ortaya çıktı. Rejimin elektriğini ve doğalgazını kesme imkanı olan IŞİD, bunu yapmıyor.
Suriye'de birbiriyle çatışıyor görüntüsü veren Esed rejimi ile DAİŞ arasında, petrol ticaretinden sonra elektrik ve doğalgazda da derin bir işbirliği olduğu ortaya çıktı.
The news agency “Anatolia” reported, a source in the Turkish intelligence which conducted the eavesdropping process discovering that a technical team belonging to the Assad regime arrived at Deir ez-Zour province (east), during the past week, in order to repair a gas pipeline in the region of "Almrieih" rural province.
Can Dündar
Can Dündar hat zugegeben, dass er gelogen hat, als er behauptete, die Türkei liefere Waffen an ISIL.
Dündar, soruya, "Benim bu yardım TIR'larının herhangi bir yasadışı örgüte gittiğine yönelik elimde herhangi bir bilgi belge yoktur ve böyle bir bilgiye sahip değilim" diye cevap verdi.
"Can Bey, Türkiye'nin IŞİD'e bomba ve eleman taşıdığıyla ilgili 'belgeler'inizden birini görebilir miyiz?"
"MİT tırlarıysa, ihbarı yapan jandarma çavuşu bile ne IŞİD'den ne de başka bir örgütten bahsediyor."
"IŞİD adı, soruşturmanın hiçbir yerinde geçmiyor."
CHP Milletvekili Berberoğlu'nun MİT tırları davasında 25 yıl hapisle cezalandırılmasına ve tutuklanmasına karar verildi. Davaya ilişkin iddianamede, Berberoğlu'nun Can Dündar'a MİT tırları görüntülerini vermesinin ayrıntıları yer almıştı.
Federal Meclis Başkanı Norbert Lammert, bu bilgileri yayınlayan medya kuruluşlarına tehditkâr, üstü kapalı uyarılarda bulunarak, bu tür bilgilerin ifşa edilmesinin kanunlar nezdinde “ihanet” olduğunu ve suç sayıldığını söyledi. ... Alman Cumhuriyet Savcılığı şu an hâlâ bu gizli bilgilerin kim veya kimler tarafından, bu konuyu gündeme taşıyan ilk medya kuruluşları olan Süddeutsche ve ARD ile paylaşıldığını araştırıyor. Çünkü Alman ceza hukukuna göre bu tür gizli bilgilerin dışarıya sızdırılması, 3 yıla kadar hapis cezasını gerektiren bir suç.
The weapons which are being used in Syria and Iraq are generally either originating from the Syrian or Iraqi army or have been brought there by USA and Russia. DIY weapons are also widespread:
Daesh captured it's weapons in Syria and Iraq
10-12-2015: 'The majority of weapons used by Daesh come from supplies plundered from the Iraqi military and mainly consist of stock designed or manufactured in former Soviet bloc states, according to Amnesty International.
Advances made across northern Iraq last year, particularly the capture of Mosul, gave Daesh access to a huge stockpile of arms that also included modern U.S.-made weaponry. (09.12.2015)
Af Örgütü'nün raporuna göre IŞİD'in Suriye ve Irak'taki katliamlarda kullandığı silahlar, Rusya, Çin, ABD ve Avrupa Birliği'ne üye ülkelerde imal edildi. IŞİD 2014 yılında binlerce Iraklı askerin bulunduğu Musul kentini birkaç yüz militanla düzenlediği saldırıyla ele geçirmişti. Iraklı güçler silahlarını da bırakarak kaçmıştı. IŞİD burada büyük cephanelikleri ele geçirdi. Ancak örgütün cephaneliği bununla da sınırlı değil. Af Örgütü'nün raporuna göre IŞİD, Suriye'de ele geçirdiği askeri üslerden de önemli miktarda cephaneliği yağmalıyor.
Af Örgütü'nden Patrick Wilcken "Silahların bolluğu ve çeşitliliği silah kaçakçılığının büyük çapta katliamları nasıl körüklediğini göstermesi açısından ders kitaplarına girecek nitelikte" yorumunu yaptı. Wilcken, "Irak'a silah girişinin kontrolünün gevşek olması, IŞİD ve diğer örgütlere zengin bir silah madenine erişim olanağı tanıyor" diye devam etti.
2003'teki Irak işgali sonrası ülkeyi 2011'de terkeden ABD'ye de eleştiriler getiren Uluslararası Af Örgütü, "ABD, Irak güvenlik güçlerinin eğitimine ve silahlandırılmasına milyarlarca dolar harcadı. Irak hükümetinin askeri cephanelikler üzerindeki denetimsizliği ve peşisıra gelen hükümetteki yolsuzluklar sorunu daha da büyüttü" ifadesini kullandı.
The Amnesty International report, called Taking Stock: The Arming of Islamic State, details how the extremist group has acquired the weapons used to tighten its grip on the so-called caliphate in both countries. The report found that ISIS is using arms and ammunition from at least 25 countries, including the U.S., China, Belgium, France, Russia and Germany. It also uses weapons from countries that no longer exist, such as the former Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia and the former Soviet Union.
At least 34 different countries supplied Iraq with weapons – 28 of those states were also supplying arms to Iran. When Islamic State (IS) took control of these areas, these weapons were theirs for the taking.
ISIS wrested most of the weapons from Iraqi military stocks after Baghdad’s forces in the series of military victories across northern and western Iraq beginning in June 2014. That’s when the jihadist group captured Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city, and acquired U.S. military vehicles and an array of internationally manufactured arms.
Alleine in Mossul erbeutete ISIL 2.300 Humvees.
Iraq’s security forces lost around 2,300 Humvees to ISIS when they retreated from Mosul last year, according to the country’s prime minister. 01.06.2015
Over $1 billion dollars worth of US arms may have ended up in Daesh, other terrorist group's hands 05.2017
Pentagon'un Irak ordusuna verdiği 1 milyar dolardan fazla değere sahip askeri ekipmanın takibini yapmadığı ortaya çıktı.
The PYD can't survive without US and Russia
PKK'ya 'gizemli' destek: Afrin'e giden tankerden anti-tank füzeleri çıktı 02.2018
#Türkiye terör örgütün #PKK'ya karşı harekat düzenlerken #ABD silah göndermeye devam ediyor. Terör örgütüne #Fişabur'dan silah taşıyan yeni tırlar gönderildi.
Man will Kurden der Diktatur einer Minderheit ausliefern und verhindern, dass die Menschen in der Region zusammenarbeiten. Die PKK destabilisiert auch den Nordirak.
PKK’nın Kuzey Suriye Örgütlenmesi PYD-YPG [Genişletilmiş 2. Baskı] PKK’nın Suriye yapılanması olarak faaliyet yürüten PYD, 2011 yılında başlayan Suriye devriminden yararlanmak istemiş, bu bağlamda karşılıklı çıkar zemininde Esed rejimiyle birlikte hareket etmeye başlamıştır. Rejimle kurduğu askeri angajman ve PKK’nın verdiği destekle oluşturduğu YPG güçleriyle, daha önce muhaliflerin safında yer alan Kürtleri tahakkümü altına alarak kanton yönetimleri ilan etmiştir. Kantonlarda PKK’nın esasen Türkiye’de uygulamak üzere teorik alt yapısını oluşturduğu öz yönetim modelini uygulamaya başlamış, mutlak otorite tesis etmeye çalışarak kendisi dışında hiçbir unsura yaşam hakkı vermeyen bir siyaset yürütmüştür.
Rusya, Halep’in PYD/PKK kontrolündeki Afrin bölgesinde dört noktaya daha konuşlandı. 05.2017
US, PYD/YPG coalition in violation of NATO treaty 05.2017
ABD'den sonra Rus askerleri de #Afrinde PKK'lılar ile birlikte nöbete başladılar. Bir tek uzaylı istilacıların Terör Örgütüne yardım etmediği konusunda tereddütlerim var.
The PYD regime is the antithesis of the political pluralism and partisan competition that is the sine qua non of any liberal democracy. Arabs, Armenians, Assyrians, Turkmens and even thousands of dissident Kurds have denounced the PYD’s one-party dictatorship, and “voted with their feet” in seeking refuge in neighboring Turkey as well as the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in Northern Iraq, both of which are defective but functioning multiparty regimes. In contrast, the PYD’s “Rojava Revolution” is the building of a one party state. ... PYD established a one-party dictatorship ... with the support of the United States Air Force, followed by even more substantial Russian military support ... PKK also seeks to establish a militarized one-party state in Turkey’s southeastern provinces ... PKK and PYD self-identify as Marxist-Leninist, with Abdullah Öcalan as their undisputed leader ... PKK and PYD combine socialism and ethnic Kurdish nationalism ... PYD has scared away tens of thousands of Arabs and Turkmen from the territories which it occupied, in what amounts to a policy of ethnic cleansing ... PYD and PKK have intimidated those Christian minorities under their rule, as evidenced by a joint statement of 16 Armenian and Assyrian organizations in the Hasakah province, condemning the PYD’s confiscation of their property, forceful conscription of Christians, and even interference in their church curricula ... PKK and PYD both persecute ethnic Kurds who do not conform to their socialist ideal type, because their ideology aims at a radical “social engineering” project that seeks to completely transform (or deform, depending on one’s perspective) Kurdish culture and identity, much as in the Soviet Union ... The PKK does not tolerate any other political organization in the territories under its influence in Turkey. 11.02.2016
Suriye’nin kuzeyinde Kürt nüfusun varlığını gerekçe göstererek yayılan PYD/PKK’nın hakim olduğu 5 temel bölgeden yalnızca Afrin’deki nüfusun tamamına yakını Kürtlerden oluşuyor. Örgüt, büyük bir Arap nüfusa ise silah zoruyla kendi hakimiyetini dayatıyor.
Kurdish population in Syria ... McDowall and O’shea predict 8%, Bruinessen predicts 8.5%, Chailand predicts 10%. Vanly, Kurdish writer, stated that Kurds must be at least 7 % of Syrian population. Geographically Kurdish population mainly lives in three separate and non-contiguous enclaves in northern Syria; namely Afrin, Kobani and Jazerah. Around 30% of the Syrian Kurdish population lives in the Afrin, 10% in Kobani and 40% in Jazerah regions. Roughly distance between Afrin and Kobani enclaves is 140 kilometers and that off between Kobani and Jazerah is 160 kilometers. Strong non-Kurdish ethnic groups populate territories between these regions and especially inside the Jazera regions also.
PYD Suriye’de kendisini desteklemeyen 750 bin Kürdü Türkiye’ye, 250 bin Kürdü de Irak’a sürdü.
Think-tank report shows PKK's close links to Syrian PYD
Claim: Only effective Force against DAESH is YPG
Holland: YPG-Mitglied festgenommen
Rusya ve ABD'nin, Ortadoğu'daki hangi örgütlerin terör örgütü olduğu konusunda anlaştığı bildirildi. (25.12.2015)
The PKK-Assad regime story: harmony, discord and Ocalan 10.04.2015
Assad regime to provide PYD with large quantities of ammunition 13.10.2016
Syrian Kurds [they mean PYD] use Russian and US support to make rapid advances 17.02.2016 Assad adviser trumpets Syrian-YPG cooperation 20.02.2016 Moscow's operation saved Syria from "being cut into pieces and becoming a part of a new Ottoman Empire" ... Syria's Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) co-chairman Saleh Muslim told Sputnik. 28.09.2016
Pentagon data on U.S.-led coalition airstrikes in Syria shows that of nearly 1,800 strikes, at least 1,200 have supported Kurdish rebels connect the self-declared “cantons” in northern Syria. (24.06.2015) ABD öncülüğündeki koalisyon güçlerinin Suriye’de 10 ayda düzenlediği bin 774 hava saldırısından yaklaşık bin 200’ü, PKK'nın Suriye'deki kolu PYD güçlerine destek için yapıldı. (23.06.2015) Vom August 2014 bis Ende Juni 2015 hatte die US-Koalition etwa 1.200 Luftangriffe geflogen, um der PYD zu helfen. Insgesamt gab es in diesem Zeitraum im Irak 2.850 und in Syrien 1.774 Luftangriffe.
Last year, the United States dropped an estimated total of 23,144 bombs in six countries. Of these, 22,110 were dropped in Iraq and Syria. This estimate is based on the fact that the United States has conducted 77 percent of all airstrikes in Iraq and Syria, while there were 28,714 U.S.-led coalition munitions dropped in 2015. This overall estimate is probably slightly low, because it also assumes one bomb dropped in each drone strike in Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia, which is not always the case.
Außerdem haben die USA unter der Führung der YPG in der Syrian Democratic Froces (SDF) arabische Stämme & Raüberbanden der FSA vereint. Den arabischen Stämmen wird eine Nähe zu Assad vorgeworfen. Die FSA Banden in der SDF dahingegen wurden vom Rest der FSA verstoßen und waren sehr kleine Gruppen. Mit Hilfe der USA haben sie in den Gebieten der YPG neue Rekruten ausgebildet und umworben. Die finanzielle und militärische Unterstützung der USA ist hier entscheidend.
Mustafa Muslim ist der ältere Bruder des PYD-Vorsitzenden Salih Muslim. Er sagt, dass die PYD nur 10% der syrischen Kurden repräsentiert und sich an der Macht hält, indem sie mit Gewalt gegen Andersdenkende vorgeht. (20.10.2015)
#Kurds against #PYD terrorism. #Syria #TwitterKurds 06.2017
Kurds against PYD 06.2017
Syrische Kurden gegen PKK 07.2017
Sie wollen ihre Dörfer, die die Terroristen von der PYG besetzt haben zurück!!! 07.2017
Berlin: Kurden protestieren gegen PYD-Terror 07.2017
Suriye Kürt Islam Cephesi Lideri Ebu Abdullah, "PKK-PYD'nin varlığı Kürtler'in geleceği için en büyük tehdittir" diyor. 06.2017
Syrian tribes vow ‘popular resistance’ against PKK/PYD: Head of Supreme Tribal Council says PKK/PYD had displaced Arab tribes and killed their members since 2013
Syria's Arab tribes join forces to retake lands from PYD terrorists
The political vacuum that was intentionally left in northern Syria (by the Bashar al-Assad regime in collusion with Iran in 2011) only boosted this process. Decades of support by the House of Assad to PKK activities in northern Syria as well as the authoritarian practices of the PKK allowed its Syrian franchise, the PYD, to grow.
Auch Russland unterstützt die PYD: Russia supports the Syrian affiliate of the PKK terrorist organization, PYD, which is trying to take control of the Azez region in Syria near the Turkish border (27.11.2015) PYD-linked groups to join forces in Syria: YPG spokesman. Following failure of US ‘train-and-equip’ program, move could be part of Washington’s new Syria strategy (12.10.2015) The Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union (PYD) plans to open a mission in Russia (20.10.2015) PYD leader: Russia will stop Turkey from intervening in Syria (01.10.2015)
With Russian air support, PYD strives to make gains in NW Syria (30.11.2015)
Russia Parachutes Military Equipment to PYD
Tarihin Penceresinden Emperyalist Rusya’nın Kürt Kartı 02.2017
Geçmişten günümüze Moskova'nın Türkiye'ye karşı PKK kartı 02.2017
'We sent them [PYD] armaments, because they are Syrian citizens, and they want to fight terrorism,' Assad tells British daily
Suriye'de Ruslar bu kez de YPG için devreye girdi. İddialara göre Rus uçaklarının bombardımanına eş zamanlı olarak PKK'nın Suriye kolu PYD'nin silahlı gücü YPG'de Fırat'ın batısına doğru ilerliyor. (27.11.2015)
On October 30, US President Barack Obama authorized the deployment of a contingent of “fewer than 50” US Special Forces personnel to assist the newly formed SDF, which is spearheaded by the 30,000 strong Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG).
Suriye'deki iç savaşın şiddetlenmesi sonrası terör örgütü PKK'nın Suriye'deki uzantısı PYD'nin baskıları sebebiyle evlerini terk ederek Irak Kürt Bölgesel Yönetimi'ndeki (IKBY) Erbil ve Duhok kentlerine yerleşen Afrin, Kobani ve Kamışlılı Suriye Kürtleri, yaklaşık 4 yıl önce askeri kamplara gönderilerek eğitim almaya başladılar.
Auch die kurdische Regierung im Nordirak kämpft gegen die PKK. "Irak. Kurdenmiliz kämpft offenbar mit deutschen Waffen gegen Jesiden" [sic] "seit Kurzem kämpfen Teile der Peschmerga gegen die Jesiden." [gegen die Jesiden und nicht etwa gegen die PKK-Miliz?] 03.2017
YPG: Foreign volunteers vow Turkish 'revolution' 05.2017
PPKK’nın Suriye kolu PYD/YPG ve Deyrezzur Askeri Konseyi, geçtiğimiz iki gün içerisinde 12 ve Nisan ayı boyunca 55 üyesini kaybettiğini duyurdu. Daeş’e karşı savaşta öldürülen 55 YPG teröristin yarısının Suriyeli. 05.2017
Esed PYD ile Türkiye sınırını ele geçirmek istiyor 05.2017
Eski ABD Ulusal Güvenlik Konseyi yetkililerinden ve Washington merkezli Hudson Enstitüsü uzmanı Michael Doran, ABD yönetiminin Suriye'de terör örgütü PYD/PKK'ya silah vermesinin hatalı bir adım belirterek YPG konusunda Türk hükümetiyle aynı kaygıları taşıdığını söyledi 06.2017
120 trucks containing military equipment arrived in northern Syrian province of Al-Hasakah, sources tell Anadolu Agency 06.2017
Rakka'ya silah
Salih Muslim hopes that Trump will stop Turkey
Photographer in #Syria finds (shock!): #YPG senior level is composed of Turkish citizens from the #PKK 07.2017
PYD leader threatens to hand over Efrin to Assad regime 07.2017
Suriye'nin kuzeyinde YPG karşıtı yeni grup: Kürt Selamet Hareketi 07.2017
#Aleppo: Video shows protests against #YPG in #Azaz today. 07.2017
ABD, Suriye'de terör örgütü PKK/PYD bölgesinde, iki hava üssü dışında 8 adet askeri noktaya sahip.
AA’s map of US bases in Syria infuriates Penatgon 07.2017
Suriye muhalefetinin temsilcisi Hakim, ABD’nin yardım kesme (!) kararına şaşırmadı: “Muhalifleri denklemdışı tutmak isteyen Beyaz Saray, barışa hizmet etmek istiyorsa önce terörist PYD'yi desteklemekten vazgeçsin.
Der amerikanische General Raymond Thomas, der Kommandeur für Spezialoperationen der Vereinigten Staaten, über die Umbenennung der Terrorgruppe YPG zu dem verlogenen Namen TDS
„ Das Wichtigste, was einem richtig vorgegaukelt wurde, war die Umbenennung des Namens unseres Partners, der YPG, zu Truppen der Demokratischen Syriens (TDS). Damals nannten sie sich „ Kurdische Verteidigungseinheiten“. Die Türken sagten mir: Die YPG haben Verbindungen mit der PKK. Wie könnt ihr mit denen zusammenarbeiten, obwohl sie unsere Feinde sind? Ich bin zurück zu den YPG-Führern und schlug ihnen die Umbenennung ihres Namens vor. Sie nannten sich Truppen des Demokratischen Syriens.
Westen rüstet PKK auf
ABD'den PKK'ya son bir haftada yapılan iki sevkiyatta toplamda 180 tır, Rakka’nın kuzeyindeki örgüt unsurlarına gönderildi. Haseke’deki kaynaklar, 22 Temmuz’da 100, dün 80 olmak üzere askeri araç gereç ve mühimmat taşıyan toplam 180 tırın, Irak sınırından geçerek örgüt kontrolündeki Haseke’ye girdiğini bildirdi. 07.2017
Avrupa’daki sivil toplum gösterilerinde ve televizyon ekranlarında takım elbiselerle poz veren hainler Suriye’de terör örgütü PKK saflarında çatışıyor.
The UK government considers updating the Foreign Enlistment Act, to prevent Britons joining non-state actors engaged in conflict abroad
Returnees from the YPG/PKK should be screened to assess if they require any further state attention, either from the criminal justice system or social services
The PKK’s deceptive propaganda on the nature of its project in Syria and its ability to recruit through its media platforms – whether traditional or social media – should be counteracted
Former SDF spokesman tells of US arming terror groups 12.2017
Russia, US coalition help Syrian Kurd's YPG seize eastern Deir al-Zor 12.2017
PYD works with Assad, Iran, USA and Russia against Kurds, Arabs and Turkmens in Syria.
a new Kurdish-Russian partnership took shape in Deir ez-Zor. In Afrin, the Russians had refrained from publicizing their partnership with the Kurds 12.2017
PKK/PYD, Assad regime make common cause in Aleppo Banners of terrorist group, regime hung side-by-side in neighborhoods of northern Syrian city 12.2017
Syrian tribes pledge support for Turkey, vow to liberate PKK/PYD-occupied regions 01.2018
"Es dauerte nur einen Tag. Dann erklärten sie, dass sie jetzt die 'Syrian Democratic Forces' seien", erzählt General Thomas, um dann noch eine Pointe zu setzen: "Ich dachte mir, dass es eine geniale Eingebung war, das Wort 'Demokratie' irgendwie in dem neuen Namen unterzubringen." Das Publikum in Colorado lacht begeistert. 10.2017,pkk156.html
Konkurs: Afrin'de güdümlü tanksavar silahları ele geçirildiTürk Silahlı Kuvvetleri'nin (TSK) kuşatması altındaki Afrin bölgesinin batısında 5 konkurs güdümlü tanksavar silahı teröristlerce kullanılamadan ele geçirildi.
Can't wait till those on the left who've been condemning Saudi policy as supporting "radical Islamist rebels" in Syria for years (incorrectly; Saudi tended to oppose pan-Islamist rebels and focused on supporting the more nationalistic oriented types) to now potentially come in defence of it (eventually); perhaps challenging the widespread notion of "Saudi being the main backing of Islamists" (and ISIS) as based on an orientalistic conception whereby a socially and politically conservative country with Islam's two most holiest mosques is "naturally" and intuitively assumed to have an interest in supporting (anti status-quo) cross-border ascendant Islamist forces. Yes, the "left wing" Kurds are obviously not the Saudis' natural allies, but any disparity between them is briged by a) the Kurds' strong ideological support by the West (in 'secular' rather than 'left wing' terms) and b) the fact that the YPG offer a non threatening alternative to Iranian militias and Sunni pan-Islamists (the Saudis/Qataris have increasingly backed off from their earlier partial support of alternatives within the opposition ever since Trump got elected). The left ain't gonna be leading any challenges to the royal family in Saudi anytime soon. Sunni Islamists like the MB could. 05.2018
Ethnic cleansing and massacres of the PYD
Die PYD ist der syrische Arm der PKK. Die YPG sind die bewaffneten Einheiten der PYD. Die PKK führt in Syrien mit Hilfe der Amerikaner und Russen ethnische Säuberungen an Arabern und Turkmenen durch. Auch Kurden wie die vom Nationalrat ENKS, die sich gegen die PKK und das Regime äußern, werden verfolgt.
1.Dünya savaşı sonrası Suriye Türkmenleri 1918 yılında 1.Dünya savaşında Osmanlı ordularının ingilizler ile yaptığı Megiddo Muharebesi ile 402 yıl hakim oldukları Suriye topraklarını kaybetti.
Tatsächlich hatten YPG-Kämpfer nicht mehr getan als – gemeinsam mit einer deutlich größeren Anzahl Peshmerga – den Geflohenen einen Korridor zu sichern und sie nach Syrien einreisen zu lassen. Zu direkten Kämpfen mit dem IS kam es nicht. Die Mär von den heldenhaften PYD-Kämpfern setzte sich in der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung durch
Allein die folgende kurze Schilderung zu den Vorfällen auf dem Sinjar Gebirge aus kurdischen Quellen sollte jedem die Augen öffnen.
Bewaffnete Truppen der PKK haben junge Jesiden auf dem Sinjar Gebirge gezwungen sich entweder ihren Kampftruppen anzuschließen oder dafür verantwortlich zu sein, dass die Flüchtlinge von jeglicher Hilfe abgeschnitten werden. Nachdem kurdische Peschmergaeinheiten, die mit einer Sondereinheit von Yeziden zusammen arbeiteten, einen Weg gefunden hatten den Flüchtlingen auf dem Berg zu helfen, mussten sie die grausame und menschenverachtende Vorgehensweise der PKK feststellen. Der Kommandeur der Peschmerga, Qasim Shasho, hat BasNews in einem Interview erzählt, dass die PKK durchgehend derartige Rekrutierungsmethoden anwendet und dies kein Einzelfall war. Darüber hinaus kritisiert er, dass die PKK jegliche Hilfe für die Flüchtlinge und auch das ankommen lassen von Hilfsgütern mit allen Mitteln verhindert hat. Darüber hinaus wird von Shasho kritisiert, dass die PKK ihre Fahne über dem Grab von Sharafaddin gehisst hat, um ihre Macht zu demonstrieren. Für die Yeziden ist dieser Ort heilig und sie würden nichtmal ihre eigenen Kampf und Nationalflaggen an diesem Ort hissen. Die PKK Kämpfer machen nur Probleme in dieser Region, beschwert sich Shasho weiter und fügt hinzu, dass es für alle Beteiligten besser gewesen wäre, wenn sie einfach aufhören würden sich bewaffnet an diesem Konflikt zu beteiligen.
Syria: PYD abducts head of Kurdish National Council ... PKK terrorist organization's Syrian offshoot PYD kidnapped the leader of the Syrian Kurdish National Council (ENKS) İbrahim Biro near Syria's border with Turkey, reports said on Saturday. 13.08.2016
Nach den ethnischen Säuberungen vor Ort, ist man übergegangen in Wikipedia die Säuberungen fortzusetzen. Inzwischen sind jene nordsyrischen Städte nur noch "überwiegend" oder "mehrheitlich" von "Kurden" bewohnt. Hier nur mal ein Beispiel an Afrin, ist aber in Ain Al-Arab oder anderen Städten nicht anders. Man muss nur die Versionsgeschichte vergleichen, schon hat man einen Anhaltspunkt und man erkennt, wie sogar die geschichtliche Demografie zugunsten einer Partei bewusst verfälscht wird, in dem man Einträge aus der Vergangenheit samt Quellen einfach mal löscht. 05.2017
Kurdische Peschmerga gegen PYD in Nordsyrien 03.2017
PKK oppression on Kurdish politicians in Syria surpasses Assad, Kurdish National Council official says ... Assad sent PKK to fight us in order to destroy Kurdish political parties. The regime has put pressure on Kurds in Rojava by cooperating with PKK and the pressure still persists", Eli added.
Saying that the PKK is the "baton in regime's hands," Xalid Eli said "PKK is not on the side of Kurds. Even Bashar Assad or his father did not harm us as much as the PKK. The Assad regime could not have changed the demographics of Rojava as much as the PKK did. 13.03.2017
In an article published Tuesday, weekly U.S. magazine The Nation claimed that starting in 2013, the YPG terror group evicted thousands of Arabs from their homes at gunpoint, and afterward blew up, torched or bulldozed their homes and villages. The article "Have the Syrian Kurds Committed War Crimes?" -- based on a six-month investigation and interviews with nearly 80 individuals by writer Roy Gutman -- undermines the YPG’s claims to be leading "a democratic, open society" in the region. ... beginning in early 2014, Daesh forces in Rojava "unexpectedly" showed up with weapons, seizing territories and handing them over to the YPG terror group without a fight. This showed a “surprising pattern of seeming collaboration” between the YPG, Daesh, and the Assad regime, wrote Gutman. "Afterward the YPG expelled the Arab residents," he wrote. ... the YPG deserting locals who tried to defend their homes when Daesh attacked. The threats and fleeing residents paved the way for Kurds to flock to Turkey. ... Destruction and expulsions from villages took place after the YPG captured them from ISIS [Daesh] without a fight ...
A report published in January 2016 by the London-based Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) said that since the withdrawal of Syrian regime forces in 2012, forces of the PKK/PYD have committed significant human rights violations in northern and northeastern Syria -- including "ethnic cleansing massacres". According to the report, the PKK/PYD has sought to ethnically cleanse majority-Arab towns under its control. Three massacres that took place in the Al-Hasakah governorate, for example, resulted in the death of 91 civilians, including 17 children and seven women, the report said. The first massacre was committed on Nov. 21, 2013, in the town of Al-Aghbiesh, where six people -- including one child -- were killed. The second, committed three months later in the town of Tal Brak, resulted in 43 civilian deaths, including one child and four women. A third massacre took place on Sep. 13, 2014, when 42 people -- including 15 children and three women -- were killed in the towns of Al-Hajiya and Tal Khalil, it says. Amnesty International released a report in October 2015 leveling similar accusations against the YPG concerning non-Kurdish inhabitants in areas under PKK/PYD control in northern Syria. 09.02.2017
the PYD has taken steps toward preventing the return of Arab inhabitants, sometimes by threats of live fire, more often by demolishing homes. Amnesty International has also reported incidents of direct ethnic cleansing of Arabs, which have also been alleged elsewhere. The chauvinistic tendencies of the PYD have been seen not only against Sunni Arabs, but Turkomen. The PYD was accused, on 23 February 2014, of massacring Arab civilians after the takeover of Tal Barak in the Hasaka Province. ... PYD militiamen fired on demonstrators in Amuda, who were demanding the release of political prisoners held by the PYD, on 27 June 2013, killing six people. The PYD were said (p. 46) to have killed seven Arabs with random machine-gun fire in al-Aghabish, a village near Tal Tamr, on 19 November 2013, and to have thereafter demolished twenty-seven homes. On 13 September 2014, PYD police forces are alleged (p. 5) to have killed forty-two people in al-Hajiya and Tal Khalil, and to have abducted twelve people from Marmeen, Aleppo, accusing them of being connected to al-Qaeda, before summarily executing them near Efrin on 29 November 2015. Anti-PKK Kurdish demonstrations have been violently quelled by the PYD. Journalists face stern restrictions in PYD-held areas. Political opponents are arrested and there is torture in the prisons to extract confessions. Aid is exploited as a means of social control. Conscription is enforced, including for child soldiers. Artefacts are looted. ... On 13 August, the head of the Yekiti Party and overall head of the KNC, Ibrahim Biro, was arrested in Qamishli by the PYD, and expelled to Iraq, told by the PYD he would be murdered if he tried to return to Syria. Thirteen more Kurdish oppositionists, nine of them Yekiti members, including Hassan Saleh, who has been imprisoned multiple times for anti-Assad dissidence, and the rest from the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Syria (KDP-S), were kidnapped on 15 August. People who demonstrated against this repression were attacked on 16 August, and further abductions of KNC members took place the next day. ... The PYD prevented an IS takeover of Kobani via massive U.S. airpower, and have been assisted with airstrikes since then ... The PYD’s sectarian crimes against Arab residents were documented after the very first operation that gave them control of Arab-dominated territory in Tel Abyad, poisoning the atmosphere ever-afterwards. Local residents reported to Amnesty that the PYD “threatened us with U.S. coalition strikes, saying that if we did not leave they would tell the U.S. we were IS.” ... Tel Abyad convinced “many Arabs that living under the control of Kurdish forces was a worse fate than supporting ISIS.” A practical example came in February, when 30,000 Arab residents of Shadadi fled into IS-held areas after the PYD took the town. ... the PYD cannot—even if it wanted to—liberate the whole country ... This notion of the PYD as the most effective anti-IS force in Syria is based on several fallacies, primary among them not factoring in the effect of U.S. airstrikes in aiding the PYD and ignoring the rebellion’s considerable—and lasting—success against IS without such support. ... encouraging the PYD to occupy Arab cities, which ratifies IS’s propaganda that there is a global anti-Sunni conspiracy and allows IS to claim to be the only bulwark the Sunnis have, granting it legitimacy 13.08.2016
The Journal notes that the PYD and its armed wing, the People’s Protection Units (YPG), have engaged in a ruthless consolidation of power within a single party, despite claims to be governing in a democratic way. This has included: heavy pressure on all non-pro-PYD media via various Soviet-style accusations of subversion; demographic engineering by a refusal to allow Arab inhabitants to return to homes or actively expelling them; forced conscription, including of children; the imposition of an ideological curriculum in schools; and the suppression and/or expulsion of all opposition. 02.09.2016
Kurdish National Council: more than 100 thousand Kurdish youth have been displaced fearing of compulsory recruiting by the party, the Syrian affiliate of Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) 20.04.2016
YPG has ordered a number of people in Ras al Ain to leave their homes as part of a demographic change policy that the militia folows. The militia informed the families : Ahmad al Ba’ir and his 10 children, Abdel Azir Mala and his family And a number of arabs to leave their home after charging them falsely for the sake to expel them. 03.07.2016
Suluk Residents Protest against PYD’s Ethnic Cleansing, PYD Responds with Live Rounds ... Activists said that militants of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) on Friday shot at a demonstration by residents of the town of Suluk in northern rural Alraqqa who demanded that they be allowed to return to their homes. ... The PYD militias have carried out ethnic cleansing in northeastern Syria, especially in Alhasaka and Alraqqa provinces, by preventing the local population from returning to their homes ... The PYD militias have employed the same policy in the Tal Abyad area, where many local residents were not allowed to return to their homes in the areas captured from ISIS in June of 2015. A fact-finding mission to northern Syria uncovered a wave of forced displacement and home demolitions amounting to war crimes carried out by the PYD controlling the area, Amnesty International said in a report released in October 2015. ... Many civilians said the PYD threatened that civilians who do not leave their homes will be targeted by the US-led coalition. “They pulled us out of our homes and began burning the home… they brought the bulldozers... They demolished home after home until the entire village was destroyed,” a witness from Alhasaka province told Amnesty. 04.06.2016
Bulldozers backed by military groups belonging to the Democratic Union Party "PYD" Friday, razing more than 40 houses of Arab residents in the village of “al-Saidia” in al-Shaddadi Rural al-Hasakah. 08.04.2016
A report published by the Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) in January said the PYD has committed multiple human rights violations since the withdrawal of government forces in 2012, including ethnic cleansing and abusing women, children and media workers. According to the report, the PYD sought to ethnically cleanse towns under its control that were mostly inhabited by Arabs. Three reported massacres that took place in four villages in al-Hasakah resulted in the deaths of 91 civilians, including 17 children and seven women, the report said. Amnesty International released a report in October 2015 that cites similar accusations against the YPG concerning non-Kurdish inhabitants in areas under PYD control in northern Syria. The report said that some YPG actions amount to war crimes and that non-Kurdish, mostly Turkmen and Arab, inhabitants of villages in the de facto autonomous Kurdish administration were forced out of their homes. 18.04.2016
deliberately demolishing civilian homes, in some cases razing and burning entire villages, displacing their inhabitants with no justifiable military grounds ... Satellite images obtained by Amnesty International illustrate the scale of the demolitions in Husseiniya village, in Tel Hamees countryside. The images show 225 buildings standing in June 2014 but only 14 remaining in June 2015 – a shocking reduction of 93.8%.
Civilians living in areas of northern Syria under the de facto control of the Autonomous Administration led by the Partiya Yekîtiya Demokrat (Democratic Union Party, PYD) are being subjected to serious abuses that include forced displacement and home demolitions. 13.10.2015
Multiple reports last week suggested that “systemic ethnic cleansing” is being carried out by forces of the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) against Arab and Turkmen communities living in north-east Syria. ... “Many [Kurdish forces’] operations were carried out, including the burning and bulldozing of houses and the confiscation of properties and agricultural machinery,” said Huda Al-Ali, a researcher with the Syrian Network for Human Rights. She obtained this information by interviewing families and witnesses in the affected provinces. ... YPG fighters evicted Arabs and Turkmens from their homes and burned their personal documents. “They forced us from our village and said to us ‘This is Rojava’,” 21.06.2015
Ossama Telcu, Aleppo head of the National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces, told Anadolu Agency that it was suspicious that the fire had started on the floor where all the land registry documents were stored, proving, according to him, that it was arson. "The PYD is the suspect because this group has always followed this ethnic cleansing and deportation policy. This act of arson will also enable the PYD to seize all the properties in Manbij," he said. ... Suriye Muhalif ve Devrimci Güçler Koalisyonu, PKK'nın Suriye'deki uzantısı PYD'nin, Halep'in Münbiç ilçesindeki nüfus müdürlüğü ile tapu sicillerinin bulunduğu binaları yakmasını kınadı.
The Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) has committed significant human rights violations in north and northeastern Syria, including "ethnic cleansing massacres," since the withdrawal of regime forces in 2012 ... the report says the PYD and the Kurdish Self-Management (KSM) forces committed major human rights violations, including extrajudicial killings, enforced displacement, arbitrary arrests and disappearances along with other violations against women, children and media personnel. According to the report, the PYD has sought to ethnically cleanse towns under its control that were mostly inhabited by Arabs. Three massacres that took place in four villages in al-Hasakah resulted in the deaths of 91 civilians, including 17 children and seven women, the report says. The SNHR said that KSM forces arbitrarily arrested no fewer than 1,651 people, including 111 children, since the beginning of the uprising in Syria in early 2011. Among them was Affan Jomaa al-Aboush, 16, whose body, which showed signs of torture, was found near a KSM military checkpoint on Dec. 17, 2014, only five days after KSM forces arrested him at his home. 19.01.2016
Assyrian Observatory: PYD Militias Shut Our Headquarters In Hasakeh 03.2017
Christian organisations mainly comprising of local Assyrian and Armenian groups in the Qamishli district of Hasakah called on the PYD to uphold human rights and abandon regulations that have resulted in the confiscation of properties belonging to Christians who fled the area. Kurdish Parties Accuse PYD of Ethnic Cleansing 08.11.2015
Hasaka Christians accuse PYD of demographic change ... sixteen Christian minority groups in al-Hasaka, located along the Turkish border, signed a joint statement condemning the PYD for seizing their property 22.10.2016
Christenverfolgung durch PKK-nahe YPG. Syrien: Christen in Qamishli fürchten ethnische Säuberungen durch PKK-Ableger YPG 01.2016
PYD ortağı Cemal Maruf katliam yaptı. PYD güçleriyle hareket eden Ceyş es-Suvar, Halep'te muhaliflerin denetimindeki Teneb köyünde 20 sivili öldürdü. (28.11.2015) AA muhabirine konuşan yerel kaynaklar, YPG'nin Rus savaş uçaklarının desteğiyle Fırat'ın batısında bulunan Cerablus kentine ilerlemeye çalıştığını belirtti. (27.11.2015) ABD tarafından desteklenen Cemal Maruf hareketinin Nusret Cephesi'ne arkadan saldırması sonucunda çatışmalar başlamıştı. ... Cemal Maruf'un, devrimin başından beri askeri üslerin olduğu bölgeyi elinde tutmasına rağmen ne bu bölgeye adam akıllı bir operasyon düzenlemiş ne de diğer cephelerin düzenlemesine izin vermiştir. (15.05.2015)
Russland bombardiert (u. a.) die Kurden, nicht die Türkei. The Russian warplanes continue to strike Jabal al- Akrad (23.10.2015) Rûdaw’a konuşan Suriye muhalif güçleri Hamza Birliği Sorumlusu Firas Ulum, “Rus savaş uçakları bölgedeki 64 Kürt köyünü yoğun şekilde bombalıyor” demişti. (01.12.2015)
UN calls for investigation into alleged YPG war crimes
Facing Ethnic Cleansing By PYD, Turkmens Welcome Safe Zone Plan
New PYD move fuels displacement concerns in northern Syria
Türkmen Alevi Bektaşi Vakfı Başkanı Özdemir, "Yezidiler için dünyayı ayağa kaldıran muhalefet partilerinden, aynı hassasiyeti Bayırbucak Türkmenleri için de göstermelerini istiyorum" dedi.
Surely the PYD's Western "leftist" cheerleaders like Chomsky will insist that Syrian Kurds lack their own superior understanding of the PYD...?
'Hundreds protest in Rojava against PYD arrest of Kurdish leaders'
18-08-2016: 'Hundreds of protesters staged peaceful demonstrations this week across Rojava (Syrian Kurdistan) to protest the arrest of Kurdish National Council (KNC, ENKS) officials by security forces of the Democratic Union Party (PYD).
Elmar Brok, Europaabgeordneter der CDU und Vorsitzender des Auswärtigen Ausschusses im EU-Parlament, erklärte, dass die PYD auf der Ostseite des Euphrat bleiben und nicht versuchen sollte, die Kontrolle über Gebiete zu übernehmen, in denen die Kurden nicht in der Mehrheit seien.
Zu 1) Wenn Sevim Dagdelen Erdogan als "Terrorpaten" bezeichnet, wie muss man dann eine Partei wie DIE LINKE bezeichnen, die FARC- Rebellen im südamerikanischen Urwald besucht, ETA- Terroristen in spanischen Gefängnissen betreut und eine Aufhebung des Verbots der Terrororganisation PKK fordert?
Zu 2) Wie kann Sevim Dagdelen derart dreist einen sofortigen Waffenstopp fordern, wenn DIE LINKE doch selbst in Waffengeschäfte involviert ist?
zu 3) "Sprecherin für internationale Beziehungen"? Verfolgt man ihre Veröffentlichungen, hat es eher den Anschein, als sei sie eine ehrenamtliche PKK- Sprecherin. Ihre Themengebiete sind ausschließlich begrenzt auf türkisch- kurdische Themen und Einsätze der Bundeswehr, die sie ( siehe auch 4 ) ohnehin nicht analysieren kann, ohne ins demagogische Nähkästchen zu greifen. ...
Al-Qamischli: PYD rekrutiert Kindersoldaten
3. Februar 2014 – Am 15. Januar 2014 wurde im Rahmen des Massenbegräbnisses für in Tall Hamis und Tall Birak getötete Kämpfer der Volksverteidigungseinheiten (YPG) der Partei der Demokratischen Union (PYD) auch der fünfzehnjährige Dalil Riyad Qasim Khalil (geb. in al-Qamischli) beigesetzt. Die offizielle Beisetzung durch die PYD bestätigt, dass die YPG auch Kindersoldaten rekrutiert.
Al-Qamischli: Staatssicherheitsdienst verhaftet Arbeiter
8. Februar 2014 – Am 24. Januar 2014 haben Mitarbeiter des Staatssicherheitsdienstes Ahmad Muhammad ʿAbbas (geb. in ʿAin al-ʿArab [Kobanî]) in einem Hotel in al-Qamischli verhaftet. ʿAbbas hatte in Irakisch-Kurdistan gearbeitet und befand sich auf dem Heimweg Richtung ʿAin al-ʿArab. Die Hintergründe seiner Verhaftung sind bisher nicht bekannt.
("Staatssicherheitsdienst"? Irgendwo hab ich das doch schon 'mal gehört...? )
ʿAfrin: PYD entführt Schülerinnen und foltert Schuldirektor
31. März 2014 - Am 17. März 2014 haben Mitglieder des Asayiş, des Sicherheitsdienstes der Partei der Demokratischen Union (PYD), in ʿAfrin Fauzi Madschno, den Direktor der Amir-Ghobari-Schule, seinen Sohn, fünf Schülerinnen im Alter zwischen dreizehn und sechzehn Jahren sowie den Bruder einer der Schülerinnen entführt. Der Direktor und die Schülerinnen hatten am 16. März 2014 an einer Kundgebung zum Andenken an die Opfer des Giftgasangriffs auf Halabdscha (Irakisch-Kurdistan) vor fünfundzwanzig Jahren teilgenommen. Die Schülerinnen wurden beschuldigt, Haschisch zu besitzen. Am 18. März wurden alle Entführten entlassen. Fauzi Madschno war während der Entführung Folter ausgesetzt.
Ad-Darbasia: PYD entführt Familienangehörige von minderjähriger Exkämpferin
24. April 2014 – Am 8. April 2014 hat die fünfzehnjährige Hanan Farhad Hadsch Yunis die Volksverteidigungseinheiten (YPG) der Partei der Demokratischen Union (PYD) verlassen. Vier Tage später wurde zunächst die Mutter der ehemaligen Kämpferin, Dschamila ʿAli Kikiya, für einige Stunden von der YPG festgehalten . Nach ihrer Freilassung wurden Hanans Vater, Farhad Hadsch Yunis und ihr Bruder, Raschad Hadsch Yunis, von Kämpfern der YPG entführt. Bewohnern des Dorfes zufolge fordert die YPG entweder die Rückkehr der Tochter zur YPG oder die Rekrutierung eines beliebigen anderen Familienmitglieds.
ʿAmuda: YPG verfolgt ehemalige Kämpfer
6. Mai 2014 – Zwischen dem 20. und 25. April 2014 führten Kämpfer der Volksverteidigungseinheiten (YPG) der Partei der Demokratischen Union (PYD) Razzien in zahlreichen Häusern in ʿAmuda durch. Saʿdun Masʿud Saʿid Zali, Hatim Amki, Tariq und ʿAmir ʿAzu, Muhammad Faisal Dschamal, Ibrahim Fauaz Husain, der sechzehnjährige Muhammad ʿAbdulghani Mustafa sowie weitere Personen wurden entführt. Alle Entführungsopfer sind ehemalige YPG-Kämpfer, die sich entschieden hatten, die YPG zu verlassen.
Ad-Darbasiya: Angehörige demonstrieren gegen Zwangsrekrutierung Minderjährige
22. Mai 2014 – Anfang Mai 2014 haben Kämpfer der Volksverteidigungseinheiten (YPG) der Partei der Demokratischen Union (PYD) die dreizehnjährige Rosin Muhammad Husain zwangsrekrutiert. Am 14. und 15. Mai demonstrierten Familienangehörige vor dem Volkshaus, einer Einrichtung des Volksrats von Westkurdistan, in ad-Darbasiya und forderten die Rückkehr des Mädchens. Mitarbeiter des Asayiş, des Sicherheitsdienstes der Partei der Demokratischen Union (PYD), lösten die Demonstration mit Gewalt auf.
Al-Qamischli: YPG zwingt Zwölfjährige zum Militärdienst
22. Mai 2014 – Am 10. Mai 2014 haben Kämpfer der Volksverteidigungseinheiten (YPG) der Partei der Demokratischen Union (PYD) die zwölfjährige Fatima Salim ʿAli zum Militärdienst rekrutiert. Ein Angehöriger der Familie berichtete gegenüber KurdWatch: »Das Mädchen ist einfach verschwunden. Die Eltern sind Anhänger der PYD. Sie wurden jedoch nicht gefragt, ob sie das Mädchen zum Militär schicken wollen. Die YPG behauptet, das Mädchen habe sich freiwillig entschieden. Die Eltern dürfen ihre Tochter nicht einmal begleiten. Man hat ihnen versprochen, Fatima nach zweiwöchiger Ausbildung die Rückkehr zu erlauben, sollte sie dies wünschen.« Unbestätigten Berichten zufolge wurden gemeinsam mit Fatima weitere Minderjährige rekrutiert.
Al-Maʿbada: PYD behindert Verteilung von Hilfsgütern an yezidische Flüchtlinge aus dem Irak
16. August 2014 – Zwischen dem 3. und 8. August 2014 sind mehr als 15 000 Flüchtlinge yezidischer Religionszugehörigkeit aus dem irakischen Sindschar in den kurdischen Gebieten Syriens eingetroffen. Die meisten der Flüchtlinge, die vor Angriffen des Islamischen Staats flohen, zogen nach kurzer Pause weiter Richtung Irakisch-Kurdistan. Am 5. August versuchten Mitglieder der Partei der Demokratischen Union (PYD), Vertreter des Kurdischen Nationalrats in al-Maʿbada (Girkê Legê) daran zu hindern, die Flüchtlinge mit Hilfsgütern zu versorgen. Am 8. August kam es zu einem ähnlichen Vorfall, als Mitarbeiter des Asayiş, des Sicherheitsdienstes der PYD, und Milizionäre der Volkverteidigungseinheiten (YPG) der PYD die Verteilung von Hilfsgütern an yezidische Flüchtlinge in einem Büro des Kurdischen Nationalrats untersagten und in die Luft schossen. PYD-nahe Medien stellen die PYD und ihre Miliz als alleinige »Retter« der Yeziden dar.
Al-Maʿbada: PYD rekrutiert Kind gegen Willen der Eltern
9. Oktober 2014 – Am 20. September 2014 haben Kämpfer der Volksverteidigungseinheiten (YPG) der Partei der Demokratischen Union (PYD) den dreizehnjährigen Schüler ʿAli ʿAbdullah ʿAli in al-Maʿbada (Girkê Legê) ohne Einwilligung seiner Eltern rekrutiert. Der Familie ist der Stützpunkt bekannt, in dem ihr Sohn eingesetzt ist. Die YPG behauptete jedoch auf Nachfragen der Mutter, nichts vom Aufenthaltsort des Kindes zu wissen.
ʿAmuda: PYD stellt Leichen zur Schau
27. Oktober 2014 – Am 16. Oktober 2014 haben Kämpfer der Volksverteidigungseinheiten (YPG) der Partei der Demokratischen Union (PYD) in Raʾs al-ʿAin (Serê Kaniyê), ad-Darbasiya und ʿAmuda die Leichen von Kämpfern des Islamischen Staats (IS) öffentlich zur Schau gestellt. Die Leichen wurden auf offenen Wagen durch die Stadt gefahren, YPG-Kämpfer schossen in die Luft, stellten sich auf die Toten und gaben sie der Lächerlichkeit preis, indem sie ihnen Zigaretten in den Mund steckten. KurdWatch verzichtet aus ethischen Gründen auf die Wiedergabe der Bilder.
Al-Qahtaniya: PYD rekrutiert erneut Minderjährige
21. November 2014 – Am 4. November 2014 haben Mitglieder der PYD-nahen Revolutionären Jugend im zehn Kilometer westlich von al-Qahtaniya (Tirbesipî) gelegenen Tall Schaʿir dievierzehnjährige Chiman Muhammad Sadiq Ahmad unter Anwendung von Gewalt aus der Schule entführt. Die Volksverteidigungseinheiten (YPG) der Partei der Demokratischen Union (PYD) verweigern den Eltern die Rückkehr ihrer Tochter und teilten mit, dass diese eventuell nach Qandil gebracht werde. Außerdem wurden der Familie Konsequenzen angedroht, sollten sie weiter in den Medien über die Entführung ihrer Tochter sprechen.
Al-Malikiya: PKK entführt minderjährige Schülerin
21. November 2014 – Am 4. November 2014 haben Mitglieder der Arbeiterpartei Kurdistans (PKK) die fünfzehnjährige Schülerin Nadschah Nerwan Ahmad aus ihrer Schule in dem zehn Kilometer östlich von al-Malikiya (Dêrik) gelegenen Ort al-Kazimiya entführt. Ein Familienangehöriger erklärte gegenüber KurdWatch: »Gegen vierzehn Uhr hat der Lehrer uns mitgeteilt, dass unsere Tochter von Hevals [PKK-Anhänger, wörtlich »Freunde«] entführt wurde. Wir wissen nicht, wo sie genau ist.« Die Familie geht davon aus, dass ihre Tochter zwangsrekrutiert wurde.
Al-Qamischli: PYD will Schüler militärisch ausbilden
26. November 2014 – Am 10. November 2014 haben Mitarbeiter des Asayiş, des Sicherheitsdienstes der Partei der Demokratischen Union (PYD), die Schüler mehrerer Mittel- und Oberschulen in al-Qamischli darüber informiert, dass sie künftig an Feiertagen und Wochenenden im Umgang mit Waffen geschult werden sollen. Auch Mädchenschulen waren von der Aktion betroffen.
Al-Qamischli: YPG rekrutiert erneut Minderjährigen gegen den Willen der Eltern
30. November 2014 – Am 6. November 2014 haben Kämpfer der Volksverteidigungseinheiten (YPG) der Partei der Demokratischen Union (PYD) den vierzehnjährigen Kazim ʿAdnan Farman aus dem Haus seiner Eltern in al-Qamischli entführt. Ein Familienangehöriger erklärte gegenüber KurdWatch: »Kazim war in letzter Zeit mit einigen Sympathisanten der PYD gut befreundet. Seine Eltern haben bislang vergeblich versucht, die Rückkehr ihres Sohnes zu erreichen.« Die PYD nutzt immer wieder die Freundschaft zwischen ihren Anhängern und anderen Jugendlichen, um Minderjährige gegen den Willen ihrer Eltern zu rekrutieren.
ʿAmuda: PYD rekrutiert erneut Minderjährige gegen Willen der Eltern
31. Dezember 2014 – Am 23. Dezember 2014 haben Kämpfer der Volksverteidigungseinheiten (YPG) der Partei der Demokratischen Union (PYD) die Neuntklässlerin Hamrin ʿAbdulhamid Husain (bekannt unter dem Familiennamen ʿIdi) ohne Einwilligung der Eltern rekrutiert. Das Mädchen wurde vor ihrem Elternhaus in ʿAmuda mitgenommen. In einer Presseerklärung gab der Bruder Marwan ʿIdi bekannt: »Ich war bei den Frauenverteidigungseinheiten und beim Asayiş der Partei der Demokratischen Union. Beide behaupteten, Hamrin wäre nicht bei Ihnen. Hamrin hat jedoch eine Freundin telefonisch kontaktiert und ihr gesagt, dass sie mit einer Mädchengruppe zu einem Militärübungsplatz in die Qandilberge gehen wird.« Am 24. Dezember 2014 haben etwa zehn Familienangehörige von Hamrin eine Kundgebung in ʿAmuda organisiert. Sie forderten die PYD auf, ihre Tochter zurückkehren zu lassen.
ʿAmuda: Demonstration gegen Zwangsrekrutierung von Minderjährigen
31. Dezember 2014 – Am 27. Dezember 2014 hat das lokale Komitee des Kurdischen Nationalrats in ʿAmuda eine Demonstration gegen die Zwangsrekrutierung von Minderjährigen durch die Partei der Demokratischen Union (PYD) organisiert. Etwa sechshundert Personen nahmen an der Kundgebung teil, darunter zahlreiche Politiker und Aktivisten. Anlass für die Kundgebung war die Entführung der fünfzehnjährigen Schülerin Hamrin Husain [weitere Informationen]. Auf einem Plakat der Demonstranten hieß es: »Der Islamische Staat entführt unsere Frauen und die PYD unsere Kinder.«
ʿAmuda: Wieder Demonstration gegen Rekrutierung Minderjähriger
7. Januar 2015 – Am 3. Januar 2015 haben rund fünfundzwanzig Aktivisten und Angehörige der entführten Neuntklässlerin Hamrin Husain in ʿAmuda erneut für die Rückkehr der von der Partei der Demokratischen Union (PYD) rekrutierten Minderjährigen demonstriert. Auf einem Plakat hieß es: »Wir machen weiter, bis Hamrin und alle anderen Minderjährigen auf ihre Schulbänke zurückgekehrt sind.«
Al-Qamischli: PYD verschleppt erneut Minderjährige in die Qandilberge
7. Januar 2015 – Am 28. Dezember 2014 haben Kämpfer der Volksverteidigungseinheiten (YPG) der Partei der Demokratischen Union (PYD) die Achtklässlerin Hizbiya Walid Schaikhmus (geb. am 5. Januar 2000) ohne Einwilligung der Eltern rekrutiert. Das Mädchen wurde vor ihrer Schule in al-Qamischli mitgenommen. Die Eltern der Minderjährigen haben sich sowohl an die YPG als auch an das Volkshaus der PYD sowie den Asayiş, den Sicherheitsdienst der PYD, gewandt und die Rückkehr ihrer Tochter gefordert. Ihnen wurde, so der Vater von Hizbiya, jedoch lediglich mitgeteilt, ihre Tochter werde in das Militärhauptquartier der Arbeiterpartei Kurdistans (PKK) in den irakischkurdischen Qandilbergen gebracht.
ʿAmuda: YPJ droht Mutter von Hamrin Husain mit Verbannung
13. Januar 2015 – Am 2. Januar 2015 hat die Mutter von Hamrin Husain die Frauenverteidigungseinheiten (YPJ) der Partei der Demokratischen Union (PYD) aufgesucht, nach dem Verbleib ihrer Tochter gefragt und deren Rückkehr gefordert. Die PYD hatte die Neuntklässlerin gegen den Willen der Eltern rekrutiert [weitere Informationen] Der Mutter wurde gedroht, sie werde aus Syrien ausgewiesen, sollte sie weiter nach ihrer Tochter fragen. Auch dem Bruder des Mädchens, Marwan Husain, wurde am 27. Dezember 2014 in einer Kaserne der Volksverteidigungseinheiten (YPG) ein »schlimmes Schicksal« angedroht.
Syrisch-Kurdistan: Erklärung gegen Rekrutierung von Minderjährigen durch die PYD
16. Januar 2015 – Am 8. Januar 2015 haben 125 kurdische Politiker, Schriftsteller und Aktivisten eine Erklärung im Internet veröffentlicht, in der sie die Rekrutierung von Minderjährigen durch die Partei der Demokratischen Union (PYD) verurteilen. Sie werfen der PYD vor, für die massenhafte Auswanderung junger Menschen aus den kurdischen Gebieten Syriens verantwortlich zu sein. Die Unterzeichner leben mehrheitlich im Ausland.
( Seltsam, DIE LINKE hat das mit keinem einzigen Wort erwähnt...! )
ʿAin al-ʿArab: PYD rekrutiert erneut Minderjährige gegen Willen der Eltern
13. April 2015 – Am 3. April 2015 haben Mitarbeiter des Asayiş, des Sicherheitsdienstes der Partei der Demokratischen Union (PYD), in ʿAin al-ʿArab (Kobanî) die sechzehnjährige Dilbar Ahmad Hadschi (geb. 1999 in ʿAin al-ʿArab) rekrutiert. Der Vater des Mädchens erklärte gegenüber KurdWatch: »Als wir beim Asayiş ihre Rückkehr gefordert haben, wurde meine Frau geschlagen, als Ehrenlose und Verräterin beschimpft und dann rausgeworfen«. Dilbar Hadschi soll sich nach Angaben des Asayiş selbst für den Militärdienst entschieden haben und sich in einem Lager der Frauenverteidigungseinheiten (YPJ) der PYD aufhalten.
Al-Qamischli: PYD rekrutiert Vierzehnjährige gegen Willen der Eltern
30. Mai 2015 – Am 26. Mai 2015 ist Dschailan Arkam ʿUmar (geb. am 20. August 2001d in al-Qamischli) von einem Spaziergang nicht mehr in das Haus ihrer Eltern zurückgekehrt. Die Familie vermutete, dass Dschailan von der YPG rekrutiert wurde. Einige Angehörige versammelten sich daraufhin vor einer Kaserne der Volksverteidigungseinheiten (YPG) der Partei der Demokratischen Union (PYD) in al-Qamischli und forderten die Rückkehr des minderjährigen Mädchens. Die Befehlshaber der Kaserne verweigerten den Versammelten jedoch jedes Gespräch. Diese sahen wenig später, wie das Mädchen mit einem Auto aus der Kaserne gebracht wurde.
Al-Qamischli: Vater erleidet nach Zwangsrekrutierung seines Sohnes Herzinfarkt
18. Juni 2015 – Am 11. Juni 2015 haben Mitarbeiter des Asayiş, des Sicherheitsdienstes der Partei der Demokratischen Union (PYD), Kawa Muhammad Khair in der Nähe des Hauses seiner Eltern in al-Qamischli zwangsrekrutiert. Als sein Vater, Muhammad Khair, Mitarbeiter des Asayiş aufforderte, seinen Sohn freizulassen, kam es zum Streit. Wenig später starb Muhammad Khair an einem Herzinfarkt. Nach Vermittlung mehrerer Personen kam sein Sohn am 12. Juni 2015 frei.
Tall Tamr: Fünfzehnjähriger Kämpfer der YPG getötet
29. Juni 2015 – Der fünfzehnjährige Iwan Waisi Kikiya (geb. am 17. März 1999 in ad-Darbasiya) wurde am 7. März 2015 in dem zwei Kilometer westlich von Tall Tamr gelegenen Dorf al-Aghibsch im Kampf gegen den Islamischen Staat (IS) getötet. Er war im August 2014 den Volksverteidigungseinheiten (YPG) der Partei der Demokratischen Union (PYD) beigetreten. Sein Vater war zu diesem Zeitpunkt seit mehreren Jahren in Damaskus inhaftiert, seine Mutter sympathisierte mit der PYD. Sein Cousin ʿAli Dschamil Kikiya erklärte gegenüber KurdWatch: »Iwan wurde etwa zwanzig Tage nach seiner Rekrutierung an die Front westlich von Raʾs al-ʿAin (Serê Kaniyê) geschickt. Nachdem Mitkämpfer bei einem Angriff verwundet und getötet worden waren, hat er die YPG verlassen. Doch dann wurde er überredet, erneut in den Kampf zu ziehen.«
Wie gesagt- nur die Spitze eines Eisbergs. Es gibt weitere zahlreiche Berichte über Zwangsrekrutierungen, Entführungen, Körperverletzungen, Folter, Vertreibungen syrischer Araber aus ihren Dörfern, Erpressungen, behördliche Willkür gegen jeden, der sich nicht der PKK unterordnet.
Eine von der Linkspartei propagierte YPG, die die Menschenrechte hegt und pflegt ist ein Mythos, eine verklärende Geschichte, ein Märchen. Schulleiter christlicher Kirchen in Rojava können davon ein Lied singen. Weigern sie sich, PKK- Schulbücher im Unterricht einzuführen, wird die Schule kurzerhand geschlossen.
Exploitation of Children and Women by PKK/KCK Terorist Organization ... A report published by the UN Independent International Commision of Inquiry on Syria in August 2013 suggests that the YPG recruits boys and girls at the age of 12 in Afrine and Al Hasakah. ... The UN Children and Armed Conflict Report dated November 15th 2013 reveals that boys and girls ranging between 14 - 17 ages in Syria join the Kurdish armed groups in Al Hasakah and children are majorly deployed at the checkpoints, being used for conveying information and accoutrements and for being trained. ... YPG and YPJ are reported to have recruited children under age 18 and forced them to fight, a number of which are documented to have lost their lives 02.2017
The PKK is not alone in kidnapping and recruiting children as soldiers. The PYD, the Syrian wing of the PKK also recruits minors. Latife Kaya, codenamed ”Cahide,” kidnapped children for the PKK for more than ten years and is wanted by the Turkish police.
In recent months, a growing number of Kurdish families in Turkey have accused the PKK of abducting their children to fill their ranks. 09.09.2014
HRW: Die PKK rekrutiert kurdische und jesidische Kinder und misshandelt diese schwer, wenn sie versuchen, die Terroreinheiten zu verlassen. 23.12.2016
Kurdische Medien: PYD foltert Jugendliche: „Wer die kurdische Flagge verbrennt und kurdische Jugendliche foltert, wird gedemütigt werden und werden unweigerlich für ihre Verbrechen bezahlen“, versprach Barzani am gestrigen Samstag. 04.12.2016
Cases of rape and sexual abuse as well as threats to keep women quiet over those cases are widespread within the group, the report shows. 01.02.2017
PKK schwört, deutsche und türkische Einrichtungen anzugreifen: "Lasst die Straßen in den Metropolen brennen, greift die Orte deutsch-türkischer Staatszusammenarbeit direkt an!" 29.01.2016
Kuzey Suriye'nin Kamışlı ilçesinde PYD/PKK "asayişi", Kürt göstericileri dövüyor. 06.12.2016
Being kidnapped from their home for compulsory army service, 3 Kurds are burned to death by #PYD in a tent where they were being kept. 26.12.2016
Bericht: PKK-Ableger PYD verbrennt drei kurdische “Dissidenten” in Syrien. Drei Kurden wurden in einem Gebiet in Nordsyrien von PYD-Terroristen bei lebendigem Leibe verbrannt.
27-12-2016: 'Three missing members of the Kurdish National Council of Syria (KNC, ENKS) in the city of Efrin in Rojava have been found burnt to death
PYD Attacks Kurdish National Council Headquarters in Hasaka 03.2017
PYD Arrests 18 members of the Syrian Kurdish parties
Qamishli: PYD supporters rampage through rally of rival group 13.03.2017
PYD Militias Kidnap 62 Kurdish National Council Members in One Week 10.03.2017
PYD, Syrian Regime Jointly Interrogate ENKS Arrestees
17-03-2017: 'The ruling Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) jointly with the Syrian Regime interrogated the arrested Kurdish politicians and activists from rival parties in Rojava, a witness said.
Syrian Kurds protest PYD in Berlin, call for its enlistment as a terror group 03.2017
Der Kurdische Nationalrat hat aus Protest zur Ausrufung des Kanton Manbidsch durch die PYD alle ihre 54 Parteibüros in Nordsyrien geschlossen. 03.2017
Suriye Kürt Ulusal Konseyi (ENKS) Dış İlişkiler Sorumlusu Siamend Hajo, burada yaptığı konuşmada, "PYD'nin Suriye'deki PKK terör örgütü olduğunu söylemek ve PYD'nin Suriye'deki faaliyetlerini protesto etmek için burada bulunuyoruz." dedi.
Mustafa Müslim: "Sizinleyiz ve size bir devlet kuracağız diyorlar. Fakat Kürtlerin tarihten ders alması gerekiyor. Bugün tarih tekerrür ediyor. Gerçek dostlarınızı iyi tanıyın. Düşmanlarınız sizi kandırmasın. Düşmanın vaatlerine aldanmayın. Onlar sizi mızraklarının ucuna takıp amaçları doğrultusunda kullanmak istiyor. Hedefleri gerçekleşince de sizi yüzüstü bırakıp gideceklerdir."
Yukarıda ana hatlarını aktardığım iki yazı, Le Monde’un Suriye’de vücut bulmaya başlayan PKK ağırlıklı “Kürdistan” ve Türkiye’deki PKK/HDP’liler hakkındaki yaklaşımını özetliyor. Bu, söz konusu Kürdistan projesine sıcak baktığı için Türkiye’nin karşısında konumlanmış bir yaklaşım. Ayrıca Batı Avrupa’da Erdoğan üzerinden yürütülmekte olan Türkiye karşıtlığıyla da tam uyum içinde.
A Kurdish citizen in #Syria burned himself to protest #PYD's persecution to #Kurds. 21.12.2016
Syrian Kurd self-immolates after daughter recruited by YPJ 26.10.2015
Syrian Kurd self-immolates after son recruited by PKK 01.07.2015
Youths arresting turned into a race between Assad regime and YPG militias in Qamishli 03.01.2017
Das Mädchen musste sich auf eine Bühne stellen. „Berfin Agri, die Kommandantin, beschimpfte sie als Verräterin. Sie hielt ihr ein Gewehr an den Kopf und sagte, die Kugel sei eigentlich zu gut für sie . . .“ Norman stehen die Tränen in den Augen, während sie erzählt. Beritan, behauptet sie, sei mit einem Kopfschuss getötet worden. ... Das Gefängnis verließ Jeldez mit Wunden am ganzen Körper. „Sie war mit Gürteln und Kabeln geschlagen worden“, berichtet Norman. ... „Das Rekrutieren von Schülerinnen und Schülern ist gang und gäbe. Die Eltern können nichts dagegen tun: Sie fürchten die Allmacht der Partei.“
Ende 2014 hat die Türkei etwa 200.000 Flüchtlinge aus Kobane aufgenommen. Ende Juni 2015 hatte die Türkei 1.920 LKW mit Hilfsgütern nach Kobane versandt.
Claim: Turkey closed borders when DAESH attacked Kobani
Es gibt sehr viele Leute vor Ort, die das bestätigen können - auch von der UNHCR. Ich habe einen Verwandten, der dort medizinische Hilfe leistet. Am ersten Tag wurden 65.000 Flüchtlinge registriert. Eine Woche später bestätigte Davutoğlu, dass mehr als 160.000 Flüchtlinge aufgenommen wurden.
Die UNHCR hat sich zu den Lügen, die Separatisten und sonstige Feinde der Türkei verbreiten, bereits geäußert: "Dagegen erklärte UNHCR-Sprecherin Selin Unal der Deutschen Presse-Agentur, es gebe keinen Grund zu der Annahme, dass die Größenordnung der türkischen Angaben falsch sei. «Wir sind an der Grenze. Ich war persönlich für vier Tage da», sagte Unal. «Wir beobachten das, und die Zahl kann nicht bei nur 15 000 in der vergangenen Woche liegen.» Und der Strom an Menschen sei nicht abgerissen." (29.09.14)
Human rights violations against Kurds in Syria
The YPG and Syrian government have mostly avoided confrontation during the multi-sided war, which turned Syria into a patchwork of areas held by the state and an array of armed factions. ... It is the second major eruption of fighting between the YPG and Syrian government fighters this year. In April, the sides fought several days of lethal battles in Qamishli, north of Hasaka city at the Turkish border. It is also mostly YPG-held. ... PYD has been accused of making ethnic cleansing in the territories, it has captured. Therefore, the group has been suffering from lack of support from local Arabs as wells as other Kurdish groups. The tension between the rival Kurdish parties have been rising recently as PYD seeks to be the only ruler in Syria's north. Moreover, PYD's relations are also broken with Kurdish Regional Government (KRG).
İçişleri Bakanlığı, "PKK/KCK Terör Örgütünün Çocukları ve Kadınları İstismarı" başlıklı bir rapor hazırladı. Rapora göre, 2013-2016 yıllarında teslim olan bin 949 PKK militanının yüzde 61'inin 18 yaşın altında olduğu tespit edildi. 03.2017
YPG recruits children 06.2017
Kindersoldaten der PKK: 13-Jähriger wurde in den Tod geschickt 06.2017
Kindersoldaten der PKK
YPG/PKK recruits children
PYD recruiting children
Çok sayıda çocuk ölüyor. 13 yaşında bir çocuğu tedavi ettiğimi hatırlıyorum. O savaş cephesindeydi, YPG savaşçısıydı. 02.2017
PKK recruiters target underage children in Syria: report 06.2017
Die PYD (YPG/PKK) rekrutiert kurdische Kinder in Aleppo als Kanonenfutter für Afrin
The Arab-language news service of the PYD (the ruling party of Rojava) proudly presents new members of its militia in Aleppo city, some of whom appear to be child soldiers
PYD Recruits Children In Afrin Northern Syria
"YPG savaşı Türkiye'ye taşımak istiyor"
Acc to KDP,the PKK kidnapped 45 Yazidi girls from Sinjar. Some are under 18. Another child abuse incident of the PKK
Not #Turkey - This is cheap disinformation – This is Butcher #Assad bombing #Waer #Homs #Syria by NAPALM 27-Aug-2016 "Turkey is using chemical bombs to genocide Kurds and the whole world isn't seeing such crime."
Siamand Hajo, the head of the Berlin-based Kurdocide organization for human rights, told Rudaw that his organization did not have any evidence that massacres had taken place against Syrian Kurds. ... All the numbers we have for victims is 30 people and some of them are members of the YPG,” Hajo said. He added that the PYD may be using stories of Kurdish massacres for its own propaganda ... Barzani also called for an investigation into reports of attacks on Kurdish towns and villages (11.08.2013) None of the many other Syrian Kurdish parties back up PYD’s claims either. ... the PYD has practically discarded the Erbil Agreement, signed by all Kurdish parties ... the finger of blame is pointed at the PYD for the assassination and killing of more than 50 Kurdish politicians and activists (13.08.2013) A Kurdish fact-finding mission says in its report that it found no evidence to back media claims of Kurdish massacres by jihadist groups ... According to a report by the nine-member committee, most witnesses said they had seen between 17-25 bodies ... Reports of a mass killing surfaced after media footage of an alleged Kurdish massacre – reporting that 450 villagers had been murdered by jihadist -- was released by the PYD, and shown by Iranian and Russian media. The film was later shown to be false, and unrelated to the Syrian war." (03.09.2013)
Uzun yıllar boyunca Kürt halkına kimlik vermeyen ve Suriye Kürdistan'ında baskı politikası izleyen Esed rejimi ile anlaşma yaparak İslami muhalefete saldıran PKK ağır kayıplar veriyor. ... Müslüman direnişçilerden PKK'ya ağır darbe 100'lerce PKK militanı öldürüldü ... İslamcı Kürt Hareketler: PKK Kürt halkını dinsizleştiriyor ... PKK'nın Rojava Yalanı 23.09.2013
Qamışlo'da, Haseki'de, Amude'de, Telbesiye'de, Afrin'de barışçıl gösteriler yapmaya başladık ... PYD ise bu gösterilere karşı çıkarak rejim yıkılsın söylemini terk etmemizi istedi ... 2012 yılına kadar gösterilerimiz artmaya başlayınca binlerce kişi bize destek vermeye başladı. ... Esed rejimi Kobani ve Afrin'i PYD'ye verdi. PYD halka bu yerleri kurtardığını anlatıyordu. ... gösterilerde halkın üzerine ateş açtılar. Birçok arkadaşımız onlar tarafından öldürüldü. 12.09.2013
ESED-PKK-PYD ORTAKLIĞI VE TEMO’NUN ÖLDÜRÜLMESİ ... PYD’nin başında bulunan Müslim, Esed-PKK anlaşması gereği, hakkında müebbet hapis kararı varken affedildi ve 17 Eylül'de Şam'da rejimin kontrolündeki bir toplantıda ansızın ortaya çıkıverdi. Suriye kanunlarına göre müebbet cezası iki şekilde uygulanır; biri ömür boyu, diğeri ise iyi hal gösterildiğinde 21 yıl ceza yattıktan sonra serbest bırakılarak. Yani Salih Müslüm’ün en azından 21 yıl yatması gerekiyordu. Müslim, serbest bırakılır bırakılmaz BAAS tarafından organize edilen mitingde boy gösterip halka Esed rejimine destek olmaları gerektiğini söyledi.
Esed rejimi ve PYD’nin baskılarıyla Suriye’den kaçmak zorunda kalan muhalif Kürtler, Şanlıurfa’da yaptıkları toplantıyla yeni platformlarını duyurdu. PYD ile mücadelede yol haritasını çizecek platformun başkanlığını, 2011’de Kamışlı’da PKK tarafından öldürülen Mişel Temo’nun kardeşi Abdülaziz Temo yürütecek. 12.06.2016
Als am 27. Juni 2013 Demonstranten in der kleinen Grenzstadt Amuda gegen die Entführung von drei Aktivisten durch die PYD protestierten, schossen YPG-Kräfte in die Menge, töteten mindestens sechs Personen, entführten Hunderte weitere und brannten Parteibüros, Jugend- und Frauenzentren nieder. Hunderte Aktivisten und Politiker hielten sich versteckt, um dem Zugriff der PYD zu entkommen. In der Nacht des 27. Juni inhaftierte die YPG im Amuda willkürlich rund 50 Mitglieder und Sympathisanten der oppositionellen Jekiti-Partei. Sie wurden auf einen Militärstützpunkt gebracht und dort geschlagen.
50 Kurdish civilian organizations condemn (PYD) violations against the Kurds 01.10.2016
Office of Kurdish Yekiti Party (P.Y.K.S) in Amouda city raid and arrest its members 17.11.2016
Die PKK-nahe syrische Partei PYD und ihr militärischer Arm YPG gehen immer härter gegen Oppositionelle in Nordsyriens Rojava-Gebiet vor. Der Kurdische Nationalrat in Syrien hat das harte Durchgreifen der PYD gegen Dissidenten und politische Aktivisten in Qamischli und Amude scharf verurteilt.
Berlin: Syrische Kurden demonstrieren gegen die PKK 03.2017
Kürt Aktivist Mesut İbo: YPG #Halep'in Beidin mahallesinde Ömer el-Muhammed ve Casim Casim adında iki genci idam etti.
YPG nimmt noch ein Büro der PYKS auseinander in Qamishili, inzwischen gibt es keine einzige Kurdische Oppositionspartei in Nord Syrien die nicht von der YPG terrorisiert wird und deren Mitglieder nicht im Knast sind.
"weil sie nicht den Anspruch hatten, einen zu kontrollieren. Wir konnten mit verschiedenen Personen reden, während die PKK ein komplettes Besucherprogramm organisiert hatte. Bei der PKK wird man betreut und zwar 24 Stunden am Tag. Man übernachtet bei ihnen und sie kommen überall mit hin. Sie entscheiden, was man machen kann. Und wenn man sagt, dass man gerne mal was anderes machen würde, dann heißt es, dass es schwierig sei. Unter diesen Umständen haben wir weitaus weniger mitbekommen von der wirklichen Lage und den Fragen, die uns eigentlich interessiert haben – etwa, ob es eine kurdische Opposition in Kobani gibt. Und selbst wenn wir die Opposition getroffen haben, haben sie sich nicht getraut, mit uns offen zu sprechen, da durchgehend jemand von der PYD, dem syrischen Ableger der PKK, dabei saß. 31.07.2014
Repeated violations by the YPG north Aleppo ... 15 civilians were killed by the shelling and mortar 02.2017
Suriyeli Kürtler PKK/PYD baskısından evlerine dönemiyor … Suriye'nin Halep kentine bağlı Ayn el Arap bölgesinde çatışmaların yoğunlaşması üzerine 2014'te evlerini terk etmek zorunda kalan yaklaşık 30 bin Kürt, Şanlıurfa'nın Suruç ilçesinde kendileri için o dönem hazırlanan çadır kentte hayatlarını sürdürüyor. 05.2017
Terör örgütü PKK/PYD mensupları Suriye‘nin kuzeyinde Dadat‘ta yaşayan Fatma El Haşheş‘i evinin önünde başından vurarak ağır yaraladı. Yaralı kadın, Türkiye’ye getirilerek tedavi altına alındı. 01.05.2017
'Terör örgütü PYD zorla aldığı topraklarımızı Kürtlere verdi' 05.2017
U.S.-backed Kurdish forces have been banning the indigenous people from returning to their home in territories under their control unless being guaranteed by Kurdish or Arabic personalities, local activists said. 05.2017
Fate of Three KDP-S Leaders Abducted by PKK in Rojava Unknown 05.2017
PKK Responsible for Crisis in Rojava: ENKS 05.2017
PYD entführt einen kurdischen Journalisten 05.2017
PYD Militanları, Sivillere Yönelik Terör ve Kaçırma Eylemlerini Sürdürüyor 05.2017
Terör örgütü PYD Merâ beldesini vuruyor!
Saldırılar sivil yerleşim yerlerini hedef alıyor! 05.2017
A group of SDF fighters flexed their muscles against a woman and her toddler in rural Deir Ezzor and raped her. 05.2017
ABD destekli PYD / PKK öncülüğündeki SDG militanları DeyrZor kırsalında bir kadını darp ettikten sonra tecavüz etti
Ex-#YPG foreign fighter Patrick Kasprik: "YPG says Arabs are lesser beings" and prevents ambulances being provided for them. 05.2017
The PKK-affiliated Syria Democratic Forces shelled on Saturday (May 27) the city of Ma’ra’ in Aleppo northern countryside, leaving civilian casualties. 05.2017
The PYD has come under the spotlight for its crimes against Arab and Turkmen locals in northern Syria, as part of its attempt to conduct demographic changes. The PYD's forced migration of Arabs and Turkmens, as well as arbitrary arrests of critical voices and recruitment of child soldiers, have also been covered by international human rights groups, including Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and KurdsWatch.
Yabancı savaşçı, YPG'nin, sivil toplum kuruluşları tarafından sağlanan ambulansların Arap sivillere ulaşmasını önlediğini ve grubun birlikte çalıştığı Araplara ayrımcılık uyguladığını, onları ikinci sınıf mensup olarak gördüğünü dile getirdi. Daha önce de birçok kişi YPG'nin Araplara yönelik muamelesini sert şekilde eleştirmiş ve grubu, bölgenin demografisini değiştirmeye çalışmakla suçlamıştı.
PYD/PKK militanları oğulları FKH güçlerine katılan Hammudi ailesini Tel Abyad'tan zorla çıkardı.
YPG gunmen expel a family from Tal Abyad because their son is an FSA fighter
"Des Weiteren wollen sie [Russland und das Assad-Regime oder "die Russen"] verhindern, dass sich im Norden Syriens massenhaft islamistische Turkmenen, Tscherkessen oder Uiguren, die über die Türkei einreisen, niederlassen und die ethnische Zusammensetzung der Bevölkerung verändern."
Die türkischen Tscherkessen stehen ja auch schon Schlange, weil sie sich unbedingt nicht erneut im Nordkaukasus als ihrer alten Heimat, sondern in den kurdischen und turkmenischen Gebieten Syriens niederlassen wollen (und mit gerade mal ca. 800 000 in ihrer Heimat verbliebenen Tscherkessen die Bevölkerungsverhältnisse anderswo durch massive Aufsiedlung kippen wollen) ... und "islamistisch" sind sie natürlich auch - oder waren sie in dieser Fomulierung gar nicht mitgemeint?
Die Autorin ist übrigens Ethnologin, gibt sie an…
The Chechens of Ras al-Ain: Expelled by Russia, Pursued by the Regime, Shamed by the YPG 06.2017
Jarablus is a border town captured in the Turkish-backed Operation Euphrates Shield last August. It’s a magnet for IDPs from all of northern Syria because it’s safe from bombing by the Assad regime and Russia, thanks to Turkey’s military presence. Some 5,000 IDPs from Raqqa are living in Jarablus alone, and another 5,000 are scattered across the 810 square miles Turkey controls, many living in tents set up by the side of the road, local officials said.
“They [the SDF] told us, ‘You can go anywhere you want, but not to our areas,’” said Khiro Abdullah Aboud, 34, who arrived in the Turkish-controlled zone with his wife and five children early in May.
The Y.P.G. has exiled other perceived adversaries. In August, the head of the main umbrella Kurdish opposition group, Ibrahim Biro, was expelled from Rojava by the Y.P.G. and threatened with death should he return. Earlier this year, the crackdown on dissent escalated. Nearly 50 opposition offices have been destroyed and around the same number of rivals arrested. ... Directly arming the Y.P.G. with heavy weapons abandons the S.D.F. fig-leaf. ... American-led coalition has tended to play into the Islamic State’s hands by displacing the jihadist group with forces viewed by local Sunni Arab populations as alien and sectarian. An American-backed Y.P.G. takeover of Raqqa will likely repeat this error, creating anew the conditions that led to the rise of the Islamic State.
Suriye'de iç savaş fitilinin ateşlendiği dönem, ABD’nin Şam Büyükelçiliği görevinde bulunan Robert Ford, Habertürk'ten Nalan Koçak'ın sorularını yanıtladı.
ABD'nin YPG terör örgütünü silahlandırmısıyla ilgili sorulan soruya Ford; "Çok aptalca bir karardı. Kısa vadede iyi olabilir ama orta ve uzun vadede çok kötü sonuçları olabilir. PYD çok hırslı, bu Sünni radikal hareketlere desteği artırabilir. Rakka'yı DEAŞ'tan alabiliriz ama buna karşılık El Kaide 4.0 sürümü karşımıza çıkabilir. Halihazırda El Kaide 3.0 versiyonu İdlib'de.Ayrıca bu karar en önemli müttefiklerimizden olan Türkiye'yle sorun yaratıyor. Türk hükümetinin bazı terör saldırılarının Rojava'dan düzenlendiğini ortaya koyan raporlarını okudum. Bunlar çok ciddi suçlamalar ama ABD hükümetinin bunlara yanıt verdiğini görmedim. Türkiye ciddi bir yanıtı hak ediyor. Ayrıca herkes şunu biliyor: Bugünün YPG savaşçısı yarın PKK'lı olabilir." yanıtını verdi.
PYD'ye bağlı 'asayiş' ekiplerinin toplantısında PKK lideri Öcalan'ın afişi. ABD'nin PKK ile ilişkileri yok dediği PYD.
YPG-dominated militia kills 8 civilians, injures tens in Raqqa 06.2017
PKK forces killed civilians in al Rameila neighborhood in Raqqa city on June 17
The terrorist organization PKK/PYD, which occupies 23% of Syria, has taken over the country's three largest dams 06.2017
Terör örgütü PYD/PKK, DeyrZor'dan Rakka kırsalına kaçan ailelerin gençlerini tutukladı. Gençlerin nereye götürüldüğü bilinmiyor.
[Video] Terör örgütü PYD/PKK'nın sivillere işkence görüntüleri ortaya çıktı PKK foltert Zivilisten
YPG mensupları yerlerinden edilen Arap sivillerle alay etti 07.2017
These people want to turn back their homes in Tall Rifaat #YPG kickd them out with the help of #Assad. They are the owners of these lands not #YPG or #Assad. (english subbed) 07.2017
#Turkeyhandsoffafrin Afrin heute, die #YPG versucht der Welt zu zeigen das sie nichts mit der #PKK zutun hat oder naja eben doch.
YPG pushes out civilians along with Daesh in Syria
Original Arab and Turkmen inhabitants of Syria are being cleared out by YPG
SDF prevents civilians from returning to their homes 07.2017
Amerikan destekli şii milislerin Musul'da yaptığı katliamın aynısı şu anda Rakka'da YPG tarafından da yapılıyor. Müslüman kentler Moğolların işgalinden beri böyle büyük zulüm görmemişti.
Two #children #Casualties in #Artillery #shelling by #SDF on #Azaz city northern #Aleppo
Video: #PKK-affiliated #SDF carries out #summaryexecution in #Raqqa
PYD'li teröristlerden kan donduran sivil katliamı!
SDF militants are torturing and assaulting the elderly people. SDF is terror organization PKK's branch and PKK is USA ally. Ein verdammt gottloser Terrorist der Terrormiliz der PKK/ PYD/ YPG misshandelt einen 80-Jährigen
YPG'den insanlık suçu: Yaşlı adamın ölümünü 'hurilere gidiyorsun' diyerek izlediler
ABD destekli örgüt, Rakka kentinde yaraladıkları bir sivili önce aşağıladılar sonra ölümünü izlediler.
AlTayba_RAQQA : brutally tortured detainees in the intelligence prisons of the #YPG_militia in the city of #Tayba where the detainees are subjected to electric shocks,and beatings on the body with solid materials that lead to bone fractures in some cases preventing them from medical treatment, in addition to burning the penis as a form of torture,and forcing the detainee to Sit down on a corner of iron until they lose consciousness from pain,torture, and then force them to claim false confessions,and often intelligence investigators are not aware of the use of narcotic pills during the torture of detainees.
#Pictures of detainees released from the intelligence prison of a prison in the city of #Tayba after being subjected to brutal torture. Their testimonies were fully documented.
Mehab Nasser #RAQQA #Syria #ISIS #YPG
PYD'nin silahlı kolu YPG Menbic bugün aralarında 7 kadının da olduğu çok sayıda kişiyi tutukladı.
Terör Örgütü PYD/PKK'nın sivillere işkence görüntüleri#
"Nurses, teachers, civil servants, and other “state agents” were murdered by the PKK, and, as always, a particular example was made of Kurds that opposed it. "Turkish cities were attacked by PKK suicide bombers. Collective punishment was inflicted on villages that sided with the state and accepted money to construct militias that tried to keep the PKK out," it said, adding the PKK’s conduct amounted to crimes against humanity, according to human rights groups. 08.2017
Death camps of the PYD: Âşiretler meclisi terör örgütü PKK'nın Suriye kolu PYD'ye bağlı teröristlerin Rakka ve Deyrezzor'dan İşid ve ABD Koalisyon güçlerinin saldırılarında kaçan binlerce sivili Haseke şehrine girişlerine izin vermediği , Haseke dışında kurulan kamplarda tutukları belirtildi, Haseke dışında kurulan kamplarda zor şartlarda yaşam mücadelesi veren sivil halk birde teröristin su ve Gıda fiyatlarını piyasa değeri kat kat pahalıya satarak sivilin halkın parasında bu yöntemle soydukları belirtildi!
Terör örgütü PKK'nın Suriye kolu PYD'li teröristler; Rakka'da evlerine dönmek isteyen sivil halka izin vermedi, terör örgütü engeline takılan halk protesto gösterisi düzenlemek isteyince sivil halk üzerine rastgele ateş açtı , teröristlerin açtığı ateşte onlarca masum sivil yaralandı!
Terör örgütü PKK/PYD Rakka halkını zorla askere alıyor
Rakka’yı Yok Etmek İçin 1 Telsiz Ve Google Haritaları Yetti 10.2017
Have the Syrian Kurds Committed War Crimes? 02.2017
In the Name of 'the Party': PYD Reproducing Baathist Oppression 11.2017
Suriye Demokratik Güçleri: PKK'nın çatı oluşumu hakkında bilinmesi gerekenler 11.2017
Concerns Grow For Civilians Caught Up in Anti-ISIS Hunts 12.2017
PICTURES: PKK Uses Underage Girls in Hostilities 12.2017
Syria: Manbij civilians protest PKK/PYD killings
Two young men were tortured to death by PKK/PYD terrorists on Friday 01.2018
Syrien: PKK-Ableger PYD übt massive Gewalt gegen andere kurdische Gruppen
„Die PYD hat unsere Häuser und Grundstücke besetzt und diese den Kurden übergeben, die aus dem Irak, Iran und anderen Regionen Syriens hergebracht wurden“, so ein arabischer Flüchtling gegenüber Journalisten.
PYD/PKK, kuzey Suriye'de milyonları tehcir silahıyla vurdu,_kuzey_Suriye&;de_milyonlar%C4%B1_tehcir_silah%C4%B1yla_vurdu
There are numerous allegations against the YPG and PKK over human rights violations. Here are accounts from victims of that abuse.
The presence in the YPG of mercenaries from the US, the UK and several other EU countries raises the spectre of Daesh-type militancy, experts warn.
The video shows men in YPG uniforms kicking and stomping prisoners. One YPG fighter holds a knife as he repeatedly bounces up and down on a stool on the back of one detainee. He then smashes an object over his head. 07.2017
US-backed YPG terrorists kidnap children to fight against Turkish military
Bir YPG/PKK biriminin işgal altındaki bir köyde iki ana görevi vardır:
1- Geride kalan aileyle fotoğraf çektir
2- Tavukları çal
Civilian victims in Turkey of PYD/PKK terrorists
At least three internally displaced civilians were killed and 15 injured yesterday morning after YPG militia shelled Atmeh refugee camp, Northern #Idlib. #Syria
17 yr old boy in Shiheel (near Deirezzor) refused the forced conscript in #PKK army for #Afrin . PKK then executed him to make him an example for others.
Aus irgend einem Grund fliehen die syrischen Binnenflüchtlinge nicht in die "kurdischen Kantone", sondern in die Sicherheitszonen, die von der Türkei gesichert werden. Quelle: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Die YPG beschießt seit Tagen die Flüchtlingslager an der Grenze. Das kommt natürlich nicht in den Nachrichten vor. Bei dem letzten Beschuss auf das Lager in Atmeh starben 3 Menschen. Die Verbrechen dieser Terroristen werden verniedlicht. Das Beschießen ziviler Ziele ist ein Kriegsverbrechen. Die YPG Freunde hier sprechen das nie an. Terör örgütü PYD/PKK, Afrin'den İdlib'deki Atme sığınmacı kampına havan topu saldırısı düzenlendi. Saldırıda 3 sivil öldü, 15 sivil yaralandı.
In a move to conceal its human rights abuses, YPG is relocating its prisoners from Afrin to Manbej.
PYD executing civilian
Afrin: YPG-Gefangene berichten von Zwangsrekrutierung
As a Western ally in the fight against ISIS, Syria’s Kurdish PYD (Democratic Union Party) has been vigorously presenting itself as an advocate of peace, democracy and ethno-religious pluralism. Its actions on the ground, however, especially its treatment of the dwindling indigenous populations, fly in the face of international law and debunk its idyllic portrayal.
Zwangsrekrutierung von Minderjährigen durch die PYD
SDF forces killed a woman and a child in Ghranij town in Deir Ez-Zour suburbs on February 14
Turkish drone capture footages of YPG/PKK terrorists planting IEDs in Syria's Afrin to prevent them fleeing 03.2018
Erst kürzlich konkretisierte ein jesidische politischer Abgeordneter der autonomen Verwaltung Kurdistan im Irak die Vorwürfe gegenüber der PKK, bzw. YPG und PYD. Seit langen werfen internationale Menschenrechtsorganisationen der PYD und YPG vor, Menschenrechte massiv zu verletzen, Kindersoldaten zu unterhalten, auch wenn sie sich immer wieder dazu bereit erklärt habe, das zu unterlassen, so die Menschenrechtsorganisation Human Rights Watch. Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Reporter ohne Grenzen sowie Kurdwatch werfen der PYD und YPG etliche Menschenrechtsverletzungen seit Jahren vor. Von Mord an Oppositionellen, Journalisten und Zivilisten ist die Rede, die seit mehr als 4 Jahren aus Nordsyrien durchsickern, doch Toprak spricht von einer “Oase” und das in einer Funktion im “Deutschen Institut für Menschenrechte”, die vom Bundestag direkt gefördert wird.
'YPG/PKK kızını vermeyenlerden para alıyor'
Türkiye'ye sığınan Suriyeli bazı aileler, terör örgütü YPG/PKK'nın örgüte eleman kazandırmak için erkek çocuğu bulunmayan ailelerin kızlarını almaya çalıştığını, vermek istemeyenlerden de zorla 20 bin dolar talep ettiğini belirtti.
Eva Savelsberg says Kurdish people are forced to vote for the PYD/PKK
“They never allow any group which defends a different point of view,” Hajo said. He said if PYD/PKK was “democratic and work for the interests of the people,” more than 800,000 people would not have left the region of 2.5 million people.
PYD: Eine Terrororganisation
UN-Koordinator Panos Moumtzis: PYD hält Zivilisten in Afrin fest
YPG/PYD/PKK terrorist admits to posing as civilian
Child soldiers of the PKK 03.2018
Erst nach dem Bericht von AA in den frühen Morgenstunden des 24. Februar, wonach YPG- und YPJ-Terroristen die älteren Menschen im Dorf Māskānlī in der Gemeinde Rajo in die Häuser eingesperrt hätte, die mit Sprengfallen präpariert seien, folgen in den darauffolgenden Stunden die Fakenews der PKK-nahen Firat News Agency (AFN), der Yeni Özgür Politika, Aryan Haber und anderen Online-Nachrichtenplattformen.
CNN, Afrin'de özellikle çocukları kullandığı haberinde Türkiye'yi karalamaya çalışırken, PKK/PYD'nin sivilleri nasıl canlı kalkan yaptığını da itiraf etmişti. "Bazı sivillerin bölgeyi terk etmesinin yerel yetkililerce engellendiği bildiriliyor."
YPG/PKK terrorists 'raze 330 houses' in Syrian village
Syrian refugees in Turkey tell Anadolu Agency about YPG/PKK atrocities in in Syria's eastern Deir ez-Zor region
People who see in #Afrin and other Syrian territories controled by the YPG/PKK an experiment in basic democracy, gender equality and freedom, remind me of people who saw that in the Zionist #kibbutz in 1948. Some of them are misled and naive, but most are #colonial leftists, or colonial rightists or sho'oubi #Arabhaters. The weird part is that the #fascists controling north #Syria are now supported directly by #Assad (his militias are fighting in the city shoulder on shoulder with YPG) and by the USA of Trump at the same time. While the slaughter in #Ghouta is continuing with some of these "freedom lovers" cheering for it. As long as you slaughter Arabs and Muslims you can always count on support among the PKK fetishists. I hope that a quick end will come to that perverted #Israelreplica in northern Syria. Syria must be free and united.
Civilians got killed and injured (mostly women and children) in #Al_Shadadi city in S #AlHasakeh countryside due to argument between the people and #SDF in a weeding. #SDF fighters opened fire on the civilians after trying to arrest young men. The situation going bad #SDF responding with the massing of forces,and an attempt to storm the neighborhood,after residents got armed?
Eine Familie die in Atme (nahe Afrin) lebt, erzählt die entsetzlichkeit der PKK/YPG Terroristen:
Es ist egal ob wir verhungern oder unter Wasserknappheit leiden.Wir wollen nur in Ruhe gelassen werden.Das sind (PKK/YPG) keine Menschen,ihre taten können nicht von Menschen stammen. 03.2018
Die PKK-nahe Organisation “Apoistische Jugendinitiative” hat am Samstag in einer Erklärung nun bekanntgegeben, gemeinsam mit anderen “radikalen Kräften” den Krieg auf “Europas Straßen tragen” zu wollen. Es wird dazu aufgerufen, “radikalere und organisiertere Aktionen” im “Herzen des Kapitalismus” durchzuführen. 03.2018
YPG supporters attack CDU office, German military, European bank and defense companies
ich habe authenthische Audioaufnahmen aus vertrauenswürdigen Quellen bekommen (Anmerk. aus Afrin). Darin rufen sie die FSA und die türkische Armee und ganze dazu auf, sie von der verbrecherichen pkk zu befreien.
Denn diese begehen grausame Madsaker an denn Zivilisten, indem sie wahllos bombardieren und dann die Türkei beschuldigen.
Es gibt mehrere duzend Opfer, Tote und verletzt.
Man kann die Richtigkeit der Angaben leicht untersuchen.
Irak Kürt Bölgesel Yönetimi (IKBY) Meclisi Ezidi Milletvekili Şeyh Şamo, terör örgütü PKK'nın Musul'un Sincar ilçesinde şimdiye kadar binden fazla Ezidi genci kaçırıp Suriye'deki çatışma bölgelerine gönderdiğini belirtti.
The PYD’s Forced Migration Policy in Syria
The YPG did not stop there. They even fomented demographic shifts by driving Arabs out of several Syrian territories and populating them with people who hold their militant view. Mousto was one of the YPG’s public enemies. A former head of Kobani's bar association, he stood against the YPG’s "iron fisted rule" in Kobani and other “cantons,” or autonomous regions, which the armed group has claimed to establish from Afrin to Jazira in northern Syria. During the battle of Kobani, the YPG supplied coordinates to the US air force to destroy the key Daesh targets. But some of the targets weren't Daesh-held domains but homes and businesses of Kurds like Mousto. 03.2018
In June 2015, YPG/PKK attempted an ethnic cleansing of Arabs and Turkmen living in Tel Abyad, forcing many of them to migrate. So their existence in northern Syria threatened the local Arabs and Turkmen, and also the Kurds who don't support the YPG. Most of the Syrian who fled from YPG-held territories sheltered in Turkey.
Afrin: Arzt erzählt von Folter und Misshandlung der YPG
Torture chambers of the PYD in Afrin
Dieses Video wurde im Juni 2012 veröffentlicht. Mitglieder der PYD in Sheikh Maqsud in Aleppo hatten diese Frau an eine Säule gebunden und ein Schild aufgehängt, auf dem stand, sie wäre eine Hure. Sie haben die Leute aufgefordert, auf sie zu spucken. Troll-Netzwerke teilen das Foto und behaupten, al-Qaida-Mitglieder hätten ein christliches Mädchen vergewaltigt und angebunden.
Iraqi Kurdish woman highlights PKK brutality, lashes out at reporter for pressing her to criticize Turkish troops
PKK in Deutschland
Afrin: Landminen der PKK
Zwangsrekrutierung von Kindern durch die PKK
PKK-Mitglieder sind im kriminellen Milieu beheimatet,erste7184.html;art1065,1826494
Die PKK ist auch bei uns in Deutschland aktiv
Eine Terrororganisation, die unverhohlen von Großmächten unterstützt wird
Die Terrormiliz YPG hat die beiden syrisch-kurdischen Politiker Faisal Yusuf und Nimet Davut entführt. Nach übereinstimmenden Meldungen mehrerer Medien wurden beide aus ihren Häusern nahe Afrin verschleppt. 04.2018
Operation Olive Branch
Die Leidtragenden in diesem Krieg, der seit 2011 brutal geführt wird, waren Syrer selbst und konnten sich, je länger der Bürgerkrieg anhält, nur noch in wenigen sicheren Gebieten in Syrien bewegen, was aber nunmehr auch von einigen Akteuren in Deutschland nicht mehr erwünscht ist. Einer der Akteure vor Ort, die dabei eine gewisse Rolle einnahm war die YPG selbst, als sie den Nordwesten Aleppos gemeinsam mit Assad´s Schergen einnahm und für einen Flüchtlingsstrom sorgte. Die YPG sorgte aber auch dafür, dass die syrischen Flüchtlinge aus dem Großraum Aleppo in ihrem eigenen Land nicht in die Region Afrin oder in ein anderes Kanton gelangen konnten - wobei man auch damals schon dem Westen das Bild von Kantonen aufzeichnete, in denen Sicherheit herrscht, Nahrung in Überfluss gibt und Flüchtlingen eine Bleibe geboten wird.
ENKS-Mitglied Nuri Brimo: Die PYD hindert Zivilisten daran, nach Afrin zurückzukehren. Zuerst haben sie Menschen als Banden und Verräter beschimpft, die aus Afrin fliehen wollten, nun nennen sie diejenigen Verräter, die nach Afrin zurückkehren wollen. Brimo berichtet über den Terror der PYD gegen die Mitglieder des Kurdischen Nationalrats (ENKS). Häftlinge, die dem ENKS angehören, seien in Aleppo dem Regime übergeben worden.
'PYD sivillerin Afrin'deki evlerine dönmesine izin vermiyor' ENKS Üyesi Brimo, "Afrin'den çıkmak isteyenlere hain ve çete ithamında bulunuyorlardı. Şimdi ise Afrin'e evlerine dönmek isteyenlere hain diyorlar." dedi. 04.2018
Afrin progress
Syrian rebel victory in Afrin reveals strength of Turkish-backed force
Afrin: YPG-Gefangene berichten von Zwangsrekrutierung
Comparison Afrin and Aleppo
Raqqa and Afrin
Mossul and Aleppo
Situation in Afrin, Operation Oliven Zweig, heute hat die TSK & FSA über 9 Dörfer erobert im Westen von Afrin. Fronten der #YPG #PKK sind manchen Stellen komplett zusammen gebrochen. Radio Free Syria - Deutsch 09.02.2018
Die Zivilbevölkerung in Afrin werde als Schutzschild genutzt ... dass immer die Türkei die Bösen sind und die Kurden immer die Guten ... Wer etwas postet, was nicht auf Linie ist, hat am nächsten Tag Hunderte von wüsten Beschimpfungen auf den Post. Viele Leute schreiben dann lieber gar nichts, damit nicht die gesamte Familie durch den Schmutz gezogen wird und sie keine Todesdrohungen erhalten. ... dass härter gegen die PKK in Deutschland vorgegangen werden muss ... dass die PKK hier Spenden sammelt, und auch, dass sehr viele Geld geben, weil sie Angst haben vor den Konsequenzen, wenn sie das nicht tun. ... Wer als Kurde irgendwie zu Schutzgebühren erpresst wird von der PKK, geht trotzdem nicht zur Polizei, weil der Glaube ist, dass die ohnehin nicht helfen kann und dann auch die Konsequenzen aus der kurdischen Community die schlimmeren wären. ... dass man in Afrin die YPG auf Panzern mit Öcalan-Fahnen auf der einen und Assad-Fahnen auf der anderen Seite sieht. Da wird Unterstützung durch eine Macht gefeiert, die in Ost-Ghouta unvorstellbare Menschenrechtsverletzungen begeht, die in den letzten Jahren 20.000 Menschen in den Gefängnissen zu Tode gefoltert hat. Es ist schwer zu verstehen, wie solch eine Gruppe im Westen als linke fortschrittliche Gruppe betrachtet werden kann. ... Die Haltung vieler nicht-PKK-naher Kurden in Syrien ist sehr gespalten. Viele nehmen das so wahr, dass letztendlich auf syrischem Territorium ein Kampf zwischen der ursprünglich aus der Türkei stammenden PKK und der Türkei ausgetragen wird, von dem die syrischen Kurden gar nichts haben außer zivilen Opfern. Die YPG nimmt solche Opfer nicht nur in Kauf, sie hindert die Zivilbevökerung auch daran, Afrin zu verlassen. Die Bevölkerung wird als menschliches Schutzschild missbraucht. Je mehr zivile Opfer in Afrin, desto besser für die PKK, denn jedes zivile Opfer wird der Türkei zugerechnet. 03.2018
TRT World documentation
Drittgrößte Stadt Rajo in Afrin ohne Luftschläge eingenommen
Jindaris ohne Luftschläge eingenommen
Sharran ohne Luftschläge eingenommen
Afrin resident says grateful after Turkish army and FSA takes the town
Afrin community leaders want Turkey’s help to rebuild the town
Syrian Kurds welcome multi-ethnic Afrin local council 04.2018
Locals to administer Afrin, FSA commander says
ÖSO'lu Komutan Afrinlilere biz sizin evlatlarınızız misafiriniz
Türkische Soldaten beten in Afrin zusammen mit der Bevölkerung.
Turkey renovates schools, improves education in Afrin
PKK documents in Afrin: to support the revolution is forbidden, Quran and salat not allowed.
Imam in Arbil
Afrin ilçe merkezine bağlı Kurt Farmez köyü sakinleri, Zeytin Dalı Harekatı kapsamında köylerini teröristlerden arındıran Özgür Suriye Ordusu (ÖSO) mensubu akrabalarıyla buluştu.
Kurdische Kämpfer, die in Rebelleneinheiten an der Seite der türkischen Armee gegen die YPG kämpfen:
"Media activist Massoud Ibo (also known as Abu Majd Koumala) told Al-Monitor, “Several Kurdish factions affiliated with the FSA are fighting in Operation Olive Branch — Mashaal Tammo Brigade, the Kurdish Front, Saladin Brigade and hundreds of Kurdish fighters in other factions like Faylaq al-Sham, Sultan Murad Brigade, the Levant Front and Ahrar al-Sham. These factions include Arabs, Kurds and Turkmens with a common goal in the operation.”"
Kurdish groups who fight along with the Turkish-backed Syrian opposition
Message to Afrin from Kurdish FSA fighters
The YPG doesn't represent the Syrian Kurds, Azadi Shabo, a Kurdish leader of the Free Syrian Army in Azez said.
"Bizim için PKK ile Esed rejimi arasında fark yoktur ve biz bu yüzden onları istemiyoruz" Fırat Kalkanı bölgesindeki Kürtlerden #ZeytinDalıHarekatı'na destek
#FSA Kämpfer in Afrin beerdigen tote #YPG Kämpfer nach der Einnahme eines Dorfes Westlich von Afrin. Man erinnere sich an die YPG Leichen Parade von toten FSA Kämpfern in Afrin vor 2 Jahren --->>
Wieder einmal werden „die Kurden“ von Ankara bekämpft und vom Westen im Stich gelassen, tönt es in fast allen Medien. Schon die Bezeichnung „die Kurden“ ist dabei irreführend. Denn zwischen „den Kurden“ und der YPG besteht ein gewaltiger Unterschied und die YPG repräsentiert beileibe nicht die Mehrheit der kurdischen Bevölkerung in Syrien.
In vielen deutschen Medien werden die Kurden mit den Terrororganisationen PKK, YPG und PYD gleichgesetzt. Damit beleidigen die Medien das kurdische Volk. Das ist inakzeptabel.
#Afrin: Video shows civilians in #Afrin City welcoming the #OliveBranch forces after #YPG were expelled from the city today.
People who lost their young family members to a roadside bomb planted by YPG/PKK terrorists in Afrin, Syria, near Turkey’s southern border, explained both the horror of the attack and the terror group then trying to blame the attack on Turkey.
PYD shooting at people who want to return to Afrin
Hassan Al
Auch auf Deutsch kurz: Die ypg hindert die Zivilisten daran nach Afrin zurück zu kehren. Sie schießen aif die Autoreifen und begründen ihr Vorgehen damit, dass sie in Afrin festgenommen werden und ihre Frauen vergewaltigt werden.
26-03-2018: The Turkish/FSA success in Afrin has reignited the hopes of free Syrians. Protests erupted earlier today in Mansoura and Tal Rifat to oust the YPG occupation. As expected, the Assad-allied YPG ['rebranded' as the SDF at the suggestion of US SOCOM Commander General Raymond Thomas] responded by opening fire with machine guns at the unarmed protesters.
People return to Afrin
Syrians protesting for Turkish intervention Video
Mass graves of executed FSA members
Terör örgütünün tuzakladığı binada patlama: 11 ölü
Die Terroristen haben die Wohnungen miteinander verbunden, damit sie sich bei Gefechten in die Häuser verschanzen können. Afrin scheint regelrecht zu einer Terrorfestung umgebaut worden zu sein
Diese Tunnel der YPG(PKK/PYD), die mit schweren Gerätschaften ausgehöhlt wurden, reichen bis an die türkische Grenze.
YPG/PKK'nın 12 odalı yer altı mühimmat deposu bulundu 03.2018
TSK ve ÖSO Afrin’e gireli günler oldu. Zar zor geçinmeye çalışan Afrin sakinlerinin çoğu gıda yardımlarını bekliyor. Afrinli’ler ayrıca kente mayın döşeyip terk eden YPG’ye öfkeli
Bugün Afrin merkezinde bulunan Mahmudiye mahallesinde yaşayan 2000 bin aileye ekmek, hazır makarna, konserve ve su dağıtımında bulunduk
900.000 und das vom ZDF was für eine fake news hetze gegen die Türkei.
#Afrin: Video shows 1000s of civilians returning to their villages and towns in #Afrin today.
Operation Olive Branch gives Afrin's oppressed Kurds hope for return ... "We couldn't live with the PYD. There was no order. You have 100 oil cans, and then 25 of them would forcefully be taken by the PYD," said the 48-year-old Kurd, bemoaning the arbitrariness of the group. "They also took my taxi, to which I had to keep silent as well," Mustafa said. ... "Life was relatively more difficult as I was an Arab. I had to pay taxes. Nearly half the money I earned was taken by the PYD in the name of taxes," Abdullah said. "So I fled."
Kurdischer Nationalrat: Afrin gehört nicht der PYD
"Die PYD verteidigt keineswegs die Rechte der Kurden und hat auch nicht unsere Ideologie. Wir [Kurden in Syrien] sind Menschen, die sich nach Freiheit, Frieden und Ruhe sehnen", sagt Abdul Bari Usman, der Pressesprecher des Rates, in einem Exklusivinterview mit der Nachrichtenagentur Anadolu. 01.2018
Die YPG ist der bewaffnete Arm der nordsyrischen Kurdenpartei PYD, die einen eigenen Kurdenstaat in Nordsyrien aufbauen will. Die PYD ist wiederum eng verflochten mit der verbotenen kurdischen Arbeiterpartei PKK in der Türkei. Das sieht nicht nur die Türkei so, sondern zum Beispiel auch das Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz, das die PYD "den syrischen Ableger der PKK" nennt.
Der Auftritt von General Raymond Thomas, Befehlshaber des "Special Operations Command", also einer der ranghöchsten Militärs der Vereinigten Staaten, ist aus unserer Sicht ein starker Beleg dafür, wie der Name "Syrian Democratic Forces" zustande kam. Thomas erzählt von einer Besprechung im Jahr 2015, die VOR der Erfindung des neuen Namens "SDF" stattfand. ... Wir setzen die PKK nicht mit "den Kurden" gleich, auch wenn wir wissen, dass die PKK selbst gern "für alle Kurden" sprechen möchte. Gerade im Südosten der Türkei scheinen relevante Teile der kurdischen Bevölkerung nicht mit allen strategischen Entscheidungen der PKK der vergangenen Jahre einverstanden gewesen zu sein.,pkk176.html,-Die-Kurdenmiliz-YPG-und-die-fragwuerdige-Rolle-des-Westens-_arid,10807453.html
Aber das heißt nicht, dass es diese Bedrohung nicht wirklich gibt. Das ist das große Manko der bequemen deutschen Sicht auf den Konflikt: Sie blendet völlig aus, wie real die Terrorgefahr in der Türkei ist und wie real auch die politische Sorge vor einem westlich geförderten Rückzugsgebiet für PKK-Kämpfer direkt an der türkischen Grenze ist. Der Westen verkennt das Sicherheitsempfinden der meisten Türken. ... Weil sie sich tatsächlich bedroht fühlen, sind auch weite Teile der Opposition für die Militäraktion. Und nicht etwa, weil sie zu feige wären, Erdoğan zu widersprechen. Der Präsident musste nicht in die Trickkiste greifen, damit die Mehrheit der Türken hinter der Militäroperation steht. Es wäre gut, wenn man sich in Deutschland Mühe geben würde, die Gründe dafür zu verstehen, statt es pauschal als weiteren Erdoğan-Irrsinn abzutun.
Around 400 DAESH terrorists were taken to the town of Jinderes, south of Afrin. The PYD/PKK convinced these Daesh terrorists by promising an end to their punishment, having their names struck off the terrorist list and ensuring that their home countries stop tracking them.
Opferzahl in Kilis steigt nach Raketenangriff der YPG an
PYD, Assad regime ‘block’ civilians from leaving Afrin
Türkiye’nin güvenlik kurumları önemli bir tecrübeye sahip. Sur, Cizre, Nusaybin gibi bölgelerde PKK şehir savaşına giren PKK bozguna uğratıldı. Dahası buradan önemli bir tecrübe elde edildi. Bu tecrübe ile Fırat Kalkanı Harekâtı daha kolay gerçekleşti.
The Turkish military and the Free Syrian Army (FAS) forces took control of the Bulbul town center in the northern part of Syria from the PYD organization on Thursday. #Afrin: Photos from #Bulbul town. Not 1 single house was destroyed by the #OliveBranch forces.
Disinformation claiming Turkey gave Aleppo and Ghouta away for al Bab, Jarablus and Afrin. Turkey stop what's happening in Ghouta? Ghouta is under siege. Those who hold it are Syrians who receive little to no external support. No force in the world could stop it without breaking the siege by force - i.e. by imposing a NFZ and aiding the rebels to break out. Turkey doesn't have the capacity to do this - even if it has the resources to do it, it would mean Turkey, alone, going to war with Russia. 03.2018
I'm STILL seeing people, undoubtedly with extremely slack jaws, saying that Turkey has somehow vowed to 'give' Russia Idlib. Aside from the fact Turkey couldn't 'give' Idlib to Russia if it wanted to, here you can see pro-Assad fascist Shia militias fighting with the YPG against Turkey in Efrin. They've also been seen using Iranian munitions and vehicles. If there was a deal to handover Idlib to Russia-Iran-Assad, why would Iranian-led regime forces be fighting with the YPG? It's almost like as if it's simply the usual conspiracy theorist bullshit that masquerades as 'analysis' and 'journalism' on Syria.
Zu behaupten es gäbe ein Abkommen für Abu Duhur und zu sagen das Rebellen (FSA) von dort Richtung Afrin abgezogen ist ist das letzte und schlichtweg falsch, weil die FSA nie in Abu Duhur noch in der nähe dieser HTS Front war noch sind an sich FSA Kräfte an den anderen Fronten abgezogen es sind nicht mal 500 Rebellen Richtung Afrin aus Idlib gefahren.
Aufnahmen der FSA mit ihren von der Türkei gelieferten Panthera S9 Fahrzeuge in der Hama und Idlib Offensive gegen das Assad Regime. 2nd #FSA Army releases footag of their Offensive against #SAA in #Hama, #Idlib countryside.
Die Türkische Armee hat eine Aufklärungsmission in der von Rebellen gehaltenen Stadt El Eis (südlich von Aleppo) unternommen um möglich stationierungs Punkte zwischen ihnen und den Truppen des Assad Regimes zu bestimmen. Dieser Schritt der TSK würde die Rebellen in dieser Region entlassten und sie an andere Fronten im Süden von Idlib und Aleppo binden.
#Turkey provided its vetted groups with more weapons & ammunitions to stop an #AssadPutin & #Iran offensive in #Idlib province. While #Assad & #Iran keep supplying #YPG with ATGM´s.
Muhaysini on his weekly show answers Questions regarding Afrin and Idlib:
1) Was Abu Dhuhur exchanged for Afrin?
Answer: No. States might have their plans but reality on the ground is another story.
2) Did the rebels leave the Idlib/Hama fronts for Afrin?
Answer: No, fake news.
#Turkish_Military Delegation Enters Taftanaz Airbase Eastern #Syria’s #Idlib
Weitere aufnahmen der #FSA Rebellen beim einnehmen des Dorfes Ajaz in #Idlib. Manche Rebellen in diesem Video tragen Türkische HAR-66 Raketenwerfer.
#AfrinOp: Hezbollah flags during funeral ceremony of pro-Assad fighters killed by Turkish airstrikes. They were part of #Syria|n Hezbollah from Nubul-Zahraa. ... some of the pro assad NDF/LDF/Hezbollah whoever kids Turkey killed in airstrikes a couple days ago 03.2018
#FSA National Army in conquered #YPG Positions in #Afrin. PKK Flag is clearly to be seen.
Adopt a Revolution hat sich dazu entscheiden die FSA wegen der Afrin Operation komplett zu denunzieren. Ihnen geht es nicht um Syrien oder die Syrische Revolution sondern um die Zufriedenstellung des Deutschen Bürgers in der seit Jahren Herrschenden Anti Türkei Stimmung
Here is a List of all FSA Groups who are part of National Army in N.Aleppo:
Friend or foe? Assad quietly aids Syrian Kurds against Turkey
Russia supplies the Kurds with weapons and ammunition to fight the Turkish army (VIDEO)
Afrin/ der befreite Ort Mahmudiyah: Kurdische Zivilisten begrüßen die Freie Syrische Armee
#Afrin: Video shows Kurdish civilians greeting #OliveBranch forces in the captured #Mahmudiyah village south of #Jendires
Terrorists use residential areas in Syria to launch attacks on Turkish border provinces
Civilian victims in Turkey of PYD/PKK terrorists
Terrorists used civilians as human shields during Saturday's attack on Turkish troops in Afrin that left 11 martyrs
Nisan 2011'de İran'la PKK arasında yapılan anlaşma sonrasında 500 PKK'lı Kandil'den Suriye'ye gelerek YPG'yi kurdu.
FSA names and expels some guilty of looting in Afrin and calls for respect of civilians. Plünderer wurden bestraft, viele waren keine Mitglieder der FSA. Die Sachen wurden den Besitzern zurückgegeben.
Aufstand in Afrin: Gebäude der PKK werden geplündert :))
In Afrin herrscht Chaos - YPG-Führung hat sich abgesetzt 17.03.2018
YPG members flee Afrin, leaving behind personal items and IDs
Die PKK stellt Sprengfallen in Afrin auf
Die PKK massakriert Zivilisten, die aus Afrin fliehen wollen.
PKK hindert Zivilisten am Fliehen
Die PKK zündet in Afrin LKWs und Gebäude an: YPG and friends burning their own vehicles in Afrin city. This is the 3rd drone/aircraft video in as many days Turkey has released in as many days that make YPG et al look really bad. Own IEDs hitting civilians to civilians trying to stop people from cutting trenches cross road
Afrin Fakes
Disinformation Campaigns Against Operation Olive Branch Carried Out by Members of Terrorist Organization and Its Supporters On Social Media
In Syrien haben sich Nachrichten über eine Zerstörung des Mausoleums des Heiligen Maron während der türkischen Afrin-Offensive als falsch herausgestellt. Laut des Erzbischofs von Aleppo blieben das Grab und weitere Gebäude unversehrt. - Nachricht vom 26.03.2018
Türkiye'nin zaferine sevinemeyen generaller...
Die Kirche betet immer für den Frieden
Bilder in Medien, die über das Krankenhaus in Afrin geteilt werden, stammen aus einem Krankenhaus in Idlib, das 2017 von Russen bombardiert wurde.
Das Krankenhaus in Afrin wurde ein Tag vorher evakuiert. Das Hauptkrankenhaus in Afrin soll (heute) getroffen worden sein. Komisch nur, dass die Meldung nur einen Tag nach einer anderen Meldung (gestern) erfolgt, in der es heißt, dass das Krankenhaus evakuiert wurde.
Hastanenin vurulduğuna dair iddianın sahibi ise Suriye İnsan Hakları Gözlemevi ve YPG. Hastanede dokuz kişinin hayatını kaybettiği, 20 kişinin de yaralandığı öne sürüldü. Buna karşılık Afrin Sağlık Konseyi Eş Başkanı Ancelo Reşo, önceki saatlerde Kürdistan Bölgesel Yönetimi (KBY) merkezli Kurdistan 24’e konuşmuş, söz konusu hastanedeki yaralıların ve tıbbi ekipmanların güvenli bir yere taşındığını söylemiş, Kurdistan 24 de hastanenin boşaltıldığını yazmıştı.
In der Videoaufzeichnung aus einem mutmaßlichen Krankenhaus in Afrin sind Frauen und Kinder zu sehen, die angeblich bei einem Luftschlag der türkischen Luftwaffe verletzt worden sind. ... ein Kind blickt verstohlen in die Kamera, eine Frau beginnt zu weinen, als die Kamera auf sie gerichtet wird. In den sozialen Medien wird das als ein weiterer Beweis betrachtet, mit welchen Mitteln die YPG Propaganda betreibt, um die Weltöffentlichkeit in Aufruhr zu versetzen. Das Video wird auch vom öffentlich-rechtlichen Sender ZDF in "heute plus" verwendet. Unter dem Titel "Afrin: Augenzeuge Social Media" werden die kursierende Bilder und Videos gezeigt.
Krankenhaus in Afrin, das angeblich von türkischen Stretkräften bombardiert wurde: Es gibt keine Hinweise auf Bombardierung.
Das Video ist von den Nebengebäuden am Krankenhaus in Afrin.
1) Nach einem Bombeneinschlag sieht es nicht aus weil Krater fehlt, die Fassade keine Schäden ausweist.
2) Granatentreffer ist das Schadensbild kleiner, aber hier sieht man mehrere Meter lang extremen Schutt.
Sieht eher danach aus, dass das Abbrucharbeiten sind, quasi selbst gemacht.
Video footages from Ghouta published by a Swedish newspaper as in Afrin
Amal, ein 11-jähriges Mädchen, das bei israelischen Angriffen verletzt wurde, unter den Afrin-Fakes.
Ein Kleinkind, das bei den Angriffen Assads sein Bein verloren hat, wird als Opfer der türkischen Armee geteilt.
Ein Kind, das in Ghouta getötet wurde, wird von der Journalistin Süheyla Kaplan als Opfer der Türken geteilt.
Terrorist Organization #PKK/ #PYD/ #SDF/ #YPG/ #YPJ's accounts share this image claiming that the Turkish army kills children in #Afrin actually belongs to the Assad Regime’s chemical attack in Aleppo in early 2017
The official twitter account of the @UNICEFmena posted this picture with its claim of displaced people in #Afrin during #OperationOliveBranch. In fact, the picture was taken in November 2017 in the Eastern Ghouta, Damascus
Der eine Terrorist betreibt mit alten Videos aus anderen Regionen Propaganda und der andere Terrorsympathisant entlarvt sie
PKK-Führer Karayilan: "Niemand soll vor dem türkischen Staat Angst haben. Er kann die Bevölkerung nicht bombardieren."
Das deutsch-israelische Onlinemagazin veröffentlichte ein Foto, dass angeblich türkische Soldaten zeigen soll, die zusammen mit al-Qaida-Kämpfern unter einer IS-Fahne Afrin angreifen würden.[1] Jedoch ist alles, wirklich alles an dieser Behauptung einfach nur falsch. Weder sind auf dem Foto türkische Soldaten zu sehen, noch stammt die Aufnahme aus Afrin, auch handelt es sich bei der Fahne nicht um eine IS-Fahne.
Aziz Nesin'in oğlu ;
30 Aralık 2015'te Suriye'nin Şam kentinin Douma bölgesinde, Esed rejiminin yaptığı bombardımanın ve O bombalamadan kaçan insanların fotoğrafını alıyor, "Erdoğan senin yatacak yerin yok" diye, Sanki Türkiye Afrin'de yapmış gibi dünyaya servis ediyor. Bunlar bu ülkenin ekmeğini yiyen insanlar. Bunlar ESED katiline tek söz etmeyin, Türkiye'nin AFRİN operasyonunu eleştiren, Mehmetçiği karalayan insanlar...
30 Ekim 1983'te Erzurum'da meydana gelen 6.9 şiddetindeki depremde 5 çocuğunu kaybeden Annenin çocukları başında feryad ettiği fotoğrafını alıyorlar, Türkiyenin Afrin'de öldürdüğü Kürt çocukları diye dünyaya servis ediyorlar...
O. cocuklarinin yeni yalani: Müslim Türk pasaportuyla Cekya'ya gitti. Türkiye’nin talebi ve ilettiği yakalama emirlerine istinaden, PYD Eski Eş Başkanı Salih Müslim’in Çekya güvenlik güçleri tarafından Prag’da gözaltına alındığını açıkladı. Önümüzdeki saatlerde Çekya yargısına teslim edileceğini ve Brüksel’e geri dönmesi için muhtemelen serbest bırakılacağının belirtti.
IŞİD terör örgütü 2015'te Ürdünlü bir pilotu yakıyor.
Suriyeli muhaliflerde bunu protesto için kendilerini ve çocukları kafesleree kapatıp eylem yapıyorlar. Gazeteci Hüsnü Mahalli'de Bu 2015'de ki gösterinin fotoğrafını alıyor, "ALEVİ ÇOCUKLARI DOĞU GUTA'DA kafeslere kapatılıp sokaklarada gezdiriliyor" diye servis ediyor...
Report that #Turkey used poison gas, dubious on its face, relies on #YPG/#PKK (whose motives are obvious), SOHR (notoriously unreliable), and SANA (Asad's propaganda channel). The claim is news, but @Reuters doesn't make clear the probability of untruth.
#Syria RT reporter in #Efrin asks #YPG\#SDF why he is wearing civilian clothes he answered:to protect myslef from Turkish shelling, Turkish army shells anyone wearing uniform even in civilian areas #OliveBranch #Turkey
Factcheck: Mutmaßliches Chemielabor als gegenwärtigen Chemiewaffen-Einsatz?
Jüngst im niederländischen Parlament: Die Democraten 66 (#D66) machen sich wirkliche Sorgen um Zivilisten in #Afrin. #DENK macht sich auch Sorgen darum, hat jedoch noch keine Zivilisten gesehen, die eine AK47 tragen.
PYD/PKK terrorist group leader Salih Muslim used a fake image during a press conference in Brussels to defame Turkey's counter-terror operation northern Syria.
During #Merkel / #Yildirim press conference in #Berlin, "journalist" shows FAKE "#Afrin child victim" pictures.
Yildirim: "Those are pictures from some other places. Don't do propaganda here..."
He is right.
„Stoppt das Blutvergießen in Afrin“
Drei Bilder leidender Kinder.
Drei Bilde, die nicht aus Afrin sind.
#CNN released the photo of Syrians who fled DEASH terrorists and took shelter in Turkey that was taken in 2015 as if Turkish soldiers opened fire on Syrians
In diesem Video behauptet Ali Mortada, der Reporter des Fernsehsenders Al-Mayadin (Teil der Iran-Propaganda-Maschine), dass die Türkei Zivlisten angreift. (Man beachte, dass kein Gebäude zerstört wurde.)
Iran, the state sponsor of terrorism is threatened by Turkey's Afrin operation and military deployment in Idlib: "Turkey must respect Syrian sovereignty and reconsider its policies in north of Syria"
Iran state TV publishes fake news about Operation Olive Branch
#Afrin #Efrin
"Barin Kobane" hat sich demnach laut vorherigen Meldungen der ANHA und ANF selbst in die Luft gesprengt und dabei selbst verstümmelt. Die Meldungen danach, dass die Frau durch Millizionäre der FSA nach ihrer Ergreifung verstümmelt worden sein soll, sind somit nicht plausibel und falsch.
Vom Assad-Regime getötete Zivilisten werden als zivile Opfer aus Afrin ausgegeben.
Assads Opfer werden als Zivilisten in Afrin ausgegeben.
Assads Opfer im Jahr 2013 in Aleppo werden als Zivilisten in Afrin ausgegeben. Death toll rises in Syria bombing raid (2013)
Twitter-Konto von UNICEF benutzt Fotos aus Ghouta, um über Afrin zu berichten.
13 Fake-Aufnahmen, von denen behauptet wird, dass sie von der Operation gegen die PYD in Afrin stammen:
The PKK/YPG terror group and its supporters use social media as a tool to make propaganda against Turkey's 'Olive Branch Operation' in Syria's Afrin.
Fake: Türkisches Flugzeug abgeschossen, türkischer Panzer brennt, türkische Soldaten gefangengenommen.
Vier weitere Fake-Fotos: 1. Dieser Panzer gehört nicht der Türkei. Aufnahme stammt aus dem Yemen und ist aus dem Jahr 2016. 2. Türkei hat keine Abrams-Panzer, Meldung stammt aus 2017. 3. Verletzter türkischer Soldat, wurde in Wirklichkeit wegen einer Fleischvergiftung im Krankenhaus behandelt. 4. Angeblich gefangengenommene türkische Soldaten sind in Wirklichkeit Terroristen der Hezbollat.
Noch ein Beispiel für PKK/YPG-Fakenews: Angeblich Clusterbombeneinsatz durch die türkische Armee. Das Foto taucht auf vielen älteren Seiten auf. Soweit ich das sehen kann, ist das älteste aus dem Jahr 2008:
Videoaufnahmen, die angeblich einen türkischen Luftangriff auf Afrin zeigen sollen. Tatsächlich stammen die Aufnahmen vom April 2017 und zeigen einen Luftangriff auf Hama. Enver Sedat Çakır
Die PKK-Propaganda geht weiter. Angebliche Plünderung in Syrien durch türkische Truppen entpuppt sich als Auffinden einer Antiquität in Tunceli im Jahr 2015.
YPG/PKK benutzt Bilder von Opfern ihrer eigenen Angriffe auf Azez für ihre jetzige Propagandaoffensive: #YPG and #PKK uses photo of own attack in #Azaz to smear #Turkey. Supporters of these groups continue to share falsified images online amid Turkish military operation in #Afrin
Es gibt keine Belege für die Behauptung, dass Tell Ain Dara durch türkische Offensive zerstört wurde.
Ein Gebäude in Kuwait, das im Jahr 2016 gebrannt hat, wird als Opfer türkischer Angriffe ausgegeben.
Staatlicher Mullah-Sender Press TV lügt über den Einsatz in Afrin. Getötete PKK-Mitglieder werden als "Kurden" ausgegeben.
Einfach Bilder hier hochladen und schauen, ob sie früher schon einmal veröffentlicht wurden. Klappt auch mit Google-Bildersuche.
Atrocities of the Shia extremists
Das irakische Regime, das mit Assad und dem Iran verbündet ist, wurde von den USA an die Macht gebracht und bat die USA im Jahr 2014 um Hilfe: American troops went, at the invitation of the Iraqi Government, to assess Iraqi forces and the threat posed by ISIL.
While the violence of ISIS, Boko Haram and similar groups is well-publicized, the Alawi thugs defending the Asad regime, the Shiites of Hizbollah, who have flooded into Syria, the Iraqi Shiite militias and death squads that helped to push many Iraqi Sunnis into the ranks of ISIS, have all engaged in ghastly acts of violence. None of these latter groups, would be described in any way as Salafis. Hence, alienation, disenfranchisement, rabid sectarianism, a perceived threat to their very existence, or to the existence of an ally, as opposed to Salafism, might be more insightful explanations for the violence of all of these parties and factions.
The US-led Coalition’s Human Rights Record in Iraq ... In cases of unlawful killing, “[b]efore the women were killed, they were tortured and sometimes had their teeth or eyes extracted. The corpses had bruises all over their bodies. Some had their breasts cut off or arms amputated and their hair was shaven off. Most of the victims had terrified looks frozen on their faces.”
Maliki's Iraq: Rape, executions and torture
Nouri al-Maliki's 'detention squad'
For the last several years, Iraq's former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki led a sectarian Shia government that systematically discriminated against Sunnis. In reaction, Sunnis rose up in a protest movement in cities of Anbar province, like Ramadi and Falluja.
US-Backed Shia Death Squads in Iraq ... The Shia militias, according to the report, “have executed many Sunnis and chased others from their homes.” It cited Kurdish officials as saying that “Shia militias are looting and burning homes belonging to Sunni families who fled… to prevent them from coming back,” turning previously Sunni areas into “ghost towns.” In some cases, bombs are placed at the doors of Sunni homes. 21.10.2014
Şii güçlerin ele geçirdiği bölgelerde yaşayan masum siviller, Iraklı Şii güçlerce keyfi olarak tutuklanıp akıl almaz işkencelere uğruyor. Iraklı aktivistler, Şii milislerin Iraklı Sünni halka uyguladığı işkence görüntülerini paylaştı.
Irak milletvekili Salman Ahmed #Enbar'da #Şii militanlarca kaçırılan 1300 #Sünni'nin listesini yayınladı. #Irak 22.12.2015
No these are not the Aztec Cannibals, these are sectarian Shia militants eating a Sunni after torturing & beheading: Shia stabing many times Shia Iraq burning
Shiites burn a Sunni alive, June 2015
Sunni Man Tortured by Having His Face Burned with Lighter, and Forced to Drink Human Waste
Iraq - A teen boy beaten to death + burned for having the wrong name
this is the result of your support of the #Shia_militias in #Iraq and Syria
Shiite militias killing animals
Shiite militias killing Sunni children
City by city .. town by town Iraqi sunnis have to live with #PMUCrimes who only seem to advance with US airsupport & Iranians available. #PMUCrimes torturing and committing atrocities against Sunnis in #Iraq #PMU = #ISIS
Shiites removing the heart of a civilian and eating it
Hundreds of Iraqis are being tortured to death or summarily executed every month in Baghdad alone by death squads working from the Ministry of the Interior ... up to three-quarters of the corpses stacked in the city's mortuary show evidence of gunshot wounds to the head or injuries caused by drill-bits or burning cigarettes. 26.02.2006
Reports say Shia militias in Iraq detained, tortured and abused far more Sunni civilians during the American-backed capture of the town of Fallujah in June than US officials have publicly acknowledged. More than 700 Sunni men and boys are still missing 23.08.2016
Belgeleriyle Irak'taki Sünni katliamları ile Mukteda el-Sadr ve Ceyşul Mehdi
When the Iraqi government announced that it would retake Tikrit in 72 hours last year, it actually took them almost two months to take a town occupied by around 200 IS fighters, and enthusiastic time estimates were also given for the battles in Baiji, Ramadi and other towns. What happened after “liberation”? ISF and PMF fighters presided over the sectarian slaughter of Sunni Arabs, and at one point were even filmed slicing up the burnt corpse of a Sunni man with a sword “like shawarma”. 30.05.2016
Iran's Shia militias fill mass graves, then blame ISIS to sidestep culpability for their war crimes in Iraq. Evidence indicates even Sunni victims of ISIS are designated as "Shia victims" to perpetuate sectarian tensions & narratives 01.2018
Im Irak gibt es derzeit keine Kraft, die mächtiger ist als die Milizen und keine Stimme, die lauter ist als die Stimme der konfessionellen Spalter, schreibt der irakische Publizist Safaa Khalaf.
US-backed Shia extremists are Assad's ground forces
Fisk has also argued that the Assad regime is a lesser of two evils that the West ought to support. ... The Syrian Arab Army essentially ceased to exist – the vast majority of the fighting is done by Shia jihadists from Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon, assembled by Iran and led by their Revolutionary Guards – of the Syrians that do fight for Assad, very few are Sunni, with the majority being Alawites recruited (often by force) to the Iranian-funded and trained "National Defence Forces". Take a look at the pro-Assad forces that took part in the partially staged reclaiming of Palmyra from the retreating Islamic State – you had Shia Afghan and Iraqi militias making up the majority of the infantry, under the command of Iranians. The same scenario is playing out across most fronts in Syria, Aleppo included.
And this is precisely what Fisk is concealing from his readers – the rebel forces are overwhelmingly Syrian and local and they are fighting to defend not just their communities and their families from Assad, Iran and Russia's brutality, but also the liberty that they have tasted for the four years since the rebels liberated areas of Aleppo. 11.08.2016
Foreign militia dominance in Hama exposed in IRGC Commander’s farewell 05.2017
Iranian militia leader talks of full Middle East dominance 05.2017
This is footage of Iraqi government militias - known collectively as the Popular Mobilisation Units (PMU) - fighting for the Assad regime in Syria. The PMU militias constitute the single biggest component of the coalition of pro-Assad ground forces in Syria today, outnumbering the Syrian Army, Hezbollah and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards. They are legally part of the Iraqi Army (thus in fact technically constituting "Iraqi Army brigades", not "non-state militias") and are salaried by the Iraqi government 05.2017
Most Prominent Massacres Perpetrated by Shiite Militias in Syria 01.2014
Iranian led forces in #Syria. #Iran #sectarianism
a 10-20,000-strong Afghan army recruited in Iran to fight the war in Syria ... “Beside the Iranians, there are Iraqi, Afghani fighters. The Lebanese Hezbollah is there but not with large numbers.” 04.08.2016
Iran to grant citizenship to Afghans fighting in Syria 13.03.2017
Seeing no future, draft-dodgers flee Syria ... If it was 300,000 in the army, now it’s less than half and probably less than that, that seems like a large number 04.08.2016
18,000 Shia militiamen fight for Syria's Assad: Sources 12.05.2016
American tanks and weapons used by pro-Assad Iraqi militias 10.02.2016
The U.S. Is Providing Air Cover for Ethnic Cleansing in Iraq. Iran’s Shiite militias aren’t a whole lot better than the Islamic State. 28.03.2015
Irak'ta ABD zırhlılarına binip, Suriye'de bayrağına basmak yalnızca Şii-Rafızi akaid ve ahlak ile mümkün! 05.2017
Pentagon: Iran-backed militia sharing Iraqi base with US troops 23.06.2015
Iranian forces, Iraq's government and the Popular Mobilisation Forces have become the Middle East Contras of the Obama administration 17.07.2015
Instances were recorded this year when Iraqi and Lebanese Shia militia entered the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus, hung Shia flags on the wall, and began chants considered by Sunnis to be blasphemous. Similarly when Hezbollah took over the town of Al Qusair, between Homs and the Lebanese border, a video was released showing Hezbollah fighters hanging a large flag from the minaret of the main Sunni mosque in the city which reads “Oh Hussein.” Recently an Iraqi Shia militia group occupied a mosque in Tal al-A’is, southern Aleppo, and published pictures on their website.
Division 9 is the largest and most important military force for Assad in southern Syria. It houses the only tank division, and has around 4,000 troops within four brigades. However, most of the troops within the division are now non-Syrians: “Without the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Lebanese Hezbollah the army could not stand up. Seventy percent of the troops in Division 9 are Iranian troops or Lebanese Hezbollah, the rest are shabiha. Only two to three percent are regular Syrian soldiers,” Khaled said. 18.11.2015
The former leader of Hezbollah, Tufayli slams Assad regime forces for supporting Daesh terrorists in Syria 21.12.2016
These foreign parties mainly include members of Hezbollah, Iraqi League of the Righteous and the Iranian Quds Brigade. They also include Afghani Shiite Fatimid militias and others who have been recruited and trained to serve the Iranian regime’s agenda in the Middle East. ... Today, the Syrian Arab Army, or Assad’s army, is mostly formed of forces, which are gathered and managed by Iranian military leader Qassem Soleimani who spoke of the presence of 100,000 fighters that were brought to Syria to defend the Assad regime. 26.10.2015
Shiite cleric: #Hezbollah is ally of #US, #Russia in killing #Syrians
There is a narrative being pushed today by members of the global anti-war movement and other pro-Syrian regime supporters that they are defending a secular state against the Islamic “head choppers” ... It’s the sort of crude “them and us” school playground kind of dialogue which was pushed by US President George W Bush ... a po-faced array of white-privileged bloggers has been paraded on state TV in Syria, Iran and Russia, to serenade Assad’s popular vote without realising how silly they look and sound ... they push the line that Assad presides over a secular state, as though religion is something to be despised and sneered at ... supporting what’s left of Assad’s depleted military. Step forward Hezbollah, Liwa Sayf Al-Haq Assad Allah Al-Ghalib and Kata’ib Sayyid Al-Shuhada 21.12.2016
Accused of being traitors, or defenders of imperialism and interventionism. Men [who are often getting paid] sitting comfortably in their homes on the other side of the planet, belittling others in flawless English – analyzing the alleged conspiracy against the Assad regime.
The #world should update its #dictionary, "Syrian forces" are no longer #Syrian, rather they are vicious #sectarian #foreign #militias bolstering #Assad. 26.12.2016
A Iranian tells Syrians that this is their Land now and that Aleppo now belongs to them. 'You are not coming back to Aleppo': Pro-Assad journalist mocks graffiti messages of love left in east Aleppo
Foreign sectarian militias are slaughtering Syrians for Russia and the colonial regime
Iran funds terrorists 01.2018
This is not the Syrian Army vs al-Qaeda. It's a mostly foreign Iranian-run, Russian-covered occupation force vs Syrian rebels 01.2018
Streng geheime Aufnahmen: So wollen sie USA die armen Mullahs stürzen
Today in 2017, Iran may exert overwhelming influence, if not de facto control over more than 230,000 militiamen in Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon combined. That number includes 150,000 in Syria alone. 07.2017
The official spoke about more than 50,000 militants from different nationalities. As a result, the official told VOA, the Assad regime requested that Iran be the provider of cash for all of the mentioned militias. The document from Zaman Al Wasl put the number of men to be paid for at 88,733. Analysts estimate that about 10,000 Iranian combat troops are in Syria fighting alongside thousands others from Lebanon's Tehran-affiliated Shiite militia of Hezbollah and assorted Shiite militia made up of renegade Pakistanis, central Asians and other nationalities. 05.2017
The Assad regime has asked Iran to take over the supervision and payroll of all militia, according to a regime official. 05.2017
Iran Establishes A New Militia In Syria And Fears Of Sectarian Extermination. İran ve Esed rejimi, terör örgütü PYD/PKK ile Afrin’den Akdeniz’e inecek bir 'terör koridoru' üzerinde anlaştı. İranlı general Kasım Süleymani, Nubbul kasabasındaki görüşmede PKK’ya, Türkiye’nin güney sınırındaki 150 kilometrelik güzergah boyunca destek vermeyi vadetti. 06.2017
Regime on Brink of Losing Al-Manshiyah as Russia Backs Reports of Hezbollah-Regime Infighting 05.2017
Iran's proxy war in Syria, explained
A short 7 minute video explaining the, Iranian-led, sectarian-Shia interventionist war in #Syria
Why is Iran involved in a proxy war in Syria? And what's the cost? We explain how and why the country has recruited an army of its own people to help prop up President Assad. 06.2017
Bashar al-Assad officially signs a resolution to consider all the armed militias of Iran, Iraq and Lebanon as an integral part of the regime's army. 06.2017
#Iranian Weapons And Fighters Arrives In #Syria Through #Iraq 06.2017
Shiite militias in Syria, 02.2017
Hezbollah's war in Aleppo: Victory at any cost, even to civilians 09.02.2017
"It is incomprehensible and unacceptable that a country which does not hesitate from driving refugees to the battlefield accuses others of instability and tension in the region," ... "There is Persian nationalism in the Middle East. We are against the division of Syria and Iraq but there are people desiring a divided region. We have to counter these efforts. We cannot sit still and watch these developments in the Middle East." Iran has also deployed troops in Syria in addition to providing support to Shiite militants. Over ten Iranian generals have lost their lives on the ground in Syria so far. 02.2017
Ein irakischer Schiit schimpft gegen die Schiiten-Mullahs, die den Irak, Syrien und den Jemen zerstört haben.
This is what a mass deportation of Muslims would really look like if Trump had his way. We witness today a repeat of Aleppo, The first batch of evacuation buses made their way into besieged #WadiBarada after months of starvation, massacres, lack of medical assistance & daily bombardment by Assad & Hezbollah on a population of 80.000. The people of #Wadi_Barada where forced to leave their homes with no other option other then to starve to death or be killed as the world looked on. 29.01.2017
No Return To Homs – A case study on demographic engineering in Syria ... The report focuses on Homs, the first major urban centre in Syria to succumb to this siege and destroy strategy. But the same was done most recently to Aleppo, and before that to Darayya. Two other places under siege, Madaya and Douma, may suffer a similar fate. 02.03.2017
Syria: World 'watched us die and did nothing', Madaya doctor says ahead of evacuation 12.04.2017
The Syrian regime has used war to displace residents from strategically located cities and townships to northern areas of the country, a calculated policy of demographic change aiming at creating a factual religious and ethnic divide 03.2017
Bölgede bulunan aktivistler, Esed rejiminin uyguladığı modern asrın en büyük tehcir ve demografik değişim uygulaması kapsamında, bugün, binlerce kişinin Şam’ın Berze, el-Kabun ve Tışrin semtleri ile Humus’un el-Vaır semtinden ayrılarak İdlib’e doğru hareket ettiği bilgisini verdi. 05.2017
“Suriye’de 70%’i yabancılardan müteşekkil bir ordu nasıl olurda milli olur?” Olayın teçhizat kısmına hiç değinmiyorum bile.
“The regime in Iran wants to change the identity and structure of the region. For this purpose, the regime has an insane project. The war in Syria is one of the pillars of this project. The Iranian regime follows the project in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. In Iraq, Nouri al-Maliki came from under the cloak of Iran regime. Iraq under the control of al-Maliki in 2010 cracked down Sunnis and the Sunnis rebelled against him. Syria, which was under the influence of Iran regime, has become a challenge to the regime.”
“The Iranian regime then went farther, that is to Yemen, but the regime’s project reached an impasse in Yemen as well. The regime’s Supreme Leader wants the Houthis to continue the war in Yemen and strike Saudi Arabia. But Yemen cannot be held hostage by Houthis, and even the ambitious dream of a repeat of Lebanese Hezbollah example in Yemen is in vain.”
“In Syria, which is the backbone of the Iranian regime’s expansionist project, one cannot say that the regime has achieved much. After the war in Aleppo, it became clear that the regime is after occupying Syria. The regime is wasting Iranian people’s wealth and assets in a futile adventurous action. Assad has no military in Syria. It is Khamenei’s militias (and mercenaries) who are fighting on the ground. As soon as Iranian regime asked Russia to intervene in Syria, it admitted that there is no government in Syria. Now the regime is not even Russia’s partner. Russia has its own interests which is not necessarily the same as Iranian regime’s interests.” 05.01.2017
Assad's "Syrian Arab Army" (SAA) really needs to change its name to something more suitable, like the "Russo-Iranian Occupation Force"(RIOF).
Syria Feature: Assad’s Embattled Army Calls Up Prisoners and Teachers 08.2016
Latakia: regime wages arrest campaign against youth escaping conscription 29.08.2016
Afghanistan arrests Iran official for recruiting Shiite fighters 29.08.2016
As the country’s economy and governance institutions continue to falter, these “ghosts,” as Syrians colloquially refer to regime-aligned criminals, have come back to haunt those in power. Despite what color-coded “control” maps show, Bashar al-Assad retains very little meaningful authority over much of the territory he is said to rule. As the war progresses, these dynamics will inevitably lead to divergence of interests among local fighters and the regime, as well as Damascus and its foreign backers.
The YPG-aligned "Bob Crow Brigade" of self-aggrandizing European white guys who came to Syria using Da'esh as a pretext to kill Muslims (tin-foil hat types claiming Turkey is behind Da'esh, and all Syria's opposition fighters are secret Da'eshis) posted a ridiculous Onion-worthy video mocking Syrian Arabs fighting Assad and threatening to attack the FSA & the Turkish army... For fighting Da'esh. The same forces they claim are simultaneously supporting Da'esh in some bizarre grand conspiracy... You know "internationalism" is dead when you see a video of Europeans in the middle of a Muslim Arab country, threatening those same Muslim Arabs and claiming that they're unfit to run one of their own cities 04.09.2016
600 Russian ground troops land in Syria. Their aim is to provide logistic support in the upcoming major battle for Aleppo (Russians feared that Russian ground troops will be cannon fodder, now there is no other option) 03.09.2016
An Iraqi Sheikh visits members of the Iraqi Shiite Harakat alNujba militia in #Aleppo, using murderous sectarian language to inspire his jihadi foreign fighters who are helping with the Iranian regime's expansionist regional occupation, sectarian war and sectarian cleansing in the name of a nominally Shiite regional "Islamic Nation", which is no less toxic and extremist than the nominally Sunni "Islamic State". Some people, particularly some leaders, should ask themselves where the sectarian mentality rising in Sunni countries which they claim to oppose comes from while Iran pours these sectarian killers into Sunni nations like Syria, Yemen and Iraq. 28.09.2016
A major Iraqi Shia militia (Al-Nujaba' movement) fighting on the frontlines for Assad in Aleppo has released a motivational video with the lyrics "Aleppo is Shia".
This continues a process of ethnic cleansing and demographic change by Assad's government of Sunni Syrian communities and their replacement by foreign Shia loyalists.
Where is the pressure by Western governments on Iraq - the regime which it has been supporting with billions and billions since the 2003 invasion - to stop supporting Assad? Wasn't the invasion of Iraq supposedly to do with "bringing democracy" to the region? Or was it about replacing a dictatorship from one sect with another?
Forced displacement of Sunni Syrians to change the demography 02.01.2017
Harakat Al-Nujaba sends 300 Shiite families to Daraya and Moadimiya after clearing them of their residents, according to sources 07.09.2016
More terrorists captured in Syria
07-10-2016: Five more terrorists from the Tehran-backed Iraqi Harakat al Nujaba extremist Shiite militia were captured by rebels in fighting in Sheikh Saad in Aleppo this morning.
What remains of Assad's laughably named "Syrian Arab Army" is now fully dependent on Iranian, Iraqi,Afghan, Pakistani and other Shiite militias backed by Tehran, as well as on Russian troops.
As for the Iraqi movement of Nujaba, which recorded participation clearly in the southern countryside of Aleppo, the number of dead exceeded 260 elements during the past two months. 10.2016
Hezbollah to stay in Syria until 'apostate project' defeated 24.10.2016
Hezbollah vows at mass Beirut rally to keep up 'jihad' in Syria 12.10.2016
Tufaili criticizing Shia extremism 05.2017
Subhi al-Tufaili is a former leader of Hisbollah. He criticizes the sectarian policies of Iran and Hezbollah.
‘They exploited sectarianism’: Former Hezbollah leader Tufayli talks Iran, Syria
Tufeyli :İran'ın emriyle Suriye'ye giren Hizbullah '' Şeytanın tarafındadır '' ve şehid değiller.
Hashd militant claims they want to make #Mosul Shi'a, then invade #KSA & build a "Hussainiya (to worship Hussain) in the ka'aba!" #Iraq
Iran Regime Kills its own Revolutionary Guard who Refused to Fight in Syria 15.10.2016
Das ist der Anführer der Hisbollah. Seine Milizen verhindern seit 2012 militärisch und an vorderster Front den Sturz Assads. Dabei vertreiben dessen Truppen syrische Einwohner von ihren Städten und Dörfern, damit ideologietreue Menschen sich dort niederlassen können.
combatants under Iranian control outnumber the regular army of Assad, whose troops are around 50,000. According to estimates by NCRI, in Syria between 8,000 and 10,000 members of the Revolutionary Guards and between 5,000 and 6,000 Iranian regular troops, from 7,000 to 10,000 members of Hezbollah, and between 40,000 and 47,000 additional militants from other countries are fighting which, even in the smallest cases, gives a minimum of 60,000 combatants. 02.10.2016
Hezbollah pays heavy price as it tries to save Assad regime 26.12.2015
There has to be much more of a focus not only on how these people have spent the past few years scabbing on the Syrian people and trying to reduce the scale of the Syrian catastrophe to ward off a non-existent "Western regime change", but also on how they've largely failed to monitor Western interventions when they occurred, especially since 2014. It is the most damning indictment of their approach - which is based mainly on internal Western expertise and first and foremost an approach centred on the upset Western citizen ("are we" being told the truth?") - that when the Syrians they were systematically no-platforming started saying "your governments are bombing us and siding with these forces against us", they still continued to ignore them. The result being their failure to report the tens of thousands of Western airstrikes and their victims, to add to the more general Western-backed demographic changes and counter-revolutionary policy.
Libanon: Aus Rache für die Verluste der Terrormiliz „ Hisbollat“ werden Motoräder syrischer Flüchtlinge mit einem Panzer platt gemacht 07.2017
Die Anhänger der Terrormiliz Hezbollat schwören Rache und posaunen sektiererische und rassistische Sprüche.
Turkish army in Iraq
Die türkische Armee hat mehrere Panzer, Artilleriegeschütze und Soldaten im Irak stationiert, um die Peschmerga im Kampf gegen ISIL zu unterstützen. Der Irak hat die Türkei zum sofortigen Abzug ihrer Soldaten aus dem Norden des Landes aufgerufen. 2014 rief der Irak die USA zu Hilfe, weil die irakische Armee vor ISIL geflohen war. Türkische Soldaten sind seit zweieinhalb Jahren in der autonomen Kurdenregion im Nordirak stationiert, um die Peschmerga auszubilden. (05.12.2015)
Ninivehs Ex-Gouverneur Atheel al-Nujaifi kritisiert Proteste Bagdads gegen die Verlegung türkischer Truppen in den Irak. Diese sei mit Al-Abadi abgesprochen. Die türkische Armee hatte am Freitag 150 weitere Soldaten und Panzer in den Irak geschickt, um kurdische Peshmerga auf eine Rückeroberung des vom IS besetzten Mosul vorzubereiten. (07.12.2015)
‘’During a visit to Turkey in 2014, Haider al Abadi asked us to support them by giving military training and upon that a military camp was established in Bashiqa region of Iraq. They know this fact very well. Now I am asking why they have been silent over Turkish troops since that time?’’ Erdogan recounted. (10.12..2015)
Irak Kürt Bölgesel Yönetimi Başkanı Mesut Barzani: "Bizim bilgilerimiz Türkiye ve Irak'ın, Musul'un çevresinde konuşlanan Türk askerleri konusunda, daha önce anlaştığı yönündedir. Musul'u kurtarma operasyonuna katılacak gönüllü askerlerin eğitilmesi ve gerekli desteğin sağlanması için böyle bir ittifaka gidilmişti. Söz konusu sevkiyat taraflar arasındaki anlaşmaya göre yapıldı. Bana göre bu mesele çok büyütüldü." ... Irak Başbakanı Haydar el İbadi önceki gün Türkiye'nin askerlerini çekmesi için 48 saat süre tanıdıklarını söylemişti. (08.12.2015)
Süleyman Özışık: Arkadaşlar gereksiz heyecan yapmayın. 1300 askerimiz zaten Musul'daydı. Bugün 150 asker nöbet değişimi için bölgeye sevk edildi. Mesele bundan ibaret... Turkish Prime Minister Davutoglu says troop rotation in Iraq’s Mosul is routine as Turkish forces had set up military camp in region in coordination with Iraqi authorities nearly one year ago. On Friday, Turkish Armed Forces deployed around 150 soldiers and 20 tanks to Bashiqa as part of a mission carried out to replace troops that have been in the region for almost two and a half years.
Musul'un eski valisi Asil Nuceyfi, İbadi yönetiminin Türk askerinin Musul'da bulunmasına gösterdiği sert tepkinin İran ve Şii milislerin baskısından kaynaklandığını söyledi. Nuceyfi, "Türkiye, Irak'ın yeniden yeniden inşası için önemli bir rolü olacaktır. Halkımıza yeni bir hayatı sunabilecek ülke Türkiye'dir" diye konuştu.
TÜRK ASKERİ 21 YILDIR ORADA ... 20 yıldan sonra ne oldu da, bu defa “Irak’ın kuzeyinde Türk askeri istemiyoruz” sesleri yükseldi, önce Bağdat, ardından da Tahran ve Moskova’dan? ... “Türkiye’nin Kuzey Irak’taki askeri varlığı bugüne kadar sorun değildi de, şimdi neden problem oldu” sorusu; bölgede dengelerin değiştiği, kartların yeniden dağıtıldığı şu dönemde anlam kazanıyor
Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri’nin, Kuzey Irak-Duhok vilayetinde Musul-Başika’da bulunan üssün ardından ikinci bir askeri üs kurduğu bildirildi. 11.08.2016
2015 Russian Sukhoi Su-24 shootdown
Turkey didn't apologize for the shootdown. Die Türkei hat sich nicht für den Abschuss entschuldigt.
Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan'ın Rusya Devlet Başkanı Vladimir Putin'e geçen kasım ayında Rus askeri uçağının düşmesiyle ilgili gönderdiği mektupta özür ifadesinin kesinlikle yer almadığı bildirildi. ... İletilen üzüntünün devlete değil, aileye yönelik olduğunu vurgulayan kaynaklar, aileye tazminat verilmesine yönelik bir ifadenin mektupta kesinlikle yer almadığını kaydetti. ... Türkiye’nin Suriye, Ukrayna ve Kırım konularında pozisyonunun değişmeyeceğini belirten kaynaklar, "Ancak bu konularda artık Rusya ile doğrudan görüşebilecek ve olaylara müdahil olabileceğiz" ifadelerini kullandı. 28.06.2016
Poroşenko, Erdoğan’ın mektupta Putin’den özür dilemediği, hayatını kaybeden pilotun ailesine taziyelerini bildirdiği fikrini paylaştı. 28.06.2016
1 Eylül 1983 günü, Amerika'nın New York şehrinden havalanan ve Güney Kore'nin başkenti Seul'e hareket eden Güney Kore yolcu uçağı, Rusya tarafından düşürüldü. Mürettebat dahil 269 kişi hayatını kaybetti.
Gürcistan savaşında Ruslar paraşütle atlayan Gürcü pilotu böyle vurmuştu
Braindead Russian networks are spreading fake threats. AWD News: Russian president to Turkish ambassador: "tell your dictator President he can go to hell along with his ISIS terrorists, I will make Syria a 'Big Stalingrad' for him!" (03.08.2015) Veterans Today: Putin Issues Ultimatum, Threatens War Over Erdogan’s Support of ISIS (04.08.2015) AWD News: Putin threatening Turkish President: if necessary, We can stage a swift military coup d'état against you, I will defeat you and your American master in Syria (24.09.2015) Washington Post: Putin threatens Turkey for shooting down Russian warplane (03.12.2015)
Auch 2014 verletzte Russland immer wieder fremden Luftraum.
NATO officials have reported a list of violations by Russian military aircraft trespassing in European airspace. According to those statistics, there were six incidents with Estonia, three with Finland, and one each with Denmark and Poland. Against Sweden there were ten in 2014, up from eight in 2013, and seven in 2012. While there were no violations of Latvian airspace, there were over 180 incidents in which the Russian air force flew close to the borders in 2014. The Russian intruders turned off their transponders, electronic devices most aircraft are required to operate to make it easy to track them, in nearly all of the cases.
NATO fighters policing Baltic airspace were scrambled 68 times along Lithuania’s borders [in 2014], by far the highest count in more than 10 years. Estonia has said its sovereign airspace had been violated by Russian aircraft five times this year.
Russia is continuing to provoke Georgia and violate its territorial integrity by flying several aircraft into Georgian airspace.
Finnish media is reporting that an unidentified helicopter violated Finnish airspace from the Russian border on Thursday morning.
Gürcistan Savunma Bakanı Tinatin Khidasheli, “Türkiye ciddi bir ülke, kendisine karşı yapılacak tacizlerin bedelini ödeteceğini gösterdi. Türkiye bu yüzden bugünün dünyasında önemli ve saygı duyulan bir ortaktır, önemli ve saygı duyulan bir aktördür” dedi. (28.11.2015) Türkiye'nin Rus savaş uçağını hava sahasını ihlal ettiği gerekçesiyle düşürmesine Ukrayna'dan destek geldi. Ulusal Güvenlik ve Savunma Kurulu Başkanı Oleksandır Turçinov Ukrayna hava sahasını ihlal eden Rus uçaklarına aynı şekilde karşılık verilmesi gerektiğini söyledi. (25.11.2015) Irak Kürt Bölgesel Yönetimi Başkanı Mesut Barzani: Türkiye doğalgaz ihtiyacının büyük bölümünü Rusya'dan karşılamakta. Türkiye bu konuda her ne kadar Rusya'ya bağımlı olsa da, sınırlarını ihlal eden Rus uçağını düşürmesi hakkıdır. Sınır namustur, sınır ihlalleri asla kabul edilemez. Türkiye, Rusya ile doğalgaz sorunu yaşaması halinde biz yardımcı olmaya hazırız. Kürt petrolleri yıllar önce Türkiye üzerinden satışa başladı. 2020'den itibaren komşumuz ve kardeşimiz olan Türkiye'ye 50 sene yetecek kadar Kürt gazı mevcuttur (28.11.2015) Azeri doğalgazını Türkiye üzerinden Avrupa'ya ulaştırmayı hedefleyen boru hattı TANAP'ın temeli Kars'ta, Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan ile Azerbaycan ve Gürcistan cumhurbaşkanlarının katıldığı törende atıldı. (17.03.2015) Erdoğan'ın "Akkuyu’yu Ruslar yapmaz ise bir başkası gelir yapar" çıkışının ardından Sinop nükleer santralinin yetkili şirketi Japon Toshiba'dan ilginç açıklama geldi. Toshiba'nın İş Geliştirme Yöneticisi Toyoaki Fujita, Türkiye'nin istemesi halinde, yeni bir nükleer santral projesinde söz sahibi olmak istediklerini açıkladı. (08.10.2015)
Wir müssen verhindern, dass Putin pleitegeht Der Ölpreis ist im freien Fall – das hatte schon die Sowjetunion ruiniert. Jetzt droht dem Kreml wieder der Bankrott. Aber ist ein abermaliger Niedergang Russlands im Interesse des freien Westens? (22.12.15)
Kein Land dieser Welt kann für 29,93 Dollar rentabel fördern. Auch Saudi-Arabien droht der Ruin, wenn die Preise nicht wieder steigen. Aber den Rivalen droht er früher. Russland, der Iran und Amerikas Ölfirmen stürzen schneller. Das ist das Kalkül. (15.01.16)
Kırgızistan hükümeti, enerji sektöründeki projelerini hayata geçiremediği gerekçesiyle Rusya ile yaptığı iş birliği anlaşmasını tek taraflı olarak iptal etmeye hazırlanıyor.
We discuss with her Russia's intervention in Syria and Ukraine and the annexation of the Crimean peninsula, and the consequences of these actions for its relationship with Western powers and NATO. We also discuss President Vladimir Putin's rule and examine the country's human rights record.
Bizim Rusya'ya yaptığımız ihracat 5 milyar dolar. 2014 yılında 6 milyar dolardı. İthalatımız 25-26 milyar dolar. Bu senede 25 milyar dolar ithalat bekliyoruz. Büyük çoğunluğu enerji ürünleri. Dünyada doğalgaz ve petrol ihraç eden ülkeler Katar, Azerbaycan, Kuzey Irak ve diğer ülkelerle yapılan görüşmeler sonucunda önümüzdeki yıllar içinde Rusya'ya olan enerji bağımlılığımızı minimize edecek şekilde çalışma yürütüyoruz.
Hier sagt ein Prediger, der Assad in Schutz nimmt, er wolle sehen, dass die Türkei ein russisches Kampfflugzeug abschießt.
Als russische Jets den türkischen Luftraum verletzt haben, wollte der HDP-Vorsitzende Demirtas, dass die Türkei was gegen Putin macht.
Die Türkei hatte Russland mitgeteilt, dass sie die Luftraumverletzungen nicht ewig dulden wird. Russland hat die Großoffensive von vornherein geplant. Rusya'nın Suriye'ye müdahalesinden sonra Rus uçaklarının 3 defa hava sahasını ihlal etmesi üzerine 01 Ekim 2015 tarihinden başlayarak yapılan 5 resmi görüşme dışında, çeşitli vesilelerle defalarca yapılan telefon görüşmelerinde gerek Dışişleri Bakanlığı gerekse Genelkurmay Başkanlığı yetkilileri bu ihlallerden çok rahatsız olunduğunu, bunun tekrar etmesi durumunda hiç istenmeyecek durumların ortaya çıkabileceğini ifade ederek Rus tarafını uyardılar.
Enstitü'nün hazırladığı rapora göre, "en büyük 100" listesine giren 11 Rus silah şirkeninin yıllık hasılatı bir yılda %48,4 büyüdü.
Nach einer Reihe provokanter Verletzungen des türkischen Luftraums durch in Syrien stationierte russische Jets seit Oktober drohte Ankara mit Gewalt. Also besuchte der Vizechef der russischen Luftwaffe am 15. Oktober die Türkei. Man vereinbarte, dass jeder Flug, der in die Nähe der türkischen Grenze führte, mindestens zwölf Stunden zuvor angekündigt würde.
Der Vorfall mit dem russischen Bomber, den die türkische Luftwaffe abgeschossen hat, und alles, was danach folgte, werden im Westen gern als eine Art Kräftemessen zweier unsympathischer Autokraten angesehen. Ein gefährlicher Irrtum, der verheerende Konsequenzen haben kann. Man ignoriert leichtfertig die Tatsache, dass die russische Provokation nicht der autoritär geführten Regionalmacht galt, sondern dem Nato-Mitglied Türkei, somit dem ganzen Bündnis. ...
Tage vor dem Abschuss forderte die Türkei von Russland, die Überflüge und die Bombardierungen der syrischen Grenzgebiete einzustellen. Es war nicht nur vorhersehbar, dass die Türkei früher oder später auf die Verletzungen ihres Luftraums militärisch antworten würde, es wurde unmissverständlich angekündigt. Dass Russland die Warnungen ignorierte, spricht dafür, dass es Eskalation beabsichtigte. Die Bemühungen des türkischen Präsidenten Erdogan, die Lage ohne Gesichtsverlust für ihn und für Russland zu entschärfen, ließ Putin auflaufen. Statt gemeinsamer Aufklärung des Zwischenfalls hat Russland Wirtschaftssanktionen gegen die Türkei verhängt, hochmoderne Luftabwehrsysteme nach Syrien verlegt und im syrischen Grenzgebiet einen Hilfsgüterkonvoi aus der Türkei bombardiert. Einige Duma-Abgeordnete verlangen schon die Übertragung der Hagia Sophia an die orthodoxe Kirche und die Rückeroberung Konstantinopels.
Putin bezichtigt die Türkei nun, mit dem IS Ölgeschäfte zu betreiben und diese mit dem Abschuss schützen zu wollen. Sascha Schlenzig: Absurd. Der russische Kampfjet hat turkmenische Dörfer bombardiert. Die Turkmenen kämpfen gegen Assad. Und Assad kauft vom IS ÖL zu 15 % des Weltmarktpreises.
Seit der Annexion der Krim und dem fortgesetzten Krieg gegen die Ukraine verfolgt Putin eine Außenpolitik, in der Russland sich vorbehält, für sich zu entscheiden, ob es sich an internationales Recht hält oder eben nicht. Diese "neue Freiheit" soll Russlands Außenpolitik unberechenbarer und weniger vorhersehbar machen mit der Folge, dass man wieder mehr auf Russland achtet. In diesem Kontext sind auch die zahlreichen Luftraumverletzungen durch russische Kampfflugzeuge in den letzten Monaten zu sehen: im Baltikum, gegenüber Norwegen, Schweden, Polen, Großbritannien, Kanada und immer wieder auch gegenüber der Türkei. Wenn der Abschuss des russischen Kampfbombers dazu führt, dass Russland diese gefährlichen Provokationen in Zukunft unterläßt, hätte die Türkei uns allen einen Dienst erwiesen. Ruprecht Polenz
Meşhur Rus profesör A.Zubov:'Eğer Rusya,Türkiye ile savaşmaya davam ederse Rusya için kötü sonuçları olacak,:Bizim diplomatlar ve Generaller Suriye'de sivilleri bombalamadık diye hep yalan söylüyorlar ama gerçeği herkes biliyor. Putin ve çevresi yeni dünyaya ve siyasete yabancı''
Makalenin tamamı:
Rusya Dışişleri Bakanlığı'na bağlı Moskova Devlet Uluslararası İlişkiler Enstitüsü (MGIMO) Öğretim Görevlisi Prof. Andey Zubov: Askerlerimiz Putin yüzünden öldü ... Putin'in Türkmenleri bombalayarak Esed'e yardım ettiğine dikkat çekilen makalede, Ankara'nın "soğukkanlı" bir tutum sergilediği belirtildi.
Lidové noviny - Tschechien (Quelle: europtopics) Endlich weist jemand Moskau in die Schranken
«Gut, dass es die Türkei und kein anderer Staat ist, der Russlands militärische Muskelspiele ausbremst, meint die konservative Lidové noviny: "Russland provoziert ein bisschen viel. Ähnliche Zwischenfälle kann man fast täglich registrieren: U-Boote in den Grenzgewässern Großbritanniens, Kampfflugzeuge in unmittelbarer Nähe Alaskas, Flugzeuge und Schiffe an den Grenzen der baltischen Staaten oder Norwegens. In diesem Sinne ist es gut, dass jemand gegen den Eindringling zu Felde zieht - und dass kein Europäer den Auslöser drückte. Es wäre sehr viel schlimmer, wenn es eine Konfrontation militärischer Kräfte im Baltikum gegeben hätte, an der direkten Grenze zwischen Nato und Russland. Für die strategischen Interessen des atlantischen Bündnisses ist es zudem besser, dass Ankara auf unserer Seite ist, statt sich mit Moskau gegen den Westen zu verbünden." (25.11.2015)»
Vize-Kanzler Sigmar Gabriel im Gespräch mit Gazprom-Chef Alexei Miller (29.10.2015) Gabriel: "Erstmal zeigt der Zwischenfall, dass wir einen Spieler dabei haben, der nach Aussage von verschiedenen Teilen der Region unkalkulierbar ist: Das ist die Türkei und damit nicht die Russen" (24.11.2015)
Türkiye'nin Rus jetini düşürdüğü 19-24 Kasım tarihleri arasında Rusya'nın, 16 kez sınırı ihlal ettiği ortaya çıktı.
Türk avcı uçağının, sınır ihlali ihtimaline karşılık uzun bir süre Rus savaş uçağını izlemeye aldığı, ihlalinin ardından bu savaş uçağına yöneldiği, Türk sınırının içlerinde girmesinin ardından da imha ettiği belirgin olarak aktarılıyor.
Turkey releases air control warning to Russian jet
Turkish fighter jets shoot down a Russian plane near Syrian-Turkish border over airspace violation despite being warned 10 times before firing the missiles.
Türkiye sınırına 30 mil kala başlayan uyarının 10 kez tekrar edildiği belirtiliyor.
Türk pilotların, Rus jetini uyardığı anlara ait ses kaydı yayınlandı. Ses kaydında Türk pilotlar her 30 saniyede bir, Rus uçağına "Rotarınızı acilen Güney'e değiştirin" ikazlarında bulundu. İşte o ses
Rus uçağı düşürüldüğünde bölgede olan Hollandalı pilot: Ruslar bir kez bile cevap vermedi
Wo die russische Maschine abgeschossen wurde, gibt es ISIL nicht
Sputnik’in “Fransa, Türkiye’nin Rus Uçağını Düşürmesini Kınadı” Yalanı
Moskova yönetimi, tek taraflı olarak Ukrayna'dan ayrılan Kırım'ı ilhak ettikten sonra, Ukrayna'nın doğusundaki ayrılıkçılar için her defasında "canlarını koruyorlar" değerlendirmesi yapıyor.
Donbas bölgesini Kiev yönetiminden koparmak için silahlı mücadeleye giren ayrılıkçıları destekleyen Rusya, Suriye krizinde, yüz binlerce sivilin ölmesine neden olan Esed rejimine karşı çıkanları havadan bombalıyor, muhaliflere binlerce kilometreden füze atıyor.
Anna Politkovskaya (pictured, right), author of countless books and articles exposing Russian human rights violations in Chechnya and attacking Vladimir Putin as a dictator, is shot and killed at her home in Moscow.
After the downing of a Russian SU-24 bomber, Turkey found itself in the crosshairs of Kremlin propaganda. A myriad of theories was spawned by the Russian media, including the claim that Turkey targeted the Russian plane for bombing ISIS oil fields. Russia’s state-owned TV stations and other publications claimed that Bilal Erdogan, the son of Turkish President Recep Erdogan, is involved in buying oil from ISIS.
Die Frage ist also nicht mehr, ob die DWN seriös sind oder nicht. Die Frage ist vielmehr, ob die Verantwortlichen diese Panikmache einzig betreiben, um damit möglichst viele Leichtgläubige auf ihre Seite zu locken und so richtig viel Geld zu verdienen, oder ob—wie bei vielen Verschwörungstheoretikern—noch viel unangenehmere Absichten dahinterstecken.
Die Dolchstoßlegende. "Sırtımızdan vurulduk" masalı.
YouTube: (Almanca)
YouTube: (Türkçe) Haiko Ottmann
Kühlen Kopf bewahren. Die Fakten sprechen für sich.
Erdogan sagte eindeutig: Wir werden es wieder abschießen (26.11.2015) Erdoğan: Yine vururuz ... Aynı ihlal bugün yapılsa Türkiye yine aynı karşılığı vermek durumundadır (26.11.2015) Erdogan: Russland soll nicht mit dem Feuer spielen. (27.11.2015) Erdoğan: Rusya ateşle oynamasın (27.11.2015)
Er sagte lediglich, dass sie die russischen Behörden vor dem Abschuss gewarnt hätten, wenn es bekannt gewesen wäre, dass es sich um eine russische Maschine handelt.
Victims of the Assad regime
Assad regime accounts for 95 percent of civilian deaths in Syria ... the number of civilians killed in the attacks by the Syrian regime alone is 180,879. (26.11.2015)
The vast majority of Syrian civilians killed – more than 95% according to human rights groups – have been killed by the regime of Bashar al-Assad.
Ein Bericht aus dem Jahr 2005: "Emergency rule imposed in 1963 remains in effect ... Women face legal as well as societal discrimination and have little means for redress when they become victims of rape or domestic violence ... Arbitrary Arrest and Detention, Torture, and “Disappearances” ... about four thousand political prisoners ... estimated 17,000 persons ... “disappeared” ... Police responded with live ammunition, killing at least two dozen people, injuring hundreds ... tortured ... died in detention ... The penal code allows for the suspension of legal punishment for a rapist if he chooses to marry his victim, and provides leniency for so-called “honor” crimes, such as assault or killing of women by male relatives for alleged sexual misconduct. Punishment for adultery for women is twice that for men ... no statistics regarding gender-based crimes such as domestic violence and sexual assault against women"
Die USA ließen in Syrien foltern: "the United States forcibly transferred Maher Arar ... alleges to have ties with al-Qaeda to Syria, despite Syria’s long record of torturing detainees to extract confessions ... he had been tortured repeatedly with cables and electrical cords ... Syrian-born German national, Muhammad Haydar Zammar ... secretly transferred to Syria ... in solitary confinement in a tiny underground cell ... Military Intelligence headquarters in Damascus, where torture and ill-treatment are reportedly common"
Orient News English infographics
#GuessWho: Killed +500k, Displaced 10m, slaughtered 2800 with knives, Tortured then killed 11k & hanged 13k 02.2017
Al Wa’er Neighborhood Residents Join 12 Million Forcibly Displaced Syrians: They Have No Choice 04.2017
SNHR: Yaklaşık 12 Milyon Suriyeli Tehcir Edildi
Former detainees recount torture, organ harvesting in Syria's prisons
More than 12,500 people have died in Syria's prisons in five years of war, according to human rights campaigners. MEE speaks to two who survived 13.08.2016
Assads Mufti drohte mit Anschlägen in Europa. Throwback to 2011: Assad's Grand terrorist Mufti threatens to kill innocent French, British, and American civilians, if NATO or the UN takes action against the regime of Bashar Al-Assad, And as we see the regime's terror attacks on the west and indeed on Syrian civilians haven't stopped since 2011 - nobody can say Assad and his Grand Mufti haven't kept their word on that... :(
Aleppo destroyed Aleppo has been described as the Srebrenica, and the Rwanda, of our time. #BreakingAleppo reveals the #Assad regime's & its allies deliberate destruction campaign in a never before seen way February 13, 2017
#Assad_Putin's "peace talks" with civilians in #Daraa #Syria 02-2017
The task command of Russia's Hemeimem military air base said Saturday the Russian fighter jets had targeted the southern province of Daraa with 340 raids in the past 5 days. 02.2017
Napalm: #Damascus: #Assad airstrikes with incendiary bombs on #Douma today. 02.2017
Katil rejim Şam'ın Guta bölgesi Duma kentini uluslararası yasak olan yakıcı Napalm bombaları ile vurduğu bildiriliyor!
Tarih-8 Haziran 2017 Yer: #Rakka Türkiye'ye "#Afrin'deki siviller için endişeliyiz" diyen ABD'nin, Rakka'da "DEAŞ'la mücadelesi". Sivillerin yaşadığı bölgeler, terör bahanesiyle uluslararası kanunlara göre sivil yerleşim alanlarında kullanılması yasaklanmış fosfor bombalarıyla onlarca kez vuruldu. #ZeytinDalıHarekatı
Raqqa: Phosphorus bombs used by the US coalition
ABD ve Rusya'nın kanlı yarışı: Suriye ve Irak'ta sivil ölümüyle sonuçlanan hava saldırıları infografiğe yansıtıldı. 07.2017
ABD öncülüğündeki uluslararası koalisyon ile terör örgütü PKK/PYD'nin Rakka kentine dün ve önceki gün düzenlediği saldırılarda 84 sivil öldü, 90 sivil yaralandı. 07.2017
Raqqa: Dieses Ehepaar wurde zusammen mit seinen 13 Familienmitgliedern bei einem Luftangriff der von den USA geführten Nationalen Koalition getötet. Der Massen- und Kindermörder Baschar Assad lässt sich grüßen
#Raqqa Mahmood al zana and his wife Reemy were killed with 13 members of their family Due Airstrikes by Coalition Airstrikes on Raqqa #Syria
ABD Koalisyon güçleri #Rakka'da sözde teröre karşı en yeni silahlarını denerken kurbanlarda hep masum sivilller ve neler olduğunu hâle anlamamışız çocuklar oluyor! 08.2017
09.2017 US warplanes have bombed a refugee camp in #DeirEzzor. Dozens of Syrian children were killed. A horrific massacre!
Raqqa: US Marines fired more than 35,000 shells into the town of #Raqqa during the battle for control of the city, where the amount of shells has not been fired in a battle since the Vietnam
Massacre in Deir ez Zor 02.2018
“This is very similar to the Vietnam war, where entire cities were destroyed,” said Hanoush. “What is happening in Raqqa is like dropping a nuclear bomb in stages.” 06.2017
"The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces, has taken relatively few casualties... SDF’s low losses reflect the fact there has been little or no house-to-house fighting... The international Coalition warplanes usually sweep a whole area of the city and destroy everything with the help of artillery shelling. Then ISIS withdraws from the neighborhood, and the SDF advances into it"
So much for social media's SDF/YPG fanyboys. On the ground, they are not defeating ISIS, the airforce is just killing everyone and the newly destroyed territory simply gets handed over to the "victorious" SDF,
At least 50 civilians have been killed and dozens injured in an air strike on a village in eastern Syria. 06.2017
According to the report, "hundreds of civilians are reported to have been killed since March [2017]." UN officials further added: "We note in particular that the intensification of aerial bombardment, which have paved the ground for an SDF advance in Raqqa, has resulted not only in staggering loss of civilian life, but has also led to 160,000 civilians fleeing their homes and becoming internally displaced." 06.2017
The US attack on a mosque in Syria was ‘legal’, concludes an internal investigation. Really? 06.2017
Civilians from Raqqa after US bombardments.. #Rakka'da ABD ve Pkknın bombardımanında çoğu çocuk onlarca kişi yakıldı. EY ÜMMET BU ÇIĞLIKLARI NE ZAMAN DUYACAKSIN 06.2017
#Syria - At least 10 children were killed yesterday by US-led coalition airstrikes on #Raqqa. 06.2017
Children killed with phosphorus bombs in Raqqa 06.2017
I wonder how they differ Daesh from the civilians by using these bombs in Raqqa..
US-led forces appear to be using white phosphorus in populated areas in Iraq and Syria - WP 06.2017
Raqqa: Ein Horrorvideo zeigt verletzte Zivilisten, unter ihnen Kinder, nachdem die Stadt durch US-Flugzeuge und durch YPG-Artillerie angegriffen wurde
#Raqqa: Horrific video shows aftermath of #US airstrikes & #YPG artillery shelling on #Raqqa. Many #Syria|n children were killed or wounded
Douma 25.02.2017
Damascus: Missile hitting residental areas 24.02.2017
Idlib: Little boy has lost his legs 02.2017
National Movement for al-Jazira Sons said that United States admitted using 5000 depleted Uranium in Deir ez-Zor and Hasaka which might explain the notable increase of congenital disorders during the past years. 02.2017
Targeting hospitals, "Physician" Assad's sick "passion": Targeting medical facilities 29.01.2017
Assad regime targeted 106 out of 130 hospitals in 2016
Syrian regime 'destroys six hospitals' in Daraa city 16.02.2017
List of hospitals & medical centers targeted by Russian warplanes during April 2017
Rusların vurduğu Kefer Taharim çocuk Hastanesinden 04.2017
Destroyed & burned by #Russian air strikes. An underground hospital in #Maar_Zaita #Idlib #Syria 04.2017
Compilation of Recent Russian Crimes Against Humanity in Syria 02.2016
Displaced Syrians in Idlib are experiencing a harsh Ramadan after being evacuated from their hometowns. 06.2017
Assad's 21st century holocaust ... Every day they would bring corpses in a jeep or truck. The officials would tell us to write death certificates and we had to ignore the obvious signs of torture and starvation. 12.02.2017
18 Syria Hospital Horror pt2 - 60 Mutilated Bodies As Assad Butchers Protesters -1-21-12 Idlib
Massacred children of Syria last breaths
Um zu sehen, was in Syrien geschieht, sollte man mal auf Youtube nach Assad barrel bombs und Assad torture suchen.
SNHR'nin 6 yıldır iç savaşın devam ettiği Suriye'deki duruma ilişkin yayımladığı rapora göre, yılın ilk 6 ayında bin 159'u çocuk, 742'si kadın en az 5 bin 381 sivil hayatını kaybetti. 07.2017
More than 600 barrel bombs have been dropped by the Assad regime on Daraa city over the past month or so, while missiles and napalm have rained down upon the mostly civilian neighbourhoods of the liberated areas of the city. 07.2017
Assad regime bombarded Daraa with 171 air strikes, 1095 barrel bombs, 860 ground-to-ground missiles. Just in June..
Barrel bombs 07.2017
Mehr als 17.318 Fassbomben töteten im Jahr 2015 insgesamt 2.032 Personen, darunter 338 Frauen und 499 Kinder.
At least 495 #BarrelBombs dropped by #RegimeHelicopters killing 10 civilians in #Syria on Mar 2017.
Syria last breath (dying victims of Assad)
US-massacre in Raqqa 05.2017
Massacre aftermath #RUSSIA terrorists airstrikes targeting a popular market in #Khan_Sheykhoun 04.2017
Esed Rejiminin iran ve rusyayma ,sabah saatlerinden bu yana İdlib kırsalında hastanelere yaptığı saldırılarda 19 kişi hayatını kaybetti çoğuda çocuk , onlarca yaralı var. 04.2017
Suriye halkı 6 senedir hergün böyle bombalanıyor...Dünya Susuyor… 04.2017 Furkan Azeri
Barrel bombs on Hama 05.2017
Katil rejim savaş helikopteri Hama'nın kuzeyindeki Latamne beldesini yıktıktan sonra halkın ziraî Arazisini vurmaya başladı...!
Russia bombed a refugee camp 05.2017
Assad bombs "Aleppo camp" in the countryside of Idlib.
#Syria Video shows bodies of little Syrian Children on Streets of #Daraa after bombardment by Syrian Jets. 05.2017
You will never know, until feel the same..
Victims of #RUSSIA terror airstrikes on #alLatamenah
#Hama cs #Syria May 2
Burns like this are increasingly common in camps as mentioned early. Plus more victims of bombs.
What if it was your children?
In Idlib kommen missgebildete Kinder auf die Welt 06.2017
Ölüm ve yıkımın gölgesinde İftar...#Suriye /Duma 06.2017
Assad, Iran and Russia are destroying Daraa because they can't win against free Syrians 06.2017
Dere/Menşeyde #Esed ordusu arkalarında çok sayıda ölü bırakarak muhaliflerden böyle kaçıyor.
Jobar: Russian video shows fear and indiscipline among Assad terrorists 07.2017
The opposition factions were able to shoot down a MiG 21 warplane, hitting a helicopter, as well as destroying two tanks, five armored vehicles and a military bulldozer, in addition eliminating 60 troops from the regime and militias supporting it. 07.2017
Beşşar Esed rejimi, ''çatışmasızlık bölgeleri'' içinde yer alan, muhaliflerin kontrolündeki Ayn Terma beldesine vakum bombalı saldırı düzenledi. 07.2017
Video shows massive destruction in #Ain_Terma after heavy #Assad airstrikes on civilians in Eastern Damascus today. 07.2017
Wounded civilians, victims of #SAA terrorists airstrikes on #Ein_Terma suburb today
Eastern #Ghouta #Damascus Countryside #Syria Aug 2 08.2017
Eastern Ghouta 08.2017
#Şam/Arbinde Esed rejimi ve müttefiklerinin öldürdüğü çocuklar... 07.2017
#Humus'un Hule bölgesine vuran Rus savaş uçakları yeni vahşet daha yaşattı , bölgeden gelen ilk görüntüler! 08.2017
#Homs: #Assad regime has bombed #Syria|n children in #Talbiseh in besieged Northern Homs pocket today.
Russian and regime crimes, September 2017
Russian bombing in Syria's Idlib killing civilians: Turkey's foreign minister The Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said any attack on the civilians in the region would be a violation of the ceasefire, as well as a termination of Astana agreement.
Massacres in October 2017 Idlib, Deir ez-Zor
#Assad terrorist carries out #ISIS-like #summary execution against civilians
total of 5,233 civilians have been killed in Syria since Russia began airstrikes against opponents of the Syrian regime in 2015, according to a Syrian NGO.
The fatalities included 1,417 children and 886 women, the London-based Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) said in a statement on Sunday. 10.2017
Massacres in November 2017: Damascus
Atareb 11.2017
December 2017,_One_Child_Reportedly_Killed_And_Others_Injured
Russia bombing Civilians at at Public Market in Syria’s Atarib 12.2017
January 2018
February 2018
März 2018 (Abwurf)
April 2018 incendiary
Hava desteği gecikince Esed Milisleri Hama'dan böyle kaçtı
#Daraa: ein schreckliches Video zeigt, wie die Russen nach enormen Verlusten hysterisch die Stadt angreifen 06.2017
Daraa Secound week of constant bombing of #Daraa, World Media where are you? This is from today. 06.2017
On the second day of Eid, this was the moment two Syrian boys were rescued from an air strike in Damascus 06.2017
Dublin @15:00 hrs. : 50 martyrs and a number of wounded as a result of warplanes (believed to be Russian) dropping cluster bombs at dawn today,on the town of #Dublin in the eastern suburb of #Deir_alEzzor.
Pro-Assad Forces Continue Bombardment of Daraa 06.2017
Im Versuch, die befreite Stadt unter Kontrolle zu bekommen, greifen Kräfte des syrischen Regimes, iranische Milizen und die russische Luftwaffe die Stadt an. Deraa wird systematisch bombardiert, unter Einsatz von Fassbomben und international geächteter Waffen wie Napalm. 06.2017
Daraa: Video shows rebels recapturing Air Defense Base from pro-Assad forces today. 06.2017
Das Palastinensische Lager in Daraa nach 10 tagen Assad/Putin bombardierungen. 06.2017¬if_t=notify_me¬if_id=1497560192703837
Even IDPs weren’t Safe from the Syrian Regime’s Attacks in Daraa City
Nine Civilians Killed, Including Three Children and one Fetus
#Assad air strikes targeted a school in the city of #Tafas, the suburb of #Daraa. 9 civilians dead, including 3 children.
This is 12 year old Hamad from the city of #Hasaka.
After he was hit by a missile by Assad's thugs, cutting off his feet and his left hand, he was displaced and is now living in a refugee camp in #Idlib countryside.
Daraa, Al Mansheya District,
das jetzt mit Napalm angegriffen wird, ohne Rücksicht auf Zivilisten!
#Hama: Dronen-Video zeigt Zerstörung in Lataminah nach Wochen von schweren Luftangriffen und Artilleriebeschuss durch Russland und das Assad-Regime. 06.2017
Hama Kırsalında DAEŞ Bahanesiyle 800’ü Aşkın Sivil Öldürüldü 06.2017
#Damascus: Video shows aftermath of #Assad airstrikes on civilians in Eastern Damascus today. 2 wounded boys were rescued.
Mihraç Ural'ın Banyas katliamı öncesi şok açıklamaları ... Banyas, hainlerin denize açılabileceği tek çıkış noktası. En kısa sürede Banyas'ın kuşatılması, kurtarılması ve Banyas'ta temiz yapılması gerekiyor." diyor.
Banyas massacre
Names of thousands of children murdered by #Assad regime and helpers.
Total number of children murdered exceeds 30,000.
Follow the link below for high resolution lists of 17,000 children's names. By "Tamer Turkmane" 04.2018
Ein verletzter Assads „ Soldat“ schimpft auf Assads Clan und Assads Schabiha
„ Während wir für das Assads Regime vernichtet werden, sind die Schabiha Assads mit Raub, Vergewaltigung und Vergnügung beschäftigt“
5 women raped by regime forces, Shiite and Kurdish militias: local monitor 12.2017
Sie vergewaltigten die Frauen um die Männer zu brechen. Eine Reportage von France 2 über die Syrische Frauen die in Assads Gefängnisse inhaftiert, gefoltert und vergewaltigt wurden.
Muna Muhammad remembers every tiny detail. The stench in the cells, the pain, her torturers. "He pulled a black plastic bag over my head and then he hung me from the ceiling, head down," the 30-year-old says.ält-und-gedemütigt-frauen-in-assads-kerkern/a-43589470
‘You want freedom? This is your freedom’: Rape as a Tactic of the Assad Regime ... Some survivors are still in Syria and, for most of them, it is too dangerous to speak. 02.2017
How the Assad Régime Used Child Rape as a Weapon of War 02.2017
"Went Out and Never Came Back" is a documentary about the female detainees in Al-Assad prisons. Rasha, Nemat, Majd and many other women who were detained in Al-Assad prisons talk about their detention stories and the torture they were subjected to in there. Thousands of women are detained and tortured in the security branches of Al-Assad regime. 03.2017
Syrian Regime Fighters And #Militias Are #Kidnapping And #Raping The Girls Of #Aleppo 06.2017
9 Alternates to rape an Underage girl ,a new ugly crime added to the record of the Assad militia in Aleppo
Militiamen were also accused of kidnapping and rapes, including of a 17-year-old girl in the Sayf Dawlah neighborhood and of a girl in public in the Maydan section, dispersing bystanders with live fire. There were two separate incidents of children being run over, and elderly men being arrested and beaten. 06.2017
Violations of Assad’s forces in Aleppo have reached an unprecedented level that they are now bragging about their crimes against civilians in public. The locals are now living in a state of fear for they are afraid of falling victims to the barbarity of those ‘Shabiha’, whom Assad regime and Russia, who has imposed a trusteeship in the city of Aleppo since late 2016 in which the city was handed over to Assad’s forces, have not held accountable for their awful actions. 06.2017
Halep'te Ramazan ayında 50'den fazla kadın tecavüze uğradı 06.2017
Bu savaş suçlarının hedefinde ise Suriyeli kadınlar var. Savaşın başından bu yana cinsel şiddet, rejim tarafından sistematik bir silah olarak kullanılıyor. Bunun yanı sıra zorla alıkoyma, tutuklama ve işkence altında ölümler de had safhada. 12.2016
Putin's Syrian volunteer brigade appeals for Russian help to rescue them from sexual abuse, racist discrimination by Assad regime troops.
03-10-2016: This video released today by a group of Syrian female mercenaries calling themselves the "Secret Panthers" Voluntary Brigade 130, which is considered one of Russia's military arms in Syria, shows the members issuing a heartfelt appeal to Russian officers based at the Humaimam military airbase in Latakia to rescue them from sexual abuse and racist discrimination by Syrian regime officers.¬if_t=notify_me_page¬if_id=1475523474265027
Aleppo24: "A group of pro-Assad militia raped a girl and her mother in Qaterjy neighbourhood last night. The rest of the group threatened neighbours to shoot them if they tried to go out of their houses."
Women recount torture in Assad regime prisons
Assad torture
Assad Dismembers, Burns Alive Homs Residents 4-18-12 Carnage in Khalidiya
militia of Assad tattooed shia slogan on forehead of a trapped sunni civillian 06, 2012
57 Civilian Casualties the Death Toll the past month in al-Assad's Prisons 03.10.2015
Aleppo on 29/1/2013
Corpses have been found in the Quweik river in the Bastan Al-Qasr area of central Aleppo; the victims were executed after being tortured and some of them have their hands tied behind their backs. People couldn't retrieve all the corpses due to the fire of regime snipers.
THE NEW DANGER TO EUROPE ISN’T ISIS. IT’S ASSAD’S THUGS. Are suspected war criminals, forged in the crucible of Syrian bloodshed, heading West as ‘refugees’? 22.02.2016
List of Shabiha and Allied Militants Posing as Refugees in Europe
Assad's intelligence tortures a disabled man until death in #Aleppo 12.02.2017
Assad's 21st century holocaust
700,000 documents highlight appalling tortures in Assad’s prisons 03.2017
Regime Oppression, Prison torture, Syrian Women and State Violence
‘The hospitals were slaughterhouses’: A journey into Syria’s secret torture wards 04.2017
Thousands of #Detainees are killed under torture in #Assad's prisons 04.2017
Over the decades, officers of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps have sent its top military advisers to Syria, teaching the Syrian army all it needs to know about torture and repression, much of the techniques learned from the old Soviet KGB.
Spindgroße Zellen für Folteropfer
Torture Methods Used In Assad’s Human Slaughterhouses
“Sednaya A Human Slaughterhouse” Is A New Report About Assad’s War Crimes 05.2017
Former Detainee Exposes Horrors of Prison Life at Mezzeh Air Base 05.2017
between 2011 and 2015, the Assad regime arrested and detained 117,000 people. Further reports indicate that the regime was killing around 50 people per day in his notorious Saydnaya Prison. All in all, it is believed as many as 13,000 people of the 117,000 have been killed in this manner.
Assad's henchmen torturing animals. Maybe -now- people will be outraged. 06.2017
More than 65,000 people have vanished in Syria since 2011. Over 200,000 people are currently detained by the Syrian regime. Officers are trained on various interrogation techniques in Eastern Europe and Russia. In 2013, a forensic photographer for the secret police defected and smuggled out a total of 55,000 photos of dead detainees. 11.2016
Türkiye'de insan haklari yok diyenler bunlar iste:
Assad terrorists, including security forces, local militias, and Shia foreign militias, killed 14 people under torture, while the Kurdish militias affiliated with PYD–– the PKK’s offshoot in Syria, killed another 2, SNHR said. The last 2 were killed by unidentified sides, the monitor group added. 06.2017
Ibrahim al Hariri died due to torture in Syrian regime detention center, June 18
Russian soldiers torturing Muslims 06.2017
SNHR: Around 13,000 died under torture in Assad prisons 06.2017
#Assad #terrorists take photos with #cut-off heads 07.2017
It has documented the arrest of 1,614 Palestinian refugees and 463 deaths under torture in the regime's prisons. 07.2017
Regime prisons
Assad’s Torture Chiefs
Torture and massacres
According to the Syrian Network for Human Rights, more than 65,000 people have vanished in Syria since 2011. Beyond this, over 200,000 people are currently being detained by the Syrian regime.
Assad's torture victims: many are dead, many crippled like this man. The networks behind colonial regimes also want to do these things to us.
An Average Of 6,500 People Were Displaced Every Day In 1st Nine Months Of 2017
A video for a member of Assad forces torturing a donkey in a brutal way .. asking the donkey where is my wine 12.2017
in February 2017 Amnesty released a shocking report on systematic executions carried out by Assad regime in Saydnaya Prison
Syrian Threat:"Your Beautiful Face Will be Burned by Acid"
Saydnaya, Syrian regime's extermination camp
"It's important to understand why we need to consider Saydnaya as another concentration camp. It’s not just a prison." Syria's Saydnaya is one of the Assad regime’s dark sites where inmates are raped, starved and tortured to death. Take a look at the 'worst place on Earth'
#Assad regime is keeping an arrest list of 3 million civilians secret from the west. Charges are mostly participating in protests and aiding wounded civilians. They will be subject to brutal reprisals if Assad wins. See if you name is on the list here.
One man, who went back to Syria from Germany to care for his sick mother, went missing shortly after returning to his home in Damascus. The last his mother heard of him was when he phoned to say he was near the historic old part of the city – which has remained under government control. Eight months later, the man’s body was found in a street nearby, according to a friend. The family could not confirm who was responsible for the killing. 04.2018
UN: Das Assad-Regime vergewaltigt systematisch
Man in infamous #Wagner PMC torture video rprtdly identified by family as Hamadi Taha Al-Boutah, from Kharitah, #DeirEzzor. He worked in Lebanon, detained 4 military service when in #Syria on a visit. Allegedly deserted but was caught at a Wagner/#SAA cpt. Still missing 1 year on
Video 7, Syrien 2011, Soldaten der 4ten Gepanzerten Division der Syrischen Repubikanischen Garde, die aus Alawitischen Soldaten der Assad Armee besteht machen sich über das Muslimische Gebet lustig in einer von ihnen besetzten Moschee.
Video 6, Syrien 2011/12. Assad Soldaten schlagen einen jugendlichen und zwingen ihn zu sagen das es keinen Gott außer Bashar Al Assad gibt. Eine Anspielung auf das Muslimische Glaubensbekenntnis wo es heißt "Es gibt keinen Gott außer Allah". Er muss auch sagen das Bashar al Assad der Propeht Gottes ist, eine anspielung auf den Propehten des Islam Muhammed s.a.w.s, sowie das er Bashar Al Assad anbetet.
Video 5, Syrien 2011, ein Überläufer wird von der Syrischen Armee gefasst, er wird mehrmals geschlagen und muss sagen "Es gibt keinen Gott außer Bashar Al Assad" und "Es gibt keinen Gott außer Maher Al Assad" dies ist eine Anspielung auf das Muslimische Glaubensbekentnis wo es heißt "Es gibt keinen Gott außer Allah". Während ihm gedroht wird ihn später "abzuschlachten".
Video 4, Syrien 2012, Junger Mann wird auf Brutalste weiße zusammen geschlagen von Assad Soldaten die sich dabei Filmen. Mehrmals wird er angeschrien ob er Freiheit will und das Bashar Al Assad sein Gott ist. Er wird gefragt: "wer sind die Protestierenden? Sunniten? richtig?" Am ende wird er wieder gefragt wer sein Gott ist und ober gegen die Alawiten kämpfen will. Danach wird er weiter geschlagen und muss sagen das Bashar sein Gott ist.
Video 3, Syrien 2012. Assad Soldaten schlagen und bespucken einen Jugendlichen der auf Anti Assad Demos gefasst wurde und beschuldigen ihn der FSA anzugehören. Er muss sagen das seine Mutter eine "Hure" ist danach wird ihm ein Soldaten Stiefel auf den Kopf getan und er muss sagen das dieser Stiefel (das Militär) seine Ehre ist, am ende muss er sagen das Bashar (Assad) sein Gott ist.
Video 2, Syrien 2011, Assad Soldaten filmen sich stolz dabei wie sie Protestierende Zivilisten mit Messern abstechen. Wir erinnern nochmal dran das sind alles aufnahmen vor ISIS, vor Al Qaida oder jeglichen bewaffneten Wiederstand seitens der FSA die es damals nichtmal gab. Was man hier sieht sind eher die Ereginisse die zur formung der FSA geführt haben.
Video 1, Syrien 2011, Assad Soldaten nehmen die Leichen zwei vorher gefolterten und misshandelten Protestler auf, ihnen wurden wie auch früher für das Assad Regime üblich die Genitalien entfernt wer Arabisch kann merkt sofort das es sich um Assads Leute handelt. Mann erinnere sich an den fall von Hamza der ebenfalls 2011 brutal gefoltert und verstümmelt wurde.
#Assad Soldaten bei der Arbeit.
A defector from the regime known as CAESAR brought 55,000 photographs of people tortured to death in Assad’s prisons to the outside world. Those pictures show 11,000 victims, a few from Sednaya but mostly from other military-run facilities in Syria. CAESAR reports that in these cases the regime meticulously produces death certificates that claim “heart attack” or “breathing problems” as the cause of death. “Unlike the victims of torture, however, the victims of execution are not [routinely] recorded in death certificates,” Amnesty notes, and families rarely get access to the certificate and never get access to the bodies.
Member of National Coordinating Commission killed under torture in the Syrian regime's prisons 05.2018
Assads Schergen foltern (+18) fragmented fragmented (beaten with a pole) (abgeschnittene Zehen) (Massenfolter auf der Straße) (Bajonett) (Folter-Gefängnis in Daraa) (Tortured and castrated) (Old man) (überfahren) (Bus) (Buried alive) (Organ theft) (Tire and fire) (Child killed in Homs 2011) (Tortured child) (dinleri Baas) (Unseen torture child) KAN İÇEN KATİLLER Caesar slideshow Raped woman Damascus Jobar (Burning alive) Mutilated hospital Tafas children shelling Retarded man being hit cutting off genitals cutting off genitals HQ Falaka Killed and mutilated Mutilated and burned Burned old man warplane massacre "Can you see his brain?" Shabiha scalp civilian child martyr Ghadir 2011 Half face and living Douma 2012 last breaths Burning nylon Torture in hospital Shabiha attack demonstrants Buried alive Executed after torture Damascus suburb graphic Beating savagely Tortured teen Killing mother and son on way to hospital Child beaten
#RememberASSad and how #ASSad shabihas torturing boys and men civilians from #Darayya
#Syria Dec 29/2012 #SyriaVote
#RememberASSad and #ASSad sadists shabihas torturing boy
knives then put sea sault wounds
#Damascus Dec 28/12 #Syria
#RememberASSad and how #ASSad shabihas humiliating young and old women before torture
#Hafah, #Latakia April 2012
#RememberASSad and his SADISTIC Army "training" over dead civilians bodies
#Syria #Daraa October 2011
#RememberASSad and #ASSad Regime killing civilians in peacefull demonstrations in #Salqin
#Idlib April 15, 2012
#RememberASSad and how #ASSad Regime loved to kill civilians in #Hama
#Syria May 20, 2011
#RememberASSad and how #ASSad Regime shooting civilians in peaceful demonstrations in #Harasta
#Syria July 16, 2011
Civilian corpses in #ASSad Army refrigerated truck to #Daraa Municipal Stadium May 2011
#RememberASSad and how much #ASSad "Army"love Syrians
Humiliations & kicks was"light".
#Daraa 2011 #Syria #SyriaVote
#RememberASSad and #ASSad soldiers arresting civilians, torturing them all the way to prison including women
#RememberASSad and remember little sweet Hala singing song for the#Syria #Revolution, look what happened then..
#RememberASSad and #ASSad shabihas torturing a girl
#Syria 2012
#RememberASSad and what #ASSad said: "Our soldiers don't use barrel bombs, never used barrel bombs"
#RememberASSad and Mohammed Essa killed by #ASSad shabihas inside his school,he was the 280th dead child
#Syria 2011
#ASSad shabihas torture civilian arrested in peaceful demonstrations
"This is your freedom"
#RememberASSad and the way #ASSad shabihas treated in front of #UNstaffs, the #Palestinians of #Yarmouk
#ASSad Regime mutilating civilians in #Idlib, after arrested in peaceful demonstrations
#Syria 2012
Field executed civilians in #ASSad "#SAA AirForceIntel"building of #alZahra
#Aleppo #Syria Oct 2/2012
#ASSad gangs torturing,shooting, civilians in #Ein_Terma alTabbaleh
#Damascus #Syria 2012
#ASSad Regime shooting Ambulance and killing AiD workers #Daraa while saving lives
#Syria April 2011
#RememberASSad and the Dr. Abbas Khan, Indian who gone to Syria to save lives, tortured to death in ASSad jail 2013 Remember #Syria #ChemicalASSad
#RememberASSad & his auto-garage,adjacent to one of most lethal military hospitals,served as #ASSad'makeshift morgue #RememberASSad & his "love" 4 #Palestine
Rahf Gabali & Laila Khaled Da'od
#ASSad siege in #Yarmouk
#Syria Jan31/2014 #RememberASSad
#ASSad shabihas gangs shooting civilians in the streets of #Daraa
#Syria August 12/2011 #RememberASSad #ASSad loyals arresting & beating on Marwa al-Ghamian, in Omaui masjid
#Damascus July 2011 #Syria This is how people were going to work, school, the daily routine...
Reality, not Fiction.
#Syria 2011 This is how people were going to work, school, the daily routine...
Reality, not Fiction.
#Syria 2011 This is how people were going to work,school, the daily routine...
Reality, not Fiction.
#Syria 2011 This is how people were going to work, school, the daily routine...
Reality, not Fiction.
#Syria 2011 #ASSad soldiers mutilating civilians bodies at Shalish_gas station of #Um_Jama
#Homs #Syria March2012 Leaks showing #ASSad Regime TVchannel fabricating "confessions" accusing #FSA
#Syria Feb/2013 #RememberASSad and #ASSad soldiers torturing boys inside the bus
#DeirEzzor Feb 16/2012 #Syria RememberASSad and How #ASSad soldiers deal with protesters and forge charges
December 2011 #Syria RememberASSad and this #ASSad's Sniper when he noticed the cameraman and try to shot him
#Syria December 2011 #RememberASSad and #ASSad gangs shooting civilians
funeral to one of Barza's martyrs
#Damascus #Syria Nov 2011 #RememberASSad and #ASSad soldiers torturing the Mayor of #Kafranbel till he pass out
#Idlib #Syria Sep 2011 #RememberASSad and how #ASSad Regime tortured a boy "insisting"
#SYRIA 2011 #RememberASSad and his bastard "Tiger" & shabihas executing animals in the farms of civilians
#Syria July11 #RememberASSad and how #ASSad soldiers torturing a little boy inside school in #Inkhil
#Daraa #Syria August 2011 #RememberASSad and #ASSad shabihas made School as prisons, arrested civilians & humiliating
#Latakia #Syria Sep 2011 #RememberASSad and #ASSad soldiers killed a civilian then dragged on the streets of #Harasta Nov11/2011 #Syria #RememberASSad and #ASSad shabihas torturing a sir for fun in #Kisweh neighborhood
#Damascus Sep 25/2011 #Syria #RememberASSad and #ASSad soldiers opening fire in civilians houses
#Khan_al_Asal #Aleppo July 2011 #Syria #RememberASSad and #ASSad shabihas torturing civilians in the streets
#DeirEzzor August 2011 #Syria #RememberASSad and #ASSad shabihas arresting torturing civilians & want to be filmed
#Bayada #Homs Aug/2011 #Syria #RememberASSad and #ASSad shabihas tortured old Sir
"They almost killed me, what else can I say.."
#Syria Jun/12
#Raqqa: Video shows #Assad forces torturing an old #Syria|n man in Western #Raqqa Province. 11.2017
28/09/2016 Abu Ali killed under torture; punishment inflicted during Assad regime imprisonment;signs of torture discovered after his body was handed over to his family.
Mild torture by Assad's standards: Two men forced to slap each other and being hit for not slapping forcefully enough
52 photos for children tortured to death by Assad security
Ganz klar ist nicht, was das kurze Video wirklich zeigt, das derzeit die Gemüter erhitzt. Zu sehen ist eine kurze Sequenz, in der angeblich ein syrischer Rebell das Herz aus einem toten syrischen Soldaten mit einem Messer herausschneidet und an seinen Mund führt, als würde er es essen. Dabei sagt er, er schwöre, die Herzen und Leber der "Hunde von Bashar" zu essen. Daraufhin hört man: "Allahu akbar". Es soll sich um den Sunniten Khalid al-Hamad oder Abu Sakkar, den Kommandeur der aus 60 Kämpfern bestehenden Al Farooq al-Mustakilla Brigade handeln, der der US-Zeitschrift Time via Skype erklärt hat, zu der Tat angestiftet worden zu sein, nachdem er auf dem Handy des Soldaten ein Video gefunden habe, in dem dieser eine nackte Frau und ihre beiden Töchter misshandelt habe. (15.05.2013)
Outrageous atrocities of the Assad regime
It quoted Yasser Ibrahim Youssef, a member of the group's political bureau, as saying on Facebook that an independent judicial commission had been appointed to investigate the incident. Anyone proven to have been involved in any violations would be referred to military justice, he added. 19.07.2016 Boy beheaded by Syrian rebels was '19-year-old regime fighter' An image of Issa's alleged national ID card was circulated online 21.07.2016
Hollanda Dışişleri Bakanı Koenders, "Esad'ın, Lahey’deki UCM’de yargılanması gerektir" dedi
The Netherlands' minister of foreign affairs Bert Koenders said that "Assad must pay for all the blood he shed in front of the international court." Koenders defended the notion that, as long as Assad reigns, the flood of refugees to Europe will continue. (16.01.2016)
First, the starvation siege is real (like a host of other medieval sieges, accompanied by massive aerial bombing, throughout Syria) ... These people, who presumably still haven’t noticed some 16 months of actual US bombing of Syria – bombing everyone except Assad – have reality turned on its head. ... Fuaa and Kefraya are not simply “Shiite villages;” they are armed regime outposts in opposition-controlled Idlib province.
30/09/2016 A man attempts to escape the besieged Damascene neighborhood of #Madaya,only to detonate one of the many mines laid around the trapped outskirts by Assad forces/Hezbollah militias. More than 6,000 landmines. Young Ali Younes had been seriously injured as a result of the explosion of a landmine may have medical authority in the city to the amputation of his foot.
Keine Seite aber setzt die Belagerung von zivilen Gebieten, die wahllose Bombardierung und den Hunger derart systematisch als Waffe ein, wie das Regime von Baschar al-Assad und die mit ihm verbündeten Milizen wie die von Iran gesteuerte Hisbollah. Verlieren sie die Kontrolle über Gebiete, dann versuchen sie, mit allen Mitteln den Menschen dort das Leben zu Hölle zu machen. ... 400.000 Syrer müssen derzeit laut den UN unter Belagerung leben, 160.000 mehr als noch vor einem Jahr. Fast die Hälfte ist von Truppen der Regierung umzingelt, nochmals fast 200.000 durch den "Islamischen Staat" in Regierungsgebieten nahe der Stadt Deir al-Zohr sowie 20.000 weitere durch Rebellen
Chechnya’s announcement of its independence after the breakup of former the Soviet Union sparked clashes with Russian government forces between December 1994 and August 1996. Russian ground forces suffered heavy losses at the hands of the Chechen fighters, prompting Russia to agree to a cease-fire. However, the Russian air forces resorted to carpet bomb Chechnya’s cities and towns in 1999, enabling its ground forces to launch a full-scale ground invasion of this autonomous republic.
The Soviet tactics to try to defeat the resistance in #Afghanistan (infiltration, provokatsiya) laid the groundwork for the Afghan civil war once they were out. Same tactics taken on in #Algeria in the 1990s, later by the Russians again in #Chechnya, and at present in #Syria.
Syrian refugees in Turkey
Registered Syrian Refugees: 4,602,203. This figure includes 2.1 million Syrians registered by UNHCR in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon, 1.9 million Syrians registered by the Government of Turkey, as well as more than 26,700 Syrian refugees registered in North Africa.
‘Turkey is playing a key role in providing shelter to refugees from Syria. What I’ve seen here today and what I saw last month during my visit to Jordan and Iraq have made a deep impression on me.’
These were the words of foreign minister Bert Koenders on Wednesday following his visit to a refugee camp in Gaziantep, Turkey. (07.01.2016)
How to Build a Perfect Refugee Camp ... Kilis is one of the cleanest, most humane, most efficiently run refugee camps in history. (13.02.2014)
Turkey to educate up to 450,000 Syrian refugee children 28.09.2016
The biggest Orphan village in the world is opening in Turkey
Claim: Turkey kills refugees crossing its Syrian border
The Syrian people and minorities
Abdülkadir Şen tarafından kaleme alınan Suriye Askeri Muhalefeti başlıklı ORSAM raporunu bu karmaşık düzeni anlama çabalarına bir katkı sunacağı ümidiyle yayınlıyoruz. Keyifli okumalar dileriz. ORSAM Rapor No: 202 Ekim 2015 Suriye Askeri Muhalefeti Raporu
The Free Syrian Army (FSA) is the moderate armed opposition fighting across Syria, to free the Syrian people from the Assad regime, its foreign militia and Daesh. The FSA formed in 2011 when peaceful protests in Syria were met with violent force from Syrian government forces. Officers and military personal started to defect from the regime to form the Free Syrian Army to protect demonstrators and fight back against the use of force being used against them. Since this time, many have joined the FSA across Syria to defend their areas and fight for the principles that the Syrian people went to the streets for at the start of the Revolution: for freedom, dignity and justice, to change Syria from a dictatorship into a democracy.
Officers from the Syrian Army who refused to turn their guns on the Syrian people & defected at the start of the revolution, reveal their motives, their contributions to the Syrian Revolution & their future goals. These men risked their lives & the lives of their loved ones to stand against injustice to protect the Syrian people. They now stand at the heart of the work of the Free Syrian Army, giving it technical capacity & organisation.
Inside Syria's War: Arms and Resistance in Jobar
Factions Fighting in the Syrian Civil War 29.04.2017
Syria Map
Muslime haben das Land über ein Jahrtausend lang regiert und gerade deshalb haben religiöse Minderheiten überlebt.
Protecting the Syrian mosaic of faiths: the FSA’s relationship with minorities 11.2017
Fisk knows very well that the armed opposition have committed few atrocities and that they don't even compare to the daily near-genocidal violence of the regime and its Russian and Iranian allies. ... Fisk will write all day about how the rebels are all Sunni sectarians who are hell bent on murdering Christians (he might want to check out the recent statement by Jaish al-Fatah, one of the main rebel coalitions in Aleppo, where they guarantee the safety of Christians and other minorities) but he won't talk about the mass mobilisation of the ordinary people of Aleppo when the rebels first began to break the siege. 11.08.2016
Esed rejimi mezhepçi değil, iktidarda Sünnilerde vardı diyenlere gelsin. Devrim öncesi ordudaki mezhebi dağılım.
The defection of a significant number of Sunni officers amidst the ongoing turmoil in Syria created a unique opportunity to get access to original data on the Syrian armed forces.
Dr. Al-Muhaysini urges Free Syrian Army to protect the Christians of Aleppo city in Syria 10/08/2016
Aleppo’s Islamist victors tell Christians they are safe
Feth-Halab operations room declares amnesty to anyone who enters a church or Mosque or their homes.
Fatth Halab vows to protect civilians fleeing to its areas
Aleppo: Rebels declaring amnesty and safety to pro-#Assad forces who drop their weapons and surrender.
a message from the heroes on the Hama front "to Syrian Alawis: We have no hostility to you but only to the regime... anyone who helps us or remains in his home or raises a white flag will be safe... the safety of women and children and old men is assured... as for the foreign mercenaries, our behaviour with them may well be different... we aren't the 'opposition', don't fool yourselves, the 'opposition' competes for seats in parliament, no, we are the revolution... and in this country it will either be the revolution or the regime." 04.09.2016
Golani also said that his group will not target the country's Alawite minority despite their support for Bashar al-Assad's government. ... Our fight is strictly with those who attacked us and murdered our people. 28.05.2015
"If any of you abandons the regime and repents his actions against the Syrian people, he will be forgiven and have the right to live as a Syrian citizen," he said. He said there was no risk for the Druze community, as its villages in Idlib controlled by the Jaish al-Fatah faction will remain safe. Even Walid Jumblatt, Lebanon's Druze leader, praised Nusra's approach. Jumblatt went on to advise the Druze of Syria to stand against the Assad regime - though their strongholds in southern Syria are still under regime control. ... neither the international community nor the liberal and secular forces have come to their rescue. The Islamists, however, stood their ground, fought against the regime and sacrificed themselves over the past four years. (02.06.2015)
Walid Joumblatt "Les déclarations de Mme Le Pen au Liban ont insulté le peuple libanais et le peuple syrien" 21.02.2017
Zahran Alloush, head of the Army of Islam ... The regime of Assad is the main contributor to the misery of the Christians. The regime of Assad has enforced many restrictions on the Syrian Christians, and forced many of them to leave and to close their businesses due to Assad’s so-called social economic policy. (15.12.2015)
Many Syrian Christians are represented in the highest levels of the Syrian opposition including the Higher Negotiations Committee and Syrian Coalition, which have been recognized as the legitimate representatives of the Syrian people by the United States and the international community. 05.2017
A number of political parties, human rights and humanitarian groups and institutions in all fields — including the Assyrian Network for Human Rights and the Organization of Syrian Christians for Peace — have participated in support of the Syrian revolution, helping to refute the regime’s promotion of itself as a protector of ethnic minorities, while also working to reveal the true face of the regime in all its revolting sectarianism. 05.2017
"The Western world's pretence of unbiased 'secularism' is a lie By Nadia Dimashqui in Damascus
Today [Tuesday December 3rd 2013], after the FSA liberated Maloula , the whole world went through a panic , although the FSA had liberated this town before, and the whole world witnessed exactly WHO was bombing the town then, the same people still bombing it now - the Assad regime. However today the foreign ministers of three great countries, (at least two of them supposedly "secular" ) , appeared in the media expressing their concerns about the 12 missing nuns of Mar-Takla monastery [subsequently revealed to have been evacuated by rebel forces to escape regime bombardment and other threats by Assad' forces].
These were the British, French and US foreign ministers and, like every Syrian, I couldn't help feeling disgusted by their obvious selectivity based on their obvious sectarianism! There are besieged areas in Syria with hundreds of thousands of Syrians dying of starvation, and none of those very obvious sectarians made such urgent appearances in media and expressed his concerns for them!!! Every day, Assad's warplanes drop TNT-filled barrel bombs on civilian neighborhoods, and none of those "good Christians" ever give a damn! Tens of thousands of Syrian university students, journalists, doctors, rescuers, activists...etc etc etc have been reported missing , but none of those sectarian leaders was ever concerned - obviously because these missing people weren't Christians!"
Der Christ Michel Kilo, ein syrischer Oppositioneller, Regimekritiker und Journalist: „Kein Christ wurde von den Revolutionären angegriffen, weil er ein Christ ist. Das hat auch ein christlicher und ehrlicher Geistlicher gesagt, der nun von dem assadschen Regime in Haft genommen wurde. Es gibt leider christliche Geistliche, die die Gefahr über die Christen durch die Revolutionäre aufbauschen. In Europa gibt es christliche Organisationen, die von bedrohten Christen in Syrien sprechen. Solche Organisationen verbreiten nur Lügen über die Revolutionäre“
The Assad regime committed massacres against the Lebanese Christians. Regime prisons were filled with Christian political detainees, both Syrians and Lebanese, especially during the civil war in Lebanon. With the start of the Syrian revolution in March 2011, Syrian Christians, like their fellow countrymen, took a stance according to their personal interests. In the first months of the revolution, many Christian young men and intellectuals declared openly their opposition to the corrupt dictatorship of the Assad regime, participating in peaceful demonstrations ... Christian beneficiaries of the Assad regime. Those shared the crimes of the Assad regime fighting in the ranks of its forces. 03.2017
Assad bombardiert und bombardierte auch Christen:
Christian Battalions Declaration Of War Against Assad
Anti Assad Syrian Christian Unit Forms in Hama to Join Free Syria Army
Idlib | Christian officer defects and joins FSA
Cunning Syria Dictator Assad Bombs Maaloula Christian Village Then Blames Rebels 09.09.13
Syria Army Alawite Female Colonel Defects - Col Zubaida Almiki Denounces Dictator Assad
Alawite Army Officer Defects Joins Free Syria Army Denounces Assad 2 29 12
Syria - Fake Suicide Bombing - Assad bombs Midan 6-Jan-12 Al Jazeera
18+ Syria Bodies Of Muslims and Christians Killed as Assad Bombs Al Qusair 2 April 12 Homs
Syria, Latakia: The Regime's Crimes Against Christians
Assad's Forces Desecrating Christian Sanctities while the Revolutionists Honor it
Syrian-Armenian Christians anti-assad activism in Der-al-zor
Christians from Free Syrian Army celebrate Christmas in Suburb of Hama
Christians Fighting with the Free Syrian Army
Syrian opposition forces rescue nuns ... the mother superior of the Saidnaya convent, Febronia Nabhan, told the Associated Press that the opposition fighters moved the nuns to the rebel-held town for their own safety. Nabhan explained that Mother Sayyaf called her and said they were all "fine and safe". According to their telephone conversation, "she and the 11 other nuns, accompanied by three young maids, were comfortably installed in a house in Yabrud and no one was bothering them," Nabhan said." - (04.12.2013) HOAX: "islamische Fanatiker, haben die seit Monaten umkämpfte christliche Stadt Maalula erobert. Sie drangen in ein orthodoxes Kloster ein und verschleppten die Nonnen" (Die Welt, 03.12.2013)
Syria - Maaloula Christian Nun "Rebels Killed Nobody, Damaged Nothing" 9-9-13 Exposes Assad Lies
Syria Rebels in Maaloula - Liberate Historic Christian Village from Dictator Assad 4-Sept-13
Ma’aloula Nuns in Christian Safe House; Revolutionaries Wounded to Save Them 04. Dez. 2013
Christian hostel in Aleppo has own view of jihadist rebels - September 21, 2013
Assad regime exploits Christian minority to fuel the sectarian violence in Syria 13/08/2016
Christen aus Syrien gegen Assad: Syrische Christen flüchten in die Türkei
Syrian Christian Activist Hadeel Kouki speak about the revolution
Hadeel Kouki
Alawite actress fadwa soliman on a hunger strike 11/2011
In Memory of Fadwa Soliman who died of cancer today in Paris 08.2017
Alawite actress Louise Abdlkarim speaks of the revolution
Alawite Intellectuals Slam Bids to Link Sect to Syrian Regime 19.01.2012
Christian-muslim ramadan revolutionary breakfast in a church in yabrud
Assad Vs Christianity | The Unseen Story
Melkite Catholic priest in Damascus: Immoral practices of regime-backed thugs are a kind of terrorism 05.10.2016
This blog is an attempt to unravel 2 years worth of internet propaganda that has led to the creation of a worldwide online Assadist cult. Piece by piece, image by image, video by video.
Debunkations from the early years of the Syrian revolution *(Coined 23/08/2013)
A cacophony of hoax images, misused videos, and Syrian State TV reports (including the 80 killed 12 beheaded story, which was then taken and cited by tens of smaller outlets giving the illusion of a large source basin) spread through social media like wildfire. Once again, Assad is pulling the minorities propaganda card.
Suriyeli muhalif Hıristiyan gruplardan Barış için Suriye Hıristiyanları, Esed rejiminin kasti ve sistematik bir biçimde kendilerini Şam'dan çıkarma planını uygulamaya koyduğu uyarısında bulundu. 04.10.2016
"Assad is only protecting himself" Syria's dictator Bashar al-Assad likes to present himself as a champion of his nation's religious minorities, in particular the Christians. But increasing numbers of Syrian Christians in exile are resisting this narrative.
"His PR teams and state media are churning out a steady stream of partially or completely fabricated new stories about acts of terror against Christians, al-Qaeda's rise to power and the imminent destabilization of the entire region. These stories are circulated by Russian and Iranian broadcasters, as well as Christian networks, and are eventually picked up by Western media. [...] sex jihad [...] al-Arifi [...] the property of non-Muslims to be confiscated [...] beheading of a bishop [...] a Christian from Aleppo who had been abducted by al-Qaida rebels [...] the destruction of the Christian village of Maaloula [...] Mohammed al-Buti [...] sarin gas from Saudi Arabia". (07.10.2013)
Syrian women, whose families said were kidnapped by security forces, have appeared on state TV recounting stories of how they were either raped by rebels or how they joined al-Qaeda-affiliated groups to fulfill the fighter’s carnal needs in what has been described as “sexual jihad.” 28.09.2013
Rawan Kaddah, 16-year-old, Syrian girl had forced to confess practicing sex jihad in an interview with Assad-run media, activists said. 24.09.2013
Sana Saeed: Tunisia and “Sexual Jihad” - 25.09.2013
Pamela Geller Wrong About “Sexual Jihad” Fatwa - 02.04.2013
Progressive news organization AlterNet has fallen for and disseminated a story, pushed by Zionist, Islamophobic and Iranian outlets, claiming that a prominent Saudi cleric issed a religious edict authorizing sex-deprived fighters in Syria to rape women there. 03.01.2013
Syrian armed opposition protects Christians for holiday 12.2017
Christian graves desecrated as Syrian troops loot corpses for gold 03.2018
On every Christian feast, for decades, the heads of the Churches in Syria have read out statements praising the Syrian government. They were written by the government. In my days in Damascus, between 1997 and 2002, I sometimes heard them read badly; but, as the State Security were in the church, no comment was possible. 04.2018
In 2015, then chairman of the Synodal Department for Cooperation of Church and Society, Father Vsevolod Chaplin, claimed that Russia’s intervention in Syria was nothing less than “holy war.” He was later removed from his position for this statement. But despite backtracking on Chaplin’s comments, both Putin and the Russian Church continue to portray Russia as the savior of Syrian Christianity. Even white supremacists in the US have helped promote this image.
The sectarian nature of the regime
Western supporters of Assad are generally told that he is “secular”, but his mostly foreign Shia militias are incited to kill Syrian opposition civilians and combatants using explicitly sectarian extremist terminology and narratives. ... 04.2018
Iran's expansionist policies in the Middle East have resulted in bloodshed and sectarian divergence, however, the country's continuous efforts to create a network of proxies in the region seem to have exacerbated tensions in two crisis-ridden states, Syria and Iraq.
What do supporters of Assad say about Ghouta 03.2018
Suheil al-Hassan, #Assad regime general & war criminal proud of massacring civilians in the past & honored by #Russia military, tells #EasternGhouta: “You will find no one to help you & if you cried for help you will be succoured with melting metal” #Syria 03.2018
From the beginning of Syria's war, the regime of Bashar al-Assad, enabled by Iran and Russia, has run a very elaborate media war to portray itself as the victim of an international conspiracy, wherein its only opponents are terrorists from al-Qaeda and its offshoots who are being used by foreigners - namely the Gulf States, Turkey, Israel, and the United States - to overthrow a defiant "resistance" state.
The other part of this strategic messaging is aimed at the West, which Assad otherwise accuses of supporting jihadi-Salafist terrorism against him: Assad is the only alternative to the terrorists, it says, so the West should support him. War criminal he might be, he will protect the minorities - his role in endangering them by starting a sectarian war against the Sunni majority and bolstering the takfiris within the insurgency to cannibalise all legitimate or engageable armed opposition ...
For Assad and his allies, it helps if this propaganda is not only delivered by regime spokesman but independent analysts, journalists, academics, and politicians. In the last 10 days two salient examples have emerged: Stephen Kinzer, a veteran journalist, including for The New York Times, who wrote in The Boston Globe, and Jeffrey Sachs, an academic economist working at Columbia University, who wrote in The Huffington Post. Mixing together conspiracy theories, half-truths, and outright lies - disinformation, to give it an old name - both Kinzer and Sachs told a version of the regime's narrative. Why they did this is best-known to them.
From the very outset, the Assad regime and its Iranian and Russian supporters have waged a very large and elaborate disinformation campaign to push its own narrative of the conflict, which has centred on the claim that the uprising—which was comprised of peaceful protesters for six entire months—was in fact a sectarian, Islamist conspiracy stirred up from outside. ...
The regime sacked mosques and disseminated videos of its soldiers drinking alcohol in them. The regime used Alawi auxiliaries rather than uniformed soldiers to attack Sunnis to try to provoke a sectarian response, notably sending Alawi militiamen to literally trample over the bodies of Sunni civilians in Bayda, a Sunni enclave on the Alawi coast, in April 2011 and then conducted a series of massacres beginning at Houla in May 2012 that used Alawi villagers to shoot and butcher at close-quarters their Sunni neighbours. ...
Now the United States is the de facto air force for the Assad regime, having reassured Iran before the airstrikes in Syria began that it would not attack Assad. Ceding Syria to Iran as a sphere of influence has included the U.S. standing by as al-Qaeda destroys its designated proxies, and even striking at a group, Ahrar a-Sham, that has no expressed transnationalist ambitions. This isn’t bad going for a regime that has slaughtered a quarter-of-a-million people, torturing to death 11,000 of them ... 05.01.2015
Another senior Iranian regime official claimed on Friday that Syria and the Levant are now part of Iran - but then the region was sold to them by Obama for his "legacy deal". Hopefully he's enjoying the karma for his work, domestically and globally.
'Khamenei's Representative Claims Iraq, Levant and Mediterranean Fall Within Regime's Borders'
20-08-2017: 'Once again, a senior cleric in the Iranian regime has acknowledged the fact that the clerical regime considers Iraq, Syria and Mediterranean costs inside the borders of Iran.
The remarks made by one of Iranian regime’s high-ranking official regarding the clerical regime’s objectives in meddling in Iraq and Syria makes it ever more necessary to evict the Revolutionary Guards Corp (IRGC) and their affiliated proxies from Syria, Iraq and other countries in the region.'
'Iran Daily, Nov 21: “We Are Forming a Single Islamic Nation in Iran, Syria, Iraq, & Yemen”' (November 21, 2016)
'Head of Ammar Strategic Base: Syria is Iran’s 35th Province; if we lose Syria we cannot keep Tehran' (14th February, 2013)
From an Ally of the Regime to an Occupying Force
(2nd edition, April 2016)
'Iran announces it holds sway over five Arab states' (September 24th, 2016)
the benefits of anonymity: no accountability, no possibility to question background & loyalties. Hence a false sense of neutrality, "Sunni myth" is strikingly similar in content/style/structure to a non-published report presented to US government in 2014. Report was written by Nir Rosen from Swiss NGO Humanitarian Dialogue.
In it, he argues that the armed opposition has become hopelessly radicalized, while the Assad regime is nonsectarian in nature. ... it is rather the distinctly pro-Asad flavour of Rosen’s assessment of the conflict, which makes his piece look like an attempt at whitewashing the regime’s crimes, ... sugarcoating deliberate mass-murder. ... the regime started to deliberately destroy much of its own infrastructures to make life impossible in rebel-held areas ... by 2010, an aggregate index combining state repression and human development would certainly have placed Syria at the bottom of the regional ranking ... Alawite auxiliaries were sent to kill protesters on Homs’ Clock Square ... Later that month, other Alawite militiamen were sent into the coastal village of al-Bayda, and filmed themselves tramping over the bodies of Sunni prisoners. ... June 2013 speech by Asad’s head of security in Aleppo Muhammad Khaddur, who was trying to recruit Shia militiamen in the villages of Zahra and Nubbul by promising them he would “raise the flag of (Imam) Hussein over Munnagh airport” ... from 2011 on, tens of thousands of ordinary Syrians picked up arms in a context of bloody repression of demonstrations, mass round up and torture, followed by shelling and air bombing of civilians
Rosen's access to US decision-makers likely facilitated by Rob Malley (his former boss at ICG), Obama's top adviser on Middle East shows problem w. anonymity: author of Sunni Myth poses as outsider but probably enjoys privileged access to top figures in US admin. Views like those expressed in "Sunni Myth" already shape US policy notwithstanding ridiculous claim that Washington is pro-Sunni when in fact in Syria US has exclusively targeted Sunni groups and carefully avoided protecting Sunnis from mass-murder by Asad. Also blatant similarities btw Rosen's 2014 report & this piece excusing regime for death of Marie Colvin.
Remembering the Victims of the Massacre of #alBayda on May 2, 2013
After having besieged and shot the civilians of Al-Bayda with tanks and artillery, Assad's "Shabiha" (cruel thugs) carried out executions of civilians, including women and children, they encountered on their way using knives and guns.
Afterwards they burned the corpses and the houses along with their residents.
(Bashar Assad Crimes Archive – 18.7.2013)
Aymenn al-Tamimi’s profiles of loyalist militias provide some insight into their diverse backgrounds. Among these groups, only a handful are still capable of anything close to offensive action. ... Assad that drives the worst abuses of this war, that obliges Alawite kids from the coastal mountains and the plains of Hama to fight their own countrymen in distant corners of a country long fractured into smaller fiefdoms beyond the reach of the state.
(The sectarian Iraqi regime was brought to power and is being hold at life by the US. It is an ally of Assad, Iran and Russia. Colonial powers create ethnic, religious and sectarian conflicts because don't want representative allied states. They also spread a pseudo anti-imperialist narrative to throw dust in the eyes of the public. The fundament of the Assad regime has been laid by France. The crimes of Assad and Maliki are well-documented. One just has to search for Syria barrel bombs or Assad torture to see what Assad is doing.)
When Assad came to power, he increased Alawite dominance of the security and intelligence sectors to a near-monopoly.[76] The coercive framework was under his control, weakening the state and party. According to Hinnebusch, the Alawite officers around Assad "were pivotal because as personal kinsmen or clients of the president, they combined privileged access to him with positions in the party and control of the levers of coercion. They were, therefore, in an unrivalled position to act as political brokers and, especially in times of crisis, were uniquely placed to shape outcomes".[76] The leading figures in the Alawite-dominated security system had family connections; Rifaat al-Assad controlled the Struggle Companies, and Assad's son-in-law Adnan Makhluf was his second-in-command as Commander of the Presidential Guard.[76] Other prominent figures were Ali Haydar (special-forces head), Ibrahim al-Ali (Popular Army head), Muhammad al-Khuli (head of Assad's intelligence-coordination committee) and Military Intelligence head Ali Duba.[85] Assad controlled the military through Alawites such as Generals Shafiq Fayyad (commander of the 3rd Division), Ibrahim Safi (commander of the 1st Division) and Adnan Badr Hasan (commander of the 9th Division).[86] During the 1990s, Assad further strengthened Alawite dominance by replacing Sunni General Hikmat al-Shihabi with General Ali Aslan as chief of staff.[86] The Alawites, with their high status, appointed and promoted based on kinship and favor rather than professional respect.[86] Therefore, an Alawite elite emerged from these policies.[86] Assad's elite was non-sectarian;[86] prominent Sunni figures at the beginning of his rule were Abdul Halim Khaddam, Shihabi, Naji Jamil, Abdullah al-Ahmar and Mustafa Tlass.[86]
However, none of these people had a distinct power base from that of Assad.[87] Although Sunnis held the positions of Air Force Commander from 1971 to 1994 (Jamil, Subhi Haddad and Ali Malahafji), General Intelligence head from 1970 to 2000 (Adnan Dabbagh, Ali al-Madani, Nazih Zuhayr, Fuad al-Absi and Bashir an-Najjar), Chief of Staff of the Syrian Army from 1974 to 1998 (Shihabi) and defense minister from 1972 until after Assad's death (Tlass), none had power separate from Assad or the Alawite-dominated security system.[87] When Jamil headed the Air Force, he could not issue orders without the knowledge of Khuli (the Alawite head of Air Force Intelligence).[87] After the failed Islamic uprising, Assad's reliance on his relatives intensified;[87] before that, his Sunni colleagues had some autonomy.[87] A defector from Assad's government said, "Tlass is in the army but at the same time seems as if he is not of the army; he neither binds nor loosens and has no role other than that of the tail in the beast."[88] Another example was Shihabi, who occasionally represented Assad.[88] However, he had no control in the Syrian military; Ali Aslan, First Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations during most of his tenure, was responsible for troop maneuvers.[88] Although the Sunnis were in the forefront, the Alawites had the power.[88]
Counting just the regime individuals, we find there are 23 Alawites, five Sunni and four "others". That is, Alawites, some 10-15 per cent of the population, occupy some 72 per cent of the regime. Sunni, some 75-80 per cent of the population, occupy under 16 per cent of the regime. ... a large part of the Alawite regime people are connected to Assad by family, so the regime is both sectarian and family run ... Alawite elements are absolutely dominant within the military and security elements of the regime -- including head of the Republican Guard, chief of staff of the armed forces, head of military intelligence, head of the air force intelligence, director of the National Security Bureau, head of presidential security. What this means is that the appointment of a few loyal Sunnis to the officially top positions -- defence minister and interior minister -- takes on the nature of being largely cosmetic ... regime-connected businesses ... the big bourgeoisie, who absolutely dominate the economy. They are connected via two main branches. All the top right of the chart shows large companies (oil, banking, telecom etc.) connected via Alawite, and Assad-family connected, members of the regime. This includes Assad's cousins, the Makhlouf family, who reportedly control some 40-60 per cent of the Syrian economy ... So to the extent that the regime isn't entirely Alawite, it is the Sunni mega-capitalist class that is its chief non-Alawite support base ... US strategy for at least a year and half has centred around trying to use a section of “moderate” rebels to launch an all-out attack on the radical Islamists, in order for them to slaughter each other, commit mutual suicide
Als Alawiten haben sie mich auf Posten geschickt, wo ich andere kontrollieren musste und mehr Verantwortung trug. ... Ich war nicht in der Lage, zu töten und zu foltern und habe gefragt, warum sie mich versetzt haben. Da sagten sie: „Weil du Alawit bist. Diese Terroristen wollen deine Schwester und Mutter vergewaltigen.“ Man konnte mit ihnen nicht diskutieren. Die Generäle wissen genau, wie sie die Leute manipulieren und Hass unter den Religionsgruppen säen können. ... Ich kenne alawitische Familien, deren Söhne am Anfang, als es nur friedliche Proteste gab, tot nach Hause kamen. Das waren Soldaten, die sich geweigert hatten, auf Demonstranten zu schießen und hingerichtet wurden.!5013565/
This honourable Syrian MP, Maamoun Homsi, who defected, is being mocked by regime supporters online for selling tea and cakes on a street in Vancouver. As if there is something shameful in earning one's living honestly (though of course for Assad and the wealthy elite of regime beneficiaries who are his supporters, the idea of making an honest living is an alien concept, while the poor and non-elite are saps to be exploited, sneered at and slaughtered).
Dr. Faisal al-Qassem: „Abd al-Halim Chaddam, der ehemalige Vizepräsident von Syrien, sagte einmal, dass Syrien ein Land der Geheimdienstleute ist und zwar par excellence. 95% der Geheimdienstoffiziere sind Alawiten“. Und dann bezichtigt man dich des Sektierertums, wenn du über das Sektierertums des Assads Regimes sprichst. Die Alawiten haben alle Schlüsselpositionen im Staat und dann sprechen jene über den Patriotismus??
Roughly four-fifth of the officer corps as well as the commanders of the numerous intelligence agencies are Alawites. Although the Alawite sect does not staff the entire officer corps, Alawites hold virtually all sensitive and important positions in the armed forces. For instance, while most Syrian air force pilots were Sunni, the air defense force that controlled logistics and communication was mainly Alawite, preventing the pilots from making a play for power. There are nearly a dozen paramilitary forces in the country, all of them are led by Assad-family confidants and consist of highly-motivated fighters loyal to the regime. Bashar's brother, Maher, a brigadier general, is the commander of the Republican Guard as well as the army's elite Fourth Armored Division; these two special units along with Syria's secret police form the core of the country's security forces. His brother-in-law, Asaf Shawkat, was the head of Military Intelligence and later a deputy minister of defense. (He died, along with the defense minister and several top defense officials, in a bomb attack in July 2012.)
The Syrian military at the beginning of the civil war numbered approximately 300,000: perhaps two-thirds of these were draftees, a large proportion of whom was drawn from the majority Sunni community. With the onset of the civil war, Sunni conscripts-repelled by the level of violence their Alawite officers were willing to inflict on protesters-started to defect and were joined by some Sunni civilians. In fact, the vast majority of the Free Syrian Army is made up of these soldiers and their officers, few of whom are Alawites. Many divisions that consist mainly of drafted Sunni soldiers have not been deployed to quell the uprising; instead, the regime has increasingly turned to the army's Third and Fourth divisions, special forces, and irregulars, often called shabiha, which are heavily Alawi or belong to other minorities sympathetic to the regime.
Another major instrument of French influence on the Alawites was their recruitment into the Troupes Spéciales du Levant, a local military force formed in 1921 and later developed into the Syrian and Lebanese armed forces. The French employed the principle of divide and rule in the Troupes recruitment too. The aim was to prevent any of the communities from obtaining a position so powerful as to be able to endanger the French administration.
Based on the French design, the army developed a strong rural and minority representation, with special detachments of Alawites, Druze, Kurds and Circassians. Alawites served under French officers along with the other "reliable" minorities15 in local forces. The French favored recruiting rural minorities because they were far from the urban-dominant political ideology, Arab nationalism. The French policy of military recruitment involved weakening the forces of nationalism that Arab Sunnis used to challenge the French over the future of Syria. As a result, in the mid-1940s, when that struggle was at its height, Arab Sunni representation in the army was much lower than their numbers in the population.16
The Troupes Spéciales du Levant were used to maintain order and suppress local rebellions. Largely composed of minorities, their activities generated resentment among Sunnis. By the end of the mandate, several infantry battalions were composed almost entirely of Alawites. Not one battalion was composed entirely of Sunni Arabs. Even those few battalions with significant Sunni Arab components were filled mostly with men from rural areas and far-off towns. The wealthy Sunni Arab landowning and commercial families, who led the Arab nationalist movement during the mandate, indirectly reinforced the trend towards strong representation of minorities in the Troupes by refusing to send their sons for military training, even as officers, in a force which they viewed as serving France's imperial interests.17 The Alawites formed about half of the eight infantry battalions of the Troupes, serving as police and supplying intelligence.18 The French made every effort to keep the Troupes immune from the Syrian ferment in the towns by using the Alawites and other minorities to suppress urban nationalist disorder. ...
As early as 1955... Colonel Abd al-Hamid al- Sarraj, Chief of the Intelligence Bureau, discovered to his surprise that no fewer than 65 percent or so of the non-commissioned officers belonged to the Alawi sect.24
As opposed to the Alawites, who saw the Military Academy of Homs as a place for the ambitious and talented, the wealthy Sunni Arab families often despised the army as a profession: They regarded the Academy as "a place for the lazy, the rebellious, the academically backward, or the socially undistinguished."25 As Seale states, "this was the historic mistake of the leading families and of the mercantile and landowning class to which they belonged: scorning the army as a profession, they allowed it to be captured by their class enemies, who then went on to capture the state itself."26
The Alawites, although excessively represented in the army, were just the corporals, sergeants and junior officers before the takeover by the Baath party in 1963. On the other hand, the most important group, which undertook politically and strategically important military functions, was the senior Sunni officer corps. Sunni leaders apparently believed that reserving the top positions for themselves would suffice to control the military. The leaders of the first three military coups between 1949 and 1954 were all Sunnis. In the period between 1954 and 1958, when the Syrian-Egyptian union (the United Arab Republic) was established, the officer corps was strongly divided into rival factions. The "union pledge," which was made in January 1958, was led mainly by Sunni officers; in September 1961, another coup, which separated Syria from the union, was also led by Sunni officers.27 The struggle among the senior Sunni officers greatly weakened Sunni representation in the officer corps and strengthened the minorities, mainly the Alawite officer corps. "As Sunni officers eliminated each other, Alawites inherited their positions and became increasingly senior; as one Alawi rose through the ranks, he brought his kinsmen along."28 The two national institutions that played major roles in the Alawites' rise to power and eventual control of political life in Syria were the military and the Baath party. ...
In July 1946, shortly after French troops left Syria, Aflaq and Bitar published the journal Al-Baath; and, in April 1947, the founding Baath Congress was held in Damascus. During the congress, a different group emerged: some were from Latakia, and the majority of them were Alawites. They shared the Baath goals of Arab independence and unity but differed in their approach to social issues. They were the followers of Zaki Arsuzi, an influential Alawite intellectual, himself a follower of another Alawite, Dr. Wahib al-Ghanim, a socialist who blamed the ruling elite for the miserable conditions of the rural population. While Aflaq's main concerns were unity and nationalism, Ghanim's was social justice. In 1947, he insisted on the inclusion of "the limitation of agricultural holdings, worker participation in management, and state ownership of heavy industry, natural resources, and public utilities"32 to the party's constitution. Although Aflaq refused to accept Ghanim's insistence on including a socialist approach or social justice goals, Bitar agreed to unite the Baath with Akram al-Hawrani's (also transcribed as Hourani) Arab Socialist Party, which shared Ghanim's concerns. Hawrani built a strong populist movement in the Hama region among the landless peasants, the most exploited rural population in Syria. Hawrani became a major influence among the rural religious-minority cadets and young officers, mainly the members of the Alawite community. They saw him as a leader of the peasant movement. As Hawrani and the Baath leaders grew closer and eventually merged their organizations in September 1953 to form the Arab Baath Socialist Party, the Baath gained a large following among the officers.33 Baath ideology had an obvious appeal for them because of its secularist, populist and socialist components.
After the unification of the two parties, original Baath doctrine "sought to combine a secular formulation of pan-Arab nationalism and a non-Marxist approach to socialism and social reform."34 The large, mainly Sunni, urban petty bourgeoisie considered the Baath ideology suspect for its secularism and advocacy of socialism. However, the religious minorities found it strongly appealing. They hoped the party "would help them to free themselves of their minority status and the narrow social frame of their sectarian, regional and tribal ties."35 Baath ideology promised minority communities equality on the basis of being an Arab, not on being a Sunni. There would be no political and socioeconomic discrimination against non-Sunnis. It also promised other aspects of social reform in the needy rural areas. The overrepresentation of heterodox Muslims and Christians in the ranks of the Baath party contributed to the resentment between the Baath regime and the urban Sunni population.
During the Syrian-Egyptian union (1958-61), all political parties, including the Baath, were dissolved. But some Alawite groups remained organized secretly and maintained a measure of control in the Latakia region. Following the secession of Syria from the union in 1961, the earlier dissolution of the Baath party proved to be a major political gain for the Alawites. They now were the strongest and most organized force in the much-weakened national organization.36
The dominance of a military faction within the Baath party has its roots in the period of Egyptian-Syrian unity. The pro-Baath officers stationed in Egypt formed a secret organization in 1959. The leaders of the group — Salah Jadid, Hafez al-Assad, Muhammad Umran — were Alawites, and Hamad Ubayd was a Druze. The goal of the organization was to restore the Syrian army to Syrian control. The members of this secret military organization, eventually known as the military committee, were not involved in the Baath's traditional leadership or party structure. They operated as one of several politically active groups of officers involved in the dissolution of the union in 1961 and in the fight for political control of Syria during the subsequent year and a half.37
On March 8, 1963, a coup by a group of officers, including the Military Committee, brought down the "separatist regime." Five of the 14 members of the Baathist military committee were Alawites. After the coup, the gaps in the army resulting from purges of political opponents were filled by Alawites. Even the graduating Sunnis cadets were denied their commissions: "The representation of Alewis [sic] among the newly appointed officers was as high as 90 percent."38 As Batatu points out, many Sunnis are still in the officer corps, but, if they are important, they are important not as a group but as individuals, and more in the professional than in the political sense.39
On July 18, 1963, the power struggle between Sunni Baath officers and minority officers ended in a bloody takeover by the minority officers. Control of the army and political life passed to the heterodox Muslim minority led by the Alawites. The Sunni majority was put in a subordinate position. Other heterodox Muslim groups were eliminated as well: "In 1966 and 1968, the Alawi faction terminated the other two minoritarian-sectarian factions (the Druze and the Ismailis), and became the masters of Syria."40
The Alawite State (Arabic: دولة جبل العلويين, Dawlat Jabal al-‘Alawiyyīn, French: Alaouites, informally as État des Alaouites or Le territoire des Alaouites) and named after the locally-dominant Alawite Shi'a sect, was a French mandate territory on the coast of present-day Syria after World War I.\ The French Mandate from the League of Nations lasted from 1920 to 1946.
The use of "Alawite" instead of "Nusayri" was advocated by the French early in the Mandate period, and referred to a member of the Alawi religious sect. In 1920, the French-named "Alawite Territory" was home to a large population of Alawi Muslims
The region is coastal and mountainous, home to a predominantly-rural, heterogeneous population. During the French Mandate period, the society was divided by religion and geography; the landowning families and 80 percent of the population of the port city of Latakia were Sunni Muslim. More than 90 percent of the province's population was rural, and 62 percent were Alawites.
The Alawite State bordered Lebanon on the south; the northern border was with the Sanjak of Alexandretta, where Alawites made up a large portion of the population. To the west was the Mediterranean. The eastern border with Syria ran roughly along the An-Nusayriyah Mountains and the Orontes River from north to south. The modern Latakia and Tartus Governorates roughly encompass the Alawite State. Both have majority Alawite populations; parts of modern-day Al-Suqaylabiyah, Masyaf, Talkalakh and Jisr ash-Shugur Districts also belonged to the state.
The collapse of the Ottoman Empire at the end of World War I (with the Armistice of 11 November 1918) brought on a scramble for control of the disintegrating empire's provinces. As of 1918 France occupied Lebanon and Syria, which was under the leadership of the Amir (Emir), Faisal I. By 1920, growing anti-French sentiment in the region led to the establishment of the Arab Kingdom of Syria under King Faisal I on 7 March 1920. The Arab Kingdom of Syria was initially supported by the British, despite French protests. The British withdrew support, and on 5 May 1920 the Allied Supreme Council published a Mandate for "Syria and the Lebanon" to the French Republic with French and Arabic the official languages. General Gouraud was appointed high commissioner of the Syrian territories and commander-in-chief of French forces.
The population of Lebanon was pro-French; that of Syria was anti-French, with a pan-Arab-nationalistic bent. The French insisted that the Mandate was not "inconsistent" with Syrian self-government; Syrians were forced to accept the mandate when King Faisal left the country (under pressure from France) in July 1920, after Great Britain withdrew support for his rule in the face of French claims.
At the time, native outcry for the unification of Syria was rejected. In early September 1920, the French divided the territories of their mandate based on heterogeneous population to grant "local autonomy" to demographic regions.[4] Some argue that the French acted to intentionally divide the population, limiting the spread of "the urban contagion of nationalist agitation". On 2 September 1920 a "Territory of the Alawis" was created in the coastal and mountain country, comprising Alawi villages; the French justified this separation by citing the "backwardness" of the mountain-dwellers, religiously distinct from the surrounding Sunni population. The division intended to protect the Alawi people from more-powerful majorities.
Esed'in Müslüman olduğunu iddia edenler Esed'in ve ailesinin gerçek dinini bilerek gizledikleri gibi Esed ve destekçi güçlerin sivillere uyguladıkları zulüm ve katliamları örtbast etmek için de medya ve yayın organlarında sürekli dezenformasyon haberler yaparak ve sadece dünyada tek düşmanın İsrail ve ABD olduğunu Nusayri Esed'in katliamlarında haklı olduğunu gösterme çabasına girdikleri görülüyor .
Despite the nauseating levels of shilling (ironically, mainly from westerners who have lived in democratic societies all their lives) for such a sectarian regime, the regime is obviously as sectarian as it gets in the rank and file of its armed forces, and thus, is also viciously sectarian in its propaganda too � a fact which makes their support for the regime even more unbelievable, given that this sectarian poison is conspicuously posted all over the internet, on pro-regime social media sites; Facebook, YouTube, you name it. ... The "Umayyad dream" is a reference to the caliphate of the Umayyads, which lasted between June 9, 746 � July, 750. It seems to be another way of saying that the Sunni dream is over, which again, explicitly shows Assad's fight to be against the Sunnis. ... The imagery is highly charged with hatred, but at the same time, also very confusing; even the pro-Assad mobs don't seem to realise the ridiculous nature of their sectarian propaganda � they eulogise Assad as a leader who "protects" minorities, yet openly portray him as a Shiite/Alawite hero, they utilise 'secular' imagery (e.g. the Ba'athist flag) alongside Shiite Islamist symbols (isn't Assad supposed to be an enemy of Islamists? Not if they're non-Sunni I guess), he is portrayed as the leader of Syria, yet as only leading a fraction of the population� The message is an attempt at coherent sectarian fascism, yet is all over the place. 18.12.2014
This is the reality of the ‘secular’ Assad regime. Vicious hatred of the majority of the population. This song is entitled ‘The Alawite Expansion Has Exploded’, and openly venerates Assad on a sectarian basis, for killing off Sunnis. Assad is put on a par with Hussain and others. ... A solder in the Iraqi ‘army’ holds a pro-Hussain banner. The Iraqi army, drawing most recruits from Shia areas of Iraq, has developed a very sectarian narrative, and taken a coercive, murderous line in regard to discontented Sunnis. The invocation of the names (and some images) of members of the Ahl al-Bayṫ is common.
The internecine war in Syria, as far as the Iranian regime and Hizbullah are concerned, is a sectarian war by excellence whose central goal is to create an Alawite entity in the so-called Damascus-Hums-Lathakia Triangle. And the way to expedite this goal is to depopulate entire towns and districts, either by way of exterminating the Sunni population or by way of driving the "wrong people" out of their homes. 18.08.2015
The Alawite opposition has emphasized that there is no future for a democratic Syria unless Assad exits power and unless a pluralistic democratic system is established. The Cairo meeting, which called for a democratic Syria representing all political groups and sects, was also attended by Sunni and other opposition activists. 24.03.2013
Bashar Assad must go, cannot have a place in transitional gov’t, Syria Alawites say ... Hashimi criticized Iran's involvement in the Syrian conflict, claiming that Iran's aims in the region are developed on a sectarian ideology, which supports the Iranian regime's interests. ... after the Arab Spring, Iran tried to expand its project, as the two anti-Iranian regimes – the Egyptian and Tunisian regimes – collapsed. ... The Assad regime and its allies worked for over 50 years on strengthening and manipulating sectarian, tribal and family royalties in Syrian society in order to pursue its own interests and maintain its survival. 23.11.2015
The statements of "Alloush" came as comments via his Twitter account, on a report published by the Italian news agency of "Aki", quoting from Russian sources, that the number of Alawite deaths in Syria, 150 thousand, only affiliated to the national defense and security branches, without the army forces, Hezbollah’s deaths 7,000 militants, as Alloush suggested the reported death toll to be doubled. "The Alawite community must recalculate and ask after half of its youth sacrificed to Bashar: Is Bashar is the real guarantee for them or the homeland would be? . Are not you adults men? he called on "Alawites. 04.2017
Baroha, a small village in the western countryside of central Homs province, with a population counted 2300 people before the Syrian revolution, the majority of them (85%) were Sunni, and the rest were from the Alawite minority. 22.04.2016
Footage (with English subtitles) has emerged of soldiers of the "secular" Assad regime welcoming Iraqi Shia "jihadis" in the city of Latakia, West Syria. There are an estimated 30+ Iraqi Shia militias fighting in Syria for the Assad regime - with some armed by the US government in Iraq - with their invasion which began in 2013 swept under the carpet by the US administration. Their intervention has been crucial in preventing the collapse of the Assad regime with the depletion of numbers of the Syrian Army. Indeed, their dominant role and the marginalisation of Syrian regime troops prompted Assad to rebuff critics from his own camp, stating "Syria is not just for Syrians but is for those who defend it" 29.07.2015
Shiite militia leader in Darayya after population displacement
Ethnic cleansing in Daraya
#Syria - Foreign Shia militia groups take the place of the Sunni Syrian families displaced last week from#Daraya.
"Hundreds of families were displaced during Shiite militants’ attack on the town" 06.2017
Al Moadamyeh this morning New wave of Ethnic Cleansing by the Assad regime takes place
Daraya refugess leaves Moadamiya. They will be taken to Abwa’ Harjjaleh
This guy is the "CEO" of @TheArabSource ethnic cleansing, starvation.. They support it all #Syria
Al Jadeed TV cameraman, Jihad Zahri posts, "From inside the fridge, in solidarity with Madaya"
Mocking The Suffering Of Madaya
Assad supporters troll Syrians starving in rebel-held town by tweeting pictures of their DINNER
Esed rejimi pilotlarının % 80'inin devrimin başlaması ile birlikte Nusayri kökenlilerden seçilip Hava Harp Okulu'nda yetiştirildiği ve geri kalanının ise dış ülkelerden getirilen pilotlar olduğu rapor ediliyor.
Assad’s regime is in no way secular, it is sectarian and securitarian. When it comes to the Islamic World, many in the west tend to adopt what I call Huntingtonian secularism, defining secularism in an oversimplifying culturalist way as something against Islam ... Deep in the genealogy of the protection of minorities or minority rights lies the colonial powers, discourses and practices in the time of rising Western imperialism which was also the time of the “Eastern Question” in the second half of the 19th century. What do the colonial discourses say? That the minorities in the ‘East’ are threatened by the Muslim Majority, and that the “civilized” Western powers are their protectors ...
Those who occupy the posts that control the reproduction of the regime are mostly from one sect, with a publicly known discrimination on their behalf in the security agencies and military formation with security functions. Most of those arrested, tortured, killed, displaced, their towns and neighborhoods destroyed besieged and destroyed, are from the Sunni majority in the last six years. Nevertheless the dogma of minorities’ protection sticks there in the West like a fixed prejudice. The only innovation in the recent years is that the evil majority now is not Muslims, but Arab Sunni Muslims, which extends the blessings of minority protection to the Kurds and the Alawites, with Russia now is the champion of protecting all minorities, with implicit or explicit consent of many in the West.
Assad’s Syria is, however, anything but secular, sovereign and independent. Of these three supposed virtues, Assad’s secularism seems most important to his backers. It has united those on the left, like Tusli Gabbard, with those on the far, far right, like David Duke and Richard Spencer. Uncoincidentally, these figures are also united by deep-seated Islamophobia. Duke and Spencer are openly white nationalist. Gabbard has strong ties to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ruling Hindu nationalist party, which has been complicit in deadly anti-Muslim violence. ... secular rule is no guarantee of virtue. Some of the most brutal violence in the modern Middle East has been carried out by so-called secular regimes. Secondly, Assad’s regime is far more sectarian than secular. Since the early days of his father, Hafez al-Assad’s rule, the Syrian government apparatus, especially its security forces, have been dominated by the Alawite sect. Additionally, forming sectarian alliances while fomenting sectarian rivalries has been an important strategy by which Bashar, and his father Hafez, has kept hold of power. ... Assad has relied heavily on Iran and Hezbollah, which share a Shiite Islamist ideology, as his military manpower has been depleted. Shiite fighters from Iraq and Afghanistan formed the backbone of Assad’s offensive to retake east Aleppo last December. Recently, a video of Hezbollah soldiers wearing Syrian army uniforms was leaked.
Allein aus Tartus, einer Hochburg des Assads Verbrecherregimes, sind seit Beginn der Syrischen Revolution mehr als 100 Tsd. Alawiten getötet und weitere 50 Tsd. verletzt worden
#Tartous: 100.000+ Alawite #Assad fighters from #Tartous Province were killed and 50.000+ wounded since 2011.
Nusayri gençler artık Esed için ölmek istemiyor.
Esed rejiminin asker sıkıntısı iyice büyüyor! Almuhabarat milisleri mahalle mahalle , Ev Ev basıkınlar düzenliyor, #Lazkiye'nin Nusayri semti Dimserho 'da Evlere baskın yapamak isteyen Almuhabarat milisleri 6 yıl önce Sünni halka karşı ırkçı ve mezhepçi fitnelerle kışıkrtılan ve silahlandırılan gençler arasında çatışma çıktı, Almuhabarat verdiği silahlardan çıkan kurşunların hedefi oldu. ...! 05.2017
Sadat slams Assad's Russian-backed war against 98% of Syrians "to protect his own head" - in 1980
08-04-2017: Like father like son. In this uncannily predictive speech by former Egyptian president Anwar Sadat on October 5 1980, he condemns Bashar's father Hafez al Assad, saying:
"There is civil war in Syria. Hafez El-Assad wants to keep his head along with the heads of his brother “Refaat El-Assad” and his Alawite sect and so he asks for the help of the Soviets in Syria and signs a common defense treaty with them against 98% of the Syrians … to protect his own head."
Two years later in 1982, the Assads slaughtered 30,000-50,000 men, women and children in the city of Hama, supposedly to crush a Muslim Brotherhood insurrection. So much for all those who keep lauding the Assads' "stability".
The head of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, General Mohammad Ali Jafari, has declared that Tehran’s forces are forming a “single Islamic nation” in Iraq, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen. 21.11.2015
The worst atrocities are almost never reported. Incredibly, the latest Amnesty International account of torture in Syrian jails specifies the details of only of cases which are mild by Assad's standards. Perhaps here again, to report worse is thought merely prurient by an agency known for its 'even-handedness', that is, its refusal to compare. ... To these qualitative comparisons must be added quantitative ones. Assad murders and tortures many times more people than any other participant in the conflict. 23.08.2016
Study: Iran plays ‘destructive role’ in Iraq, Syria and 12 other nations 08.07.2017
İran, işgal ettiği Halep'te"vahdet"amaçlı faaliyetlere devam ediyor. Sünni çocuklar işgal edilen camilerde 'Hüseyniyerlerde' Şii'leştirilyor 06.2017
Shia mercenaries who are fighting for Iran in Syria 06.2017
Haşdi Şaabi lideri: Riyad ve Cidde'ye kadar gideceğiz 06.2017
İtalyan ajansı tarafından yapılan bir raporda, YPG, YPJ ve asayiş güçlerinin yetkililerinin çoğunluğu Türkiye’deki Alevi [geçinen] Kürtlerden oluştuğu ve doğrudan PKK ile bağlantılı olduğu öne sürüldü.
"YPG is a unit of the Syrian army" says Bouthaina Shaaban, political and media adviser to Assad ... vast majority of the field military commanders [of the PYD and SDF] are from Alawite Kurd and directly affiliated with the PKK
Dikkatinizi çekiyor mu, Araplara nefret kusan içimizdeki azgın azınlık Esed'e hiç çatmıyor. Neden? Esed Arap değil mi?
Die Opfer werden entmenschlicht
Die säkularen Unterstützer Putins halten die syrische Bevölkerung für nicht säkular genug
How Iran Recruited Afghan Refugees to Fight Assad’s War 06.2017
Farsça konuşmalı dehşet verici diyalogda bir cesede işaret ediliyor ve “bu çok genç. Daha çocuk” deniyor ve çocuğun kafasına kurşun sıkılarak öldürüldüğü belirtiliyor. Konuşanların biri “bunlar nasıl vuruldu” diye soruyor. Bir diğer İranlı asker de “önce el bombası atıldı, sonra da kafalarına sıkarak infaz edildiler” diyor!
Bir şii militan da Arapça “Hayvanlar cehenneme” ve “Lebbeyk ya Zeynep” diye slogan atıyor! 07.2017
White supremacist who drove car into crowd is an Assad fan. These are pictures from his facebook wall. 08.2017
American white supremacist neo-nazis who staged a march at the University of Virginia on Friday night expressed their customary support for fascist icon Bashar al-Assad, chanting "Assad did nothing wrong" and "Barrel bombs, hell yeah!"
"Assad did nothing wrong" - Baked Alaska at UVA tonight. "Barrel bombs, hell yeah!" 08.2017
Heavy Assad forced displacement of Syrians: The Assad regime and its allied foreign Shiite militias have been forcibly displacing the Sunni Syrian people to change the demography of Syria, and 2016 saw the worst and most of this forced displacement.
Made by Halla Barakat 10.2017
In Assad’s State, Your Property is Not Your Own 10.2017
At least 90,000 Syrian militants have been operating in Iran-backed Shiite militias in Syria, according to a leaked document issued by the Syrian Defense Ministry early 2017.
The Assads turned the entire country’s resources into national monopolies. They then used crony capitalist privatization to transform these into private monopolies owned by themselves, their relatives, and their friends.
Assad regime facilitated PKK recruitment in Syria: security documents 10.2017
Bali claims that the SDF’s role is now defined by its fight against other opposition groups in the country, equating them to Daesh militants. 11.2017
Rafidhi self flagellation, Dimashq Hassan Al Eine schiitische Maßenselbstgeißelung mitten im berühmten Bazar von Damaskus (Suq Al Himedyye). Der Klang der Rufe hört sich iranisch an. In der Vergangenheit war sowas nicht existent in so einer zentralen Lage einer sunnitischen Hauptstadt.
Es ist einer der Anzeichen aggressiver und rücksichtsloser iranischer Expansion.
Iraqi militias in Damascus Ali Sid Hundreds Of Iranian Militias Celebrating Shi’ite Occasions In Damascus Streets
#Assad regime's "Republican Guards Regiment" facebook account:
"Air weapon burning Eastern Ghouta with people inside : Children, women and others. Everyone has to be burned!" #EasternGhouta #Esed rejimine bağlı Cumhuriyet Muhafızları Alayı'nın facebook gönderisi:
Hava silahı Doğu Ğûta'yı içindekilerle birlikte yakıyor: Çocuklar, kadınlar ve diğerleri. Hepsinin yakılması gerek! #DoğuĞûta
PYD, ABD, Rusya bizden rahatsızmış....şu utanmazlığa şu kepazeliğe bakarmısınız....Vallahi terörist bunlar
A report by Iran state TV broadcast today November 25 about an Iranian 13 year old child soldier 11.2017
Russische und Iranische Soldaten in der ehmals Sunnitischen Stadt Abu Kamal im Südosten Syriens. Die Sunnitische Mehrheit in Syrien wird systematisch Ethnisch gesäubert durch die Nusarische und Shietische Minderheit mit der Hilfe des Iran und Russland, das ist ein Fakt der zu selten erwähnt wird.
Die Medien, egal welche, müssen endlich damit aufhören, den Begriff „ syrische Armee“ anzuwenden. Denn ihn gibt es seit Beginn der Syrischen Revolution nicht mehr. Es handelt sich nun dabei um verbrecherische Assads Söldnerarmee, die vorwiegend aus ausländischen Schiitensöldnern besteht. Das ist das eine. Das zweite ist, dass es nicht mehr um das Assads Terrorregime geht, sondern um die russisch-iranische Besatzungsmacht.
Mullah-Expansion: Here’s how wide Iran’s influence is around the Middle East.
During the First World War, Arab troops fought on every front –in what are now Egypt, Syria, Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq, as well as in eastern Turkey and Galatia. In Ottoman times, the government in Istanbul had a concerted policy of transferring Arab troops away from their native land, deploying them in Anatolia . With an estimated 300,000 Arabs in the Ottoman forces in 1914, a third of the total men under arms, there were far more Arabs serving in the ranks of the Ottoman army than those who followed the banners of the Arab Revolt . Two thirds of the troops who made up his (Mustafa Kemal Atatürk) 19th Division that faced the first wave of the Allied invasion were Syrian Arabs, comprising the 72nd and 77th regiments of the Ottoman army. The remembrance of both the vanquished and the victors will not extend to the Arab soldiers of the Ottoman Empire, lost in the rewriting of history. Nowadays, walking among the few cemeteries established by the Turkish government on the battlefield, one comes across graves of men from Baghdad, aleppo, Damascus and Makka.
FSA founder braces tribes' unity in fighting Assad, Kurdish militias 12.2017
Thousands of Russians deployed to Syria by shadowy, private military contractors 12.2017
Assad’s Foreign Shia Militias
Due to a self-confessed shortness of manpower, the Assad regime relies on many militia groups as their ground-forces. Most are non-Syrian, many are Shia jihadis, paid for and commanded by Iran. These militia are highly sectarian. Following a programme known as “Shiaization”, they “Shia-ize” areas they occupy, focussing usually on the mosques. It is these foreign militia forces that make up regime ground-forces. Yet few know the full extent of their role on the ground in Syria.
Dai az-Zur: Ein ausländischer Schiitensöldnern droht den Syrern mit Schlachtung, falls sie zurückkehren
Anschließend bedankt er sich bei Baschar Assad für die hervorragende Tötung des syrischen Volkes
#Iran's sectarian mercenaries fighting for "secular" #Assad threaten to slaughter Syrians if they dare to return to their homes in #DeirEzzor #Syria
13/01/2018 #DeirEzzor : Video of a Shiite militia,blowing up one of the civilian houses in the countryside of #AlBoukamal,and chanting slogans.
Russian Blackwater 01.2018
Shia extremists who support Assad want to exterminate Sunnis 02.2018
Nasrallah: Wilayat-e Faqih rule more important then Lebanon's constitution 03.2018
Assad regime issued 200,000 Syrian passports for Iranian militants: sources
Assad enteignet das Eigentum syrischer Flüchtlinge per Dekretالأسد-يشرعن-سرقة-منازل-المهجرين-هذه-تفاصيل-المرسوم-الجديد
Looting in Ghouta
Syria: 'Absentees law' could see millions of refugees lose lands 04.2018
"Al Ghouta ist frei, die Frauen der Hunde sind direkt hinter mir"
Aufnahme eines Assadisten der Republikanischen Garde Syriens in der nähe von Damaskus. Es wird unter anderem Gesungen "wir werden alle Sunniten zerfleischen".
Assad ist der Gesandte Allahs“, sagt der verbrecherische Assads General Suheil al-Hassan
Assad and PKK work together, they kill and demonize the Syrian people
Turkey’s intervention in the area of Afrin in northern Syria has exposed an essential truth that the Pentagon has long tried to conceal: The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces the United States relies on to fight the so-called Islamic State in eastern Syria is allied with the infamous regime of Bashar al-Assad. This became obvious because in another theater of this multifaceted, multifront war, in what is referred to as the north Syrian Afrin pocket, the SDF was daily losing territory to Turkey—and asked the Assad regime for support.
Aliko accuses PYD of collaborating with the Syrian regime against Kurdish opposition 03.2018
- ABD’nin müttefiki YPG, Esad rejimiyle anlaşıp İran yanlısı milisleri Afrin’e aldı. ABD, bu durumda İran’la müttefik mi oldu?
+ Suriye çok karışık bir yer. DEAŞ’a odaklanalım
This is the great progressive leader of the PYD, peddling racist, fascist filth. No one has any excuses now. They peddle the same fascist, racist lies about Syrian refugees (many of which they've made) as their allies Assad and Russia.
PYD welcomes Assad into the Shaikh Maqsoud area of Aleppo city, and an Assadist and Iranian-proxy convoy heads for Afrin. Turkey destroys the convoy.
Die Tagesschau hat gerade Assad Kämpfer als "regeirungsnahe Kämpfer" dargestellt komplett ausgelassen das es sich um Shietische Extremisten handelt nämlich einer Hezbollah nahen Miliz, außerdem haben sie diese als "Retter der Kurden" dargestellt die vom bösen Erdogan beschossen wurden. Kein Wort über Ghouta aber dadrüber das "Islamisten" auf der Seite von Erdogan kämpfen. Erdogan wurde auch nochmal fake zitiert in dem er gesagt habn soll "das sie den KURDSICHEN terror vernichten werden".
Assad regime and PKK in Afrin
Alte liebe rostet nicht, #Afrin heute abend, Extremistische #Assad Shia Milizen und die #YPG haben eine gute Zeit zusammen.
Aktuelle Lage in #Afrin. Kein wunder das die #YPG ihre alte Allianz von 2016 wo sie Aleppo zusammen massakriert haben wieder aufleben lässt. Die #PKK apologisten der Deutschen Medien werden ihr bestes geben.
Assad regime facilitated PKK recruitment in Syria: security documents 10.2017
Bali claims that the SDF’s role is now defined by its fight against other opposition groups in the country, equating them to Daesh militants. 11.2017
Ibrahim Biro, head of the Erbil-based Kurdish National Council, said that much of Syria’s Kurdish population had been forced to flee the country in recent years due to ongoing violations committed by the PYD 09.09.2016
Syria government declares support for PYD. US not alone in cooperating with PKK's Syrian affiliate, says Syrian UN Ambassador Ja'afari 17.02.2016
Member of the Syrian Coalition’s political committee Fuad Aliko said that the Democratic Union Party (PYD) could not claim to be a representative of the Syrian Kurds, especially after the attacks its militias have recently launched against rebel-held areas under Russian aerial cover. 17.02.2016
Britain’s Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said his country had seen "disturbing evidence" that the Kurdish PYD militias are coordinating with the Assad regime and the Russian air force. 24.02.2016
HDP's Co-Chair Selahattin Demirtaş participated in an interview on a Hezbollah-affiliated television network Al-Manar. In the interview, he reiterated his party's stance on Syria which perceives the Assad regime ‘part of the solution' 14.07.2015
Hezbollah and its Lebanese allies react positively to Trump’s election 10.11.2016
Christian schools in Qamishli city of Hasaka province refused the decision of " Kurdish Self Management " by the Democratic Union Party to impose Kurdish language curriculum on all private and public schools 30.10.2015
The Kurdish PYD’s alliance with Russia against Free Aleppo ... backed by Russian airstrikes ... For example, the PYD has just banned the Kurdish publication ‘Rudaw’ from operating in Rojava, and “also banned journalists and freelancers from sending their work to Rudaw and warned all agencies and organizations to cut off all contacts with the media network 28.02.2016
Tamo: PYD Is A Terror-Organization Supporting Assad Regime ... “The Association of Independent Syrian Kurds” conference were launched on Saturday in the Turkish city of Urfa, The association’s spokesman “Abdul Aziz Tamo” opened the conference 11.06.2016
Syrian regime armed PKK and facilitated attacks against Turkey: new leaks 13.06.2016
PYD hand over Furat University and other govermant buildings in Hasakah back to Assad regime is another sign of the increased cooperation 03.10.2016
PYD part of regional alliance, Assad pays salaries of Kurdish militants ... Saeed Omer, Head of Erbil’s office of National Affairs for Kurdistan Democratic Party in Syria says that Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) and its Syrian branch, the Democratic Union Party (PYD) are part of an alliance consists of Iran, Russia and Syrian regime. 06.04.2015
PYD Gives Menngh air base to al-Assad regime to north of Aleppo,Why? 10.11.2016
"Shield Euphrates" Clash with "PYD" infuriates al-Assad regime 21.10.2016
" Euphrates Shield" invokes the PYD and the Assad regime’s IRE 25.08.2016
The Democratic Unity Party (PYD) ,a Syrian affiliates of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) terrorist organization, has caught estimated 300 youths from the self-declared canton areas in northern Syria. ... The youths,aged between 21-27, have been escaping from the Bashar al-Assad Regime since 2011.
With Russian air support, PYD strives to make gains in NW Syria (30.11.2015)
Russian support for PKK's Syrian arm PYD. In a sign of rapprochement gaining momentum between the two sides, Russia is backing the Syrian affiliate of the PKK terrorist organization, PYD, in Azez 27.11.2015
Russia Parachutes Military Equipment to PYD
'We sent them [PYD] armaments, because they are Syrian citizens, and they want to fight terrorism,' Assad tells British daily
Russia supports the Syrian affiliate of the PKK terrorist organization, PYD, which is trying to take control of the Azez region in Syria near the Turkish border (27.11.2015)
Assad regime to provide PYD with large quantities of ammunition 13.10.2016
Moscow's operation saved Syria from "being cut into pieces and becoming a part of a new Ottoman Empire" ... Syria's Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) co-chairman Saleh Muslim told Sputnik. 28.09.2016
The Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union (PYD) plans to open a mission in Russia (20.10.2015)
Syrian Kurds [they mean PYD] use Russian and US support to make rapid advances 17.02.2016
The PKK-Assad regime story: harmony, discord and Ocalan 10.04.2015
PYD leader: Russia will stop Turkey from intervening in Syria (01.10.2015)
Why are Syrian Kurds [sic] pivoting toward Moscow? On Wednesday, an affiliate of the largest and most powerful Kurdish party in Syria, the Democratic Union Party (PYD), opened its first official mission abroad — in Moscow. ... a closer examination of the PYD’s historical experience and core interests suggests that the politics behind a potential realignment [sic] with Moscow makes strategic sense. 12.02.2016
PYD leaders call for partnership with Bashar al-Assad’s regime ... No faith in authoritarian rulers [lol] and Western powers! 06.08.2015 PYD-Führer für Bündnis mit Assad. Kein Vertrauen in autoritäre Herrscher [lol] oder die westlichen Mächte! ... Seit dem Sommer 2012 hat die PYD, in der Folge des Abzugs syrischer Truppen aus diesen gebieten, einige Flecken im vornehmlich von KurdInnen bewohnten Teil Nordsyriens überrannt. Dies war vom Regime Bashar al-Assads ausgegangen, um die eigene militärische Macht darauf zu konzentrieren, den Vormarsch bewaffneter sunnitischer Gruppen in anderen Teilen des Landes aufzuhalten. Der PYD war es somit möglich, das vorhandene Vakuum auszufüllen. 19.08.2015 Quelle: SAV, Sozialistische Alternative [Assad hat 2012 Gebiete im Norden Syriens aus strategischen Gründen der PYD überlassen.]
Kurdish opposition figures say Assad's forces pulled out of areas of Hassaka and Aleppo provinces, leaving control of them to the Democratic Union Party (PYD) 24.07.2012
Während Hafez al-Assad die Kurden im eigenen Land unterdrückte, unterstützte das Regime zugleich jahrelang die PKK. ... belebte er mit Beginn der Revolution seine Kooperation mit der PYD, dem in Syrien beheimateten Arm der PKK, wieder. 06.01.2015 [Das Assad-Regime unterstützt die PKK seit ihrer Gründung.]
Syria civil war: Kurdish leader says collapse of Assad regime 'would be a disaster' ... Mr Muslim is the president of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) that rules Rojava 24.09.2015
“In the complicated world of politics, even allies sometimes clash, and up to the present moment, I haven’t seen PYD and the Syrian regime clashing seriously, and thus what happened recently in Qamishlo can be seen as a matter of disagreement between friends,” he said. 04.05.2016
For first time in conflict, Assad launches airstrikes on US-backed Kurds 18.08.2016
According to local Arab and Kurdish sources, the Democratic Union Party (PYD) has been enlisting Arab loyalists in its armed wing, the People's Protection Units (YPG), in a bid to boost its credibility among Arabs and join efforts with the Syrian regime on the battleground against the opposition. 02.2014
PYD fanboys and mouthpieces were celebrating the role the Efrin canton played in assuring the defeat of whaat they called 'the jihadists', 'the Salafists', 'the Wahhabists' or 'al-Qaeda' in Aleppo - the PYD obviously joined with Assad-Iran-Russia in crushing Free Aleppo. They actually played a key role in justifying the smashing and cleansing of Free Aleppo with their contention that the Syrian rebels there were 'al-Qaeda' (there was an extremely limited number of Jabhat an-Nusra fighters in the city, vast majority of rebels obviously had nothing to do with al-Qaeda), while they then cheered as Assad-Iran-Russia cleansed the eastern part of the city of civilians, unleashed mass torture and rape and reimposed Baathist rule.
However, the reality is they are basically just the PKK terror group, with conscripted child soldiers, suicide bombings and in the areas they control opposition Kurdish party leaders have a useful habit of just "disappearing". And oh yeah, they work for Assad. Ali Sid
Demirtas behauptet, Assad-Gegner wären Vergewaltiger.¬if_t=notify_me&ref=notif
Afrin Urges Syria to Intervene to Stop Turkish Planes Overhead
"Die Kurden": (Wer als Kurde nicht für die PKK ist, hat laut kolonialen Thesen keine Rechte) Seit Samstag geht die türkische Armee gegen die Kurden in Nordsyrien vor. Die Region Afrin bittet jetzt Präsident Assad um Hilfe - und fordert, dass dieser seine Armee schickt.
Colonial Assad regime threatening Turkey.
#Afrin 2012 vor der #YPG / #PKK
Salih Muslim behauptet, Assad-Gegner hätten sich selbst vergast.
Im Juni behauptete der HDP-Vorsitzende Demirtas, die HDP sei die "größte islamische Partei der Kurden". Das heißt: Um die Unterstützung breiterer Massen zu erhalten, gibt man sich nicht offen anti-islamisch, während die Unterstützer im Ausland zumeist offen anti-islamisch sind. Demirtaş: Kürtlerin en büyük İslami partisi HDP’dir 18.06.2016
Assad regime and Daesh did barely fight each other for years
17 suspicious facts about Daesh ...
1) Six Iraqi Sunni provinces rebelled against the previous Maliki sectarian government and did not participate in the latest elections; a political rebellion long before the current armed struggle.
2) The Sunni revolt was nearing success and gained huge popular support, particularly in Western Iraq before Daesh became involved.
3) Mosul was suddenly handed over by the Iraqi Regime to Daesh with all of its equipment and everything in it and without forewarning in June 2014. Up to 30,000 Iraqi soldiers fled an attacking force of 1,500.[3] 10.07.2016
Assad regime also further destabilized Iraq
Asad then left IS alone for a year to build its caliphate, while obliterating rebel-held areas that could provide an attractive alternative to the dictatorship. Asad’s deputies have hardly been shy in underlining what they have done, so confident are they that they have left outside powers no choice but to side with them in suppressing a jihadist insurrection. The 127th issue of Al-Naba, IS’s weekly newsletter, was released on 13 April 2018; on page 9 it contained an article that, for perhaps the first time ever in its official literature, admitted to working with the intelligence services of the Asad regime.
Arrested Daesh terrorists confess tie with Assad regime. Suriyeli muhalifler, Esed rejiminin açtığı koridorla İdlib'e sızmaya çalışırken esir alınan DEAŞ'lılar ilk sorgularında, rejimden muhaliflere karşı destek gördüklerini itiraf etti.
Syria opposition captures 400 Daesh terrorists in Idlib 02.2018
On February 9th a large number of Islamic State (IS) fighters surprisingly appeared south of Abu al-Douhur airbase in Idlib province in the contact zone between the government army and the Al Qaeda linked jihadist group of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and forces of the Free Syrian Army (FSA).
Chronologie der #Assad und #ISIS Kooperation in Ost-Idlib:
Oktober 9/12, 2017: ISIS in Ost Hama (was zuvor umschlossen war vom Assad Regime) gibt ISIS freies Geleit nach Ost-Idlib, ISIS greift dort angekommen sofort die Rebellen an und nimmt Dörfer der Rebellen ein.
Oktober 22, 2017 bis 20 Januar, 2018: Das Assad Regime greift in gleicher Bewegung mit ISIS Ost-Idlib an (90% HTS Fronten) und kreist die ISIS Truppen die zuvor dort hin vom Assad Regime transportiert wurden ein.
Februar 5-7, 2018: Das Assad Regime nimmt mit nahezu in nur zwei tagen das komplette belagerte ISIS Gebiet ein.
Februar 9, 2018: ISIS jetzt in Ost-Idlib kriegt wieder freies geleit und Transport nach West-Idlib um dort die FSA Rebellen anzugreiffen.
Februar 10, 2018 ISIS nimmt die Dörfer Umm Khalakil, Luwaybidah und Musharifah von der FSA ein, bisschen nördlich der Front bombardiert Russland Jarjanaz in selber Bewegung wie die ISIS offensive aus dem Assad Regime Gebeit heraus. Radio Free Syria - Deutsch
Cooperation between Assad and ISIS
Feylaku'ş Şam'ın komutanı Yasir Abdurrahim, ateşkese rağmen Beşşar Esed rejiminin Rus ve İran desteğiyle ve terör örgütleri PYD/PKK ve DEAŞ ile yaptığı iş birlikleriyle Hama ve Halep'te operasyonlarını sürdürdüğünü söyledi. 12.2017
Assad regime, Daesh target Syria’s Idlib: Local source 01.2018
#Assad, #Russia, #Iran and #ISIS cooperation continue against Syrian opposition in south of #Idlib and #Aleppo. Those who want to see ISIS can look at the Assad regime. 01.2018
#Esed rejimi, #Rusya, #İran ve #IŞİD'in #Suriyeli muhaliflere karşı işbirliği #İdlib ve #Halep'in güneyinde devam ediyor. IŞİD görmek isteyen Esed rejimine bakabilir.
ISIS and Assad attacking free Syrians
Where ISIS gets it's weapons
ISIS Advances On The Expense Of The Syrian Opposition With The Help The Syrian Regime 12.2017
White Helmets being 'Western backed' Jihadis ... Regime supporters admitted their alignment with ISIS against rebels during a recent offensive in Idlib ... ISIS evacuation deals taking place under the nose of the US and Russia ... Pipelineistan
A reading list on the history of the regime and DA’ESH (ISIS)’s relationship
The origins of the weapons that IS forces deploy in Iraq differ from those of the materiel they use in Syria. China produced the majority of the materiel (weapons and ammunition combined) fielded by the group in both countries. However, Russian-manufactured weapons outnumber Chinese weapons deployed by IS forces in Syria— presumably reflecting Russian supplies to the Syrian regime. Many of the group’s weapons mirror those of the two regimes in its respective countries of operation. These findings support widespread assumptions that the group initially captured much of its military materiel from Iraqi and Syrian government forces. 12.2017
Inside one of the world’s dirtiest banks, confidential files expose Kremlin connections to a network of shadowy people fronting for Syria's chemical weapons programme, ISIS, and organised crime. 12.2017
Moskof mezalimi: #Rus savaş uçakları #Suriyeli muhaliflerin #IŞİD ile çatıştığı bölgedeki Ebu Teyne köyüne fosfor bombaları ile saldırdı. Rusya muhaliflere yönelik saldırıları ile IŞİD'in önünü açmaya devam ediyor. #Hama 12.2017
Rejim güçleri ve müttefiklerinin hava destekli ilerleme girişimlerinin muhalifler tarafından birçok kez geri püskürtüldüğü ifade edilen video, IŞİD'in bölgeye sızmasından sonra rejimin ilerleyişinin hız kazandığı yönünde ifadeler yer alıyor.
No longer a rumour, this is now FACT. Assad regime transferring ISIS fighters from Deir Ezzor to Hama so they can help them in the fight against HTS. Full cooperation in progress, how filthy can ISIS & assad get? 12.2017
SDF ex-spokesman details US interaction with both PKK and Daesh in Syria, Hundreds of Daesh terrorists headed to Europe thanks to secret Raqqa deal with YPG 12.2017
The situation in #Hama is becoming very dangerous as the regime is cooperating with Daesh against the HTS Mujahideen. Over 2000 Khawarij (Daesh fighters) have been transferred to Hama by the regime to advance towards Idlib.
BREAKING: In an almost unbelievable development, supporters of the Assad regime are sharing maps which confirm that ISIS is advancing alongside Assad's forces against rebels in the province of Idlib. 12.2017
ISIS Advances In East Hama Against The Syrian Opposition With The Russian Help 11.2017
The Russian Ministry of Defence Publishes Screenshots of Computer Games as Evidence of US Collusion with ISIS 11.2017
Malum gözlemler ve çıkarımlar ile kökenlerinde El Kaide benzeri yeni tip bir örgüt ile Irak BAAS’ı gibi bir istihbarat birleşiminin yattığı DEAŞ’ın, askeri manada cephe savaşında yenilse bile, varlığını devam ettirmek amacıyla askeri stratejisinde değişime gitmiş olması muhtemel. 11.2017
Where are ISIS's thousands of fighters? Especially where are the foreign fighters? Assad and Shiite militants killed just 50 ISIS fighters in Al-Bukamal. It seems that the Assad regime and Russia also (like USA and PKK) export ISIS warriors.
How did USA and PKK help ISIS? 11.2017
The BBC has uncovered details of a secret deal that let several hundred IS militants escape from the Syrian city. 11.2017
Al-Katerji is far from the sole intermediary between Asad and IS—another notable case is Suhayl al-Hassan—but al-Katerji’s role has been especially salient since George Haswani was sidelined.
In late 2015, Haswani was sanctioned by the U.S. Treasury, as was his HESCO Engineering and Construction Company, for acting as “a middleman for oil purchases” between Asad and IS. Haswani had already been sanctioned by the European Union in March 2015 for the same reason. 10.2017
#IŞİD ve #Esed rejimi işbirliğinde ikinci perde. Esed rejimi çeteleri #Hama'da IŞİD sahasından çatışmadan geçip muhalif alanlara saldırdı 10.2017
#Hama'nın doğusunda #TahrirŞam ile #Esed rejimi ve #Rusya izni ile bölgeye gelen #IŞİD arasındaki çatışmalar #UmMiyal doğusunda sürüyor. 10.2017
ISIS Jurist Conspired With Hezbollah to Defeat Rebels 08.2017
'200 IŞİD'liyi öldürdük' açıklaması doğru mu? ... IŞİD'e ait konvoyun Rusya'nın açıklamasında olduğu gibi 20 araçtan değil sadece 4 araçtan oluştuğunu ve bahsi geçen konvoyun hedef alındığı saldırıda en fazla 30 IŞİD mensubunun öldüğünü ifade etti. 08.2017
Harvard University Reveals Secret Documents Proving Assad’s Involvement in Rise of ISIS ... in 2013 the Assad regime recruited a former officer in Saddam Hussein's Baath Air intelligence, Samir Abd Mohammed Alkhalafawi to establish the terrorist organization ISIS with the aim of destabilizing Iraq and stoking sectarian wars in the Middle East. After the murder of Alkhalafawi at the hands of Syrian rebels in the town of Tell-Rifaat north of Aleppo in January 2014, the documents that outlined the founding of ISIS were discovered at his residence. The documents revealed that the Syrian Ministry of Defense sent fake religious clerics to cities and villages of Syria to open fraudulent religious offices, which were used to teach Sharia law and religion. Over time, these offices were used to draw in young people who were eventually manipulated into submitting to the bidding of the clerics. When the Assad regime began to ramp up violence against the revolution, the heads of ISIS’s offices around the country started to deliberately promote religious Sunni intolerance and raise the banner of "jihad,” according to the documents. The Syrians were taken by surprise as the organization's numbers skyrocketed overnight. ISIS went on to operate freely in various areas, which explains why Assad’s forces were never subjected to any of ISIS’s terrorist operations while a multitude of airstrikes were launched against the opposition’s sites in the midst of their battle against the terrorist organization, the report added. The report pointed out that many of the foreign fighters who have flocked to Syria to fight against the Assad regime were surprised that ISIS was only fighting the Free Syrian Army and the moderate opposition. Many of these fighters were eliminated when they tried to escape or revolt against the organization after discovering the truth. 08.2017
In reaction to the U.S. attack, Assad "could, at a minimum, keep for himself intelligence [about ISIS] that he has, or let Daesh [ISIS] people move out of Syria," says Claude Moniquet, a Belgian authority on Islamic State operations in Europe. "Or he could even use people that his service controls to organize things. ... Among the attacks Hafez facilitated: two massive bombings of the American embassy in two different locations, the first of which virtually wiped out the CIA station, and the enormous suicide truck bomb that destroyed the U.S. Marine Battalion Landing Team barracks in 1983, killing 241 American service personnel. In 2005, after Lebanon's billionaire Prime Minister Rafik Hariri fell out with Bashar Assad, Hariri was blown up along with 21 other people in the heart of Beirut. The Syrians claimed an obscure Sunni jihadist group carried out the suicide bombing. Assad said he was "100 percent innocent," of course. Then, over the years, four senior Syrian officials who might have implicated Assad directly were killed under mysterious circumstances. One "committed suicide" in his office under more than questionable circumstances. Another, Assad's brother-in-law, was blown up in a high-security compound, supposedly by the Syrian opposition. Another spy chief was reported killed fighting rebels in 2013. And one appears to have died after a savage beating by another intelligence chief in 2015. An international tribunal in the Hague has indicted five people in the Hariri murder case. In fact all of them are connected to the Shiite organization Hezbollah. ... The Russians, too, might benefit from an ISIS attack in France. 04.2017
Sowohl der ehemalige irakische Premierminister Nouri al-Maliki als auch Assad entließen im Jahr 2011 Al-Qaida-Mitglieder aus der Haft, wodurch der Aufstieg des IS überhaupt erst möglich wurde. Die bisherigen Forschungsergebnisse belegen, dass die Freilassung der dschihadistischen Extremisten eng korreliert mit der steigenden Zahl der Inhaftierungen von zivilen und säkularen Aktivisten, der geringen Zahl von bewaffneten Auseinandersetzungen zwischen dem Regime und dem IS, der stabilen wirtschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Regime und dem IS und der fortlaufenden Verbindung zu den Dschihadisten im Irak. ... Im Unterschied zu den Gewaltexzessen gegen das eigene Volk lieferte sich das Regime nur vereinzelte Gefechte mit der Terrormiliz. Laut Jeffrey White, ehemaliger Senior Defence Intelligence Officer und am US-Forschungsinstitut The Washington Institute for Near East Policy für Verteidigung zuständiges Mitglied, "bekämpft das Regime den IS nur dort und nur dann, wenn wichtige Interessen auf dem Spiel stehen." Ansonsten lässt das Regime dem IS freie Hand gegen die Rebellen. Im Gegenteil, es leistet sogar taktische Unterstützung. "Im Syrienkrieg agiert das Regime völlig pragmatisch in der Frage, mit oder gegen wen es kämpft und wo und wann es kämpft." Das Regime sei ein unzuverlässiger Alliierter im Kampf gegen den IS und "geht nur eingeschränkt dagegen vor. Seine eigenen Interessen stehen stets an erster Stelle, wozu auch die Kooperation mit dem IS zählt, wenn es zweckdienlich erscheint", so White. ... Die Tatsache, dass das Assad-Regime militärische Operationen gegen "moderate und säkulare Oppositionsgruppen" führt, während es den IS kaum attackiert, zeigt, dass sich das Regime durch die Opposition "wesentlich stärker bedroht sieht als durch den IS", hieß es etwa im PAX Policy Brief von Dezember 2015. Das Assad-Regime lässt den IS nicht nur militärisch gewähren, sondern kooperiert auch mit dem IS, um Öl aus IS-kontrollierten Raffinerien zu kaufen. So unterhält es bereits während des gesamten Konflikts eine Wirtschaftsbeziehung mit den Terroristen.
Syrian army gains ground along Jordan border ... Explosion kills at least 23 Syrian rebels near Jordan border 08.2017 Ali Sid The suicide bombing was carried out against the rebels by ISIS who are directly helping Assad take over the border.
Stanislav Belkovsky, a Russian opposition political analyst, said that Putin “knew about the terrorist acts in Paris in advance because he has a broad network of agents in ISIS,” a network created and expanded by formerKGB chief and Russian foreign ministerYevgeny Primakov. Vladimir Milov of Russia’s Democratic Choice Party has said the same. (11.12.2015)
it’s Putin (he who has brought the Russian Orthodox Church back into state favor). Playing ends — Far Right and Far Left — against the middle, he has a special relationship with Islamic extremists
ISIL nutzt den Unmut, den das Maliki-Regime mit Hilfe der USA und des Irans geschürt hat. Wenn es ISIL nicht gäbe, wäre dieses Gebiet offiziell mit uns verbündet.
ISIL wurde im April 2013 in Syrien gegründet. Der syrische Aufstand begann im März 2011. Die Fundamente des ISIS wurden in Afghanistan und später im Irak gelegt, der im Jahr 2003 von den USA besetzt wurde, insb. in den Foltergefängnissen. Zuvor gründete Abu Musab az-Zarqawi im Irak den Islamischen Staat im Irak (ISI). Zarqawi wurde 2006 getötet. Das Oberhaupt des ISIL ist Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, der 1971 in Samarra geboren wurde. Zwei Jahre nach Beginn des Aufstandes gegen den Diktator Assad wurde ISI in Syrien aktiv und nannte sich fortan ISIL.
Palmyra ist die einzige Stadt, die ISIL von Assad eroberte. ISIL hat bereits befreite Gebiete erobert.
Es gibt extrem wenige Berichte in der deutschsprachigen Presse darüber, dass ISIS bis Mitte Juni vom Regime nie angegriffen worden ist und sie im Prinzip gemeinsam Krieg führen, bis hin zu zeitlich und örtlich choreographierten Bewegungen. Die Luftwaffe bombardiert eine FSA-Stellung, Minuten später greift ISIS an. Das Regime und die destruktivsten Fanatiker ergänzen sich wunderbar im Kampf gegen die restlichen Rebellen. Die deutschsprachigen Medien berichten entweder gar nicht mehr oder fahren halt immer wieder auf der Schiene der Ausgewogenheit im Sinne „die einen sagen das, die anderen sagen das – und man kann es leider nicht überprüfen“, was eine Bankrotterklärung ist für den Journalismus.
Russia’s Giving ISIS An Air Force: Putin’s air campaign in Syria is not only supporting Assad, it’s giving cover to fighters from the so-called Islamic State. ... Yesterday, at 5:30 p.m. a base belonging to Suqour al-Jabal was targeted in two air raids in Mansoura. In each raid, there were three Russian Mig-31 jets. That’s our main arms depot, where we supply all our units. At the same exact time—5:30 p.m.—ISIS sent a car bomb against us in Deir Jemal, against our base. This is about 130 kilometers away from Mansoura. ... In the last week, less than 10 percent of all Russian missiles (and now ship-borne cruise missiles) have struck ISIS or al-Qaeda-affiliated targets ... Moscow might actually be objectively helping ISIS defeat a common enemy by acting as air support ... Today, Russian warplanes heavily bombarded several targets along a salient in Hama province, reportedly using thermobaric munitions and the same multiple launch rocket systems earlier employed to devastating effect in east Ukraine. 10.08.2015
Almost a year ago a suicide bomber detonated himself in Istanbul's main touristic site, the Sultanahmet Square, killing a dozen people and injuring many. Turkish officials initially treated the assailant as a Daesh militant, since he was a 28-year-old Syrian— Nabil Fadli — who entered the country a week prior the blast, registering himself as a refugee. A police investigation later found some surprising links between the attack and Al-Mukhabarat, the Assad regime's powerful intelligence agency ...
Assad regime who had extensive oil dealings with Daesh, in return of much-needed gas that was produced in the Tuweinan facility, which is located roughly 120 km southwest of Daesh's de facto capital of Raqqa, the largest of its kind in the country. The gas was pumped to Assad-controlled areas with the help of regime-paid engineers and Russian experts. ...
a Syrian MP made an appearance on a pro-regime TV channel and said that the Assad's regime has infiltrated Daesh and was fully aware of the dealings behind the terrorist attacks taking place in Turkey ... he asked, "Why have there been no bombings in Damascus? But there have been attacks on Turkish cities [instead]?" ... the suicide bomber Nabil Fadli had several phone calls with an individual who has connections with the Syrian Consulate in Istanbul ...
Mukhabarat has a long history of infiltrating extremist organizations, in times support them and, later to use them against the Assad regime's enemies. ... Ali Mamlouk, a former Director of Syrian General Intelligence (GID), told American diplomats in 2010 that the Syrian intel was successfully penetrating terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda ...
Abdul Halim Khaddam, the former Vice President and Foreign Minister of Syria, told a magazine last April that Assad in 2011 promised the world that they would soon suffer what Syria has suffered. "And in October 2011 the Mufti Hassoun, who is the religious authority closest to the power in Damascus, made an entire statement to announce that 'all the sons and daughters of Syria will set out to become martyrdom-seekers in Europe ...
a French Daesh fighter with links to Syrian Intelligence was Boubakeur al-Hakim, a Franco-Tunisian born in Paris in 1983, who worked with the Syrian Mukhabarat between 2002 and 2005 before traveling to Tunisia, where he committed several political murders and planned the Bardo attack ... Nabeel Dendal, former director of political intelligence in Latakia, the Assad family's ancestral home, told The Daily Beast that "half the commanders in Daesh are working with the regime today", other defectors from the security sector say it's about one third. 12.01.2017
Secretary of the Syrian Parliament Khaled Abboud alluded in an interview earlier this week that the government has been redirecting IS attacks ... “Then why have there been no bombings in Damascus? But there have been attacks on Turkish cities [instead]," he said, hinting at the link between the infiltration of IS and the absence of attacks on the capital, which is the government’s stronghold. 06.01.2016
... Schon immer war und ist dem Assad-Regime jedes Mittel recht, das ihm dazu verhilft an der Macht zu bleiben. Dafür ist es nicht nur bereit, hunderttausende von Menschen zu töten, Millionen in die Flucht zu treiben und das eigene Land in Schutt und Asche zu legen, sondern auch Nachbarstaaten wie die Türkei, Jordanien usw. zu destabilisieren und in Europa Terroranschläge verüben zu lassen.
Assad behauptet dabei immer, er würde den Terrorismus bekämpfen. Hinter den Kulissen kooperiert er jedoch mit dem IS, sei es bei der Belieferung des Regimes mit dem Erdöl aus den, vom IS besetzen Ölquellen, als auch bei Angriffen auf Widerstandskämpfer, sowie bei der Besetzung und nachhaltigen Verwüstung großer Gebiete.
Für diese Zusammenarbeit gibt es eine Vielzahl von Beweisen. So wurden Ausweispapiere von Geheimdienstmitarbeitern des Regimes in Stützpunkten des IS sichergestellt. In Raqqa, Jarablus und Al-Danna hat die syrische Luftwaffe gezielt Angriffe auf die Stellungen der Freien Syrischen Armee geflogen, wohingegen die Stützpunkte des IS verschont blieben. Augenzeugen berichten, dass im Januar 2014 der Konvoi eines Anführers des IS durch die syrische Luftwaffe begleitet und dadurch vor einem Angriff der Freien Syrischen Armee geschützt wurde. Frühere Offiziere der Regierungstruppen, z.B. Muhanat Juneidi wurden Anführer in den Reihen des IS und nach Angaben von Überlebenden, wenden das Regime und die IS die selben Foltertechniken an. ...
First, he tried to ingratiate himself with Western leaders by portraying the national uprising against him as a terrorist-led revolt. When that failed, he released jailed Islamic extremists who’d fought against U.S. troops in Iraq, then staged phony attacks on government facilities, which he blamed on terrorists. Far from fighting ISIS, Assad looked the other way when it set up a state-within-a-state with its capital in Raqqa, and left it to the U.S. and others to counter the Islamic extremists.
History of ISIS: The sectarian policies of the Iraqi regime didn't begin in 2011, they began after the Iraq war.
13% der Angriffe von ISIL in Syrien sind gegen Assad, 6% der Angriffe von Assad sind gegen ISIL. Around 64 percent of verifiable ISIS attacks in Syria this year targeted other non-state groups, an analysis of the IHS Jane's Terrorism and Insurgency Center's (JTIC) database showed. Just 13 percent of the militants' attacks during the same period — the year through Nov. 21 — targeted Syrian security forces. ... Of 982 counterterrorism operations for the year up through Nov. 21, just 6 percent directly targeted ISIS. (11.12.2014)
Praktisch ist dabei, dass ISIS gleichzeitig gegen Assads andere Opponenten vorgeht und sie gezielt schwächt. Zugleich hat ISIS bislang keine ersthaften Anstrengungen unternommen, Assad zu stürzen. ... Während Hafez al-Assad die Kurden im eigenen Land unterdrückte, unterstützte das Regime zugleich jahrelang die PKK.
Kürtler varliklari itibariyle ortadogu'nun veremli hastaliklaridir. Tüm bölge irklarinin bu veremden kurtulmak için kendi iclerindeki veremi temizleyip, yahudiler gibi ortalikta gezinen bu ırkın sonunu getirmelidir.
Hafiz Esad ( Beşar esad'in babasi) 04/09/1988 ulusal güvenlik konusmasindan.
ISIS’ strategy of avoiding open warfare with the regime is still in effect, and the same is true for the other side. This is for a number of reasons, chief amongst them: that ISIS exists in regions outside the regime’s control and that its battle plan consists of expelling other opposition groups out of these regions and then taking them over
8 ay boyunca IŞİD saflarında savaşıp, ardından muhaliflere katılan Suriyeli Ahmet Hasan: "Çoğu kez bize, Esed ordusu ya da PYD-YPG milislerine karşı savaşıyorsunuz, derlerdi, ama ben bulunduğumuz nokta itibarı ile karşımızda muhalifler olduğunu biliyordum.”
90 percent of Russian airstrikes targeted Syrian rebel positions rather than ISIS or Jabhat al-Nusra during the first week of the Russian air campaign. Analysis of Russian airstrikes by ISW confirms that this trend persists, although the exact proportions have changed marginally.
More than 90%' of Russian airstrikes in Syria have not targeted Isis. Russian strikes have overwhelmingly targeted rebel-held territory in western Syria rather than the ISIS strongholds in the north and east
Syria Feature: Russia’s Aerial Victory — 80% Aid Cut, 260,000 Displaced, Infrastructure Damaged
While Russia claims its air campaign -- which began on Sept. 30 of last year -- is aimed at Daesh targets, Russian warplanes have repeatedly targeted civilian areas and the moderate opposition groups that control them. Last October, Russian airstrikes were mostly carried out in Syria’s Idlib, Hama, Homs and Aleppo provinces. In the second half of October and into November, airstrikes targeted opposition-held areas of southern Idlib, southern and northern Aleppo and Latakia’s predominantly-Turkmen Bayirbucak region. 17.01.2016
Russia provides air support to Daesh in fight against moderate opposition: intelligence report 06.2015
IS advance in Aleppo thanks to Russian air raids
At the beginning of June 2015, US Embassy Damascus “accused the Syrian government of
providing air support to an advance by Islamic State militants against opposition groups north of
Aleppo.” 02.06.2015
In July, Turkish intelligence sources claimed that “an agreement was made between the Assad
regime and ISIS to destroy the Free Syrian Army in the country's north.” 07.2015
Many reports have suggested lately that the Syrian air force has never targeted ISIS forces until this week. (26.06.2014)
Take for example, the number of times the Islamic State has actually fought the Syrian army over the course of the bloody war:
The ISIS fought the Syrian army when they seized the Menagh air base.
They also fought the army when they captured Division 17 in Raqqa (now capital of the declared Caliphate). Here they also captured a neighbouring airport.
The IS has also taken part in small-scale battles near Alleppo, Lattakia and Al-Qamishi.
This is the comprehensive list. And for a war that's claimed 200,000 lives and displaced half the country, the number of battles remains suspiciously small. 06.2015
Jarrah asked why the Assad regime claims to be fighting terrorists, yet refuses to bomb the known ISIS headquarters in Raqqa. In interviews, Syrians note that Assad and ISIS never attack each other, but instead target the same civilians. As one ISIS defector told the Daily Telegraph, “We were confident that the regime would not bomb us.” (28.01.2014)
Syrian opposition unveils Assad, ISIS links (12.02.2014)
SOC member Michel Kilo claims evidence of Assad links to ISIS (23.01.2014)
Many reports have suggested lately that the Syrian air force has never targeted ISIS forces until this week. (26.06.2014)
ISIS & the Assad Regime: From Marriage of Convenience to Partnership (27.02.2014)
Non-confrontation: The ISIS headquarters in Raqqa are distinctive and famous buildings (the governorate building and Armenian Catholic Church). When the regime shells the city, the aircraft fly down very low to target FSA held areas, however they never bomb the ISIS HQ or target areas under its control. Syrian – Turkish borders and the HQ in Al-Danna (Idleb)
• In turn, ISIS has never attacked Jisr Al Shughour, a regime-controlled area of strategic value in Idlib or the regime-controlled areas of Dier Ezzor or Aleppo City. A US official has recently testified to this.ii
• During the battle between ISIS & FSA in the northern suburbs of Homs (January 10th 2014), regime aircraft were heavily shelling the FSA, avoiding ISIS, which assisted them to move forward in battle.
• During the last battle between the Islamic Front and ISIS when ISIS was defeated in Aleppo, two days prior to this a convoy lead by an ISIS military leader, Emir Omar Shishani, drove (January 2014) from Raqqa to Aleppo, there are many eye-witness accounts saying this convoy was protected by regime warplanes. In contrast, the next day, another convoy from Liwa Al Tawhid drove a similar route north and was heavily bombarded by the regime planes.iii
• As recently revealed in westerns media, ISIS and Jabhat al Nusra is selling fuel to the Assad Government in return for electricity.
• ISIS upholds a systematic policy of assassinating the strongest and most highly respected FSA commanders, such as Abu Rayan, responsible Tal Abyad border checkpoint who was tortured and killed by ISIS, Abu Basir in the coastal front- Latakia suburbs, who was a highly prominent officer in the FSA.v
Ausweispapiere von Geheimdienstagenten des Regimes wurden in Stützpunkten der ISIS sichergestellt. In Raqqa, Jarablus und Al-Danna hat die syrische Luftwaffe gezielt Angriffe auf die Gebiete der Freie Syrische Armee durchgeführt, wohingegen die Lager der ISIS verschont blieben. Augenzeugen berichten, dass im Januar der Konvoi eines Anführers der ISIS durch die syrische Luftwaffe begleitet und dadurch vor der Freien Syrischen Armee geschützt wurde. Frühere Offiziere der Regierungstruppen, z.B. Muhanat Juneidi, sind nun Anführer in den Reihen der ISIS. Nach Angaben von Überlebenden wendeten die Regierung und die ISIS dieselben Foltertechniken an.
Assad infiltrates jihadist ranks to divide and rule (24.04.2014)
Under the guise of a general amnesty in spring 2012, Bashar al-Assad released many al-Qaeda affiliated prisoners from Syrian jails ... Yet in a curious marriage of convenience, they never attacked each other. Isis slept sound in its beds, with no fear of regime air strikes or barrel bombs. Western inertia created a power vacuum which the al-Qaeda affiliated groups were quick to fill, escalating unchecked. Mr Assad let them be. (12.06.2014)
Assad and ISIS – the ‘marriage of convenience’ is over (16.06.2014)
Syrian Coalition: Maliki and Assad Help ISIS Move Across Syrian-Turkish Borders (12.06.2014)
Regime officials are alleged to have penetrated the ranks of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), and helped hundreds of Iraqi Shia fighters to obtain false identity papers so they could enter Syria and fight for the Sunni terror group, according to leaked documents. (25.04.2014)
In 2011, the majority of the current ISIS leadership was released from jail by Bashar Al Assad (23.06.2014)
Silence over such atrocities and failure to distance the anti-ISIL coalition from them only bolsters the group’s claims that there is a global war on those communities. The attacks in those areas, in particular, have no apparent tactical purpose other than to punish the local population.
Daesh leaves SE Syria to Assad without conflict, Iran-Iraq corridor project gains momentum 06.2017
Turkey is fighting Daesh
Turkey's fight against Daesh in 2017
Suriyeli muhalifler ülkenin güneyindeki Dera kenti batısında IŞİD'e bağlı gruplara karşı yeni bir saldırı başlattı. 07.2017
Claim: Turkey makes it difficult for West to defeat DAESH
Claim: Turkey shields DAESH terrorists from Russian attack
25 Kasım 2015’te Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan ise yaptığı konuşmasında IŞİD’le bağlantısı sebebiyle 3000 kişinin gözaltına alındığını, 800 kişinin ise tutuklu olduğunu belirtmiştir.
Es wurde ja bislang behauptet, dass die Türkei hinter ISIS steckt und nicht gegen ISIS vorgeht. Dadurch soll die Türkei handlungsunfähig und für den Genozid in Irak und Syrien verantwortlich gemacht werden, den ihre Gegner begangen haben. Über 15.000 Personen hat die Türkei vom 1. Januar bis zum Juli 2015 die Einreise verboten, etwa 1.500 EU-Bürger wurden ausgewiesen, weil sie verdächtigt wurden, sich ISIL anschließen zu wollen. Ab Juli 2012 wurden Grenzübergänge mehrere Male geschlossen, es wurden jedoch weiterhin Flüchtlinge aufgenommen. Seit Oktober 2013 wird sogar eine Grenzmauer gebaut.
Bis Dezember 2013 wurde 33.746 Personen aus 123 Ländern die Einreise verweigert.
Turkey has denied entry to 33,746 people from 123 countries suspected of joining terror activities in Syria (17.12.2015)
Bu kapsamda 10 Temmuz itibariyle 1500 kişi sınır dışı edildi. 98 ülkeden 15000 kişinin Türkiye’ye girişleri yasaklandı. Türkiye, DEAŞ’ı 10 Ekim 2013’te terör örgütleri listesine aldı ve bu örgütle yoğun bir mücadele içine girdi.
"Denn was genau von Ankara erwartet wird, bleibt bislang vage: Soll die Regierung die rund 10 000 türkischen Soldaten, die bereits an der syrischen Grenze stehen, in den Häuserkampf nach Kobanê schicken?Vizepremier Yalçın Akdoğan hat nun mit einer Gegenfrage geantwortet: "Sind wir eure Söldner?" In einem TV-Interview sagte Akdoğan in der Nacht zum Samstag, sollte es der internationalen Gemeinschaft ernst sein mit der Bekämpfung des IS, "dann lasst uns das zusammen machen". Türkische Soldaten würden sich ja opfern, zu "Märtyrern" werden, so Akdoğan, aber was brächte das "ohne Plan für Syriens Zukunft"." 13.10.2014
Der Spiegel: Dabei hat die Türkei die Islamisten von Isis seit Jahren unterstützt. Sie sollten helfen, den syrischen Machthaber Assad zu stürzen. Denn dort beteiligt sich Isis am Kampf gegen das Regime in Damaskus. Kämpfer konnten ungehindert die Grenze zur Türkei queren, möglicherweise hat man sie dort gar mit Waffen ausgerüstet und ihre Verletzten behandelt. ... Erst vor zwei Wochen hatte die Regierung Erdogan Isis als terroristische Organisation eingestuft. (13.06.2014)
Turkey designated ISIS a terrorist organization on October 10, 2013. ... Thousands of foreigners barred from entering Turkey ... ISIS killed dozens of Turkish civilians ... Turkey regularly hits ISIS positions ... Turkey crackdowns ISIS’s online presence
Kurz nachdem der Nordirak begann, Öl in die Türkei zu liefern, begann Anfang Juni 2014 die ISIL-Offensive gegen Nordirak.
Then late last month, the KRG confirmed that a tanker loaded with the first sale of one million barrels of Kurdish oil had left Ceyhan for an unknown destination. (05.06.2015)
Turkey designated ISIS as a terrorist organization in October 2013. ... First of all, Turkey shares a 911-kilometer-long border with Syria. Due to the length of the border and some geographical reasons, Turkey has been having difficulty in controlling the terrorist passages to Syria for years. If not so, it would have already implemented policies that could prevent the accessions to the Democratic Union Party (PYD), the PKK's Syrian wing. ... The second is, on the transfer of foreign warriors from Europe and America to Turkey, Western countries fail to cooperate with Turkey regarding information and intelligence sharing. It is required to question the mindset of European countries who regard this as a chance to get rid of their own jihadists. ... Thirdly, Turkey is taking immediate action when it is informed or has obtained information from its own sources. The number of deported people suspected of being radicals is around 2,000. Also, an exclusion order was given to about 6,000 people for the same reason. Besides, authorities are scrutinizing the lists of connecting passengers between Hatay, Kilis, Adana and Antep provinces. (03.09.2014)
Recognizing the self-proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) as a terrorist organization on 10 October 2013, according to statistical data from The Prime Ministry, Turkey has expelled over 1500 suspected ISIS members and barred over 15,000 people from 98 countries from entering Turkish soil to this day. (10.07.2015)
Now, for Western countries, especially the U.S., the addition of the lie that Turkey intentionally provides aid to ISIS to the truth that militants reaching ISIS pass through Turkey reveals a "suitable" picture since it makes this paranoia a reality and leaves this responsibility to Turkey while discharging Western countries of any duty.
IŞİD ve yabancı savaşçılar, birçok nedenden dolayı Türkiye’nin güvenliğini doğrudan tehdit eder nitelikte. Yabancı savaşçıların IŞİD’e katılımlarının engellenemeyişi konusunda asıl sorunun Batılı ülkelerde olduğunu savunan Türkiye, IŞİD ile mücadele kapsamında pek çok önlem aldı ve düzenleme yaptı. Türkiye IŞİD konusunda, sınır güvenliğini korumak, uluslararası işbirliği mekanizmalarında yer almak, sorunu Irak ve Suriye’deki siyasi kökleriyle ele almak ve Suriye’de rejim değişikliğinin gerekliliğini savunmak temelinde bir dış politika izliyor.
İran Turkish Radio, Azerbaycan Cumhuriyetinde resmi temaslarda bulunan Türkiye Genelkurmay Başkanı Orgeneral Hulusi Akar, Trend Haber Ajansı'na yazılı bir röportaj verdi.
Türkiye üzerinden Suriye'ye geçmek isteyenlerin önlendiğini ve bu doğrultuda 2011-2015 yılların arasında 85 ülkeden 2100 kişinin de sınır dışı edildiğini söyleyen Akar, IŞİD'in faaliyetlerinin Türkiye güvenliği için de ciddi tehlike olduğunu iddia ederken, PKK ile onun Suriye kolunun, Irak ve Suriye'deki istikrarsızlıktan Türkiye'deki hedeflerine ulaşmak istediklerini söyledi.
Akar açıklamasının devamında ise "Türkiye, Suriye'nin toprak bütünlüğü ve uluslararası hukuk çerçevesinde, IŞİD ile mücadele koalisyonu harekâtına katkı ve destek sağlamaktadır. Bu kapsamda Türkiye, Koalisyon harekâtı için hava sahasını ve bazı üslerini açmıştır. Türkiye, geçmişte olduğu gibi bugün de terörün her türüyle kararlılıkla mücadeleye devam etmektedir'' dedi.
Türkiye genelkurmay başkanı, açıklamasında ayrıca ''yabancı terörist savaşçılarla mücadele kapsamında, Suriye krizinin başlangıcından bugüne kadar yaklaşık 20 bin kişiye giriş yasağı getirmiş, 2011-2015 yılları arasında 85 ülkeden yaklaşık 2 bin 100 kişi sınır dışı edilmiştir. İlave olarak Türkiye, 911 kilometrelik Suriye sınırındaki yasa dışı geçişleri önlemek için güvenlik tedbirlerini artırmış, bu kapsamda 25 taburdan oluşan yaklaşık 25 bin askerî personeli sınır bölgesinde görevlendirmiştir. Sonuç olarak, Türkiye, ulusal güvenliğine yönelik her türlü tehdidi bertaraf etmek için gerekli tedbirleri almaya devam edecektir" ifadesini kullandı. (07.10.2015 )
CNN International'da yayınlanan görüntüleri Genelkumay inceledi. Hatay'daki El Kaide görüntüleri montaj çıktı.
Die Türkei und der IS, Teil 1 bis 3
Fidan sagt eindeutig, dass er gegen Waffeneinsatz ist.
Syrien-Krieg Die Türkei plante eine Operation gegen den IS, der SPIEGEL stellt dies jedoch als Plan gegen das Assad-Regime dar. Der Presserat deckt die beiden fehlerhaften Artikel. 21.04.2016
Bezeichnenderweise ist unter diesen Ortschaften Palmyra/Tadmur die erste (!) Stadt, die der IS direkt der Kontrolle des Assad-Regimes entrissen hat.[2] Wohlgemerkt im Mai 2015, vier Jahre nach Ausbruch des Bürgerkrieges! Alle anderen Orte, die der IS beherrscht, waren zuvor unter der Kontrolle anderer Rebellengruppen, bevor sie vom IS erobert wurden. ... Die Grenzanlagen entlang der rund 900 Kilometer langen Grenze zu Syrien wurden nämlich in den Jahren vor Beginn des syrischen Bürgerkrieges, als die Beziehungen zwischen der Türkei und Syrien auf dem Wege der Besserung waren, abgebaut, Minenfelder wurden weiträumig entfernt.
Wenn die auf dem Foto zu sehende Person tatsächlich bei Kämpfen in Idlib verwundet wurde, handelt es sich nicht um einen IS-Kämpfer. ... Wie man in der Karte, die die Frontverläufe vom 19.01.2014 zeigt, sehen kann, war Bab al-Hawa, die syrische Seite des Grenzübergangs, und sein Hinterland nicht in der Hand des IS, sondern wurde von Rebellengruppen kontrolliert, die mit dem IS verfeindet sind. ... Merkwürdig daran ist nur, dass offenbar kein einziger der Zeugen auf die Idee kam, das Geschehen zu fotografieren oder zu filmen, obwohl selbst die Flüchtlinge hier im Zeltlager fast alle ein Smartphone besitzen. Auch das kurdische „Zentrum für Öffentlichkeitsarbeit“ in Frankfurt, das Journalisten mit Informationen aus Kobane versorgt, konnte zu den Vorwürfen auf Anfrage am Freitag nur mitteilen, es gebe dazu „leider kein Bildmaterial“.
Russian media outlets have sank to a new low on Wednesday in their perception management against Turkey amid downing of a Russian jet by the Turkish Air Force, as they attempt to portray President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's son, Bilal Erdoğan, as a Daesh affiliate due to a photo of him with the owners of an Istanbul restaurant, famous for its liver dishes. Russia Today: Die Türkei wird beschuldigt, den selbsternannten "Islamischen Staat" zu finanzieren. Das mache sie über den illegalen Öl-Handel. In den sozialen Medien kursieren unterdessen Bilder, die den Sohn des türkischen Präsidenten Erdogan mit angeblichen IS-Führern zeigen. (28.11.2015)
They are owners of a famous restaurant in Istanbul.
Türkiye'deki gazetelere, gazetecilere, siyasetçilere, bazı uzmanlara bakılırsa IŞİD, MİT tarafından kurulmuş, TSK tarafından eğitilmiş, Diyanet tarafından fonlanmış, Dışişleri Bakanlığı talimatıyla desteklenmiş, liderleri Bilal Erdoğan'la yemek yiyip, Tayyip Erdoğan'ı alnından öpmüş Türkiye'nin ilk resmî terör örgütü. ... IŞİD'in komşu ülkede söktüğü ciğerleri, İstanbul'da pişirip yiyen bir Başbakan'ın oğluna karşı sadece tweet atarak tepki gösterenler yine de tahammülü yüksek insanlar olmalı.
Aşırı yalan söylemekten kaynaklanan ölümler
Zizek nereden okumuş Hakan Fidan’ın bu acayip açıklamalarını? Tabii ki Anadolu Ajansı’ndan. Öyle yazmış Zizek. Hatta link bile vermiş. Merak edip linki tuşluyorsunuz. Karşınıza ne çıksın; AWDnews diye bir site.
Daha bundan iki yıl önce Reyhanlı şehir merkezinde iki bombalı araç patlatılmış 55 insan hayatını kaybetmişti, olayın zanlıları mahkemede yargılanıyor, savcının elinde katliamın emrini Suriye İstihbaratı'ndan ''Ebu Firas'' kod adlı Anas Asalieh'in verdiğine dair onlarca sayfalık tape, istihbarat notu, ifade var.
New York Times, amonyum sülfatı, bomba yapımında kullanılan amonyum nitrat gibi gösterip Türkiye’den, IŞİD’e bomba hammadesi gönderiliyor algısı oluşturmaya çalıştı. (06.05.2015)
Daha önce Özgür Gündem’de terör örgütü DAİŞ’e gönderilmek üzere Akçakale Sınır Kapısı’nda içinde kimyasal silah bulunan varillerin bekletildiği iddia edilmiş ama çok geçmeden söz konusu varillerin temizlik malzemesi üreten bir tesise ait olduğu içinde de çamaşır suyu ve pembe deterjan bulunduğu anlaşılmıştı. Bidonlardan birini açıp ellerini yıkayan dükkan sahibinin “İnsanları aldatmasın, yalancı gazeteci yanıma gelsin” sözleri de dikkat çekmişti.
Türkiye bir yandan 'IŞİD ile mücadele etmekte zayıf kalıyor' diye yalan iddialarda bulunacaksınız bir yandan da DAEŞ'in üzerine amansızca gidip masum insanların hayatını kurtarınca da Kürtler öldürülüyor diyeceksiniz.
Günün yalanlari
Repression in der Türkei [sic] Fast 400 mutmassliche IS-Anhänger festgenommen 05.02.2017
Türkischer Geheimdienst vereitelt IS-Anschlag in Europa 13.02.2017
Euphrates Shield
Thousands back to school in Syria’s Aleppo as Turkey rebuilds over 400 war-torn schools 11.2017
Unlike the YPG, the rebel forces that fight with Turkey remain committed to fighting Assad and refugees are able to be resettled – this and ensuring genuine ceasefires is the main calculation behind Turkey’s role in the Astana process, which contrary to the author’s sentiments, Turkey has never said was an alternative to Geneva. 08.2017
Lol, at least this article mentions the recent Saudi moves to ensure that the Syrian opposition contains, erm, Assadists (the Cairo and Moscow opposition - the NCC), but by placing all the blame primarily on Turkey, it's just bowing to UAE and Saudi propaganda as they wash their blood-soaked hands of the whole conflict. Actually, has the UAE even ever supported the rebels? They've seemed to be soft on Assad from the beginning. They've dedicated more in one single day to the conflict in Yemen, where they're engaged in huge war crimes, than anything they've ever given to the Syrian opposition. They're currently supporting and backing both the pro-Assad Sisi, who has materially aided Assad's forces, as well as the pro-Assad Haftar.
Agreement has been reached between Ahrar and Tahrir. These are the topic of the aggrement: ceasefire,the release of detainees and Bab AlHawa 07.2017
Thousands of refugees crossed into rebel-held areas of Syria from Turkey ahead of the Eid festival that marks the end of Ramadan. 07.2017
The reason behind Turkey's plans to have an operation in east Afrin is to create a supply route to Idlib, from the Turkish-backed opposition-controlled areas south of Turkey's border. 07.2017
Sword Euphrates 06.2017
Life in #Aleppo’s #AlBab City 06.2017
Turkey Supervise Syrian Opposition Training Camps 05.2017
Kilis'in karşısındaki Suriye'nin Azez ilçe merkezinde DEAŞ'yı teröristler tarafından bombalı saldırı düzenlendi. Saldırıda ilk belirlemelere göre 5 kişi öldü, 3 kişi de yaralandı. 05.2017
#ISIS claimed responsibility for the suicide attack against #AhrarSham near #Tukan today. 05.2017
After Being Reduced to Rubble, Al-Bab Shows Gradual Return to Life 05.2017
Second stage of Operation Euphrates Shield to include Iraq and Syria 04.04.2017
Euphrates Shield: Al Bab has been liberated. Bugün itibariyle DEAŞ'den alınan El Bab şehrinin drone ile çekilen görüntüsü 23.02.2017
32 Daesh terrorists killed, 140 targets hit in northern Syria’s al-Bab by Turkish military 06.01.2016
The Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) launched Operation Euphrates Shield in cooperation with the Free Syrian Army (FSA) 24.08.2016 Since those who fight against Assad also fight against PYD and ISIS because both groups attack them, the Turkish military operation in northern Syria will help those who fight against Assad.
Less than 500 fighters moved from the city of Aleppo to northern Syria to join the Turkish military operation Euphrates Shield.
Türkiye'nin operasyonuna katılan grupların ekserisi Halep'in Azez hattından. Halep merkezden gelen 500 kişiyi geçmez. Onlar da ÖSO temelli. Halep merkezden 5 bin kişi çekildi ifadesi de gerçeği yansıtmıyor. ÖSO sayısı bölgede iki bin beş yüzün biraz üzerinde. Çoğu Azez grupları. 05.09.2016
aiding Syrian rebel forces in taking back Syrian Arab-majority towns and villages taken by the ... PKK ... halt infiltration from IS (we must not forget that Turkey is, outside of places where IS has a concrete presence, the country that has faced the most terror attacks from the group) and carry out mortar attacks on Turkish towns near the Syrian border ... the narrative, widely perpetuated by the ever more unhinged PYD (they are now claiming not that Turkey merely supports IS, but that it is IS), that Turkey is "attacking the Kurds" and assaulting the PYD's Rojava statelet, is simply inaccurate. ... the rebels are merely using a rare and much-needed strategic advantage to take their towns and cities back from IS, and reverse the opportunistic land grabs of the YPG. ... retaking Arab-majority villages that the YPG took opportunistically during a time when the rebels were overstretched fighting Assad and IS. 06.09.2016
Security corridor in Azaz-Jarabulus expands. Free Syrian Army, backed by Turkey, clears around 680 square kilometers of territory in northern Syria of Daesh and PYD/PKK 06.09.2016
Refugees hope for safe zone in Syria as cross-border operation advances ... boosts hopes of Syrian refugees taking shelter in camps in southern Turkey regarding their return to Syria with the establishment of safe zone ... Syrians taking shelter in Turkey have begun to return home as some 250 Syrians passed through the Karkamış border gate yesterday in southern Gaziantep province, leaving for the northern Syrian town of Jarablus 07.09.2016
White House dismisses Turkey's suggestion for Syria no-fly zone ... The U.S. is still not considering a no-fly zone in northern Syria as it says it might not help resolve the broader conflict in the war-torn country, U.S. President Barack Obama's national security advisor 07.09.2016
don't they deserve a safe haven?
The [Russian] Foreign Ministry expresses grave concern about the advance of the Turkish troops and armed groups of the Syrian opposition it supports further into Syrian territory, and stresses that these actions are not being coordinated with the legitimate Syrian Government and are undertaken without approval of the UN Security Council. This undermines the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic. Taking this into account, the position adopted by Damascus seems justified and valid in terms of international law.
The Foreign Ministry believes that Turkey’s actions could further complicate an already challenging military and political situation in Syria and negatively affect international efforts to devise a settlement platform that would ensure a more sustainable ceasefire, uninterrupted humanitarian access and would provide a solid foundation for conciliation and overcoming the crisis in this country. 07.09.2016
Some "activists" who seemingly cared about Syrians have begun to denigrate the Turkish operation.
New Sources Deny Meeting Between Erdogan, Assad Following Claims by Lebanese Media 07.09.2016
HOAX: Did Turkey abandon Aleppo to fight Syrian Kurds? A rumored Turkish-Russian deal would give Ankara a free hand to deal with Kurdish groups in the north in exchange for cutting support to rebels in Syria’s second city 05.10.2016 Turkey could barely send any weapons before Euphrates Shield. Now we can give weapons to Syrians. Only 500 fighters left Aleppo to join Euphrates shield. Those who fight Assad also fight ISIS and PYD. Turkey doesn't fight "Kurds" but PYD. The PKK-Assad regime story: harmony, discord and Ocalan 10.04.2015 Syrian Kurds [they mean PYD] use Russian and US support to make rapid advances 17.02.2016 Assad adviser trumpets Syrian-YPG cooperation 20.02.2016 Moscow's operation saved Syria from "being cut into pieces and becoming a part of a new Ottoman Empire" ... Syria's Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) co-chairman Saleh Muslim told Sputnik. 28.09.2016
They quoted pro Assad sources such as Elijah Magnier, Mohammed Ballout AND an "unnamed western diplomat" & admitted it was all rumours
The Free Syrian Army (FSA) backed by the Turkish army has formed a security corridor of 1,000 square kilometers (386 square miles) in northern Syria through Operation Euphrates Shield, military sources said Friday.
217 Daesh targets had been destroyed in Syria by the 117th day of the ongoing Operation Euphrates Shield, the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) announced on Sunday. 18.12.2016
Since the launch of Operation Euphrates Shield, population of the Syrian city increases from 3,500 to 35,000 people 03.01.2016
Over 42,000 displaced Syrians return to Syria’s Jarablous from Turkey 06.2017
US, NATO, Israel and Russia did never want the fall of Assad
Nach dem Zusammenbruch des osmanischen Reichs übernahm Frankreich per Völkerbundmandat die Kontrolle über Syrien. 1919 gründete die Mandatsmacht die Troupes spéciales du Levant als Hilfstruppen vor allem gegen innenpolitische Unruhen. Aus diesen 8.000 Mann entwickelten sich sowohl die Streitkräfte Syriens wie auch des Libanon. Die französischen Behörden ernannten vor allem Mitglieder der Minderheiten (Alawiten, Christen, Drusen) zu Offizieren, um das Offizierskorps an sich zu binden.
In 1970, Hafez al-Assad seizes power in an internal Ba'ath Party coup. Assad loyalists are installed in key posts throughout the government. His regime builds up Syria's military and develops a cult of personality around the leader while ruthlessly suppressing internal dissent.
Henry Kissinger Requested Hafez Assad to Invade Lebanon in 1976 (09.2013)
In 1976, the PLO-Lebanese National Movement (LNM) coalition was on its way to defeat the pro-Israeli Phalanges militias in Lebanon ... the PLO-LNM joint forces controlled more than 80 percent of Lebanese territory ... In 1976, the Syrian regime intervened militarily in Lebanon on the side of the Phalanges and Israel ... Henry Kissinger Requested Hafez Assad to Invade Lebanon in 1976
Im Jahr 1991 sicherte Hafez Al Assad dem US Dipliomaten James A. III Baker in Damaskus über 14000 Soldaten und 300 Panzer des Typs T-62 für die Operation Desert Storm zu. Das Assad Regime hat aktiv bei der Operation Desert Storm gegen das Saddam Regime im Irak Krieg geführt, der Top General des Assad Regimes zu der Zeit Mustafa Abdul Qadir Tlass saß mit am Tisch im Hauptkommando Zentrum der Coalitionsstreitkräfte.
Assads Vater Hafez Al Assad hat im Jahr 1982, 30.000 Sunnitische Syrier in Hama abgeschlachtet in einem Monat durch seine Alawitische 4te Gepanzerte Panzerdisivion (Massaker von Hama 1982)
-Im Jahr 1976 im Libaneischen Bürgerkrieg ließ er im Flüchtlingslager von Tel al-Zaatar 3000 Palastinenser abschlachten in Zusammenarbeit mit seinen Verbündeten den Pro Israelischen Phangelisten Milizen "Lebanese Front" (Massaker von Tel al-Zaatar).
In this context, the regime has not hesitated to kill, or to make allies with powers that are friends of Israel or to practice conspire against the Palestinian liberation movement in the Arab world. Nor has it hesitated to break up institutions of the PLO, so the movement would be split into two, one for the regime and one for Palestine
Hafız Esad yeri geldi, Filistinliyi Filistinliye kırdırdı. Zavallı Filistinlileri bir İsrail vurdu, bir Suriye vurdu. Filistin örgütlerini kukla haline getirmek suretiyle uluslararası arenada kotarılan pazarlıklarda kendine bir yer sağlamak istiyordu Baasçılar. FKÖ'yü bölüyorlar, bir grubu diğerine karşı savaştırıyorlardı. Hatta Yaser Arafat''ı ortadan kaldırmaya bile çalışmışlardı.
03-07-2017: '...It is well known that the Syrian army entered Lebanon in 1976 to crush Palestinian resistance groups with a US green light and Israeli blessings. The only thing that changed since then was the details of the unwritten accords of coexistence between Damascus and Tel Aviv in 1982, when the Israelis swept through Lebanon. ...
The fifth fact is that Israel has accepted, since withdrawing its troops from southern Lebanon in 2000, to coexist with a Lebanon run by Hezbollah, which is an organ of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Israel — which is well aware of what Hezbollah is, to whom it is connected and what it has done to the Lebanese fabric — was keen in 2006 to gift it another political victory in order to enhance its nationalist ‘legitimacy.’
That year, Israel launched a devastating war to ruin Lebanon’s infrastructure but not Hezbollah’s. After that, a tacit understating emerged by which it became clear that the pro-Iran militia could use its military arsenal anywhere within Lebanon and the Arab world but not against Israel.
Lebanese army kills 20 Syrian refugees, arrests 400 in camps raids 06.2017
Death toll rises to ten as Lebanese army tortured 10 Syrians to death 07.2017
When Syria joined its old foe, the United States, in going to war against Iraq, the public here was shocked and outraged. Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was highly popular in Syria, and a group of Syrian writers and other intellectuals took the almost unprecedented step of issuing a public protest over Syria`s involvement in the war. 1991
İran-İsrail gizli ilişkileri deşifre edildi - Mehmet Emin Akın
Russland und die USA führen in Syrien und Irak keinen Krieg gegeneinander, sondern gegen die Bevölkerung. Sie teilen das Land unter sich auf. Auch ihre Stellvertreter kämpfen nicht gegeneinander, sondern zusammen.
Assad kann ohne Hilfe aus dem Ausland nicht überleben. Die USA haben in Syrien Gruppen wie SRF und die Hazzm-Bewegung unterstützt, die gegen Oppositionelle gekämpft haben.
Für das Train-and-Equip-Programm wurden keine Bewerber gefunden, weil sie nicht gegen Assad, sondern nur gegen ISIS kämpfen sollten. Etwa 60 Söldner, die im Rahmen des Programms ausgebildet, ausgestattet und nach Syrien gesandt wurden, haben gegen die Nusra-Front gekämpft und sich aufgelöst. Sowohl die USA als auch Russland unterstützen die PYD. Die PYD führt die so genannten Demokratischen Kräfte Syriens SDF an.
Small peaceful protests started on 26 January 2011 in Syria and escalated to an ongoing internal conflict.
Protests began in Syria as early as 26 January 2011, and erupted on 15 March 2011 with a "Day of Rage" protest generally considered to mark the start of a nationwide uprising.[1] The Syrian government’s reaction to the protests became violent on 16 March, and deadly on 18 March, when four unarmed protesters were killed in Daraa.
The regime launched a series of crackdowns, sending tanks into restive cities as security forces opened fire on demonstrators. Security forces used tanks and snipers to force people off the streets. Water and electricity were shut off and security forces began confiscating flour and food in particularly restive areas. The Assads and much of the nation’s elite, especially the military's, belong to the Nusayri sect, a small minority in a majority Sunni country.
HOAX: "Saudi official Anwar Al-Eshki later confirmed to BBC television that his country had sent arms to Daraa and to the al-Omari mosque", allegedly in 23.03.2011 In the referred video Eskhi says: "A man from Daraa came to me here in the center, he was injured. They all urged us to supply them with weapons. After that I called Riyad al-Asaad. He told me that about 17 thousand joined him, and he wants to engage in fight with the Syrian National Army. I said no and told him that our center refuses the idea. You have to leave and join the opposition outside Syria. Eshkhi doesn't say that he (or KSA) delivered weapons. He only says that the request came before the defection of Riad al-Assad and the founding of the FSA, on his advice ("after that, I called Riad al-Assad..."). Al-Asaad had announced his defection on 4 July 2011, while he established the Free Syrian Army on 29 July 2011.
Bis September 2011 war die Türkei für eine Lösung mit Assad, bis Juli 2012 für eine Übergangslösung mit Assad.
Davutoğlu: 2011 Şubat'tan 2011 Eylül'üne kadar, Esad'ı reforma teşvik ederek Suriye krizini çözmeye çalıştık.. 2011 Eylül'ünden 2012 Temmuz'una kadar, Esad geçiş sürecinde bulunsun, Esad'ın ve muhalefetin onayladıkları kişiler geçiş sürecini yönetsin formülü üzerinde durduk.
This was Assad's revenge against the defiant population of Halfaya 23.03.2012 (bakery, Bäckerei)
When evidence of Syrian atrocities became impossible to deny, Landis asserted that Assad could not be held responsible for the actions of his military. In an article for Time published March 25, Landis wrote, "Even President Bashar al-Assad himself seems to have been shocked by the level of violence used by Syria's security forces to suppress demonstrations that began a week ago," implying that the leader of the Syrian police state was unaware of what his security forces, headed by his own brother, were doing. 25.03.2011
Bei einer Demonstration in der zur Provinz Daara gehörenden Stadt Jiza, wird am 29. April auch der damals 13-jährige Hamza Ali al-Khatib von Polizisten festgenommen. Mehr als einen Monat warteten die Eltern des Jungen auf ein Lebenszeichen ihres Kindes. Eines Tages hätten Sicherheitskräfte die verstümmelte Leiche Hamzas einfach vor der Haustüre der Eltern abgeladen. Wie in einem von den Eltern veröffentlichten Video zu sehen ist, war der Körper des Jungen mit Spuren brutalster Folter übersät. Brandwunden und blaue Flecken am ganzen Körper, sein Kiefer und auch Hals waren gebrochen und seine Kniescheibe zertrümmert. Durch seine Arme war hindurchgeschossen worden und seine Genitalien hatte man ihm abgeschnitten.
The story of Dara is well known – in early March 2011 a group of 15 teenage boys wrote graffiti on a wall with slogans from the Arab Spring including “the people want the downfall of the regime”. They were arrested for this by the local security police, and tortured. When the families of these children met with the local security chief, Atif Najeeb, related to Assad through the Makhlouf family, they were treated contemptuously.
This led to a demonstration against the local authorities on 18 March which was attacked by the security forces who killed two protestors. On the 20th another demonstration took place in which angry protestors burnt down the offices of the Baath Party and of the Syriatel mobile phone company, owned by Rami Makhlouf, another cousin of Assad; four demonstrators were killed on this occasion. Thus began a familiar pattern which was to mark almost every city in Syria over the following months – demonstrators would protest, at first in solidarity with Daraa and over local grievances, the security forces would attack them resulting in deaths; the funerals would mobilise even larger numbers, and the cycle would begin again.
2011: Unbewaffnete Demonstranten
Syria opens fire on unarmed protesters (3-27-2011) RT
Shooting unarmed protesters in Daraa, 27. and 28.03.2011
(08.04.2011) Nawa | Daraa | Military tanks run over civillian motorcycles
Heute vor 6 Jahren fand das größte Sit-in in Homs statt, Damals verübte das Assads Mörderregime ein Massaker, bei dem über 500 Zivilisten umgebracht worden sind 18.04.2011
SUBTITLED Massacred civilians in Daraa, Syria, April 22, 2011
22.04.2011 Heavy Clashes, sec forces open fire on unarmed people
Syria 22.04.2011 Plain cloths beating injured protestors
Peaceful Protest met with State Violence (Barze, Syria April 22, 2011)
Massacred civilians, 25.04.2011
Damaskus 25.04.2011 Snipers monitoring streets and shooting people
Izraa, Syria Apr 25, 2011
Syria 29.04.2011 Assads forces shooting protestors in the streets
Syria Hama 06.05.2011 Heavy clashes, direct shooting toward protestors
May 6, 2011: Talbiseh ( near Homs ) tanks firing on protesters injuring and killing
Daraa May 2011 Assads forces shooting soldiers denying to fire at people
Hama 13.05.2011 Syrian army beating up civilians
Mass graves in Syria [Daraa City] 16-May-2011
Homs Syria brutality 2011/05/20
31 5 2011 Syria protest: torture signs
Violent crackdown of protests, 06.2011
June Jisr Ash Shugair, Idlib torture in syria
Syrian protesters capture own death on camera 04.07.2011
Lattakia: Al asad regime killing the kids 14 Aug 2011
Homs - Ar Rastan - 20110902 - Three civilians beaten by a man while soldiers watching
Civilians killed by an airstrike of the Syrian regime 03.09.2011
Homs - City - 20111227 - Protesters run for live when being attacked
Assad torture of civilians, Syria 2011
Syria, Homs, 2011
Mouawiya Syasneh was just 14 when he sprayed anti-government slogans on the wall of his school in Deraa, Syria. It was February 2011, and he could never have imagined that such a minor act would lead to a full-blown civil war.
Die schiitischen Extremisten wurden im Irak von den USA an die Macht gebracht. Nuri al-Maliki war von April 2006 bis August 2014 irakischer Ministerpräsident. Maliki installierte er in den oberen Rängen des Militärs und der Geheimdienste fast ausschließlich Schiiten. Ihm persönlich waren Todesschwadronen unterstellt und unterlagen keinerlei gesetzlicher Kontrolle. Keiner der Täter wurde jemals vor Gericht gebracht.
The U.S.-led invasion of Iraq provided a boost to the Iranian-led block, with the rise to power in Iraq of pro-Iranian Shiite politicians such as Nouri al-Maliki and the gradual growth of various Shiite militias in Iraq.
The average Westerner would more than likely look upon the illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003 as a disaster, but will only see Saddam as a madman bent on killing Kurds and Shias and everything in between. This distorted view is as a result of the equally mad rush to vilify Saddam in the run-up to the Gulf War in 1990. However, a perspective rarely presented is one where Saddam’s Iraq was the very Eastern Gate of the Arab world ... That threat was sectarian Iranian Shia fundamentalism that is currently overseeing a genocide against the largest demographic in the Middle East – the Sunni Arabs. The skull of the Arabs, Iraq, was shattered and the Eastern Gate of the Arab world smashed open. ... As Aleppo has breathed its last as a partially free city, one must also bear in mind how Saddam opposed the Syrian Ba’athists as he viewed them as antithetical to the dream of Arab unity. ... Aflaq and the Iraqi Ba’athists denounced the Syrian Ba’athists and especially the Assad regime ... It is for that reason that Saddam backed the Syrian revolutionaries in 1982, ironically supporting the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood. Unfortunately for the Syrian people and the Arab world, the uprising failed and resulted in the massacre of Hama that killed about 40,000 men, women and children – a veritable molehill compared to the mountain of skulls Hafez’s son, Bashar, has amassed in Syria today. ... Many of the Ba’athists who worked with Saddam were Shia. A cursory glance at the infamous pack of cards used by the US to identify Ba’ath fugitives will reveal a large number of non-Sunnis in his inner circle, including Shias such as Muhammed Hamza Al-Zubaydi, a particularly vicious example of Saddam’s Ba’athist elite. 30.12.2016
Ahmedinejat ve Hatemi Irak'ta Amerika'ya yardım ettiklerini söylüyorlar. Hani Amerika büyük şeytan idi?? Amerika neden Irak'ı Şiilere-İrancı Şiilere teslim etti?
Former head of Iran's IRGC: US occupation of Afghanistan, Iraq ended up benefiting Iran
İran destekli Irak Hizbullah'ının Kullandığı Amerikan Tankları
Throughout the Syrian conflict, the regime and its supporters have tried to portray opposition to the revolution as synonymous with opposition to Israel. The aims of this propaganda campaign are to attract support, undermine the uprising, and stymie widespread revulsion in the region at the Syrian regime's brutality and the direct military support it is receiving from its foreign allies (primarily Iran, Russia, and Lebanon's Hezbollah).
However, Russia's direct involvement has actually served to highlight its increasingly close ties with Israel. This robust relationship is downplayed by Israel so as not to antagonise the US, by Russia so as not to alienate Damascus and Tehran, and completely ignored by the "axis of resistance" - now minus Hamas - so as to avoid embarrassment.
Tel Aviv wants a stable regime in Damascus or the breakup of Syria into manageable statelets, say experts
A little known fact that many in the “anti-imperialist” crowd would rather ignore is that Iran and Hezbollah both supported the rebel uprising in Libya and welcomed Gaddafi’s demise. ... The Iranians hated Hussein because he invaded Iran in 1980, and were quite happy to see the Americans overthrow him. Iran also overtly supported and assisted the US invasion of Afghanistan to overthrow the Taliban. Iran was also mostly supportive of Russia in its brutal wars against the Muslim Chechens in the 1990s. We also can’t forget that the Iranians were covertly aided by Israel during the Iran-Iraq war.
Conspiracy theories that “the US fuelled the rise of ISIS” ... It is first important to look at the actual document (, and not word documents that have transcribed it. The first thing one will notice is that the first couple of pages, and sporadically elsewhere, are heavily “redacted,” that is, the DIA is protecting confidential sources. In other words this is not an expression of the DIA’s opinion, but “information” being given to the DIA by some source. Indeed, the second thing to notice is that it proclaims itself to be “information report: not finally evaluated intelligence;” ... This strongly suggests an informant from the Iraqi regime. And the interesting thing about the Iraqi regime is that it bridges being a US satellite derived from the US invasion and being an Iranian satellite allied to the Assad regime and which tends to talk with the same story, such as vague assertions about unnamed “western countries” supporting the “opposition.” Moreover when it comes to the effects on Iraq, the document expresses how alarmed the source is about this dangerous situation, a view almost certainly shared by the DIA.
The Syrian "resistance" government has not uttered a peep on the Golan front since 1973. Instead, the "resistance" regime was and still is ready to fight Israel to the last Lebanese, and if that doesn't do the trick - then to the last Palestinian.
NATO has ruled out the possibility of military intervention in Syria ... NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said military action in Syria was out of the question. "My answer is very short. NATO has no intention (to intervene) whatsoever. I can completely rule that out," he told reporters. 01.11.2011
Amos Gilad: Removal of Assad will be devastating for Israel (16.11.2011) İsrail Savunma Bakanlığı üst düzey yetkilisi tümgeneral Gilad, Esad'ın devrilmesi halinde İsrail'in ciddi bir krizle karşı karşıya kalacağını açıkladı. (16.11.2011)
NATO General Secretary Rasmussen today again ruled out the military option regarding Syria. ... Nuland: ... we do not think that more guns into Syria, more – or international intervention in Syria is the right answer. We don't think further militarizing the situation is going to bring peace and stability and a democratic transition to the people of Syria. 17.02.2012
U.S. military chief Dempsey ... The United States is not interested in providing weapons to opposition forces in Syria 20.02.2012
NATO chief: Intervention just won’t work in Syria Not only will NATO not participate in any military intervention in Syria, NATO assets won’t be used to deliver any military, humanitarian, or medical assistance there, according to NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen, because any type of Western intervention is not likely to help solve the crisis. 29.02.2012
"For us to take military action unilaterally, as some have suggested, or to think that somehow there is some simple solution, I think is a mistake," Obama said. "What happened in Libya was we mobilized the international community, had a U.N. Security Council mandate, had the full cooperation of the region, Arab states, and we knew that we could execute very effectively in a relatively short period of time. This is a much more complicated situation." ... Panetta and Army Gen. Martin Dempsey said the track right now is for diplomacy 07.03.2012 U.S. officials warn against intervention in Syria ... “It would take an extended period of time and a great number of aircraft,” Dempsey said. ... Panetta said ... “What doesn’t make sense is to take unilateral action at this point,” 07.03.2012
But from the beginning, Mr. Obama made it clear to his aides that he did not envision an American military intervention, even as public calls mounted that year for a no-fly zone to protect Syrian civilians from bombings. Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, gave a slide-show presentation in the Situation Room in early 2012 that helped take any military option off the table.
Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood accused him of serving Israeli interests by protected its northeastern flank. “Syria has been trying to play both sides,” said Marina Ottaway of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a Washington-based think tank. Under Assad, “it has been trying to present itself as an enemy of Israel … but at the same time, it has always been rather accommodating toward Israel.” 27.04.2012
Das Massaker von Hula ereignete sich am 25. und in den Morgenstunden des 26. Mai 2012 in der zur syrischen Gemeinde Hula: Es war das erste große Massaker, das relativ gut belegt war, da zeitgleich die UN-Inspekteure im Land und am nächsten Morgen in Hula waren. Dadurch haben sie den Aussagen der Überlebenden, dass hier ein Massaker stattgefunden hat, großes Gewicht und Glaubwürdigkeit verliehen. Die haben die Leichen gesehen und dann wurde automatisch davon ausgegangen, dass das Regime hier ein Massaker an einer Dorfbevölkerung verübt hat. Das war auch die Version, die alle Dorfbewohner erzählten. Dann hat das Regime zwei Wochen später mit relativ viel Mühe eine Nonne, gefälschte Zeugen aus der Umgebung und einen russischen Journalisten aufgeboten und sie mit Rainer Hermann, dem FAZ-Korrespondenten, zusammengebracht. Der hat sich in Damaskus diese Gesprächspartner zuführen lassen und die haben ihm erzählt, dass es die Terroristen waren. Das hat er dann so aufgeschrieben und danach hatte man in Deutschland, wo Ausgewogenheit ja gerne als Ersatz für Journalismus genommen wird, zwei Versionen: Die einen sagen so, die anderen sagen so. 31.07.2014
Heute vor 5 Jahren verübten Shahibas (Assad's Folterknechte) das Houla-Massaker.
Es ereignete sich am 25. und in den Morgenstunden des 26. Mai 2012 in der zur syrischen Gemeinde Hula gehörenden Siedlung Taldau. Nach bisherigen Berichten gab es dabei 108 Tote, davon 49 Kinder, 34 Frauen und 25 Männer sowie über 300 Verletzte.
Die große Mehrheit der Getöteten wurde aus kürzester Entfernung in ihren Wohnungen erschossen.
Video ++18
Yoav Zitun, writing for Israeli newsagency Ynet, reported that, “The IDF is preparing for the possibility that global Jihad terrorists will launch attacks from Syria in case President Bashar Assad’s regime will fall … Army officials are not ruling a situation whereby terrorists will take advantage of the chaos that may follow a regime change in Damascus to seize control of the border region, as was the case in the Sinai Peninsula after Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak was overthrown.” 06.2012 (Fake news: They don't fear attacks by marginal groups, they fear representative governments),7340,L-4248954,00.html
Israeli Major Gen. Aviv Kochavi ... warned that "radical Islam" was gaining ground in Syria (17.07.2012)
U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta says that when Bashar al-Assad loses his grip on power, he wants the Syrian military to remain in place. ... the best way to preserve that kind of stability is to maintain as much of the military, the police, as you can, along with the security forces, and hope that they will transition to a democratic form of government. 30.07.2012
Israel was “dismayed” by the election victory of Muslim Brotherhood chief Mursi in Egypt. He claimed a major “pillar” of Israeli policy “was courting and neutralising Arab dictators who proved highly effective in pacifying their own masses” but now Israel “is beginning to lose” this pillar. He quotes Ron Ben-Yishai, editor-in-chief of the Israeli website Ynet, not only warning of the “danger posed by the ascendancy of the Muslim Brotherhood to the helm of power in the most important and populous Arab country” 08.2012
Michael Rubin vom American Enterprise Institute, das zu den Architekten des Irakkrieges gehört: "What’s next if Assad falls? ... If you think Iraqi or Egyptian Christians have had it rough in recent years, you ain’t seen nothing yet." (01.08.2012)
Before the civil uprising against the Assad regime in 2011, Turkey planned to create a Middle East free-trade zone, including Turkey, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan. In August 2012 Davutoglu called on the U.N. Security Council to establish a safe zone in Syria for refugees, which would also have meant a no-fly zone, but without success.
The Obama administration is aiming for this outcome by pushing the preservation of Syrian so-called “state institutions.” “We have to make very sure that state institutions stay intact,” Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stressed ... Generic terms such as “state institutions” obscure the real nature of Syria under the Assad dynasty. 07.08.2016
Zionist loon Pamela Geller: “Free” Syria: Jihad far worse than Assad 23.08.2012 Geller: No matter how strong Israeli leaders are, they will still be demonized by the international media, which has become a tool of the jihad force.
Gen. Dempsey's Remarks at a Media Roundtable at the U.S. Embassy in London: ... Turkey ... any broader conversation about activities inside of Syria would need to be conducted through NATO, as a – as a NATO member partner ... Libya and Syria ... they’re just vastly different issues ... no-fly zone ... could take you to the point of having to interdict air and ballistic missile systems 30.08.2012
Das wird noch heute erzählt, um Assad zu unterstützen: Mordechai Kedar: Assad's Grandfather's 1936 Letter Predicts Muslim Slaughter of Minorities, Praises Zionists (20.09.2012) Assads Großvater Suleiman Assad (bzw. Wahsh) schrieb 1936 an Frankreich: The spirit of hatred and intolerance plants its roots in the heart of Muslim Arabs toward everything that is non-Muslim, and is forever fueled by the spirit of the Islamic religion. ... [über Zionisten] Those good Jews who came to Arab Muslims with peace and civilization, and spread on the land of Palestine gold and positive well-being, have [left] no sign of harm on anyone and did not take anything by force. ... that the grandfather of your president requested France not to depart from Syria and not to award it independence, and this is in an official document which he signed and is today in the French Foreign Ministry, and if you want I will give you a copy of it. Fabius was referring to a document that the Alawite leaders, including Suleiman al-Asad, the grandfather of the president of Syria, wrote, which is in the archive of the French Foreign Ministry.
Bashar Al Assad granfather "Sulaiman" came from Asfahan of Iran to the Syrian coast to the village of Kirdaha near Lattakia in 1880, he was a very wicked man and started to play on the sectarian tendon and came closer and closer to scholars of the Alawite sect and convinced them to request from France (which was occupying Syria at that time of the year 1920) to give them independence from the rest of Syria!
Therefore they submitted a memorandum to the French President Leon Blum, and the memorandum is now kept in the French Foreign Chronicle No. (3547) dated (1926-6-15) demanding that France not to leave Syria!
This describes why the Assad family is so close to Iran and how they let Iran occupy Syria with its sectarian militias!
2012 yılının Ekim ayı ... Obama o günkü “Suriye'de Beşşar Esed sonrası kimin geleceğini bilmiyoruz ve İslamcıların Suriye'de iktidarına sıcak bakmıyoruz” açıklaması ... Rus Dışişleri Bakanı Lavrov, “Suriye'de teröristler bozguna uğrayana kadar saldırılar devam edecek” derken, öte yandan hem Rusların hem de ABD'nin müttefiki PYD/PKK dışında kalan bütün muhalif gruplar hedef alınmaktadır. ... ABD ve Rusya'nın Türkiye sınırında kontrolü sağlama operasyonları, IŞİD'den ziyade Türkiye'nin Suriye'de tamamen pasifize edilmesini hedefliyor. 09.02.2016
Netanyahu: We know that on the other side of our border with Syria today, the Syrian army has moved away, and global jihad forces have moved in 06.01.2013
Details of the Israeli strikes make clear the risk posed by fundamentalist militants sprinkled among the variegated rebel forces fighting to depose Assad … jihadist groups are less vulnerable to the same levers that have proved effective against Syria and other states – such as threats to its territory — or even the frank interests of an organization like Hizballah, which as a political party plays a major role in Lebanon’s government 01.02.2013
According to Israel's Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz in March, "we see terror organizations that are increasingly gaining footholds in the territory and they are fighting against Assad. Guess what? We'll be next in line" (13.03.2013)
The CIA has stepped up secret contingency planning to protect the United States and its allies as the turmoil expands in Syria, including collecting intelligence on Islamic extremists for the first time for possible lethal drone strikes, according to current and former U.S. officials. (15.03.2013)
For the past three years Netanyahu was Assad’s silent ally ... did not even use the horrors in Syria for obligatory propaganda ... Israel’s loss of its alliances with Turkey and later with Egypt (28.03.2013)
The Syrian government has withdrawn large numbers of troops from the Golan Heights … Rebel groups have moved into the vacuum, the report said, and Israel fears that jihadists will use the area as a staging ground for attacks on Israeli territory” 07.04.2013
Zionist Neocon Daniel Pipes: Support Assad ... a rebel breakthrough and an Islamist victory increasingly likely ... Western governments should support ... Bashar al-Assad (11.04.2013)
The worrisome scenario in the north is that after Assad is gone Israel will be attacked 15.04.2013
U.S. Fears Syria Rebel Victory ... Senior Obama administration officials have caught some lawmakers and allies by surprise in recent weeks with an amended approach to Syria: They don't want an outright rebel military victory right now because they believe, in the words of one senior official, that the "good guys" may not come out on top. 16.04.2013
Netanjahu: Wir erlauben nicht, dass Westen Assad-Gegner bewaffnet (18.04.2013)
IDF chiefs fear the worst ... like his father whom he succeeded as president, he has faithfully observed US-brokered accords that ended the 1973 war. Israel worries that whoever comes out on top in the civil war will be a much more dangerous adversary. Chief among Israeli concerns is that Assad’s advanced weaponry could reach the hands of either his ally, the Hezbollah militant group in Lebanon, or Islamic extremist groups among the rebels trying to oust him. “Syria is not a regular place … it is the biggest warehouse for weapons on earth,” Hirsch warned. In an interview with BBC TV last week, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the rebel groups among “the worst Islamist radicals in the world.” (26.04.2013)
Hagel warned last week that "no international or regional consensus on supporting armed intervention now exists." ... NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen has ruled out Western military intervention (27.04.2013)
Islamist Rebels Create Dilemma on Syria Policy ... Nowhere in rebel-controlled Syria is there a secular fighting force to speak of. ... “Some of the more extremist opposition is very scary from an American perspective, and that presents us with all sorts of problems,” said Ari Ratner, a fellow at the Truman National Security Project and former Middle East adviser in the Obama State Department. (NYT, 27.04.2013)
In a meeting with British prime minster Cameron, Netanyahu, who was visiting London for Thatcher’s funeral, again warned of the danger of western arms reaching Jihadists rebels that could be used later against Israel and western targets. 29.04.2013
Yuval Steinitz, Israeli Minister of Intelligence and Strategic Affairs, explained, the “only scenario” for Israeli military action in Syria would be to “prevent the delivering of arms, chemical weapons and other kinds of weapons into the hands of terrorists” and noted that Netanyahu had made clear that “if there will be no threat to Israel, we won’t interfere.” Steinitz emphasized that Israel was not urging the U.S. to take any military action “whatsoever” in Syria at this stage” 30.04.2013
Israel is reluctant to take sides in Syria’s civil war for fear its actions would boost Islamists who are even more hostile to Israel than the Assad family, which has maintained a stable stand off with the Jewish state for decades”. According to veteran Israeli politician Tzachi Hanegbi, a confidant of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the government “aimed to avoid an increase in tension with Syria by making clear that if there is activity, it is only against Hezbollah, not against the Syrian regime 05.2013
Israel: Syrian chemical arms safe ... Syrian President Bashar al-Assad retains control of the country's reputed chemical weapons ... Gilad said Assad had huge quantities of chemical weapons, missiles and rockets. "The good news is that this is under full control (of the Syrian government)," he said in a speech. (04.05.2013)
"The US intelligence officer said, 'We can train 30 of your fighters a month, and we want you to fight Al Nusra'," the rebel commander recalled. ... "I'm not going to lie to you. We'd prefer you fight Al Nusra now, and then fight Assad's army. You should kill these Nusra people. We'll do it if you don't," the rebel leader quoted the officer as saying. (09.05.2013)
Indem die Medien gebetsmühlenartig von Christenverfolgung in Syrien und Ägypten sprechen, möchten sie sicherlich "die Islamisten" unterstützen.
- The Times, which tends to closely reflect U.S. ruling-class thinking, is simply pushing this line precisely in order to justify U.S. policy, consistently over the last two years, of not supporting the Syrian uprising. ... The Islamist forces are generally hostile to U.S. imperialism, and very hostile to Israel ... The CIA has even made contingency plans for drone strikes on the radical Islamist rebels. ...
Oh, but the U.S. is sending arms to the Syrian rebellion, isn't it? But simply making that statement for years does not prove that it's true. A CBS report on May 1 (2013) noted, "The first shipment of U.S. aid to the armed Syrian rebels was being delivered Tuesday to the opposition Supreme Military Council (SMC). It includes $8 million in medical supplies and ready-to-eat military food rations." ... Yuval Steinitz, the Israeli Minister of Intelligence and Strategic Affairs, told CBS News the "only scenario" for Israeli military action in Syria would be to "prevent the delivering of arms, chemical weapons and other kinds of weapons into the hands of terrorists."
After nearly two-and-a-half years of the Syrian uprising, about two-thirds of that time in the form of armed rebellion, the first U.S. shipment of aid to the rebels occurred in May 2013 in the form of "medical equipment and food rations." ... These talks with Russia have now begun, with U.S. state secretary John Kerry visiting Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to try to hold an international conference, attended by both members of the Assad regime and the opposition, aiming to set up a "transition" government in Syria which would include both some Assad regime ministers and opposition figures, thus keeping the core of the regime intact.
In reality, Obama's reaction was to re-define his "red line" he had made of any use of chemical weapons to mean any "systematic use," which no one claims to have occurred. (14.05.2013)
The first thing one will notice is that the first couple of pages, and sporadically elsewhere, are heavily “redacted,” that is, the DIA is protecting confidential sources. In other words this is not an expression of the DIA’s opinion, but “information” being given to the DIA by some source.
Section 8, of which the second paragraph is a part, is a list of warnings about threats to Iraqi security. It isn’t advocating the creation of a “Salafist principality” (whatever that might be) but warning of it as a potential factor in the “deterioration of the situation” with “dire consequences on the Iraq situation.” Given that the document’s principal concern is Iraqi security it could not logically be endorsing anything cast in such terms.
“So to summarise, in mid-2012 the most influential newspaper in the world reported that the US was helping to arm the rebels,” and then goes to quote other sources that the US was not itself arming the rebels. His point being that although some mainstream media have already written what he thinks is the ‘truth,” most continue to deny this “truth.” ... In June 2012 the New York Times, published a report headed ‘CIA Said To Aid In Steering Arms To Syrian Opposition.’ ... Over the past 10 months, a Syrian opposition official told The Sunday Times, *the CIA has blocked shipments of heavy anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons*, which rebel units of the Free Syrian Army have long said *are vital* to their efforts to overthrow the regime of President Bashar al-Assad.
Did the West ignore a Russian offer for Assad to step down as President in 2012?
Four Pinocchios for Rand Paul’s claim that McCain met with the Islamic State
Efraim Halevy, 1998 bis 2002 der neunte Direktor von Mossad, schreibt in Foreign Affairs: Israel's Man in Damascus. Why Jerusalem Doesn't Want the Assad Regime to Fall (10.05.2013)
2013 yılı Mayıs ayı ortalarında (17 Mayıs) Beyaz Saray'da yağmurlu bir günde yapılan Obama-Erdoğan zirvesinden başlayalım. ... Amerika o görüşmede bize, “Bizden Suriye'ye müdahale konusunda artık bir şey beklemeyin” dedi. ... ulaşılmaya çalışılan 'hedef' şu oldu. Esad kalsın, Erdoğan gitsin! 17.05.2013
Israel is not seeking to topple Assad ... Amos Gilad says (17.05.2013)
The scenario that Syrian President Bashar Assad would survive his country's bloody conflict, yet with reduced power, would be preferred by Israel in contrast to a takeover by rebel factions with Islamic extremist inklings, The Times of London cited an Israeli official as saying Friday. “Better the devil we know than the demons we can only imagine if Syria falls into chaos and the extremists from across the Arab world gain a foothold there,” one senior Israeli intelligence officer was quoted as saying. (18.05.2013)
NATO Secretary General rejects western military role in Syria ... Rasmussen sees no direct military role in Syria for the alliance and warned against any stepped-up western military involvement. ... there is a clear difference between Libya and Syria ... the operation in Libya based on a very clear United Nations mandate 31.05.2013
The threats against Israel are changing and the global jihad is literally at its doorstep, the head of Military Intelligence warned ... Maj. Gen. Aviv Kochavi during a graduation ceremony for hundreds of new intelligence officers. "Syria, which is the most disturbing example, attracts thousands of global jihad activists and Muslim extremists from the region and around the world, who base themselves in the country, not only to bring down Assad, but to promote the vision of a state based on Islamic law," he added. "Before our very eyes, at our doorstep, a large-scale center of the global jihad is developing, which may affect not only Syria and not just the borders of Israel, but Lebanon, Jordan, Sinai, and can radiate onto the entire region," warned Kochavi. 24.07.2013
On August 13, CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell said that the potential overthrow of Bashar Assad’s regime in Syria is the largest threat to United States national security ... The Central Intelligence Agency's second-in-command warned that Syria's volatile mix of al Qaeda extremism and civil war now poses the greatest threat to U.S. national security. ... Michael Morell says the risk is that the Syrian government, which possesses chemical and other advanced weapons, collapses and the country becomes al Qaeda's new haven, supplanting Pakistan. (06.08.2013)
Yet “the left” went out of their way to publish articles about Morell’s declaration, claiming it proved that “even” figures in the US ruling class are beginning to understand what the muddle-headed left “already knew” about the danger of Al-Qaida etc. They continued to insult everyone’s intelligence by declaring that “the US was on the same side as Al-Qaida” in Syria and other such bilge.
Then on August 19, just two days before the chemical attacks, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, said that the Obama administration was opposed to “even limited” US military intervention in Syria as no side represented US interests (19.08.2013)
General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Barack Obama's chief military adviser, said that the US military was capable of taking out the Syrian government's airforce ... but ... Gen. Dempsey said that approach was not favoured by Washington ... The US will not intervene in the Syria conflict because it does not believe anti-Assad rebels would support American interests (21.08.2013)
Zionist Robert Spencer in FrontPageMag: In FrontPage this morning I explain that what is wrong with going into Syria is just about everything. ... Syria is already a breeding ground for “extremism.” The New York Times reported no less than four months ago, on April 28, that “nowhere in rebel-controlled Syria is there a secular fighting force to speak of.” And a month ago, Israeli Major General Aviv Kochavi said that Syria now “attracts thousands of global jihad activists and Muslim extremists 27.08.2013 FrontpageMag is a project of the David Horowitz Freedom Center. Horowitz is a Zionist Neocon. Horowitz founded the organization Students for Academic Freedom to oppose "political correctness" in academia.
Obama won't use military strike to oust Assad ... White House spokesman Jay Carney stated plainly that Obama is not considering using American military might to oust Assad. ... Carney said ... I want to make clear that the options that we are considering are not about regime change. ... Pressed by reporters on why Obama has ruled out using U.S. action to topple Assad, Carney responded, "It is not our policy position to respond to this through regime change. (27.08.2013)
General Secretary Says NATO Will Not Be Part of Syria Strike ... Rasmussen sees “no NATO role in an international reaction to the (Syrian) regime.” (30.08.2013)
Deutschlandradio: Assad muss als Ordnungsmacht im Land bleiben (05.06.2013) Deutschlandradio: Syrienkonflikt ... Ohne die Islamische Republik Iran wird es keine Lösung dieser Konflikte geben. (03.09.2013)
Washington Post: CIA begins weapons delivery to Syrian rebels ... doing so pulls the U.S. further into the conflict and diverts focus from national security interests. (11.09.2013) (1)
Die syrische Regierung hat die amerikanisch-russische Vereinbarung zur Zerstörung der Chemiewaffen als Erfolg verbucht. (16.09.2013)
Obama in Address to the UN General Assembly: I’ve discussed with President Putin for over a year, most recently in St. Petersburg, my preference has always been a diplomatic resolution to this issue. And in the past several weeks, the United States, Russia and our allies have reached an agreement to place Syria’s chemical weapons under international control, and then to destroy them. ... I do not believe that military action -- by those within Syria, or by external powers -- can achieve a lasting peace. Nor do I believe that America or any nation should determine who will lead Syria ... Syrian people cannot afford a collapse of state institutions, and that a political settlement cannot be reached without addressing the legitimate fears and concerns of Alawites and other minorities. (bullshit lie to preserve the colonial regime) ... I know there are those who have been frustrated by our unwillingness to use our military might to depose Assad 24.09.2013
ABD, Rusya ve İran'dan ortak açıklama: Cihatçılar en büyük tehdit (25.09.2013)
October 2013: Even the minimalist non-lethal US aid to the FSA in the north (eg, the ready meals, tents, radios and other junk) was officially halted ( as part of the deal with Russia and Assad over chemical weapons removal.
HRW’s Report that “Opposition Forces Indiscriminately Killed Civilians” ... While HRW document in detail the killings and hostage-takings that took place, the report fails to determine definitively which particular groups or factions within these groups were responsible for killing civilians. Specifically, the report fails to distinguish between attacks carried out by ISIS/ Jaish and the offensive carried out by Free Syrian Army brigades, instead using the blanket term “armed opposition groups” to refer to those responsible for the killings. ... it relies heavily on information from a regime Military Intelligence officer, as well as regime military personnel, the police, National Defense Force members, and regime media outlets. 11.10.2013
Obama has decided to limit the U.S. commitment there to dismantling chemical weapons (in a joint effort with Russia) ... What Obama is not prepared to do is topple Assad militarily. “We are not seeking to help the opposition win a civil war,” said a White House official. 30.10.2013
In November 2013, Obama purchased the participation of Iran in the Joint Plan of Action
'One of the top rebel commanders in Syria has accused "hesitant" British and US policymakers of effectively backing the Syrian government. Col Abdul Jabbar al-Okaidi said by accepting Syria's offer to scrap its chemical weapons, the US gave it space to step up conventional attacks. "The West is supporting the criminal Assad regime," he told BBC Newsnight.' (08.11.2013)
Israel and the Syrian War: An Interview With Professor Eyal Zisser (December 6, 2013), of Tel Aviv University ... But clearly, everyone in Israel understands that Israel must not get involved in the war in Syria 06.12.2013
Hersh: The Israelis are not going to tolerate a jihadist government inside Syria, or even any area that the jihadists will claim as an area of sharia law. They’ll hit it. The only potential for stability was to keep Bashar there 09.12.2013
Israel would prefer that Bashar Assad hold onto the presidency in Syria, rather than leave a power vacuum that could be filled by Islamic radicals, according to former IDF chief of staff Dan Halutz. 11.12.2013
US and UK suspend non-lethal aid for Syria rebels (11.12.2013)
Elements of the US national security establishment have clearly got their money on Bashar Assad. Ex-CIA director Michael Hayden on Dec. 12 outlined three options for Syria's future at the annual Jamestown Foundation counter-terrorism confab: "Option three is Assad wins. And I must tell you at the moment, as ugly as it sounds, I'm kind of trending toward option three as the best out of three very, very ugly possible outcomes." Option one was ongoing conflict between radicalized sectarian facitons. Option two, which Hayden considered the most likely, was the "dissolution of Syria." (It isn't explained why this option ranks two if it's the most likely.) This, in turn, "means the end of Sykes-Picot... it sets in motion the dissolution of all the artificial states created after World War I." (AFP via Maan News Agency, Dec. 13) 13.12.2013
West signals to Syrian opposition Assad may stay ... Western nations fear Assad ceding power will lead to Islamist militants taking over Syria (17.12.2013) Westen: Assad wird weiter an der Spitze Syriens bleiben (18.12.2013) US and Russia consider Syria peace plan that leaves Assad in power (18.12.2013)
Westen: Assad soll an der Macht bleiben ... Ein Diplomat ... sagte, dass ... die Oppositionellen ... akzeptieren sollten, dass die Alawiten die wichtigsten Posten in der Übergangsregierung übernehmen. ... Der frühere CIA-Chef Michael Hayden sagte, dass der Sieg der syrischen Behörden zwar ein „widerliches“, aber zugleich „das beste Szenario für Syrien und die gesamte Region wäre“. (19.12.2013)
Netanyahu and Putin agree that Assad and Sisi are better than alternatives (20 December 2013)
Ryan C. Crocker [who is an anti-imperialist because he celebrates Assad's genocide because of religious resaons] has served as United States ambassador to Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, Kuwait and Lebanon. ... Assad Is the Least Worst Option in Syria ... It is time to consider a future for Syria without Assad’s ouster 21.12.2013
Preferring the simplicity of a “regime change” narrative that went from stale to rotten in 2013, when the U.S. eagerly embraced an Israeli-brokered deal with Russia to keep Assad in power ... The American-Russian deal that pressured President Bashar al-Assad of Syria to abandon his stockpile of chemical weapons two years ago was encouraged by an Israeli minister, according to a new memoir by a former Israeli ambassador to Washington.
Israel, US invoke 'Islamist terrorism' fears as a pretext for retaining Assad: Palestinian analysts (14-01-2014) US-Israeli consensus on supporting Assad
Noam Chomsky sagte 2014, dass die USA und Israel Assad nicht stürzen wollen. Peter Scholl-Latour sagte 2014: Assad ist eine Sicherheit für Israel. Beide werden gerne von Wahnwichteln zitiert.
Chomsky: There are growing claims that the West intends to supply the opposition with arms. I believe this is quite misleading.
Angst vor Qaida-Rekruten: Westliche Geheimdienste suchen offenbar Hilfe bei Assad (15.01.2014)
the [Obama] administration has made plain that the endgame it wants is premised on continuity of the regime – what it has euphemistically referred to as "preserving state institutions." In line with this desired outcome, administration officials have also stated that they do not wish to see an outright rebel victory. Needless to say, these preferences are decidedly pro-regime.
Over the past three years, the administration’s choices have been consistent with these desired goals – decisions that have handicapped the opposition’s backers, but not the regime’s. As such, the White House maneuvered to block political and military avenues that the rebels’ state backers like France, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia have sought. When these states attempted to bypass the Russian veto at the Security Council, the administration made Moscow its principal partner in Syria. The White House also vetoed supplying the rebels with arms that could tip the balance in their favor. Not only did Washington block any effort to militarily weaken Assad, but having rejected striking the regime following the chemical weapons attack last year, it also compelled the opposition to negotiate with Assad at a moment when he held the momentum.
In addition, although Obama has said that dismantling "terrorist networks that threaten our people” is a core US interest, in Syria this has applied only to Sunni terror groups. ... the Nouri Maliki government in Iraq, even as Iranian-backed Iraqi Shiite groups – some of which have American blood on their hands – have been an essential factor in Assad’s survival. What’s more, in Lebanon, the US has effectively partnered with Hezbollah 24.04.2014
Assad: Terroristische Bedrohung lässt Westen Haltung im Syrien-Konflikt ändern (11.06.2014)
Shimon Peres: Qatar and Turkey must be punished [allegedly] for supporting terror ... Former president Shimon Peres opened the 14th annual International Conference of the Institute for Counter-Terrorism in Herzliya on Monday by saying that the international community must include Israel in its fight against terror. (09.08.2014) Peres iki yıl önce Herzliya Enstitüsü'ndeki konuşmasında "Türkiye ve Katar cezalandırılmalı" diyordu.
U.S. supplying intelligence on ISIS to Assad via Germany ... The US has already covertly assisted the Assad government by passing on intelligence about the exact location of jihadi leaders through the BND, the German intelligence service 22.08.2014
The US already declared Ahrar "terrorist" when it drew up plans for its anti-ISIS "rebel" force in 2014: SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES ... RESOLUTION ... terrorist groups ... such [as] ... Jabhat al Nusrah, Ahrar al Sham 17.09.2014
Graham Fuller ist ehemaliger stellvertretender Vorsitzender des National Intelligence Council der CIA. Fuller: "Embracing Assad Is a Better Strategy for the U.S. Than Supporting the Least Bad Jihadis" (29.09.2014)
NATO says not discussing no-fly zone, safe zone in Syria ... Establishing a no-fly zone or a safe zone inside Syria, proposals Turkey has been advocating to a US-led coalition against Islamic State, has not been discussed by NATO, the alliance chief Jens Stoltenberg said Thursday. ... "It has not been on the table of any NATO discussions," he said, referring to the safe zone plans. (09.10.14)
Turkey has often spoken about establishing buffer zones inside Syria - both to protect its own borders and to provide areas where refugees could gather safely. ... Turkey has always argued that such a buffer zone must be accompanied by a no-fly zone to protect against the Syrian Air Force. ... this all goes to the central differences between Ankara and Washington, with the Turks insisting that the anti-IS campaign must be accompanied by stepped up measures against the Assad regime as well. (09.10.14) The US officials have been cool to the Turkish proposal, saying that a safe zone or a no-fly zone is not part of their plans at this point. ... Foreign Minister Cavusoglu ... emphasized once again that the Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria must go, in order to reach a comprehensive solution in the region against ISIL. "The Assad regime is the reason for today's instability in the region. Radicalism has taken off in this atmosphere," he said. (09.10.14)
Sahra Wagenknecht: "Was jetzt notwendig und schon lange überfällig ist, ist außerdem ein Ende des PKK-Verbots." (11.10.2014) Ratet mal, wer noch zu den Unterstützern der PKK gehört. Die USA!
Graham Fuller: Unser Mann in Damaskus. Das Assad-Regime wird nicht fallen. Wir sollten gemeinsam mit ihm die Dschihadisten vertreiben. (21.10.2014)
Iran 'tells US that toppling Assad would endanger Israel' (10.11.2014)
NATO is not considering establishing a “no-fly zone” in northern Syria, something Turkey has been calling for to alleviate security and humanitarian pressures on its southeastern borders, one of the alliance’s top generals has told ... “A no-fly zone is a resource intensive undertaking... That’s not something we’re looking at right now in this context,” Lt. Gen. John Nicholson, the new head of LANDCOM, told Reuters (26.11.2014)
W. House: US opposes Syria no-fly zone 'at this point' The United States is not ready to enforce a no-fly zone over Syria, the ... White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters 01.12.2014
Europe's far-right activists continue to throw their weight behind Syria's Assad 02.12.2014
US Tells Opposition “You Will Never Defeat Assad” ... Meanwhile, “moderate” insurgents have complained that the State Department has halted payments to fighters and the supply of arms. Reports also indicate that the CIA is limiting the covert delivery of weapons, as US-backed factions like the Syrian Revolutionary Front have lost in in-fighting with the Islamist faction Jabhat al-Nusra. (11.12.2014)
Rebels in northern Syria say U.S. has stopped paying them ... Individual fighters were receiving $150 a month (09.12.2014)
The aid cutoff will not affect fighters from two groups now fighting to hold onto areas of Aleppo, Syria’s one-time commercial center. Those groups include some 600 fighters from Harakat Hazm, which had been the biggest recipient of U.S. aid, and as many as 1,000 fighters fielded by the Nuruddin az Zinki force"
batının gizliden desteklediği Esad yönetiminin artık ''şeriat geliyor Esad kalsın'' projesine döndürülmeye çalışıldığı bir döneme girmekteyiz ... batı destekçisi olan gruplarla İslami yapıların Suriye direnişinde ki savaşını ele alacağız ... Cemal Maruf'un Suriye'yi radikal olanlara karşı (kendine göre) bırakmayacağını ilan etmesi ve Nusret cephesini cebeli zaviyeye bekliyoruz açıklamaları, çatışmalara neden olan gerginliğin önceye dayandığının ve bir anda başlamadığın bir kanıtıdır. ... İdlip Gazvesi sırasında ABD tarafından desteklenen cemal maruf hareketinin nusret cephesine arkadan aldırması sonucunda çatışmalar başlamıştı.[19] Bazı grupların liderleri ve Şer’i sorumluları -Ceyşul Mucahidun, Nureddin Zengi, Feylak eş-Şam ve başkaları- ateşkes sağlamak ve tutuklanan kardeşleri serbest bırakmak için arabulucu olmuşlardı. Hazm hareketinin de olaya taraf olmaya çalışması ve bazı muhalifleri tutuklaması sonucunda ortam daha da çatışmacı bir hale gelmiş, Nusret cephesi, Cundul aksa, Ahraruş-Şam ve Şukuruş-Şam'ın gerçekleştirdiği operasyon sonucunda Cemal Maruf Türkiye'ye kaçmış ve askerleri dağıtılmıştı. Cemal marufun üslerine Nusret cephesinin girmesinden sonra ise asıl gerçekler ortaya çıkacaktı. Kuyulardan çıkan insan cesetleri, ABD tarafından verilmiş anti tank TOW füzeleri, kaçak sigaralar, ki 40.000 kutunun üzerinde olduğu söyleniyor, çıkmıştır. Kuyulardan Cundul Aksa Cemaati Emiri Şeyh Ebu Abdulaziz Katari’nin cesedi de çıktı. ... Cemal Maruf'un, devrimin başından beri askeri üslerin olduğu bölgeyi elinde tutmasına rağmen ne bu bölgeye adam akıllı bir operasyon düzenlemiş nede diğer cephelerin düzenlemesine izin vermiştir.
Garip olan şu ki gerek muhalifler gerekse rejim, ABD’yi reddeden açıklamalar yaparken rejimin propagandası fitne, tekfir, radikal İslamcı söylemleri üzerine kuruldu. Bu söylem, Esed rejiminin ABD ile ‘propaganda da birlik’ yakalamasını sağladı. Tek bir cephe olarak görünür hale gelen bu propaganda birliği, muhaliflerin Suriye’ye özgü koşullarda ve iç dinamikleri değişen yapılarında ‘ortak bir öfke’ ile karşılandı. Böylece ideoloji ve propaganda alanında hem Esed rejimi hem de rejimle ‘propaganda birliği’ halindeki ABD'ye muhalifler arasındaki köprülerin pek çoğu atılmış oldu. ...
Maruf’a göre daha aktif olan ve Halep'le Cisri Sugur’da savaşan birimleri bulunan Hazm ise ABD yardımı ile ayakta duruyor, yer yer İslami yapılara karşı tavır alıyor ve İdlib – Halep hattında tuttuğu stratejik yola rağmen rejimin Halep lojistiğine müdahale etmiyordu. Onun da sonu Maruf gibi oldu ve 3 gün içinde onca silah ve mühimmat yardımı almasına rağmen Nusra’ya karşı koyamayıp sahadan silindi.
Zawiya Mountain offensive (October–November 2014) ... Further al-Nusra advances (November 2014–March 2015) ... Gelen bilgilere göre ABD destekli Hazm grubu tasfiye olduktan sonra bir kısmı Nureddin Zengi grubuna dahil olmuştu. Gruplar arasındaki ihtilafların temel sebebini de bu durumdan doğan sorunlar oluşturuyordu. 10.2015
The RAND report recommends that the US and its local allies “could use the nationalist jihadists to launch proxy IO [information operation] campaigns to discredit the transnational jihadists… the United States and the host nation could even help the nationalist jihadists execute a military campaign to stamp out al-Qaeda elements that are present locally.”
The Former Chief of Staff of the Israeli Army, Dan Halutz, said that the Western countries should strengthen the Syrian regime’s steadfastness in the face of its opponents, especially after the recent terrorist attacks in France. 15.01.2015
(1) Some weapons shipments were so small that commanders had to ration ammunition. One of the U.S.’s favorite trusted commanders got the equivalent of 16 bullets a month per fighter. Rebel leaders were told they had to hand over old antitank missile launchers to get new ones—and couldn’t get shells for captured tanks. (26.01.2015)
Assad says his government is receiving messages from the US-led coalition battling the jihadist group, Islamic State. 10.02.2015
The U.S. doesn’t want to see Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s government collapse and create a vacuum for Islamic State and other militants to take over, Central Intelligence Agency Director John Brennan said. ... The last thing we want to do is allow them to march into Damascus. (13.03.2015)
Die Amerikaner beabsichtigen nach den Worten von Geheimdienstchef John Brennan nicht den Sturz der syrischen Regierung von Präsident Baschar al Assad. „Niemand von uns, Russland, die Vereinigten Staaten, die Koalition (gegen den Islamischen Staat), die Staaten in der Region will einen Zusammenbruch der Regierung und der politischen Institutionen in Damaskus“, sagte CIA-Chef Brennan am Freitag in New York beim renommierten Institut Council on Foreign Relations. Niemand wolle, dass die Dschihadistenmiliz Islamischer Staat (IS) oder Al-Kaida „auf Damaskus marschieren“. Deshalb sei es „wichtig“ die gemäßigte syrische Opposition zu unterstützen, sagte Brennan. (Gemeint sind die PYD und die von ihr angeführten SDF, die auch von Russland unterstützt werden) (14.03.2015)
CIA Başkanı Esad rejimi düştükten sonra kimin iktdara geleceğinin belirsiz olmasının Washington'u endişelendirdiğinin de altını çizdi. ABD'nin korkularının son derece anlaşılabilir olduğunu belirten Brennan "Olmasını istediğimiz en son şey silahlı grupların Şam'a doğru ilerlemesidir" dedi.
Hezbollah and Iran were removed from the US terror threat list due to the nuclear talks. 16.03.2015
tagesschau-Ausgabe ... In dem Bericht von Alexander Stenzel wird erwähnt, Idlib sei in den Händen von Terroristen, die nun die Einwohner vertrieben. Tatsächlich fliehen die Menschen aus Idlib vor den Bombenangriffen des Assad-Regimes, das - wie üblich nach dem Verlust einer Stadt oder Ortschaft - Wohngebiete bombardiert (bereits ca. 50 getötete Zivilisten, ich hoffe, diese finden in Ihren Nachrichten Erwähnung). 04.2015
Rand Paul: I’m proud to support Israel, America’s longtime friend and ally in the Middle East. ... That’s why I proposed a bill called the “Stand with Israel Act” 04.2015 Assad, who Paul said “has protected Christians for a number of decades,” and “Islamic rebels,” who Paul said “have been attacking Christians” 09.2013 Paul Questions Chemical Attack in Syria: Assad Either 'Dumbest Dictator' or He Didn't Do It 04.2018
US: Syrian no-fly zone not 'viable option'. Obama adviser says move would not ‘essentially’ change conditions on the ground. The United States does not consider a no-fly zone in Syria to be feasible (15.05.2015)
U. S. Airstrike kills 15 al-Nusra militants in Aleppo 20.05.2015
A key rebel commander and his men are ready to ready to pull out in frustration of the U.S. program to train a rebel army to beat back the terror group in Syria ... The issue: the American government’s demand that the rebels can’t use any of their newfound battlefield prowess or U.S.-provided weaponry against the army of Bashar al-Assad or any of its manifold proxies and allies, which include Iranian-built militias such as Lebanese Hezbollah. They must only fight ISIS, Washington insists. “We submitted the names of 1,000 fighters for the program, but then we got this request to promise not to use any of our training against Assad,” Sejari, a founding member of the Revolutionary Command Council, said. “It was a Department of Defense liaison officer who relayed this condition to us orally, saying we’d have to sign a form. He told us, ‘We got this money from Congress for a program to fight ISIS only.’ This reason was not convincing for me. So we said no.” 31.05.2015
Israel Helped Obama Skirt 'Red Line' on Syria ... in late August and early September 2013, Israel’s then-intelligence minister, Yuval Steinitz, floated a plan for Syria to relinquish its chemical weapons to the Russian government and that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu received Obama’s blessing to move forward with the proposal. 15.06.2015
The entire fairy-tale of Israeli support to either Nusra or the FSA in the south is based on nothing. 29.06.2016 HOAX: Israel supports Nusra. The “Israel backs Jabhat al-Nusra” fairy-tale ... The doctors insist most patients are civilians, and among the fighters none are Nusra fighters. ... Countless Israeli leaders, military officials, intelligence chiefs, strategists and others have declared their preference for the survival of the Assad regime over any of the alternatives on offer throughout this conflict, for good reason: the Assad regime fired not a single shot across the border of the Israeli-stolen Golan for 40 years, nor even organised symbolic actions near the border, nor even conducted any serious diplomatic offensive, and meanwhile regularly slaughtered Palestinian civilians and resistance fighters. ... According to Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon, the IDF is providing assistance (heaters, blankets etc) to “Syrian border villages” on condition that “the more moderate militias in the border area keep radical militias away from the Israeli border” ... UN reports ... there was not a single other reference to anything received from across the line by any armed group ... If it is true that Israel has “assisted villages near the border in exchange for keeping extremist Islamist groups (ie, Nusra) away from the border” (see above) then it should not be assumed that the local village militias in question are “FSA” any more than “Nusra.” They may simply be non-ideological village guards. 29.06.2015
Israel will donate $2.6 million to the Druze community in Syria for the purchasing of weapons and other items as that community [allegedly] comes under increased threats from Islamic terrorists. ... Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon and other senior Israeli security officials have ruled out any direct Israeli intervention to protect Druze in the Jabal al-Druze region in Syria 16.06.2016 Ya’alon: Humanitarian Aid Only for Syrians Who Don’t Harm Druze. Defense minister insists that Israel does not support Islamists. 01.07.2016
The Daily Mail provides literally no evidence for any of these claims ... To the contrary, the actual evidence in The Mail article contradicts many of these wild statements. ... Israel actually does have contacts with the rebellion, namely the sections that have been vetted by the Islamist-averse Central Intelligence Agency, if only for logistics reasons—as Israel does now with Russia for “deconfliction” purposes. ... Nusra in southern Syria (and in Qalamoun) is a largely tribal construct ... The IDF officer confirmed that an injured Syrian of any affiliation that arrived at Israel’s border would be treated, but unless it could be verified that they were not connected to a terrorist group they would be prevented from coming into Israel. ... “Israel didn’t give one shekel or one bullet to al-Nusra members,” as the IDF officer underscored.
Debka even claims: Jabhat al-Nusra Fighters Return Home to Western Cities as Ticking Bombs [How does Israel support them by calling Nusra members ticking bombs?] 12.04.2013 Al Qaeda Flummoxes Belated Western Efforts to Track Jihadis Entering and Exiting Syria. The US begins setting up a database to track foreign Islamists’ movements in Syria and Iraq without Turkish cooperation, but Al Qaeda’s tactics make it a difficult task. 22.05.2014 Debka: Israel pulls back from anti-Assad policy [sic], as IDF redeploys against Islamist seizure of Golan 09.09.2014
Israelis call for arms for Assad to save regime ... A number of Israeli generals and political commentators have called on the Netanyahu government to provide military aid to Bashar Al-Assad’s regime in Syria in order to prevent its downfall. It is an unprecedented campaign to “Save the Assad regime”. According to General Azer Tsfrir, for example, allowing the Assad regime to fall would mean turning Syria into a “black hole” in which the border areas could become launch pads for operations against Israel. ... Arab affairs commentator Jacky Houki, meanwhile, said on the Yizrael Pulse website last Friday that the continuation of the Assad regime is the guarantee for calm on the Syrian border. 07.07.2015
US trained only 60 ‘moderate’ Syrian rebels to fight against ISIS ... The other issue was that Syrian volunteers would rather fight against the government of embattled Syrian President Bashar Assad than against IS, while Washington insisted on an “ISIL-first” strategy. ... "We are telling them that we are arming and training them in the first instance to go after ISIL and not the Assad regime. That's our priority,” Carter told lawmakers. (07.07.2015)
the HDP's Co-Chair Selahattin Demirtaş participated in an interview on a Hezbollah-affiliated television network Al-Manar. In the interview, he reiterated his party's stance on Syria which perceives the Assad regime ‘part of the solution' and Turkey's foreign policy as ‘secterian Sunni politics' 14.07.2015
Iranian forces, Iraq's government and the Popular Mobilisation Forces have become the Middle East Contras of the Obama administration ... Since the beginning of hostilities against Fallujah on 28 December 2013, the Iraqi government and its allies have not stopped bombarding the city. 17.07.2015
Ahead of a hastily called NATO meeting, a senior Obama administration official told CNN on Monday there is no agreement with Turkey to establish a no-fly zone in the country. (27.07.2015)
The US war with the Islamist faction Jabhat al-Nusra escalated inside Syria on Friday, with the Americans bombing the group and al-Nusra attacking the rebel division hosting US-trained rebels. 01.08.2015
First U.S.-trained Syria rebel believed killed in fighting: sources ... killed during fighting on Friday with suspected members of Nusra Front (03.08.2015)
Selbst Sputnik schrieb am 10. September 2015, dass der Westen Assad nicht stürzen möchte. Dabei wurde der Assad-Freund Joshua Landis zitiert, dessen Frau Nusairierin ist und ebenfalls Assad unterstützt: But the truth is that in reality the West doesn't want al-Assad gone, because then [allegedly] nobody knows who will come to power in Damascus.
Russia's U.N. ambassador: I think this is one thing we share now with the United States, with the U.S. government: They don't want the Assad government to fall. They don't want it to fall. They want to fight (ISIS) in a way which is not going to harm the Syrian government," Churkin said. (16.09.2015)
HOAX: "Down the Memory Hole: NYT Erases CIA's Efforts to Overthrow Syria's Government." "This past week, two pieces—one in the New York Times detailing the 'finger pointing' over Obama's 'failed' Syria policy, and a Vox 'explainer' of the Syrian civil war—...didn't just omit the fact that the CIA has been arming, training and funding rebels since 2012, they heavily implied they had never done so." 20.09.2015
In defense of his claim, Johnson links to articles in (funny) the New York Times, The Guardian, Der Spiegel and the Washington Post. If you click on the links, you'll find that none of them quite back up Johnson's assertions.
The Times story, from March 24, 2013, says nothing about the US "training" or "funding" the rebels—only a "secret airlift of arms and equipment." If this support was ever "secret," it wasn't for very long. The very next month, John Kerry was openly boasting of US support for the Syrian rebels at an Istanbul meeting—although it is questionable how much of the promised aid actually reached the rebels. And by the end of 2013, Kerry had announced a cut-off of "non-lethal" aid to the FSA.
National Security Advisor Susan Rice later stated that "lethal aid" had continued—but emphasized that it was in the interests of "counterterrorism"; that is, fighting ISIS, not Assad.
Haaretz: U.S. Admits Supplying Lethal Aid to Syrian Rebels. National Security Adviser Susan Rice also says U.S. working to counter the terrorism threat emanating from Syria. ... Rice also told CNN that the U.S. was working with Syria’s neighbors to help alleviate the refugee situation, as well as to confront the threat of terrorism seeping out of Syria. “We're working on the counterterrorism challenge because as we have seen there are increasingly emanating from Syria the threat of terrorism to the neighbors and beyond,” she said. 07.06.2014
The Guardian story (March 8, 2013) says nothing about the CIA, only "Western" training of Syrian rebels in Jordan. Actually read the story (perish the thought) and it turns out to be the British and the French, and the whole thing is based on anonymous sources. The only indirect reference to the CIA is the following line: "A Jordanian source familiar with the training operations said: 'It's the Americans, Brits and French with some of the Syrian generals who defected. But we're not talking about a huge operation.'"
The story from Der Spiegel (the actual link is to a March 10, 2013 Reuters story citing Der Spiegel) is essentially a recapitulation of The Guardian's claims, and concludes: "The reports could not be independently verified."
The Washington Post story (June 12, 2015) actually reports that Congress was moving to cut CIA aid to the rebels. Again citing unnamed or fuzzy sources, the account claims the CIA has spent around $1 billion over the past "several years" to arm and train Syrian rebels—but emphasizes again that the primary enemy is ISIS, not Assad.
So of Johnson's four sources, it is only the last that vaguely backs up his claim. And he leaves out two salient facts: that the aid is primarily directed against the jihadists who Assad is also fighting, not Assad; and that it is coming to an end.
Johnson does mention the far less ambitious but better publicized Pentagon program to train Syrian rebels, admitting it has been an "abysmal failure." He doesn't mention (as we have) that the fighters trained under this program amount to a whopping 54—of whom only 37 were still actually in combat last time we checked back in August. Nor does he mention (as we have) that rebels have refused to participate in the training program because of the Pentagon's insistence that they do not use their training to fight Assad—only ISIS. 21.09.2015
While Johnson doesn't provide us with any evidence that the CIA has trained and sent anything like 10,000 fighters to Syria, he does attempt to make the case that "the US did get arms to Syrian rebels in 2012." To make this case he calls upon another New York Times article long cited by the "anti-imperialists" as proof that Obama's CIA has been arming anti-Assad fighters. The misuse of the NY Times article, CIA Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Opposition also spawned a cottage-industry among the "anti-imperialists" when it was first published. ... what the CIA was doing in Southern Turkey ... was to "keep weapons out of the hands of fighters." ... the Obama administration has been very successful at keeping MANPADS, portable anti-aircraft missiles, out of the hands of the people Assad is bombing 20.09.2015
But it’s not just Russian or Iranian backing that ensures Assad will remain in power—it’s the fact that Assad is [allegedly] the lesser of two evils, and the West can’t afford any more power vacuums [which allegedly will be created after Assad's fall] in the Middle East. (22.09.2015)
When it created the “SDF” [in October 2015] the US was trying to essentially reframe the “legitimate” opposition in Syria, and of course like the US the SDF was a “rebel” group in name/rhetoric only, and far from it in deed. It consisted of the regime-collaborating YPG, the outright regime-supporting Sanadaeed (something a lot of people don’t know – the US is arming two sets of declared Assad loyalists in Syria: the Sanadeed SDF as well as the various Iraq militias), and the fighting remnants allied with the notorious rebel warlord, Jamal Maarouf, grouped in the so-called “Jaish al-Thuwar”.
USA und Russland koordinieren Luftangriffe. US-Außenminister Kerry und sein russischer Kollege Lawrow einigen sich am Rande der UN-Generalversammlung auf mögliche Lösungswege in der Syrien-Krise. Die Militärs wollen sich abstimmen. 01.10.2015
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan during talks with EU leaders on Monday pressed for the introduction of a no-fly zone over a safe area that would be created in Syria for refugees fleeing the fighting. (07.10.2015)
Last year, in a move that was more symbolic than serious, Obama asked Congress for money to fund a programme allowing US personnel to teach rebels marksmanship, navigation and other skills. The goal was to train about 15,000 rebels in Jordan and other countries so they could return to Syria and fight. However, US defence officials admitted last month that only four or five of the recruits in the programme had actually returned to the battle. ... Obama's national-security advisors argued that Syria was at least relatively stable with Assad in power. These advisors, as US officials who supported the programme told me, were presenting a false choice: Either Assad stays or Syria will be overrun with terrorists. (10.10.2015)
Weapons for the SDF: U.S. delivers 50 tons of ammunition to Syria rebel [sic] groups ... C-17s, accompanied by fighter escort aircraft, dropped small arms ammunition and other items like hand grenades in Hasakah province in northern Syria to a coalition of rebels groups vetted by the US, known as the Syrian Arab Coalition. (12.10.2015)
Russian-Israeli coordination agreement (13.10.2015)
No-Fly-Zone: Luke Coffey, a research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, said: “It makes for a nice tweet, it sounds good, it sounds like a policy idea. But when you get down into the details, you see why it’s not really going to work.” Karl P. Mueller, a senior political scientist at the RAND Corporation, said that the Russian air campaign “changes things significantly,” and that “initiating armed combat with the Russian Air Force is a very big thing.” 19.10.2015
Kissinger: Let Russia defeat ISIS, its destruction more important than overthrow of Assad 19.10.2015 Now Kissinger is an "anti-imperialist" too, according to disgusting liars and useful idiots. So Stop the War Coalition chair Andrew Murray and Henry Kissinger have identical positions on Syria. Many Westerners don't really believe that they are "anti-imperialists", but they tell this worthless crap to throw dust into people's eyes and colonize foreign countries without being called colonialists.
U.S., Russia agree to safety measures for their warplanes over Syria ... The Pentagon announced Tuesday that it has signed an aviation-safety agreement with the Russian military that is designed to prevent conflicts between the two countries’ warplanes in the skies over Syria. 20.10.2015
U.S. Agrees With Russia on Rules in Syrian Sky 20.10.2015
Zbigniew Brzezinski, who served as national security adviser to President Jimmy Carter, argues that the U.S. and Russia must work together in Syria. 22.10.2015
Russia: Working With US, Rebels in Syria Air Campaign ... Moscow said Tuesday it worked with opposition groups [gemeint sind die SDF, welche von der PYD angeführt werden] in its latest Syrian airstrikes while the US said its pilots communicated with Russian aircraft, in tentative signs the powers are working together to end the civil war ahead of UN talks. ... Pentagon said its fighter pilots communicated directly with Russian jets in the skies over Syria ... Washington and Moscow signed an agreement on October 20 laying out rules keep their pilots away from each other in the air 04.11.2015
Russia's direct involvement has actually served to highlight its increasingly close ties with Israel. This robust relationship is downplayed by Israel so as not to antagonise the US, by Russia so as not to alienate Damascus and Tehran, and completely ignored by the "axis of resistance" - now minus Hamas - so as to avoid embarrassment. ... While Israel was slaughtering Palestinian civilians in Gaza last year, Russian President Vladimir Putin said: "I support the struggle of Israel as it attempts to protect its citizens." Months earlier, Israel - like Iran, Lebanon and Syria - refused to condemn Russia's annexation of Crimea. ... Immediately after his meeting with Putin, Netanyahu said Moscow had given him assurances that it would not stand in the way of Israeli strikes on Syrian arms transfers to Hezbollah ... it is at best ignorant, and at worst deceitful, for the pro-Assad camp to portray Russia's deeper involvement in Syria as an obstacle to Israel's power and ambitions. 08.12.2015
Whilst the US has repeatedly targeted anti-Assad forces - including those who also fight ISIS - it has never targeted these foreign invaders, adding more substance to Syrian claims that US policy in Syria has never been "regime-change" but rather "regime preservation". Indeed US officials have since 2012 intermittently admitted this, declaring "our policy is not regime change" but negotiated transition within the regime, and that they are against the rebels "bringing a collapse of the regime" ... "The United States and our partners are not seeking so-called regime change," Kerry said 15.12.2015
Putin signs law allowing Russia to ignore international human rights rulings: Russia's Constitutional Court said the country's constitution would take priority over international law 15.12.2015
John Kerry Visits Moscow to Prepare for Talks on Syria ... “The United States and our partners are not seeking regime change in Syria,” Mr. Kerry said. Syrian opposition groups arriving for talks Friday in New York should not demand as a condition of sitting down that Mr. Assad depart immediately, Mr. Kerry said, a position Russia calls a nonstarter for negotiations. “We see Syria fundamentally very similarly,” Mr. Kerry said. (16.12.2015)
Speaking at the Institute for National Security Studies' (INSS) conference in Tel Aviv on Jan. 19, Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon: "We believe ISIS will be eventually defeated territorially after the blows it has been suffering, and in light of the attacks on its oil reserves," The strategy in Syria, he said, should be "to strengthen local forces with 'boots on the ground,' like the Kurds are doing." 19.01.2016,7340,L-4755215,00.html
The administration’s plan since 2011 has been to foster reconciliation between the regime and the opposition, to preserve the “state institutions”. In short, to prove to the opposition that Assad isn’t going anywhere, and they must treat with him or face the consequences. As well as preventing any game-changing anti-air missiles from getting into opposition hands, Kerry privately threatened to cut off aid to the opposition coalition unless progress was made in forming a “government of national unity” which would retain Assad as president. 24.01.2016
US Secretary of State John Kerry, accosted by two Syrian aid workers at a reception in London after the collapse of the Geneva talks last week, replied: "Don't blame me—go and blame your opposition." 09.02.2016
NATO Chief Sees No Need in Syrian No-Fly Zone ... The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) does not consider a possible no-fly zone is needed in Syria, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said 11.02.2016
Merkel calls for ‘no-fly zone’ in northern Syria to alleviate the refugee crisis as the country plays along with Ankara’s demands for the creation of a “buffer area” along its border. “I can totally understand Turkish politicians reproaching us Europeans for not being able to explain not taking refugees in Europe while at the same time urging them to keep their Turkish borders open for further needy Syrian refugees,” she said. Merkel had previously rejected the safe zone idea. 15.02.2016
Former senior CIA official Graham E. Fuller: What should Ankara now do? Acknowledge the reality that Assad is not going to fall anytime soon ... Work with the major powers to bring about a peaceful solution in Syria: working with the U.S., Russia and the E.U. ... Work to improve its relations with Iran. ... Work closely with Iraq ... Back away from strategic ties with Saudi Arabia ... Place priority on restoring Turkish relations with Russia ... Devote priority to close relations with ... the PKK (23.02.2016)
How Western academics help spread Assad's propaganda ... From the beginning of Syria's war, the regime of Bashar al-Assad, enabled by Iran and Russia, has run a very elaborate media war to portray itself as the victim of an international conspiracy, wherein its only opponents are terrorists from al-Qaeda and its offshoots who are being used by foreigners - namely the Gulf States, Turkey, Israel, and the United States - to overthrow a defiant "resistance" state. The other part of this strategic messaging is aimed at the West, which Assad otherwise accuses of supporting jihadi-Salafist terrorism against him: Assad is the only alternative to the terrorists, it says, so the West should support him. War criminal he might be, he will protect the minorities - his role in endangering them by starting a sectarian war against the Sunni majority and bolstering the takfiris within the insurgency to cannibalise all legitimate or engageable armed opposition, notwithstanding - and has no immediate plans to fly planes into Western skyscrapers. (That the leading edge of Assad's ground forces are made up of radically sectarian, foreign Shia jihadists under Iran's control, some of them Iraqis responsible for killing a quarter of the 4,000 US soldiers who fell in Mesopotamia, and are integrated into a state-run terrorist network that has struck Western and Jewish targets the world over, gets left out.) ... For Assad and his allies, it helps if this propaganda is not only delivered by regime spokesman but independent analysts, journalists, academics, and politicians. In the last 10 days two salient examples have emerged: Stephen Kinzer, a veteran journalist, including for The New York Times, who wrote in The Boston Globe, and Jeffrey Sachs, an academic economist working at Columbia University, who wrote in The Huffington Post. Mixing together conspiracy theories, half-truths, and outright lies - disinformation, to give it an old name - both Kinzer and Sachs told a version of the regime's narrative. Why they did this is best-known to them. ... A central point of misinformation in both Sachs' and Kinzer's articles is that the US is hell-bent on overthrowing Assad. ... But in reality, US policy has been essentially the exact opposite. While President Obama said Assad must "step aside" in August 2011 and drew a "red line" around chemical weapons of mass destruction in August and December 2012, he never had any intention of enforcing either; the overarching goal was to stay out of Syria. In December 2011, Obama told Nouri al-Maliki, Iraq's then-prime minister whose relationship with Iranian intelligence goes back decades, "We have no intention to intervene militarily" in Syria. The regime's propaganda campaign basically worked. The US was expressing misgivings about the Syrian rebellion in terms reminiscent of regime talking points by early 2012 and shortly thereafter Assad's survival became part of a broader US policy realignment. 24.02.2016
Die Behauptung, dass Hillary Clinton "Krieg will" und gar "den Dritten Weltkrieg auslösen will", stützt sich darauf, dass sie sagte, sie werde sich für eine Flugverbotszone in Syrien sowie für die Aufklärung von Kriegsverbrechen einsetzen, wenn sie gewählt wird. Einer ihrer Berater für Außenpolitik, Jeremy Bash, sagte, sie werde die US-Politik in Syrien "völlig überarbeiten". Dabei profilieren sich Clinton-Gegner als Kriegsgegner und Gegner von Interventionen. In Wirklichkeit unterstützen sie die heutige Politik in Syrien und Irak, durch die (offenbar gezielt) ein religiöser und sektiererischer Krieg geführt und geschürt wird.
Clinton: "Russia hasn't paid any attention to ISIS. They're interested in keeping Assad in power. So I, when I was secretary of state, advocated and I advocate today a no-fly zone and safe zones. ... I think wherever we can cooperate with Russia, that's fine. And I did as secretary of state. That's how we got a treaty reducing nuclear weapons. ... I would go to the negotiating table with more leverage than we have now. But I do support the effort to investigate for crimes, war crimes committed by the Syrians and the Russians and try to hold them accountable."
Trump responds: "Look at what she did in Libya ... It's a mess." He ignores that Russia and Iran supported the fall of Gaddafi. Russia and China supported the sanctions against Iran as UN Security Council members. Trump: "Assad is killing ISIS. Russia is killing ISIS. And Iran is killing ISIS." 10.10.2016 Actually they barely fight against ISIS. They are waging a racist, religious and sectarian war and fueling radicalization.
Trump: "They have some in Syria, some in Iraq. I would bomb the s--- out of 'em. I would just bomb those suckers. That's right. I'd blow up the pipes. ... I'd blow up every single inch. There would be nothing left. And you know what, you'll get Exxon to come in there and in two months, you ever see these guys, how good they are, the great oil companies? They’ll rebuild that sucker, brand new — it'll be beautiful." 12.10.2015
"Bringing down Assad would ... be a massive boon to Israel's security" is not something Clinton said. It's the content an e-mail which have allegedly been sent to her. This has been reported with the headline "Hillary Clinton: Destroy Syria for Israel" by psyop and disinfo sites.
In a 2012 e-mail, released by Wikileaks in March 2016: Some argue that U.S. involvement risks a wider war with Russia. But the Kosovo example shows otherwise. In that case, Russia had genuine ethnic and political ties to the Serbs, which don't exist between Russia and Syria, and even then Russia did little more than complain.
The actual content of the e-mails shows that Israel is concerned because of the success of FSA and doesn't want the fall of Assad.
An E-Mail from Sidney Blumenthal to Hillary Clinton, July 25, 2012:
1. European officials are concerned that the ongoing conflict in Syria will lead to uprisings in these countries that will bring increasingly conservative Islamic regimes into power, replacing existing secular or moderate regimes. This individual adds that, Israeli security officials believe that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is convinced that these developments will leave them vulnerable, with only enemies on their borders.
2. In private conversations senior Israeli Intelligence and Military commaders state to their European associates that they have long viewed the regime of Syrian President Bashar al Assad, while hostile, as a known quantity and a buffer between Israel and the more militant Muslim countries, a situation that is threatened by the growing successs of the rebel forces of the Free Syria Army (FSA). This source is convinced that these Israeli leaders are now drawing up contingency plans to deal with a regional structure where the new revolutionary regimes that take over the various countries will be controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood and possibly more problematic groups such as al Qa'ida, which doesn't bode well for the Israelis.
4. and 5. Don't attack Iran. This would start a regional war. 3. and 6. Don't attack Iran. This would cause a global economic crisis which would be blamed on Israel. Attacking Iran would turn the Iranian population in support of their rulers. Netanyahu supports sanctions. 7. One single source says that fall of Assad could lead to a sectarian war which would not be a bad thing for Israel and its Western allies. [US have brought the sectarian Iraqi regime to power which is an ally of Iran and Assad.] 8. Israel doesn't want war with Iran but wants to convince the public that it wants to attack Iran. 9. Manipulate events but avoid a general conflict.
The second mail [above] which I've linked is from Sidney Blumenthal. Blumenthal states: "secure an air base in Saudi Arabia that would suggest a staging ground for an eventual attack, then "leak" the word to the media that their are eminent plans to carry out a bombing raid and do everything possible to persuade the world they mean business." So they depict the Saudis as puppets of Israel to smear them. Sidney Blumenthal has been a trusted advisor of both Clintons for more than two decades.
At the same time, they depict Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey as supporters of terrorism to make them incapable of doing something against the US (and also Russian) policy, probably also to be able to intervene if they see it as necessary. Podesta states:
"We need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region ... Turkey moves toward a new, more serious Islamic reality, it will be important for them to realize that we are willing to take serious actions, which can be sustained to protect our national interests."
Clinton also depicts Saudis as supporters of terrorism: "The Saudis have exported more extreme ideology than any other place on Earth over the course of the last 30 years," she told the Jewish United Fund at a 2013 dinner. She added, “Saudis and others are shipping large amounts of weapons — and pretty indiscriminately — not at all targeted toward the people that we think would be the more moderate, least likely, to cause problems in the future.”
Erdoğan suggests building refugee city in northern Syria. Let's build 4,500-square meter city with international community to help people fleeing war in Syria, Turkish president says 04.03.2016
That's the delicious claim in the Los Angeles Times headline of March 26: "CIA-armed militias are shooting at Pentagon-armed ones in Syria." 26.03.2016 Obviously, it is getting lots of circulation on Facebook, with its imputation of imperial incompetence. This refers to the fighting between the YPG militia and FSA-aligned factions at Azaz and elsewhere in Aleppo governorate. There is no doubt that the Pentagon has aided the YPG. As the story notes, there are some 50 Pentagon special operations troops embedded with the YPG-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). The story doesn't mention widespread reports that the Pentagon has established an air-base ar Rmeilan, Hasakah governorate, to coordinate aid to the SDF.
But we have questioned how much (if any) CIA aid has reached the FSA—and especially the Islamic factions at Azaz. There the article is short on specifics, asking us to accept that these factions are "CIA-armed" on tautological grounds. If everyone says it, it must be true.
The article contains a seemingly inadvertant clue as to who is more significantly backing the factions fighting the PYD at Azaz. A fighter with the Suqour al-Jabal Brigade, a group "with links to the CIA," is quoted as saying: "The MOM knows we fight them." This, we are told, refers "to the joint operations center in southern Turkey, which is known as MOM from the acronym of its name in Turkish, Musterek Operasyon Merkezi." Is it the CIA or Turkey that is backing these factions? "We'll fight all who aim to divide Syria or harm its people," the fighter is also quoted as saying. This clearly refers to the recent formal declaration of autonomy by the PYD in Rojava—and points to the convergence of interest between the US and Turkey. 29.03.2016
The Defense Department has a new line that helps Putin and Assad in Syria 04.2016
"Anti-imperialists" who cheer on Assad and Putin for killing Syrians are actually on the same side as the White House, State Department, Pentagon and CIA.
Washington appeared to support the Russian pretext for attacks with the misleading claim of a presence in Aleppo city of Jabhat al-Nusra, the Al Qa’eda-linked group that is excluded from the cessation of hostilities. A US official said on Friday, “There is a Nusra presence in Aleppo. Nobody is saying that there isn’t.” It was unclear whether the official was referring to Aleppo city — where Nusra has no forces — or the province, where the group has been fighting alongside rebels on a front south of the city. Last week Colonel Steve Warren, the US military spokesman in Baghdad, said, “It’s primarily al-Nusra who holds Aleppo, and of course, al-Nusra is not part of the [February 27] cessation of hostilities.” Russia then set the condition that any opposition faction must “separate” itself from Nusra or face attack. US officials, including Secretary of State Kerry, echoed the demand for separation. 30.04.2016
While the White Helmets might seem like the poster children for feel-bad humanitarianism, they’ve in fact become the target of a internet smear campaign, one designed to bolster the regime of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad and undermine its opponents, including the United States. Various White Helmet “truthers”—who range from Assad and his supporters to Russian embassies, and even to Alex Jones—accuse the group of staging rescue photos, belonging to al Qaeda, and being pawns of liberal bogeyman George Soros. The story of how that conspiracy grew is a perfect distillation of how disinformation can spread unchecked, supplanting fact with frenzy where no support exists. 04.2017
Writing for Wired, Emma Grey Ellis complements our article exposing the pro-Assad propagandists, “anti-imperialists”, and conspiracy theorists trying to destroy the reputation of Syria’s White Helmets, the rescuers who have saved more than 90,000 lives
Debunking the "White Helmets = Al Qa'eda" Smear ... ONLY evidence for systematic "White Helmets = Al Qa'eda" is a photo of a man with a gun with no context and another man (who may have left WH some time time ago) in a video with 2 Syrian Army POWs being mistreated. That's it. 11.05.2016
Le Mesurier said the group has roughly 3,000 Syrian volunteers, both men and women, and he founded the organization with Turkish search-and-rescue specialists in 2013. They claim to have rescued 60,000 people since they began tracking that figure in 2014, and say more than 140 volunteers have died while serving. The group claims to be impartial, only interested in saving lives amid the chaos and atrocities of war. Their motto, taken from the Muslim holy book, the Quran, is “To save a life is to save all of humanity.”
Dataset of Russian Attacks Against Syria’s Civilians 13.05.2016
Israel wartet auf neuen Militärchef: „Russland wird profitieren“ ... Der israelische Ministerpräsident Benjamin Netanjahu will den aus der Sowjetunion gebürtigen Avigdor Lieberman zum neuen Verteidigungsminister machen. (23.05.2016)
US drones and spies passing intelligence to the Syrian regime and Hezbollah (and Assad boasting that they share information with him) US Drones: Aiding Hezbollah over Syria 23.05.2016
Israel fully supports Russia’s actions to fight terrorism in Syria ... According to Israel’s ambassador to Russia, the entire "normal" world supports Russia in that issue 01.06.2017
Putin to Netanyahu: Israel, Russia 'unconditional allies' in war against terror ... Russia and Israel to expand anti-terror cooperation (07.06.2016)
Sputnik: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is strengthening ties with Russia, while Washington's influence in the Middle East is waning. 07.06.2016 [Actually they will both protect Israel. The point here is that "anti-imperialists" don't have a problem with it.] NYT: U.S. Finalizes Deal to Give Israel $38 Billion in Military Aid 13.09.2016
Die USA und Russland haben nach russischen Angaben eine Vereinbarung über mehr militärische Koordination im Kampf gegen die Terrormiliz "Islamischer Staat" getroffen. Man werde künftige eine gemeinsame Landkarte verwenden, aus der hervorgehe, welche Gruppen wo kämpfen, hieß es aus dem Verteidigungsministerium. 19.06.2016
Hoax: Israeli Intelligence chief: We do not want ISIS defeat in Syria ... In a speech delivered at “Herzliya” conference yesterday , Halevy explicitly said “Israel” does not want the situation in Syria to end with the defeat of ISIS “, the Israeli NRG site reported. 20.06.2016 (There is no such statement.)
After this information spread, RT edited the YouTube video, cutting the incendiary cluster bomb footage 20.06.2016
Kerry accused [Ahrar al-Sham and Jaysh al-Islam] of carrying out “shocking crimes” against innocent civilians. What’s worse, he lumped Ahrar al-Sham and Jaysh al-Islam alongside Da’esh, Boko Haram, al-Shabaab and al-Qa’eda. No mention of Assad, Iran or Hezbollah. 28.06.2016
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stated on Saturday that Assad was a "more advanced terrorist" than the ISIS. Speaking in the town of Kilis near the border with Syria, Erdogan said that Assad was responsible for the deaths of some 600,000 of his own citizens and was the root cause of the conflict in Syria. 03.07.2016
"The response to actually existing imperialism, including the 4,300 or more airstrikes the US has launched in Syria, targeting everyone but those aligned with the Syrian regime, has been decidedly muted. And when The Washington Post reported on June 30 that the Obama administration is proposing to formalise and expand US-Russian cooperation in Syria, left-wing media's most outspoken anti-war-iors were as quiet as a barrel bombed mouse.
That's because, as journalist Avi Asher-Schapiro wrote in The New York Times, "the United States finds itself in an awkward alignment with Mr. Assad" - and Mr Putin, a fact awkward not just for US officials who have publicly criticised both figures, but for those who pride themselves on seeing through US rhetoric but, in the case of Syria, based their analysis more on words than on actions." 05.07.2016
When the Jaysh al-Fateh (Army of Conquest) coalition began to make sweeping gains once again, the administration suddenly became concerned about the “threat to US national interests and allies” supposedly posed by JFS (which has never attacked the US in its entire existence) and publicly admitted coordination with Russia. JFS is one of the largest components of the coalition. 11.07.2016
While the United States and Russia inch closer to more military cooperation in Syria on the ground, Secretary of State John F. Kerry is sounding more and more like he agrees with the Russian view of the Syrian rebel groups fighting against the Assad regime. ... “There are a couple of subgroups underneath the two designated — Daesh and Jabhat al-Nusra — Jaysh al-Islam, Ahrar al-Sham particularly — who brush off and fight with that — alongside these other two sometimes to fight the Assad regime,” he said, referring to two rebel groups that the United States has not named as terrorist groups until now. ... State Department spokesman John Kirby ... “Secretary Kerry was simply trying to describe the complexity of the situation in Syria, noting that we aren’t blind to the notion that some fighters shift their loyalties,” he said. 12.07.2016
Kerry condemned two of Syria’s largest, most vociferously anti-Da’esh resistance groups as “subgroups” of JFS and Da’esh ... Both [Ahrar al-Sham and Jaysh al-Islam] have lost hundreds of fighters in their attempts to expel Da’esh from Syria. Kerry’s comments are blatantly untruthful. ... these remarks ... came just as Obama proposed striking anti-regime groups such as JFS alongside the Russians. 07.2016
The Obama administration’s new proposal to Russia on Syria is more extensive than previously known. It would open the way for deep cooperation between U.S. and Russian military and intelligence agencies and coordinated air attacks by American and Russian planes on Syrian rebels deemed to be terrorists 13.07.2016
Assad must go before Syria can change, Yildirim says. Turkish prime minister rules out change in policy towards Syrian regime ... Turkish PM: No solution to Syria while Assad remains ... “Let’s imagine we got rid of Da’esh, the problem still won’t be solved. As long as Assad is there, the problem won’t be solved. Another terrorist organization would emerge.” He accused the Assad regime of creating IS through its policy of killing its own citizens deliberately. 14.07.2016
The US government has supported the regime in the following ways:
Coordinating intelligence and airstrikes with the Syrian regime;
Blockading the supply of weaponry flowing to rebel groups, including a complete blockade on anti-aircraft missiles, while ignoring the unrestricted supply of militiamen and weaponry flowing to the Assad regime from allied states such as Iraq and Lebanon, including some directly armed by the US in Iraq;
Launching airstrikes against every side in the conflict other than pro-regime forces, including on mainstream rebel factions (Islamic Front and FSA brigades), whilst completely ignoring both the regular Syrian Army and irregular foreign militias and terrorist groups from Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Lebanon. The genocidal fascist Syrian regime is estimated to be responsible for more than 95% of the civilian casualties of this conflict (Syrian Network for Human Rights; Violations Documentation Centre);
Requesting rebels, since 2014, to cease operations against the Assad regime and only fight extremist religious groups;
Directly arming the pro-Assad militia, Jaish al-Sanadeed as part of the “Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF)”; and
Giving statements since 2012 to preserve the underlying regime – with or without Assad “personally” at its head –, arguing against a military solution to be imposed by rebel forces to bring the regime to an end, and subsequently legitimising the regime as a whole on the international stage. Most recently this included demanding the coordination of the Syrian revolutionary forces with what remains of the fascist regime army. (17.07.2016)
The US will share intelligence with Russian officials about Al Qaeda in Syria if Russian warplanes refrain from launching airstrikes outside certain "designated areas," according to the preliminary terms of the Joint Implementation Group proposed by the Obama administration last week. ... Russia and the US expand their military coordination in Syria 20.07.2016
Since the U.S.-led coalition began bombing Syria, Airwars states there are credible reports of between 682 and 942 civilian deaths, meaning that nearly a third of what the military terms “collateral damage” has occurred in the last two months. (20.07.2016)
Kerry announced that he and Lavrov were working towards pursuing closer cooperation between the US and Russia in Syria. Kerry hoped that Washington and Moscow would eventually be able to share intelligence to coordinate attacks against extremist groups in Syria. ... The current proposal, which Kerry hopes to conclude within weeks, envisions ways in which Washington and Moscow would share intelligence to coordinate air strikes against the al Qaeda-affiliated Nusra Front 22.07.2016
Netanyahu, Putin discuss cooperation against terror in Mideast 23.07.2016
In the 2017 United States Budget, Ahrar al-Sham is considered a terrorist group 28.07.2016
Syrian rebels are frequently portrayed as US-armed western stooges. The truth couldn’t be more different, as Washington denies opposition fighters the weapons needed to protect lives ... Later that year [2012] the US began its first major intervention in Syria, positioning CIA agents in Turkey to restrict the quality, quantity and destination of these arms ... US embargo blocked not only anti-aircraft but also anti-tank weaponry ... The first reports of US-made TOW anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM’s) supplied to the FSA group Harakat Hazm [which had to fight against "jihadists"] emerged in April 2014. They were mainly supplied by Saudi Arabia from its stocks ... US pressure is clear: only “vetted” groups get TOWs, sometimes only 3-4 at a time, they have to apply for them for specific operations, they have to return the shells to make a claim for more, which may or may not be approved. ... after Russia invaded in October 2015, Saudi Arabia sent some 500 Tows to Syria, which led to the famous “tank massacre.” ... it is likely they would have sent these TOWs regardless of US permission ... in the last 6-8 months [until August 2016] the US has tightened its arms embargoes on all weapons against the rebels, while more or less openly collaborating with Russia against them ... the embargo aims to prevent anti-aircraft weapons ... such weapons exist on the black market; the US, however, has gone out of its way to prevent the FSA from getting any even from there 08.2016
In a recent interview conducted by Aaron David Miller for Foreign Policy, Robert Malley, one of the president’s most trusted advisors on the Middle East, once again enumerated the competing priorities of U.S. Syria policy: the need to balance humanitarian concerns with the desire to “preserve state institutions” and avoid a power vacuum so that the country does not slide into total anarchy. Over the past three years in particular, this line of argument has not only been a mainstay those supporting a carefully calibrated, limited U.S. Syria policy in line with the current administration but also by a number of commentators writing both implicitly and explicitly in defense of Damascus. 08.2016
'Think tank: Russian involvement in Syria serves Israel’s goals'. 'The Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) called for seizing the Russian intervention in Syria as a way of building strategic relations between Moscow and Israel. The centre, considered one of the most important strategic assessment forums in Tel Aviv, urged Israel to establish strategic cooperation that ensures the achievement of its interests in both Syria and Lebanon. 04.08.2016
Erdogan: But this solution cannot be found with Bashar Al-Assad still in power. He needs to leave. When he is gone, it will become possible to find a name which everyone can agree on and if elections are organized without him participating, a transition will be possible. We have already had preparatory discussions leading to such a solution. Up to now, 600,000 people have been killed in Syria. Who is to be blame for this? Assad. We should not support the man responsible for the death of 600,000 of his fellow citizens. Yet some people do support him. ... The opposition forces are about to gain back territory from the Syrian regime. ... If there are new flows of refugees, we will welcome them. 08.08.2016
Russia says close to joint military action with U.S. in Aleppo ... Russia and the United States are close to starting joint military action against militants in Syria's Aleppo, Russian news agencies on Monday quoted Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu as saying. 16.08.2016
US Ensured Safety of Russian Bombers Flying From Iran to Syria - Pentagon ... US forces ensured the safety of Russian bombers en route to Syria from an Iranian airbase as the aircraft traversed areas controlled by the US-led coalition, Operation Inherent Resolve spokesperson Col. Christopher Garver said during a press briefing on Tuesday. 16.08.2016
Turkish FM: Relations with Russia won’t Change our Stance on Assad ... Our stance on Assad will not change because our approach is realistic and not personal; he killed more than 600,000 people. ... I believe Assad must leave first and nobody should be excluded in the next government; it should be an inclusive one. 19.08.2016
Speaking to foreign media representatives in Istanbul, Binali Yildirim said: “The question is will there be Assad or not? Assad is responsible for the deaths of 500,000 people. “Could Syria go forward with Assad in the long term? Absolutely not.” The premier said both U.S. and Russia know Assad would be a liability in the long term. ... "Turkey we will be more active in the Syria issue in the coming six months as a regional player. This means to not allow Syria to be divided on any ethnic base, for Turkey this is crucial," Yıldırım said, adding that Russia and the U.S. “see that Assad can’t have a role in Syria’s future.” 20.08.2016
The Prime Ministry underlined that Assad won't be a partner of Turkey during a transition period, noting that PM Yıldırım's words were twisted.
'Esed muhatap alınabilir' açıklamasına yalanlama: Suriye konusunda açıklamalarda bulunan Başbakan Binali Yıldırım'ın sözlerinin çarpıtılmasının ardından Başbakanlık'tan yalanlama geldi. ... Başbakanlık Kaynakları Binali Yıldırım'ın söylediği iddia edilen "Esed muhatap alınır" yorumuyla ilgili açıklama yaptı. Kaynaklar "Esed geçiş sürecinde muhatap olarak kalabilir ama Suriye'nin geleceğine yeri yok" ifadesinin kullanılmadığını belirtti.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Monday talks between the United States and Russia on military cooperation in the fight against Islamic State in Syria were nearing an end, with technical teams meeting this week to discuss details. ... Kerry said the "Syrian travesty" [sic] had gone on for too long 22.08.2016
On Ben Norton’s career-changing metamorphosis ... since getting a job at a few months ago ... he has turned into another of the faux-left’s, neocon, equivalising (both sides are as bad as the other, why don’t we talk about the so-called “rebels”/Hamas, etc.), Islamophobic-verging (its all the Islamists blah blah) and genocide-denying Galloway-type shills. Ironically though, like Galloway, he seems to have a blind spot to certain types of Western intervention ... Assad’s family of course having a very rich history of collaboration with the West which goes back 70 years, whilst today Assad himself literally declares that the US supports him in private and condemns him in public 24.08.2016
Limited aid is being made available [by the US] is explicitly for use against ISIS—not Assad. We noted last year reports that the US is actually constraining the rebel forces from fighting Assad as a condition of receiving aid, insisting they fight only ISIS. Last week another such report ran on Lebanon's Now Media. Once again, a rebel commander from the FSA's Southern Front is quoted asserting that his forces were ordered by the US Military Operations Center in Jordan not to launch an offensive to retake the town of Sheikh Maskin—which had fallen to the regime when the MOC earlier this year ordered the Southern Front to concentrate on an offensive against ISIS rather than defending its territory. 26.08.2016
Gräueltaten Assads (von 2014) werden als die der Türken in Jarablus verkauft. 2014 Yılında, Esed'e bağlı Suriye Ordusunun yaptığı KATLİAMI, Bugün PKK'nın yayın organı Jiyan News, Türk ordusu Suriye Cerablus'ta köylüleri vurdu "katliam yaptı" diye dünyaya SERVİS ETTİ... Tüm haber siteleri onları kaynak gösterip bu fotoğrafı ve haberi yayınladı.
Not only has the US refused to support democratic forces in Syria, the pretext it used to invade Iraq in 2003 - the Iraqi government that the US has put in place after that "pro-democracy" invasion is a major backer of the Assad regime. 29.08.2016
Russia holds a positive view of Israel as an exciting, developed country. ... Almost anyone you meet in Moscow has a friend, relative, or acquaintance who recently visited the Holy Land and came back with tales of its wonders. These positive stories add up to create more and more circles of support for Israel. 29.08.2016
Fact-Checking Russia’s Claim that It Didn’t Bomb a 5-Year-Old in Syria 01.09.2016
Text of the Syria cease-fire agreement reached by the United States and Russia on Sept. 9, 2016. ... The text literally mentions Nusra (referring to the current Jabhat Fath as-Shām) dozens of times. IS is barely mentioned
Our Man in Damascus: the CIA, Syria and the Rendition of Maher Arar 09.2016
Russia and U.S. reach understanding on most issues on Syria, says Lavrov 02.09.2016
Putin: Russia & US may reach agreement on Syria 'within next few days' 05.09.2016
Abu Omar al-Homsi & Abu Omar al-Shami along with a 3rd top Jabhat Feth al-Sham leader have been killed by a US drone strike in North #Aleppo 08.09.2016 Suriyeli muhaliflerin toplantısına ABD tarafından düzenlenen saldırıda, Fetih Ordusu Askeri Komutanı Serakip ve Şam'ın Fethi Cephesi Askeri Komutanı Humsiy ile birlikte üst düzey muhalif komutanlar öldürüldü.
We keep hearing about how Turkey's changed its policy and supports Assad staying... doesn't sound like it...
No transition process in Syria with al-Assad: Turkish FM ... Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu has dismissed the possibility of a transition process in Syria including Syrian President Bashar al-Assad ... Speaking at a joint press conference with Saudi counterpart Adil Al-Jubeir, Çavuşoğlu said chaos in Syria would continue if al-Assad remained in power during the transition process, as he was responsible for “killing of 600,000 Syrians; even yesterday he used chlorine gas.” 08.09.2016
Turkey to provide Jarablus with electricity, water before Eid 08.09.2016
The main military actions Assad’s army engages in is extorting a tribute from the locals. The Syrian armed forces have not conducted a single successful offensive during the past year. ... junior officers, NCOs and privates have little enthusiasm to charge and fight ... Assad’s government currently has no stable income sources. ... potential conscripts support the anti-government forces and actively dodge the draft. Others have joined the illegal armed groups. ... The Syrian Arab Air Force conducts a significant number of sorties daily (reaching 100 in certain days in 2015) ... used even sea mines ... barrel bombs ... over 10,000 ... have been dropped ... high survivability of the militants ... ensured by using shelters 09.09.2016
Syrian conflict: US and Russia agree Syria peace moves ... Russia and the US will establish a joint centre to combat so-called Islamic State and al-Nusra fighters. [They want to target the majority of the opposition under the pretext of fighting Nusra, although there is no Nusra anymore.] 10.09.2016
This is an attempt to: 1) Split the opposition via intimidation. 2) Destroy Islamic & anti-regime groups, sparing only quisling remnants. (...)
Suriye'de sözde ateşkesin yürürlüğe girmesine kısa bir süre kala Rusya Savunma Bakanlığı'ndan önemli bir açıklama geldi. Özgür Suriye Ordusu'na (ÖSO) çağrıda bulunan Rusya, ABD ile vardıkları sözde ateşkesin daha sağlam olabilmesi için PYD ile çatışmayı durdurun uyarısı yapıldı. 12.09.2016
Ahrar and FSA including Sham Legion and Jaish alIslam responded in two identical but separate statements to the US-Russia agreemnent related to a 48 hour truce that could be extended to five days if it is successfully implemented, and to the US and Russia joint room operation to fight Fath alSham. They reject the truce and made 8 point reservations. 12.09.2016
To many rebels, the deal feels like a trap. As equally absurd as the idea of Russia as a benign mediator is that of the US as somehow speaking for the rebels - the rebels have no representation in this deal. 14.09.2016
#ABD askerleri ve onlara bağlı gruplar #Çobanbey'den boyle kovuldu #Halep 16.09.2016
#Aleppo: Regime still controlling ~5% of 1070 Project. No advance since 1 month 17.09.2016
Turkish backed rebels now amount up to 15,000 fighters & aim to liberate Al Bab & capture Manbij 17.09.2016
'Lavrov to Kerry: US military officials should monitor Syria 'truce'' 17.09.2016
The Castello Theater: debunking Russian MoD and Kremlin TV «rebel attack» footage 17.09.2016
US Attacks Assad Forces for 1st Time…By Accident ... A “senior administration official” said the US had relayed its regrets to the Assad regime ... Another official said “condolence payments” will be made to families of regime troops killed by the airstrikes. 18.09.2016
Reports that 7 Russian special forces killed in coalition airstrikes in Deir Ezzor ... pro regime death toll risen to 90 & more than 110 injured, some of them in serious condition after coalition airstrikes
Obama Killed Syria War Crimes Bill To Appease Putin ... The Caesar Syria Protection Act, named after the Syrian defector who documented 55,000 pictures exhibiting Assad’s torture and murder of civilians, initially had 50 co-sponsors (mostly Democrats), bi-partisan support and was scheduled to be fast-tracked through Congress. That is, until the White House intervened and pushed Democratic party leadership to kill it. 20.09.2016
Obama: "There's no military solution in Syria, which is why we've been bombing it since 2014 and are now doing so in open partnership with Assad's other main backer, Russia." 'Obama Backs Syria Diplomacy after Truce Fails' 20-09-2016
We cannot lose more time for a political solution in Syria, says Erdoğan at UN Assembly 20.09.2016
In an interview with Reuters, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad should not be part of a transitional government. Erdoğan: Esed'in Suriye'deki geçiş sürecinde yeri yok 20.09.2016
Erdoğan: Uçuşa yasak bölge konusunda birlikte çalışmalıyız ... Ülkemize sığınan 2 milyon 700 bin Suriyeli, 300 bin Iraklı olmak üzere, bu 3 milyon mülteciye bizler hiçbir etnik, mezhep veya din ayrımı gözetmeksizin kucak açtık. ... Suriyeli mültecileri kendilerine yönelik hayati tehdit gibi algılayan tüm Avrupalı dostlarıma sesleniyorum. Dikenli tel örgülerin, yüksek duvarların arkasında huzur aramak beyhude bir çabadır. ... Suriye rejiminin BM gözetimindeki yardımların Halep halkına ve acil yardıma ihtiyacı olanlara ulaştırılmasına izin vermediğini ve yardım konvoylarına saldırıldığına dikkati çeken Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, "Rejimin insanları açlığa mahkum ederek izlediği ya teslim ol, ya öl politikasına Birleşmiş Milletler ve Güvenlik Konseyi daha ne kadar müsamaha gösterecek." ifadelerini kullandı. ... Birleşmiş Milletler Güvenlik Konseyi reforme edilmedikçe bu çabaların tam manasıyla amacına ulaşamayacağı açıktır. İşte bu sebeple, biz 'Dünya 5'ten büyüktür' gerçeğini her fırsatta uluslararası kamuoyuna hatırlatıyoruz ... Beş ülkenin iki dudağının arasına dünyayı mahkum edemezsiniz. 20.09.2016
Turkey’s calls for the establishment of safe zones along its border with Syria had gone unheard. The country had therefore launched an operation to implement the safe zones, despite not having received the necessary support. The safe zones should also be declared “no-fly zones”, he added. Noting the failure of the ceasefire and the attack on a United Nations humanitarian convoy, he asked: “When will the United Nations and the Security Council stop tolerating the Syrian regime’s policy of ‘either surrender or die’, which condemns civilians to hunger?” Regarding the situation in neighbouring Iraq, he stressed that the operation to recapture Mosul should be conducted with due consideration for the sensitivities of the region’s people in order to prevent the outbreak of a new humanitarian crisis that would result in more forced displacement. Furthering his critique of the Security Council, he underlined that “the world is bigger than five”, and that the Council did not represent the diversity of its members. He suggested an expansion of the membership, the only way to establish full fairness. 20.09.2016
Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Than: Syrian revolution had started as a popular peaceful uprising against a repressive dictatorial regime, and that this great people face killings in peaceful demonstrations and torture in prisons over a year time without defending itself. During this period, the Syrian regime tried deliberately to drag the revolution into violence. It has also acted through a guided political rhetoric to split the Syrian people into factions, but the people responded by chanting "Only one, the Syrian people are one." The declared slogan of the regime was " Only al-Assad or we will burn down the country." 20.09.2016
Orient News: "How did Israel and Hezbollah end up in the same fighting ditch?" Israel has pledged to come to the aid of the pro-Assad loyalist town of Hader if it comes under attack by an ongoing rebel assault in South Syria. The town of Hader, near the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, is currently controlled by the pro-Assad Lebanese militia Hezbollah. 20.09.2016
Suriye'de en büyük muhalif guruplardan Ahrar Şam,Türkiye'nin DEAŞ'e karşı başlattığı#FıratKalkanı Operasyonuna destek mesajı yayınladı
#FıratKalkanı ve #HavarKilisOperasyonOdası'na katılan gruplar.
Stop the War Coalition hosted a supporter of Syria airstrikes- at the same event where they stopped Syrians from speaking 21.09.2016
Airstrikes on UN Aid Convoy in Aleppo: ... Russian MoD statements either have no relation to the incident (a pickup truck passing the convoy 6 kilometers away from the bombing site and 5 hours before it) or are simply false 21.09.2016
UN satellites have confirmed the attack on Aleppo aid convoy last month WAS an air strike 05.10.2016
More than 20,000 Syrians have returned to Jarabulus near the Turkish border, weeks after the Turkey-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) liberated the northern Syrian town in Aleppo province, a regional official said. 22.09.2016
Russia-US Syria Deal Potentially a Game-Changer - de Mistura 15.09.2016 At Security Council, UN envoy [Mistura] appeals for Russia and US cooperation to pull Syria 'away from the brink' 25.09.2016
According to the UN special envoy, "I think [the Russians] are genuine in their concerns about terrorist organisations." The Italian-Swedish diplomat also spoke about Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, the group formerly known as al-Nusra Front that changed its name after cutting ties with al-Qaeda in July.
"Everybody recognises ... [Nusra] is al-Qaeda, regardless of whether they changed the name," de Mistura said. Pressed on recent reports in The Guardian newspaper that the United Nations has been too close to the family of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and to supporters of the Syrian regime, de Mistura passionately defended the UN.
"Look at this hand, can you see it? I've been shaking the hands of many, many unpleasant people in my life," he said. "That means sometimes accepting what we don't like to accept, dealing with those who are actually stopping the aid and being able to deliver it anyway. "When we are in Damascus, we have to deal with those in Damascus." he continued. 23.09.2016
The leader of the UK Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, also weighed in to support Putin’s and Iran’s entry into the war on Assad’s side. He even went as far as claiming Iran was fully justified in assisting Assad with it’s Shia militias and Hezbollah fighters as ‘they presumably feel under threat that they may be next on the western countries hit list’. 09.2016
Corbyn linked to PKK lobbyists 12.2016
Edy Cohen: Israeli politicians want Assad to stay in power 26.09.2016
Zaman al-Wasl followed this meeting and emerged with the impression that Abu al-Aaz whom Todenhofer situated as a commander in al-Nusra Front is nothing more than an agent of the al-Assad regime.
Todenhöfer's interview was made in territory which is controlled by the regime. The footage is shot somewhere on this road looking towards the Haraybel military checkpoint.
Dass die Nusrafront in einem Interview eines anonymen Mannes offen zugibt, dass Nusra die Hilfslieferungen an die Bevölkerung behindert, würden diese ja jeglichen Rückhalt in der Bevölkerung in den Oppositionsgehaltenen Gebieten verlieren. Diese Schuldzuweisung stellt doch vielmehr die Regierungssichtweise dar. ... Er hielt sich im vom Assad Regime kontrollierten Stadtteil von Aleppo auf und wurde von diesem zu einem gestellten Interviewtermin in einem „Steinbruch bei Aleppo“, das entsprechend den Angaben aus dem Video der Gegend um die Zementfabrik zugeordnet werden konnte, das unter Regierungskontrolle steht.
Activists reveal identity of fake Nusra commander interviewed by Todenhofer ... is called Ahmed Shiekh al-Diaa, nicknamed as Ahmed al-Azo. Activists added that he a is known bully “Shabih” from the village of Haribel in the regime-controlled southern countryside of Aleppo, the same place where the interview
It was the radicals [sic] themselves who were largely responsible for breaking through after Assad's troops encircled Aleppo, making food deliveries possible in the first place. ... During the drive into the quarry, a voice altered in editing to hide the person's identity can be heard saying, "I mean, if they need to do anything bad, we're stuck." The sentence fragments suggest they are entering dangerous terrain. Problematic, though, is the fact that a young man in an army uniform ... After Todenhöfer was made aware of these inconsistencies, he published a "clarification" on his Facebook page on Wednesday. The meeting, he wrote, took place in no-man's-land between the fronts. "Nobody claimed at any point that the quarry was in rebel-held territory." Yet his interview partner clearly said that they were in Sheikh Said. ... The quarry is very clearly under regime control. And in the background of Todenhöfer's video, one can again see the extremely unique collection of two towers and high buildings that are clearly identifiable on Google Earth.
The firm that made fake terror videos for the Pentagon has close links to Assad (whose regime tortured people for the CIA during that period) - maybe they use the same actors in "ISIS interviews"... 'PR firm set up by Margaret Thatcher's spin doctor ran a 'top-secret' £416m propaganda operation during Iraq war writing soap operas and tracking al-Qaeda terrorists using fake jihad films' ... Bell Pottinger 02-10-2016
Birgün Gazetesi bir IŞİD üyesiyle kurmaca bir röportaj yaptı. Hükumete yönelik suçlama ve iftiralarını sahte bir İŞİD üyesine söyletmişler. Arapça'da El Muhammed ifadesi kullanılmaz.Yakın dönemde bu hayali İŞİD üyesi bir yerlerde bir düğün patlatırsa sorumlusu sanırım bellidir. Röportaj tam bir rezalet ve fiyasko. Ayrıca bu adam neden boynunu atkıyla kapatmış? Rezilsiniz. Mezhepçisiniz.
Bir Daiş'linin savaştıkları Ahrar grubuna silah verilmesine sevinmesi :) @yunculerzeynep abladan [Birgün] müthiş habercilik :D [Yorumlar] "El Muhammed" ne ya cahil yalancılar. ... Zeynep hanım bu Işidliyle röportaj yaptığımızı enayi okurlarımıza yuttururuz fikrini kim attı ortaya? ... Arapça gramerinde El Muhammed El Kurdi diye bir isim olmaz :)
Hezbollat secretary general Hassan Nasrallat: Wahhabism is worse than Israel and Zionism 27.09.2016
Iranian threat to ‘erase Saudi Arabia from existence’ 28.09.2016
US to raise number of Iraq advisors to 8,000: Baghdad 28.09.2016
The Russian Defense Ministry and the Foreign Ministry, on instructions from the President of the Russian Federation, are ready for further continuation of the joint work with our American partners on the Syrian problem 28.09.2016
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will discuss separating [dividing for their piecemeal strategy, salami tactics] Syrian rebels with US Secretary of State John Kerry. 30.09.2016
Saudi Arabia condemns passage of US 9/11 law. US law that would allow families of victims to sue Saudi government a matter of "great concern", foreign ministry says. 30.09.2016
After five years of cheerleading for Assad's, Iran's and Putin's genocide and regional sectarian war in the name of a "Global War on Terror", screeching about "cannibal savages" and demonising all Sunni Muslims as "Wahhabi Salafi Jihadis", the Western "anti-war left" is every bit as responsible for resurgent fascism as the far-right... 'Europe’s tide of hating the other makes us all Muslims now' 29-09-2016: '...The rise in Islamophobia, we have argued, is not just a problem because it affects Muslims. It is a problem because it relegitimises other forms of racism. Taboos that had become part of the culture as a result of legal changes in the 1960s and 1970s have been resurfacing at every available opportunity.
There has to be much more of a focus not only on how these people have spent the past few years scabbing on the Syrian people and trying to reduce the scale of the Syrian catastrophe to ward off a non-existent "Western regime change", but also on how they've largely failed to monitor Western interventions when they occurred, especially since 2014. It is the most damning indictment of their approach - which is based mainly on internal Western expertise and first and foremost an approach centred on the upset Western citizen ("are we" being told the truth?") - that when the Syrians they were systematically no-platforming started saying "your governments are bombing us and siding with these forces against us", they still continued to ignore them. The result being their failure to report the tens of thousands of Western airstrikes and their victims, to add to the more general Western-backed demographic changes and counter-revolutionary policy.
Bu süreçte muhalefet bütün enerjisini Esed rejimine değil de direnişin arkasında kümeleşen Bağdadi ekibine harcadı. ... IŞİD merkezli oluşan/oluşturulan kara tablo üzerinden Esed ve rejimi masumlaştırılarak Suriye Direnişi çalınmak istendi.
ABD ile Rusya'nın Suriye'deki tüm askeri ilişkilerini askıya aldığı iddia ediliyor. İki ülke ortak askeri komuta merkezi kurmuştu. ... Rusya bir yıldır sahada olmasına rağmen ABD de sessizce izlemesine rağmen Rejim ve İran toplamda sadece %3 toprak ele geçirebildi. ABD daha bugün Şam Fetih Cephesini vurdu, geçen ay da genel askeri liderini diğer Halep savunması askeri liderleriyle beraber katletti. Buna rağmen muhalifler Hama'da rejime, İran'a, Irak'a, Hizbulla ve Rusya'ya ve diğer Caferi teröristlere karşı zaferler kazanıyor. Kısacası önümüzdeki hafta zaten muhaliflerin genel taarruzunu bekliyoruz. Medyacılar sakın ha bunu ABD-Rusya anlaşmazlığına bağlamasınlar.
The US is using diplomacy in order to cover its unwillingness to engage seriously, and Russia is using diplomacy in order to cover its brutal conduct of war -- which apparently includes deliberate attacks on civilians and the use of cluster bombs. The latest US threat to retreat from diplomacy is unlikely to scare the Kremlin because it knows that the US needs the diplomatic process to the same extent that Russia needs it: to shield itself from being blamed for what the they do (Russia) or for what they don't do (the US)."
US-led coalition kills second commander in Fatth al-Sham 03.10.2016
Turkey backs Saudi Arabia against US 9/11 act. President Erdogan says the terrorist attack was carried out by individuals and a country can't be held responsible for it. 03.10.2016
On October 18 of last year, the US, the European Union, China, Russia, and Iran adopted the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, ensuring that Iran's nuclear program would be peaceful for at least a decade ... The JCPOA did not address any of Iran's regional activities, aggressions, or efforts to destabilize the region ... Iran backs the brutal Assad regime in Syria and the Houthi military uprising in Yemen 5.10.2016
Russia and Iran aren't man enough to fight against a few thousand fighters: The U.N. envoy for Syria, Staffan de Mistura, has urged al Qaeda-linked fighters in the rebel-held eastern parts of the northern Syrian city of Aleppo to leave the area. UN diplomat offers to personally escort 900 al-Qaeda fighters out of Aleppo in hope of ending bombing ... Mr de Mistura’s offer appeared to accept the Syrian regime’s position at face value: that if al-Nusra’s fighters left Aleppo then Mr Assad and his allies might cease their attacks on the city. Speaking in Geneva he said that around 900 members of al-Nusra were still in Aleppo and he asked the jihadists to “look at my eyes” and decide if they were prepared to stay in the city even if it meant more casualties among the 275,000 civilians in the area. “A thousand of you are deciding on the destiny of 275,000 civilians,” he said. 06.10.2016
behind the scenes, the White House is actually working to weaken a sanctions bill lawmakers in both parties see as providing leverage against all three. According to lawmakers and staffers in both parties, the White House is secretly trying to water down the Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act, a bipartisan bill that would sanction the Assad regime for mass torture, mass murder, war crimes and crimes against humanity. The bill, guided by House Foreign Affairs Committee ranking Democrat Eliot Engel (N.Y.), would also sanction entities that aid the Syrian government in these atrocities; that includes Russia and Iran. The bill, named after a Syrian defector who presented the world with 55,000 pictures documenting Assad’s mass torture and murder of more than 11,000 civilians in custody, has 70 co-sponsors, a majority of whom are Democrats. 06.10.2016
Atilla Güven: "Suriye'de halk ayaklanması başlayana kadar bir sosyalist olarak bu ülkenin muhalif unsurlarının barış kardeşlik peşinde olduğunu sanırdım.
Tüm söylemleri bu zeminde yükseliyordu. Suriye'de halk ayaklanması ile birlikte hepsinin söylemlerinin yalan olduğunu yaşayarak gördüm.
Hepsi geçmişten kalma tarihsel hesapları kapatma peşindeymiş ve benim gibi sosyalist/komünist hıyarları kandırmak için öyle konuşuyorlarmış"
Sünniler varil bombaları ve kimyasallarla kadın çocuk demeden katledilir camilerine saldırılır imamları tartaklanır kimse kınamaz. ... Son 5 yıldır namusuz Türkiye muhalefeti sayesinde burada da oynanıyor artık.
Michael Rubin (AEI): The events of July 15 were predictable ... coming coup ... could be the most violent and might very well cost Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan his life. ... Erdoğan may believe he is sultan but, in reality, he may already be dead man walking. 12.10.2016
Egypt has shown a film praising Iran's general Qassem Soleimani. This comes simultaneous with reports that Saudi-Aramco will stop selling Egypt petroleum products and Egypt's vote for the Syrian regime/Russia at the recent UN assembly. The Sisi/Khamenei love in continues.
Al-Jazeera (Arabic) and a Syrian revolution supporter destroy the American bullshit of a) claiming that the only thing they're being blamed for by the Syrian opposition is that they're not launching a direct military intervention/invasion of Syria against Assad and b) deflecting any blame for the genocide onto Russia. [Russia is to blame for the genocide in Syria. When enemies of the Syrian people say that "we can't only blame Russia for what's happening in Syria" they want to deflect attention away from Russian crimes. However the author examines the strategy of saying "well we can't do much because of Russia" to find a cheap excuse for supporting Assad.
Turkey-backed forces capture Syrian village of Dabiq 16.10.2016
Iran deal aids Aleppo massacre ... Syria's government depends on Iran and the militias it funds because it cannot win the civil war on its own. This is why the siege of Aleppo has dragged on for four years, putting the civilian population through unending hell. Bashar Assad, the country's tyrant, is incapable of crushing opposition groups 17.10.2016
Landis later wished for Iran, the main Shiite power, to win in Syria: “One side has to win...[It’s] more or less a done deal that Russia and Iran are closing this out...Allow it to happen.” Landis also stated, “The United States has been destroying Sunni rebels” in Iraq, while “Russia has been doing the same in Syria,” as if the ISIS insurgents America targets in Iraq can be equated with the civilian hospitals and residential neighborhoods that have borne the brunt of Russia’s air assault in Syria. ... Landis has family ties to high-ranking generals inside the Assad regime, as well as some regime personnel who were killed early in the conflict. Perhaps it’s because he genuinely believes that Shiites are a priori better than Sunnis. 19.10.2016
HOAX A New Revelation from [disinfo agent] Sibel Edmonds: "Turkey's Never-Admitted-to Nuclear Capabilities" 21.10.2016 No, the U.S. Is Not Moving Its Nukes From Turkey to Romania 19.08.2016 America’s Nukes Aren’t Safe in Turkey Anymore ... Jeffrey Lewis, a nuclear proliferation expert at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, asked rhetorically, “Does it seem like a good idea to station American nuclear weapons at an air base commanded by someone who may have just helped bomb his own country’s parliament?” 18.07.2016 Overblown Rhetoric Exaggerates Proliferation Risks of Japan-Turkey Nuclear Cooperation 15.01.2014 Şahin Alpay, Zaman: Amaç nükleer bomba yapabilmek 14.01.2014 (Zaman, Türkiye'yi Dünyaya Şikayet Etti) HOAX Hans Rühle, Die Welt: Arbeitet die Türkei heimlich an der Atombombe? 22.09.2014 Udo Ulfkotte: Bundesnachrichtendienst: Türkei arbeitet heimlich an Atomwaffen. 24.06.2015 Ulfkotte: BND: Türkei arbeitet heimlich an Atomwaffen 12.03.2013 "Nuclear Threat Initiative": Western States Concerned by Turkey's Plan to Build Satellite Launcher 30.07.2013
The new-look "Axis of Resistance" 'In phone call, Netanyahu, Putin reaffirm commitment to mutual ties' 22-10-2016
The KKK, the American Nazi Party, and now the founder of Blackwater - truly Trump is endorsed by his equals... 'Blackwater Founder Erik Prince, Who Got Rich Off Of Iraq, Now Backs 'Anti-War' Donald Trump' Erik Prince––the notorious former head of Blackwater, a military contracting firm blamed for the killing of Iraqi civilians––is all aboard the Trump Train. 23.10.2016
put the names of several Gulf figures in the terrorist list for collecting donations to support the Syrian opposition factions ... not once in the last five years its forces targeted the regime positions ... Syrian opposition allies were prevented from supplying factions with anti-aircraft weapons, and Turkey was banned from the establishment of a safe zone in northern Syria ... supported the PYD and YPG gangs connected with the terrorist organization of PKK ... ethnic cleansing in the cities of Tel-Abiad and its suburbs and Manbij and its countryside ... given the green light to Russia to intervene in Syria and encouraged Russians ... peace agreement with Iran, which has been sending arms and soldiers on daily basis to kill the Syrian people. The US is offering air cover to Al-Hashd Al-Sha’abi militia that Iran created in Iraq which killed tens of thousands of Sunni Iraqi civilians in Fallujah and Ramadi 09.11.2016
Omar Sabbour: (...) articles condemning the Syrian revolutionaries and "US-backed regime-change" (note: the US has repeatedly declared since 2012 that they want to maintain the regime regardless of the position of Assad, and more recently supported Assad running for elections in 2017) in the same page as articles supporting "YPG heroes" ...
- US backs Egyptian regime - which is bad/pro-imperialism
- Egyptian regime backs Assad - which is good/anti-imperialism
- Hezbollah, Iran (good/anti-imperialist) backs the Egyptian regime (pro-Zionist/pro-imperialist)
- Egypt (imperialist puppet) backs PKK (good/anti-imperialist)
- Russia (anti-US/Western imperialism) backs Sisi (US puppet)
- Venezuela (good/anti-imperialist) backs the Egyptian government (bad/pro-imperialist)
- Hezbollah, Iran (good/anti-imperialist) backs Iraqi government (2003 invasion regime, still backed by US)
- US (bad/imperialist) backs YPG (good/leftist/anti-imperialist)
- Russia (anti-US/Western imperialism) backs YPG (backed by US)
- US (bad/imperialist) backs pro-Iran pro-Assad Iraqi militias (anti-imperialist) ...
Stop the War sunk so morally low that when the US bombed rebel factions repeatedly the year before and when civilians died from these bombings, they said nothing about it, because it contradicted the false narrative of "regime-change" they had for years been promoting. They were fake anti-imperialists, and ones who recycled the Islamophobia propaganda of the War on Terror in order to defend Assad. ... Lindsey German accused an Egyptian who said he was being shot at by the "Western-backed" Sisi regime, and who furthermore wasn't even asking for a "No-Fly Zone" but was actually accusing them of *ignoring* Western intervention in Syria, and a Syrian who came from a place where his family was being bombed by both the US and Assad and made clear that he did not want external intervention, of being "pro-imperialist".
Six important talking points about Aleppo ... Neither ISIS not AlNusra control East Aleppo, in fact the former has absolutely no presence in the city. ... The armed revolutionaries drove out ISIS from their city in 2014, whereas the government forces hardly ever engaged with ISIS ...
when somebody claims Russia bombs ISIS show them this ...
What is Russia bombing in Syria? Hint: Not ISIS. Wo und was bombt die russische Luftwaffe in #Syrien? Hinweis: Nicht ISIS!
Vorgestern wurden zwei im Gefecht gegen IS verletzte türkische Soldaten von IS-Terroristen verschleppt. Heute betreibt musterhaftes Propaganda für PKK/YPG: "Erdogan will IS Luft verschaffen", so ihr Zitat-Titel. Wie gesagt, unsere Medien und Politiker halten ihre Leser und Wähler wirklich für saudumme Menschen.... 02.12.2016
(+18) This is happening now in Aleppo. 150,000 people stuck in a tiny area being bombed and burned alive.
Torture in Aleppo
Torture in Syria
Civilians being executed in Aleppo by Shia militias
When did Jeanine Pirro start writing for Infowars, Sputnik/RT, Press TV, StormFront, GlobalResearch? Thought She was all FOX "News?" Pirro: "Why are you so obsessed with Russia?" she demanded of Obama, going to accuse him of sympathizing with radical Muslims instead of a Christian like Vladimir Putin. "I despise all dictators, but between the dictator that thinks I'm an infidel and [wants to] have our heads cut off and the dictator from whom I simply want to keep my distance... the choice is a no-brainer," she said. Pirro is the host of Fox News Channel's political commentary television program and Republican political candidate from the state of New York. 11.12.2016
What exactly is Fox News doing that is making Trump so happy?Fox is reading Putin’s statements nearly verbatim on the air ...There were two dangerous precedents established by Trump’s tweets. First, the president-elect is using the power of his position to criticize media outlets. Second, media outlets who report the truth about Russia are being criticized by name by Trump. 30.12.2016
Protest against Russia outside the Russian Embassy in Istanbul. #HalepteKatliamVar Taksim'de, Rusya Konsolosluğu önünde Halep protestosu.
it seems unlikely that Turkey would want to see the areas of liberated Syria close to its borders captured by Assad and his allies, given that the massive stream of people that would be displaced by such an attack would make their way to Turkey, putting even more pressure on the government. ... The Assad regime triumphed in Aleppo through the sheer ruthless power of Russia and Iran, but, beyond these imperialist forces, Assad lacks the necessary legitimacy to achieve some kind of total revanchist victory over the rebels. ... his regime controls approximately less than a third of Syria, but, even then, when people use the term "Assad regime" or, even more absurdly, "Syrian government", what exactly do they mean? They mean a rump state that relies almost entirely, whether financially or militarily, on foreign forces, namely Russia and Iran, to remain intact ... unlike the rebel forces, these Iranian proxies are not only foreign, but they're ultra-sectarian and thus hostile to the overwhelmingly Sunni Syrian population. Among the Syrian component of Assad's forces, you have a loose network of loyalist provincial Alawite death squads known as the "National Defence Forces", known for their gangsterism and unreliability in theatres of war outside of their communities. 13.12.2016
Expulsion of the people of Aleppo
Expelled children: We will come back and liberate Aleppo
Shia militias opening fire on Syrian civilians who are being expelled from Aleppo. This is the scene from inside haleb today. The Russians told the people to come to the exit point and then the Syrian regime forces opened fire. Thousands of men, women and children being humiliated and even killed.
It seems pretty obvious that these are three different children, with quite different facial features. We can also clearly see throughout the footage that, despite some superficial similarities in the girls’ outfits, they are not wearing the same clothes. ... The idea that victims of mass tragedies are "recycled" is a common theme among conspiracy theorists, but there are international reports and footage of the Al Quds Hospital attack. 20.12.2016
The picture of Assad (democractically elected of course) on the wall, the gilded rooms and the Chief Rabbi oops Mufti, tell us exactly what a lie the claim of these ladies being independent or in any way unbiased really is. These ladies, Vanessa Beeley and Eva Bartlett are promoting pro Assad/pro Russia propaganda.
Team Trump Is Backing Iran, a Regime They Supposedly Hate
Das Kabinett des 45. US-Präsidenten gleicht mit seinen Ex-Generälen und Wirtschaftsbossen eher einer Mischung aus südamerikanischer Militärjunta und der Führungsetage eines Wirtschaftskonzerns als den Kabinetten früherer Präsidenten. ... the combination of a President with a superficial understanding of war, prominent hawkish military advisors, a Secretary of State with oil-based conflicts of interest, and rampant anti-Muslim sentiments among Cabinet members comprises a deeply unsettling scene
Assad’s Shiite allies helped him win in Aleppo
Wieder einmal eine schwachsinnige Falschmeldung von RT: Ost-Aleppo: Offiziere der US-Koalition von syrischen Spezialeinheiten festgenommen 17.12.2016 (RT beruft sich auf Voltairenet, obwohl RT selber besser informiert sein müsste) Assad Regime and Supporters Spread the “14 Foreign Spies in Aleppo” Deception ... Unsurprisingly, there is no evidence of an Aleppo-based foreign spy such as a “David Scott Winner” or a “David Shlomo Aram”. 23.12.2016
Otobüsleri yakanların tiplerine bakın, dahası yaptıkları "zafer" işaretine bakın, "Cundul Aksa" üyesi miymiş bunlar?..
CFR-Magazin Foreign Policy: Merkel muss weg, rot-rot-grün muss her. The West Should Hope That Merkel Loses ... A so-called red-red-green coalition — comprising the Social Democratic Party (SPD), left-wing Die Linke, and the Greens — offers the best way forward for German democracy ... made that problem worse by leading people to assume that the deal with Turkey meant that Europe’s migration issues had been “solved.” ... increasingly illiberal Erdogan regime 21.12.2016
Schneesturm über Nordsyrien
What happened in Aleppo?
SOHR has claimed that Turkish air strikes in northern Syria have killed 88 civilians on Thursday. (22.12.2016) This is an unverified claim. SOHR is an untrustworthy news source: "relay what a British-based “monitoring group” provides, even if this is a mixture of social media chatter, rumors, regime propaganda, and sometimes facts from the ground. ... On many occasions, those “facts” have been wrong or distorted the situation on the ground. For example, SOHR minimized the number of deaths after the August 2013 chemical weapons attacks near Damascus. On other occasions, it has denied mass killings, despite abundant evidence to the contrary. And it has presented headline casualty figures — claiming to be of Syrian forces as well as rebels and civilians — with absolutely no verification.
There are some dedicated groups of citizen journalists and activists who — despite many of their members being killed, imprisoned, or kidnapped since 2011 — have tried to verify and disseminate news. Examples include the Local Coordination Committees, the Violations Documentation Center, the Aleppo Media Network, and the Syrian Network for Human Rights. It is these groups that the mainstream media should be noting, rather than trumpeting the declarations of the SOHR."
We have always been sceptical of the SOHR’s reliability and stopped citation of its claims in August 2013, after its mis-reporting on the initial aftermath of the Assad regime’s chemical attacks near Damascus. ... The regime and its Russian ally have often used the presence of Jabhat Fatah al-Sham (formerly affiliated to Al Qa’eda and known as Jabhat al-Nusra) in a certain area as a pretext to break ceasefires and bomb civilian areas. 05.01.2016
Ein Paradebeispiel dafür, daß sich die russsische/assadsche verschwörungsideologische Querfrontpropaganda - trotz vorgeblicher "Freundschaft" - noch immer auch gegen die Türkei richtet und sich dabei geschickt westlicher Ängste vor islamistischem Extremismus bedient (Sputnik schreibt: Twitter-Mädchen Bana: Erst posiert ihr Vater mit Terroristen, dann mit Erdogan 23.12.2016)
The horrible suffering of the people displaced by Assad and Russia and Shia gangs in Syria, "al-Faruq camp" Brive Latakia with continued snowfall. #Syria 26.12.2016
More Turkish army ACV-15s are on the way to #Al_Bab. 26.12.2016
Während Türkei alles daran setzt die syrische Stadt Al-Bab von der brutalen IS zu befreien kündigen die "westlichen Verbündeten" an, dass sie die Raqqa-Operation gegen den IS abgeblasen haben. Infolge der Ankündigung verstärkt nun der IS seine Terrortruppen in Al-Bab. Assad und seine "östlichen Verbündeten" indes lassen den IS einfach ohne Gegenwehr in Palmyra einmarschieren. Nimmt man noch die fehlende Unterstützung durch die "Anti-IS-Allianz" bei der Offensive in Al-Bab hinzu, kann man nur traurig beobachten, von wem und gegen wen aktuell der IS strategisch unterstützt wird.... 26.12.2016
Syrian regime forces and foreign terrorist groups supporting Bashar al-Assad have violated the nationwide cease-fire, opposition forces claimed on Saturday. According to information gathered from sources at opposition front-line positions, since the truce came into force on Friday at midnight local time, the Syrian military and foreign pro-regime terrorist groups attacked 33 different locations. 31.12.2016
Assad’s ceasefire violations intensified in Barada Valley 02.01.2016
This is about the whole Assadist theory that the war is about a 'US backed' Saudi Qatari pipeline shot down by Assad. Not only did the pipeline proposal not exist, or that Saudi had itself vetoed a Qatari pipeline through its territory to the UAE at the same time, or that the Gulf states were the biggest foreign investers in Syria, but the alternative pipeline in the theory would've run *through US occupied Iraq* (it's literally insane).
Not only that, but amazingly, there was actually a genuine pipeline project called the 'Euro–Arab Mashreq gas project' which would've connected Europe, Syria, Egypt and Israel.It was approved by the regime. It was brought to my attention by Maryam Al-Mohammed, who had first hand accounts of the pipeline's construction being from an area (the Golan) which the state planned to build the pipeline through. 12.2017
Eine Theorie zum Krieg in Syrien lautet, Assad habe eine Gaspipeline von Katar über Syrien in die Türkei abgelehnt – und deshalb hätten die USA und ihre Verbündeten beschlossen, Assad zu stürzen. Die Theorie ist sehr populär, aber falsch. 02.01.2017
The 'Pipelineistan' conspiracy: The war in Syria has never been about gas 05.2017
This time a car-bomb went off near a courthouse in the Aegean province of Izmir, the stronghold of the Turkish left. A police officer bravely clashed with two of the three attackers and killed one at the scene. The officer got killed but he also prevented a possible massacre by killing the terrorist, who possessed various weapons in the bag he carried. ...
The attack at Reina was the follow up of twin suicide bombings in Istanbul’s Beşiktaş on Dec. 10 and the car-bomb attack in Anatolian province of Kayseri on Dec. 17. A total of 60 people were killed in these attacks and they were both perpetrated by the PKK. ...
According to figures released by Turkish officials, the government prevented hundreds of terrorist attacks in 2016: 313 by the PKK, 22 by ISIS and four attacks by radical leftist groups. Furthermore, a total of 247 explosives were seized along with 61 bomb-laden vehicles. Also, 23 suspected suicide bombers were captured during 5,826 anti-terror operations in the past year. ...
The Assad regime, which was covertly letting extreme leftist Turkish terror groups do its dirty jobs in Turkey, is now openly confessing their already known activities. The Assad regime has infiltrated the Islamic State group and is fully aware of the intricacies behind terrorist attacks taking place in Turkey, an Assad said. Khaled Abboud, the Secretary of the Assad regime’s Parliament, spoke on a TV channel earlier this week, and said the regime infiltrated ISIS and is fully aware of the intricacies behind terrorist attacks taking place in Turkey. ... 06.01.2017
Vereinzelt wurden bereits die ersten Meldungen über den Anschlag in der Silvesternacht verknüpft mit Feststellungen, die Türkei sei selbst schuld am Zuwachs an terroristischer Gewalt und habe die aktuellen Opfer zumindest indirekt mitverschuldet. Begründung: Das türkische militärische Eingreifen in Syrien.
Man stelle sich vor, nach einem Anschlag in Deutschland oder Frankreich wäre die erste Reaktion von journalistischer Seite gewesen, in aller Öffentlichkeit zu überlegen, ob die europäischen Regierungen diese selbst heraufprovoziert hätten – je nach Blickwinkel entweder aufgrund von Militärinterventionen im Ausland oder aufgrund von Nichteinmischung.
ISIS attacked Azaz which is controlled by Turkish backed free Syrians. Almost 60 people lost their lives. DEAŞ,Türkiye destekli muhaliflerin bölgesi Azezde bombalı araç saldırısı yaptı.60'a yakın insan hayatını kaybetti. 07.01.2017
178 violations by #Assad regime, allies in first week of ceasefire 07.01.2017
Airstrikes resumed Sunday in a rebel-held valley near Damascus containing the Syrian capital's main water supply, a day after insurgents and the regime failed to agree a plan to repair the springs knocked out of service two weeks ago. The regime and allied fighters from the Lebanese group Hezbollat launched an offensive two weeks ago to take back Wadi Barada, a mountainous valley overlooked by pro-government military positions where springs provided water to four million people in the capital. 08.01.2017
John Kerry: Russia, Iran, Assad and Hezbollat saved Syria from ISIS and Nusra 06.01.2017
Who's killing people in Syria?
SCD statement about the video published by a Russian news agency in which appears a detainee SCD volunteer
Detached from reality, the Geo-Stalinist anti-Imperialist Left will deny any evil inflicted by Assad and his allies on the Syrian people. When acknowledged, the evil will be justified as a collateral damage or a necessary step in the name of security and counterterrorism. ... Partially detached from reality, dovish Zionism will acknowledge many evils inflicted by Israel on the Palestinian people, but they will all be rationalized in the name of the lesser evil, that is, the preservation of the Zionist regime and its allegedly more progressive cause (a modern, secular, supportive of minorities regime). ... Partially detached from reality, dovish left denialists will acknowledge many evils inflicted by Assad and his allies on the Syrian people, but they all will be rationalized in the name of the lesser evil, that is, the preservation of the Assad regime and its allegedly more progressive cause (a modern, secular, supportive of minorities regime).
In 11 days Assad regime violates truce 399 times 11.01.2017
In that respect, Trump is no different from Dubya, who destroyed Iraq completely and handed it over to Iran’s mullahs on a golden platter, beginning a sectarian bloodbath that gave birth to Daesh, ironically now Washington’s number one threat. ... The West, led by the United States and now joined by a resurgent Russia, engineer the circumstances that lead to extremism by pillaging resources, supporting savage dictators, bombing civilians relentlessly and clamping down on any free expression of ideas if it does not match their conception of the “democratic dogma”. They then bomb the region again, seemingly surprised at what their own actions have wrought. 20.01.2017
Spiegel: In Deutschland gilt Ahrar al-Scham als Terrororganisation - in Syrien kämpft sie an der Seite der türkischen Armee. Mit dabei: Panzer aus deutscher Produktion. 21.01.2017 Die Türkei stellt mittlerweile eigene Panzer her. Ahrar al-Sham ist -keine- terroristische Vereinigung gemäß § 129 des StGB. Sie töten keine Zivilisten und begehen keine Terroranschläge. Die Regime in Syrien und Irak töten gezielt Zivilisten. Es sollte untersucht werden, ob die Personen im Staatsdienst, die Ahrar als Terrororganisation eingestuft haben, einem Kreml- oder Neocon-Netzwerk angehören.
"Pro-palestinian" (taqiyya) journalists Max Blumenthal & Rania Khalek cheer for Tulsi Gabbard because she met assad & praised the genocide of the syrian people, even if she 's a rabid zionist & even co-sponsored a congressional resolution criticizing Amnesty International for exposing Israeli atrocities against civilians in its 2014 blitzkrieg in Gaza. Tulsi Gabbard-sponsored resolution claimed that Israel "focused on terrorist targets" and "goes to extraordinary lengths to target only terrorist actors.
Blumenthal: None of @TulsiGabbard's critics can refute her claim about the absence of "moderate" Syrian rebels. The American public has no real means of determining who or what the CIA is funding in Syria. Proxy wars are shrouded in secrecy by design. Refutation: Blumenthal and Gabbard support Shiite extremists, Christian fundamentalists and Zionists. They all support torture, rape and the killing of civilians. Syrians don't support torture, rape and the killing of civilians. The US is funding the PYD and the SDF. The US doesn't fund anyone who is fighting against Assad. In the past, the US hast supported groups like SRF and Hazzm Movement, who had to fight against "jihadists". The US-backed Iraqi regime supports Assad. The US and NATO have said from the beginning that they don't want the fall of Assad. Just look at what Dempsey, Stoltenberg and Rasmussen said.
Tulsi Gabbard: Put yourself in Israel's shoes 02.03.2015 (also shared by the alt-right site Breitbart) Tulsi Gabbard at Christians United for Israel:
The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) documented 366 breaches committed by the al-Assad's forces and the Russian aviation of the ceasefire agreement in Syria in one month, since the 30th. December. 01.02.2017
Türkiye’deki köşe yazarları ve gazeteciler ne yazdı: “Batı teröristleri finanse ediyor, Arap Baharı Batı oyunudur” Bu, İran’ı perdelemek için uydurulmuş bir söylemdir. Çünkü İran, Afganistan’dan Yemen’e kadar planladığı Şii hilaline karşı, bölgedeki bütün muhalifleri bastırmaktadır
Tyrant responsible for 500,000+ deaths since 2011 keen to label refugees fleeing his genocide as terrorist. No wonder the world's fascists - and its media - love Assad. Syria’s Assad tells Yahoo News some refugees are ‘definitely’ terrorists 09.02.2017
Assad the great "anti-imperialist" dictator always did find Washington's 'War on Terror' a very useful excuse... Assad Says US Troops Welcome in Syria to Fight 'Terrorism' 10.02.2017
WATCH: @seanhannity relies on Bashar Al Assad's judgment to determine who is + isn't a terrorist. Straight out of Assad's propaganda book.
Trump and Assad branding critical reporting as "fake news," manufactures skepticism and blurs the line between their propaganda and real journalism ... The discourse of fake news has been a central tenet of the Syrian regime's propaganda 15.02.2017
The US and Russia have bombed the (ISIS-free) rebel-held province of Idlib together. And the US has used depleted uranium in the attacks. This has been quietly happening for the past three years, whilst media coverage speak of a fictitious "conflict" between the US and Russia - both of whom have exclusively targeted Assad's enemies - in Syria. 15.02.2017
The evidence suggests that the BBC’s reporting on the Syrian conflict is biased ... Of the 309 articles that we analysed, 61 reported specific attacks or crimes; 38 of these were committed by the Assad regime and/or its Russian allies. However, the BBC identified Assad/Russia as the perpetrators in only 4 of these article headlines (just 11 per cent of the time). ... Also shocking was our examination of the eight articles which specifically cited Assad’s name within the headlines. His name was never connected to any attacks or criminal activity, but rather, in some of these headlines, he was depicted as a benevolent figure (e.g. Syria war: Assad officials offer Aleppo rebels football match) or as a “victim” of Western “imperialism” (e.g. Assad: Coalition attack on Syria troops ‘intentional’). 22.02.2016
Since the beginning of the revolution, thousands of lies have been spread all around the globe regarding the real motives behind revolting against a criminal regime. 07.03.2017
Battles Between Syrian Opposition and [US-backed] SDF Northern Aleppo ... US Sponsors YPG Militia of #Manbej 02.03.2017
Despite this fact dozens of other news agencies will recirculate the original misleading headline, with the SDF mistakenly labelled a “rebel faction” despite declaredly not being part of the Syrian rebellion. Today, this false reporting comes to a head. For here are the constantly cited “US-backed “rebels”” giving up the city of Manbij to the Assad regime, to avoid it falling to the real “rebels” of the Free Syrian Army. The US-backed and counter-revolutionary so-called “Syrian Democratic Forces” would rather the genocidal, dictatorial Assad take power than the democratic revolutionaries of the Arab Spring. The “rebel” factions that the US has directly supported in Syria have always been those that do not fight Assad – in other words rebels that don’t rebel. 03.03.2017
Dscharabulus: Die Vertriebenen aus Manbidsdch demonstrieren für die Befreiung ihrer Stadt
Die Terrororganisation PKK/PYD hat in Manbidsch nichts verloren
İkinci Dünya Savaşı'ndan bu yana çekişen iki büyük güç ABD ve Rusya, Menbic'te Türkiye'ye karşı işbirliği yaptı.
Russen, Amerikaner, ausländische Schiitensöldner und assadsche Söldner wollen Schutzschild- Euphrat daran hindern, Manbidsch zu befreien
ABD'nin Cumhuriyetçi Senatörü John McCain, Türkiye'deki darbecilere destek veren ve PYD'ye yönelik ziyaretleri eleştiri konusu olan ABD Merkez Kuvvetler Komutanı (CENTCOM) Joseph Votel'i sert dille eleştirdi. ... McCain, PYD/PKK'yı kastederek, “Kürtlerin endişelerinden dolayı tamamen yanlış bir şekilde kendimizi Türklere karşı Ruslarla işbirliği yapmak gibi tuhaf bir duruma soktuk.” dedi. ... Bölgedeki diğer Kürtler de PYD'nin ideolojisini kabul etmiyor 09.03.2017
Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri tarafından desteklenen Özgür Suriye Ordusu (ÖSO) El-Bab'ın doğusunda bulunan Battuşiye köyünde kontrolü sağladı. Operasyonda iki rejim askeri de esir alındı. ... TSK Topçu Birlikleri Menbiç'te Esad ve YPG Güçlerini Vurdu
Hundreds of civilians have been killed in suspected US-led coalition strikes this month 26.03.2017
Mit Putin hat er einen Schweigepakt geschlossen: Wenn Israel Hisbollah angriff, gaben die Russen keinen Laut von sich. Wenn die Russen bei ihren Kampfflügen israelischen Luftraum verletzten, schwiegen die Israelis. ... sei man sich einig: Russland wolle Stabilität und keine Muslimbrüder in Ägypten. Ganz wie Israel, sagt der General. 30.03.2017
(Fake news: They never wanted to do that) 'U.S. priority on Syria no longer focused on 'getting Assad out': Haley' 30-03-2017: 'The United States is no longer making removing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad from power a focus of its policy in the war-torn country, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations said on Thursday, in a departure from the Obama administration's initial stance on Assad's fate.
Israel's history of protecting al-Assad ... In 2011, Israel -- and most of its friends in Washington -- took a firm stance against the “Arab Spring” uprisings that were roiling the region at the time and openly supported former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. 03.04.2017
Did the Daily Mail Delete a Story Reporting the U.S. Planned to Blame Assad for ‘False Flag’ Chemical Attacks? ... But Truth Theory and other sites that re-posted the old Daily Mail story failed to note that the article wasn’t deleted due to pressure from an evil globalist cabal, but instead was taken down because the publication admitted it was untrue. The Daily Mail apologized to officials of Britam Defence and paid damages for libel after admitting the “leaked e-mails” were actually forged by a hacker. 04.2017
So far signals from Pentagon officials (who essentially warned Assad indirectly via the Russians before the attack) also seem to suggest that this is a specific, limited, *symbolic* response against the chemical weapon (questionable whether that includes chlorine) usage. A few days ago after the Sarin attack the US ambassador to the UN said that Assad was awful but the US "needed him" ... US has supported Assad so effectively over the years - blockading decisive qualitiative and quantiative weaponry to the rebel forces, sharing intelligence (with Assad's own boasting admission), bombing Assad's enemies and supporting regional proxies that have militarily supported Assad - has been the policy of plausible deniability - precisely being able to support the regime by taking the simultaneous distractive cover of (rhetorically) distancing itself from it. ... Syria solidarity groups ... should be arguing in fact for the ending of US intervention in Syria, including the cessation of military strikes (which have come 99.9% of the time against Assad's opponents), ending the US interference and blockade on defensive (including anti-aircraft weaponry) weaponry, ending restrictions on ammunition, stopping the support of Assad's military allies (Iraqi Army militias/brigades, Egypt) and collaborators (Lebanese state, YPG/SDF) and ending all intelligence-sharing with the regime.
The focus should be on demanding Western governments to freeze any military support to Iraq, Egypt and Lebanon until respectively a) the full withdrawal of Iraqi Army militias fighting for Assad in Syria, b) the cessation of Egyptian military aid to the Assad regime and c) the full withdrawal of Hezbollah to Lebanon. The Iraqi militias and Hezbollah combined are effectively what constitutes Assad's army and even without the former (who unlike Hezbollah, receive direct US military support) this would be a massive dent to Assad's capabilities. The focus should finally be on telling the US and UK to cease any military operations in coordination with the Assad regime, remove their aircraft from the same airspace with it - whether the target is ISIS or anyone else - and finally end any intelligence sharing between Western security agencies and the Assad regime.
No, US bombing of Syria did not begin today, it began in September 2014, 2.5 years ago. Some 8000 air strikes. Thousands of civilians have been killed, including hundreds just in recent weeks in some horrific strikes, like the Idlib mosque and the Raqqa school. Noone has ever protested. No "anti"-war movement protested. No "anti"-imperialists protested. Just this week three prominent US leaders made the policy clear that Assad should stay (already unofficial policy for years). Then Assad goes and blows it by throwing sarin in their faces! What an idiot. I guess he was testing the waters. The US had no choice but to respond in some way for the sake of its alleged ... "credibility." But can I ask, from our point of view, what is the big deal? Why are 8000 strikes on opponents of Assad (and not only ISIS), killing thousands of civilians, not "intervention," yet just when you get one strike against the biggest terrorist in Syria, after it slaughters 100 children with chemical weapons, only that is intervention, that is supposedly something more significant, that is something we should protest. 04.2017
Almost 100% of 7,889 airstrikes carried out by the US airforce in conjunction with Assad's have been against the regime's opponents, including most recently killing in the process 15 civilians in Raqqa this week, and 80 in a massacre against a Aleppo mosque and Raqqa school. It is literally surreal, surreal, SURREEEEAL that a symbolic strike that literally did not even destroy its target (nor had it aimed to according to the US military) has grabbed more attention than years encompassing thousands of airstrikes carried out between the US and regime. The basic reality that a) no government in history has deployed an airforce inside its borders for as long as the Assad regime before b) being ACTIVELY JOINED by the US airforce in 2014 is so completely unknown because of our failure to convey these facts. ... Until there is a bravery by those who support the revolution - individuals and media outlets - to explicitly declare US policy over the years as pro-Assad with no ifs or buts, no bullshit about US "inaction", "uncertainty" or whatever crap, drop any fucking reverse campism of relegating the US role to Russia's AND condemn those "allies" that we have on other issues, then what most revolution supporters have seen on their newsfeeds amounting to an absolute nightmare will continue.
Alraşidin katliamı Esed izlerini taşıyor ... “Saldırı İdlib’in Fua ve kefraye’den tahliye olan Şii milislere yönelik, muhalifler yaptı” algısı oluşturmak için planlandığı , Ölenler arasında tahliye edilenleri koryan 20 mücahidin de olduğu bildirildi. Muhalif birliklerin Esed askerlerin kendi arlarında telsiz konuşmalarında 15 yada 20 arabaının patlayacağı söyleniyor.
How Britain’s former Syria ambassador appeared on BBC to defend Assad... after quietly taking a job with dictator’s father-in-law 22.04.2017
Ruth Riegler I still remember Jeremy Bowen's interview with Assad, if he'd got his nose any further up Bashar's backside he could have brushed his teeth from inside. Then there was Lyse Doucett, also of the BBC, who went to see a village that had been attacked by regime thugs (in 2012-13, can't remember but around then), they'd slaughtered whole families, she went to interview survivors the next day With A Regime Escort- i.e. guarded by some of the perpetrators - and of course the survivors told her it was "terrorists" etc, knowing the scripts they needed to follow so the rest wouldn't be killed after she left. She said later that she "hadn't known", but I call BS on that.
Erdogan: No solution in Syria while Assad remains in power 26.04.2017
While the US continues throwing all its military might behind Assad's "anti-imperialist" PKK allies as it has for 3 years, the regime, Russia and Western "anti-interventionists" remain deathly silent... Turkey on a 'Collision Course' With the U.S. After Striking the Syrian Arm of the PKK 27.04.2017
While the US protects Assad from Turkey, and Iran and its proxies protect him on the Lebanese border, miraculously there's a deal. It's almost like the superpowers have been working together to save the regime - just like Syrians said all along...
Russia set to cooperate on Syria: agencies 29.04.2017
So, the US, which has thousands of troops and two airbases in north Syria to defend Assad from Turkey, "really really opposes Assad and Iran"...? Ri-ight... that's 100% plausible... ;)
'Syrian Army, Hezbollah take control of the entire Syrian-Lebanese border'
29-04-2017: 'For the first time since 2011, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and Hezbollah are in control of the entire Syrian-Lebanese border.
Deafening silence from Assad, Putin and their "anti-imperialist" fan club ... as with the USA's massive military presence in 'Rojava' since 2014 in support of Assad's YPG allies, this US intervention is apparently a-okay.
'US troops deploy along Syria-Turkish border, report' 29.04.2017
'Turkey on a 'Collision Course' With the U.S. After Striking Kurdish Militias'
28-04-2017: '...U.S. support for the YPG has raised tensions with Turkey for over two years. The YPG are closely linked to another organization, the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), a revolutionary armed group that has waged a decades long struggle for autonomy in the name of Turkey’s Kurdish minority.
The Pope, currently a guest of Assad's ally and fellow tyrant Sisi, is strangely modest about his support for genocide. But of course, as with Obama, if it's "accidental", then apparently it's magically okay...
'Papal diplomacy in Syria has helped Russia and Assad'
'...Neither pope nor president [Obama] regarded their efforts in Syria as a massive failure at the time, but Putin certainly regarded it as a major victory. He immediately began to flex Moscow’s muscles in Ukraine, directing his ally there to abandon a proposed agreement with the European Union in favor of an alliance with Russia and Belarus.
Totalitarianism toady Noam Chomsky is treated with the scathing contempt he richly deserves.
'Noam Chomsky on Democracy Now says Assad now best for Syria' 29.04.2017
The US coalition is far too busy defending Assad and his YPG allies to defend mere hospitals, children, etc.
'Russia, Syrian regime stepping up attacks on Idlib hospitals'
Verweigerer aus Syrien erhalten kein Asyl, dafür Putschisten aus der Türkei 05.2017
Lebenslange Haft, weil er gegen Assad gekämpft hat 05.2017
Astana failed
How would the West respond if most Syrian rebels were Christians? 05.2017
Chomsky and the Syria revisionists: Regime whitewashing 05.2017
Is Tariq Ramadan whitewashing Iranian brutality in Syria? 05.2017
Eski İsrail Genelkurmay Başkanı Halutz, kendileri için Suriye'de en doğru çözümün Esed rejiminin iktidarda kalarak "terör gruplarının işini bitirmesi" olduğunu söyledi. 05.2017
#Iran and #Israel big winners as Arabs fight, #ArabLeague chief warns 05.2017
The Neo-Nazi Peaceniks: For reactionaries, “anti-war” is a branding campaign for white nationalism 05.2017
Iran vows Saudi destruction, leaving only holy cities untouched 05.2017
Essentially the group was a continuation of the Pentagon's Division 30 program which attempted and failed to create "sahwas" (i.e. exclusively anti-ISIS Arab Sunni groups) in rebel-held North West Syria. The group also coordinated with the Assad-allied Iraqi government against ISIS. It was kicked out of its parent rebel coalition, the Authenticity and Development Front (which is officially separate from the FSA but is FSA-linked), a few months ago. So despite coverage which will inevitably call it an "anti-Assad rebel group", in reality they are "anti-Assad rebels" in the same practical way as the SDF. 05.2017
Hasnain Kazim lobt die Mullahs, Rouhani wird von der Presse gelobt 05.2017
Organ ticareti: Türkiye'yi organ ticareti ile yaftalamak isteyen PKK'lı hesaplara geçtiğimiz günlerde şahit olduk. … Rejimin organ ticaretinde ortağı Hizbullah ve İran'dır. Rejimde organ ticaretini yapan örgütün başında Şam'daki 601. Askeri hastanenin başhekimi olan Mazen Esed bulunmaktadır.
Mazen Esed aynı zamanda Beşşar Esed'in kuzenidir.
Mazen Esed'in organ ticaretindeki yardımcıları ise yine Şam'da bulunan Müctehid Hastanesinin Başhekimi Edip el-Mahmud, Ammar Süleyman ve Ahmed el-Humsiye'dir. Mazen Esed ortakları olan Rus mafyası, İranlı subaylar, Hizbullah ve Kuzey Kore'li tacirler aracılığıyla gözü 25 bin dolara, kalbi 20 bin dolara, böbreği 15 bin dolara ve diğer organları ise 10 bin dolara sattığı iddia edildi.
Antiwar Coalitions Silent, as Russia and the United States Agree to Resume Coordinated Strikes in Syria 05.2017
The Damascus suburbs of Wadi (Valley) Barada, home to the biblical river of Barada, has been under a brutal regime offensive led by Hezbollah ground forces and backed by regime firepower since the 22nd of December 2016. According to local activists and the Wadi Barada Media Centre, more than 100 civilians have been killed since the start of the regime campaign and [ ] wounded. 05.2017
More than 100 civilians have been reported killed in Deir ez-Zoor after US-led international coalition, Russian and Assad warplanes intensified their attacks on the civilian-populated part of the province 05.2017
Searching for Syria essentially treats the war, the refugee crisis, and the destruction of entire towns and cities like the consequence of some sort of natural disaster—a tsunami or hurricane—instead of the calculated efforts of the Assad regime and numerous foreign powers. Even when mentioning the victims, the project treats them as having almost no views about those who are oppressing them. 06.2017
İran yanlısı Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri (BAE)'nin İsrail-ABD ve FETÖyle kirli ilişkileri böyle deşifre oldu.. Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri (BAE) Washington büyükelçisi Yusuf el-Uteybe'ye ait olan ve bazı hacker gruplar tarafından yayınlanan e-postalar, Büyükelçinin İsrail yanlısı Demokrasiyi Savunma Vakfı (FDD) ile yakın ilişki içinde olduğunu ve Türkiye ile Katar’a karşı ortak politikalar geliştirmeye çalıştıklarını gösterdi. 06.2017
#Daraa - Assad und Putin bombardierten heute erneut die sogenannte "De-Eskalations Zone". 05.2017
Yaalon: We have to support dictators in Muslim countries. Ya’alon also attacked the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, claiming that he “leads the Muslim Brotherhood in the Middle East and is seeking to launch a new Ottoman empire. He is supporting Islamists everywhere.” 06.2017
Tel Aviv is hardly likely to be traumatised at slaughter and dispossession of Arabs and the crushing of Arab freedom, with the 'War on Terror' providing a handy pretext for all the regional and global power to maintain the status quo... 'Assad’s Survival Is in Israel’s Best Interest' 10-06-2017: '...In Syrian and Lebanese circles, an old adage – “A lion [Assad in Arabic] in Lebanon, but a rabbit in the Golan” – has been applied to the Assad dynasty for years. The Assads have carried the banner of all-out war with Israel since the 1970s, but that war has never materialized. ... Syria is no longer able to function as a sovereign state, and this is bad for Israel. With all the regret over the loss of and disrespect for human life, and the aversion to the massacre Bashar Assad is carrying out on his people, a strong Syrian president with firm control over the state is a vital interest for Israel. Given the Islamist alternatives to his rule, Syria’s neighbors, including Israel, may well come to miss him 05.2017
Assad-allied Lebanon, whose forces routinely help Assad's alongside Hezbollah, is already the fifth-largest recipient of US military aid globally.
'US Pledges Continuous Support to Lebanese Army'
ABD Başkan adayı Trumpa seçim kampanyası sırasında soruyorlar, "ABD'nin 20 trilyon dolara yakın borcunu nasıl ödeyeceksin? Trump'da KÖRFEZ ÜLKELERİNE ÖDETECEĞİM diyor. Yoksa hiç birini ayakta bırakmayız diyor...
Enver Sedat Çakır Die Neocons stören sich am Support Katars für die Muslimbrüder, die sie als Terrororganisation betrachten. In folgendem Dokument, das Nabi Yücel geteilt hatte, kann man es ab Seite 11 nachlesen. Interessant sind auch die Stellen, in denen die Sprache auf die Türkei kommt (Seite 7): "Diskussion über mögliche US-/UAE-Strategiereaktionen, um ein besseres türkisches Verhalten zu ERZWINGEN/HERBEIZUFÜHREN - politische, wirtschaftliche und Sicherheitsmaßnahmen"
ABD Savunma Bakanlığı Pentagon'un eski yetkilisi Michael Rubin 2 ay önce diyor ki : "Ey Erdoğan KATAR'dan sana para gelmezse, ne yapacaksın? Senin için yolun sonu geldi" diyor. Kısacası yakında Katar'ı halledeceğiz, bakalım o zaman ne yapacaksın? Ve bu yazdıklarının üzerinden 2 ay geçmeden Katar'a operayon yapılıyor…
Katar'a yönelik girişim aslında Türkiye'yi çevreleme politikasıdır. Rakka operasyonuyla da yakından ilgilidir.
Yemen'de Husilerin önünü açan ABD hem Suud'a silah sattı, hem Şia'yı desteklemiş oldu (azınlığı desteklemek mantıklı) hem ittifakı dağıttı.
Suudi Arabistan Yemen derdiyle uğraşırken, tıpkı Türkiye'nin darbe ve PKK belasıyla uğraşmasında olduğu gibi Suriye'den odağını çekti.
2015 sonunda Rusya ve İran Suudi Arabistan'a resmen şantaj yapar hale geldiler. Yemen'e karşılık Suriye. Suud felce uğradı Suriyeyi bıraktı
Suudi Arabistan ayrıca Lübnan ve Irak'ta da diş gösteriyor, İran içinde Kürt PDKİ'yi destekliyordu. Eli oldukça zayıf ama şimdilerde.
Türkiye'yi darbe ve PKK:'ya destekle dize getirmeye çalıştılar. Çözüm sürecini baltalayan PKK'nın ve Sol (sol medya) ipini tutan Batıy'dı.
Trump yönetimi defalarca Ortadoğu'da İhvan'ı istemediğini açıkladı. AK Parti'yi de İhvan kategorisinde değerlendirip, operasyon çekiyorlar
Trump ve danışmanları defalarca İhvan karşıtı açıklama yaptı ve hatta terör örgütleri listesine alma planları gündeme geldi. Bunlar önemli. …
Türkiye ilk defa bir Arap ülkesinde askeri üs açtı. Katar ile ilişkileri son derece yüksek seviyede. Pek çok siyaseti uyuşuyor.
Katar ABD ve AB ülkelerine karşı cesur eleştiriler yapabilen nadir ülkelerden. Suud ve BAE'yi 15 Temmuz darbesine destek vermekle suçlamıştı.
Dolayısıyla güçleri dünyayı değiştirmeye yetmese bile küresel Haçlı-Siyonist-Şii ittifakı kendilerini eleştiren ülkeleri bile hedef alıyor. 06.2017
Katar’a yönelik tehdidin ayak sesleri ilk olarak Suriye’de duyuldu. 15 Temmuz’un uluslararası ayağını yöneten Muhammed Dahlan ve ekibi, önce muhalifleri Türkiye-Katar ekseninden koparmak istedi.
A prominent Syrian dissident has been told he cannot get political asylum in the United States because he organized a conference with Syrian opposition groups 06.2017
[Sonunda bebek katilleri birbirine girdi galiba.] Engin Terzi: Abd ile Pkk Rakka'yı kolayca almanın planlarını yaparken Rusya ile Esed batıdan onlara saldırmaya başladı. Dün Abd bir Suriye Jetini düşürdü ve Rusya bundan sonra Esed'e yapılacak hava saldırılarına karşı füze sistemlerini aktif hale getireceğini açıkladı. Abd ile Rusya, Esed ile Pkk an itibariyle açıkça birbirlerine düştüler. Biz ise planlarımız ve hazırda bekleyen güçlerimizle doğru zamanı beklemekteyiz. 06.2017
Macron: "I haven't said the deposing of Bashar al-Assad is a prerequisite for everything," he said. "Because no one has introduced me to his legitimate successor!" ... monopoly on violence in Syria is held by the regime and its allies, Russia, Iran, and Hezbollah. Together, they are responsible for over 90 percent of all civilian deaths. ... France has never confronted Assad; and only under Trump has the US tackled the regime in five rare instances, the most significant being the cruise missile strike on the Shayrat airbase after the sarin attack on Khan Sheikhoun. 06.2017
All the rumours and images about Idlib are fake, which do not express the truth. Turkey will not enter Idlib in the short term. There is no preparation for enter. There is no military reinforcement to Hatay. The Turkish Army has not located anywhere in Idlib (Barakat Hill etc.). These rumours were made up by dissidents.
Turkey’s entry into Idlib will be evaluated after the possible Afrin operation. Even so, all decisions about Idlib operation will wait the result of Astana meeting. There is no agreement on Idlib between Russia and Turkey in Astana, yet. 06.2017
America's top diplomat Tillerson reportedly told the UN secretary general that the fate of Bashar al-Assad is now in the hands of Russia - signalling a US realisation that it has little influence, or no desire, to determine the future of Syria. 07.2017
In the five or six years since, bots and trolls, probably funded by the Russian, Syrian and Iranian regimes have used chatrooms, comments sections and youtube channels (in conjunction with state sponsored media outlets) to derail, overwhelm, intimidate and otherwise compromise attempts at good faith debate. 07.2017
The Iranian-Emirati Love-In
05-07-2017: The leaders of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are the Tehran regime's most useful allies in the Middle East, though neither will openly admit it.
In Egypt, the UAE backed the 2013 coup against the democratic government led by Mohammed Morsi after Morsi declared that he would send forces to fight against Iranian militants in Syria.
In Turkey, the UAE also backed the (thankfully unsuccessful) 2016 coup against the elected president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, after he militarily backed the war against Iranian militants in Syria.
In Qatar, the UAE organised an economic blockade to prevent Qatar from providing aid to those fighting Iranian militants in Syria and Yemen.
In Syria, the UAE is providing the Assadist YPG terror group with air strikes that basically destroy Syrian towns, which the YPG then uses for helping Iran lay siege to other towns.
In Yemen, the UAE is extremely dishonest. It originally helped bring the Iranian-aligned Houthis to power to crush the democratic government. However, a Saudi coalition backed the democratic government against the Houthis and at first the UAE claimed to join Saudi. In reality, however, the UAE turned out to be backing the southern secessionist movement who are providing the Iranian militants with a southern front to attack the democratic government. Saudi has sheepishly complained about this, but realizes it has no real power.
The UAE has it's fingers in a lot of pies and it's increasingly clear that its claim to stand against Iran is completely dishonest.
- Ali Sid
The UAE is 'employing' Blackwater to run its army 07.2017
Vanessa Beeley gets destroyed on Assad’s “anti-imperialism” – Assadists come to her defence and are rebutted 07.2017
Team Trump is introducing the beginnings of a new strategy for Syria—one that, in the short term at least:
• leaves dictator Bashar al-Assad in power;
• acquiesces to the idea of “safe zones” proposed by Russia and its allies;
• leans on cooperation from Moscow, including the use of Russian troops to patrol parts of the country. 07.2017
The Assad regime & its Russian partners have a systematic new brutal tactic that has been implemented across Syria over the last 6 months.
1. It starts with siege.
2. Then military escalation on the civilian populations & FSA forces, including the use of internationally banned weapons like phosphorus & cluster bombs. Casualties are high, many are wounded.
3. Hospitals are intentionally targeted so the wounded have no treatment.
4. No aid is allowed in. Suffering rises.
5. Truces are agreed then violated as the regime and Russia escalate militarily again.
6. Civilians & FSA forces face a desperate choice: face more suffering or leave their homes.
Daraya, Moademiyah, Khan aSheih, Aleppo, Qudsia, Wadi Barada.
Thousands have lost their homes.
This barbaric forced displacement tactic is against international law.
One is forced displacement of the entire population, which has occurred in areas such as Daraya and Zabadani. The other is the misleadingly named ‘comprehensive reconciliation’ – in reality, a combination of coercion and enticement aimed at replacing administrative bodies set up by the opposition with local authorities loyal to the regime. 07.2017
Religious right USA and Russia 07.2017
Trump and Putin want to leave Assad in power 07.2017
Youtube is closing channels against the Assad regime 07.2017;s_Crimes,_YouTube_Closes_More_than_50_Revolutionary_Channels
Iranian leaders saw the opportunity to pounce when America invaded Iraq 14 years ago and ousted Saddam Hussein. We pull out troops and our influence and Iran kept pouring in. 07.2017
Russian FM: Israel’s interests in Syria will be ensured 07.2017
US-backed Iraqi regime will buy Russian tanks 07.2017
description of what the 'CIA arms support' actually meant and why bringing it to an end isn't about stopping non-existent US weapons aid to anti-Assad rebels, but rather putting an embargo on countries like Qatar and Turkey from providing support. It's expanding the MANPAD embargo to every kind of weapon in general. 07.2017
What this years-long effective Western support (be it directed or acquiesced-to) for the Assad regime by way of the Iraqi military means is that the 2003 invasion of Iraq – ostensibly committed in the name of “democracy” – has in fact brought to power forces that are today crucial in helping the Assad regime bury the genuine, grassroots demand for democracy of 2011. Neither is this merely a retrospective truth, for the US and UK governments continue to support Iraq despite being fully aware of its invasion of Syria, making a mockery of ‘official’ condemnations of the Assad regime. Thus far from the useful populist fanfare of a ‘Western conspiracy’ to overthrow him – the empty trope repeated by every previously Western-collaborating Arab Spring dictator (and there is evidence that Assad himself does not fully believe it) – Assad’s real secret winning ingredient? The past and present US-led interventions in Iraq. 07.2017
The US-Trained Iraqi Troops Commit War Crimes Against Civilians Of Mosul 07.2017
[Disinfo revealed] 20-07-2017: 'The arming program that was stopped recently by the United States, does not exist at all, and all that does exist is limited logistical support, Saed Saif said, the head of the media office at (Martyr Ahmed al-'Abdu Forces) opposition faction.
Washington finally admits 'US-backed Syria rebels' can only fight IS, not Assad regime 07.2017
""Massiv, gefährlich und verschwenderisch": Trump hat sich erstmals zum Aus der Unterstützung für syrische Rebellen geäußert. Die Entscheidung ist offenbar Teil einer strategischen Neuausrichtung." Falsch: Die USA haben in Syrien Gruppen wie SRF und die Hazzm-Bewegung unterstützt, die gegen "Jihadisten" kämpfen mussten. Danach haben die USA und Russland die PYD und die von ihr angeführten SDF unterstützt. Sowohl die USA als auch dei NATO haben von Anfang an immer wieder gesagt, dass sie nichts tun werden, um Assad zu stürzen. Man braucht sich nur mal die Erklärungen von Dempsey, Rasmussen und Stoltenberg anzuschauen. Das irakische Regime, das von den USA an die Macht gebracht wurde und künstlich am Leben gehalten wird, gehört zu den größten Unterstützern des Assad-Regimes. Die PYD kann ohne die Hilfe der USA nicht einmal auf Toilette gehen und kämpft für Assad. 07.2017
Der ehrenwerte Götz Aly, über dessen "Beistand" für Jörg Baberowski (und selbstverständlich ging es da ausschließlich um Meinungsfreiheit und nicht etwa politische Sympathien und Positionierungen) gerade auch das liberale Bürgertum so froh schien....
"Aus Sicht der Bundeskanzlerin, ihrer sozialdemokratischen Koalitionspartner, der insofern regierungsfrommen Grünen und der meisten unserer Meinungsmacher haben in Aleppo die Falschen gewonnen – die Regierungstruppen Assads und die Interventionsstreitkräfte Putins.
Dahinter steckt ein seit Jahren in Deutschland gepflegtes Fehlurteil, demgemäß „die Rebellen“ in Syrien die Guten seien."
Neonazis support Assad. Israel and Neonazis also support each other. Zionist opinion leaders legitimize Neonazis and vice versa. They have fun killing lots of the people they colonialize.
The brigades that comprise the Southern Front have been "vetted" by the CIA, allowing them to be trained in Jordan by the US military. But the price for all of this is that they must abandon the fight against the much more destructive Assad regime and its allies. 01.08.2017
Orwellian anti-imperialism: Actually they are also advocating American imperialism, not only Russian and Iranian imperialism. Is any of them sayng something against the US invasion of Iraq and Syria?
Soldaten, die Flüchtlinge an der Grenze misshandelt haben, wurden festgenommen.
Khaleks relatives are probably such rapists too. The West is defending these war crimes. The West and Russia both need such rapist families to colonialize those countries. Russia will never be able to colonialize them on it's own. So they all need each other.
The alt-left is not a new phenomenon. The only difference is that earlier generations used to be less illiterate. This was Alexander Cockburn's response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan published in the Village Voice. Needless to say, he still went on to have a career:
"We all have to go one day, but pray God let it not be over Afghanistan. An unspeakable country filled with unspeakable people, sheepshaggers and smugglers, who have furnished in their leisure hours some of the worst arts and crafts ever to penetrate the occidental world. I yield to none in my sympathy to those prostrate beneath the Russian jackboot, but if ever a country deserved rape it’s Afghanistan. Nothing but mountains filled with barbarous ethnics with views as medieval as their muskets, and unspeakably cruel too."
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said earlier this month that Russia and the United States would do everything in their power to ensure that Israel’s interests are reflected when the Moscow-Washington de-escalation zone in southwestern Syria would be established.
Turkey has long since expressed its thoughts and attitude regarding Syria and Iraq. Ankara time after time stated what sort of a future the sectarian approach of the Maliki regime in Baghdad would drag Iraq into; and what sort of a state the bloody suppressive movements of the Assad regime in Damascus would transform the country into. Ankara turned out to be right, but the statements it made were ignored and turned it into a scapegoat.
Türkiye Suriye ve Irak’la ilgili düşüncelerini ve tavrını uzun süredir dile getirmekte. Ankara Bağdat’taki Maliki yönetiminin mezhepçi yaklaşımının Irak’ı nasıl bir geleceğe sürükleyebileceğini de söyledi defalarca, Şam’daki Esad rejiminin kanlı bastırma hamlelerinin ülkeyi nasıl bir hale getireceğini de... Haklı çıktı çıkmasına ama sözü dinlenmediği gibi bir de günah keçisi oldu. 08.2017
This reality sharply contrasts with the comic-book view widely expressed in tabloid journals of the mainstream, left and right, that alleges the Syrian rebellion against the dictatorship of Bashar Assad is a conspiracy involving both the US, al-Qaida, the Gulf states, Turkey, Israel, George Soros and many others. In reality, the US and the al-Qaida spin-offs have been involved in Syria on opposite sides from the outset. It is a particularly bad case of “alternative news” when the US is depicted as “supporting” the forces it bombs in Syria – the Islamic State and Nusra/JFS (and often mainstream rebel groups[2]) – while supposedly “trying to overthrow” the Assad regime which is untouched by US bombing. 08.2017
Colonial regimes like the Assad regime need USA and Russia to survive, just like Israel. From an Israeli perspective, Israel needs regimes like the Assad regime which can only kill "their own" [sic] people. Zionists and Assadists dehumanize the Muslim population in these countries, they have a common narrative. They don't want representative governments which will support each other.
In this column I break down a very taboo topic - Jewish supremacism in western governments: Exposing the supremacists influencing American politics towards pro-Assad positions. ... Jill Stein posits herself as the “alternative” Green Party candidate, yet backs Assad and strongly backs Russian President Putin – just like Trump. She differs in her domestic approach, but falls in behind the rest against the innocent and common enemies. Trump chimed in with approval of Bernie and Stein’s foreign policy ideas. ... Sanders is also supportive of Assad; he combines denouncing Assad’s enemies with furious objections to any intervention against him (even though such intervention is actually carried out in support of Assad). Flying air support missions for the IRGC, however, is perfectly fine.
Monitoring group and Syrian opposition videos and accounts have been removed for violating YouTube's guidelines 08.2017
Syrian PM to Sputnik: US is not liberating Raqqa, it's destroying it ... Sputnik: US and Iraqi troops [who are allies of Assad] are killing civilians in Mosul 08.2017
US Statement on #Syria threatens if Nusra takes Idlib, US may not be able to convince int'l parties not to take mil action. Via @GebeilyM
Ankara opposes Russian demand to include PYD in the Syrian Opposition 08.2017
Idlib’s Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) has announced that it will disband itself, foiling U.S. plans for the invasion of the north Syrian province under the pretext that the opposition group is aligned with al-Qaida terrorists in Syria. 08.2017
Syria opposition told to come to terms with Assad’s survival ... “There is no conceivable military alignment that’s going to be able to remove him,” said former U.S. Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford, now a fellow at the Middle East Institute in Washington, D.C. “Everyone, including the U.S., has recognized that Assad is staying.” 08.2017
Russian Ambassador: Assad Is Israel’s Best Bet 08.2017
Assad-allied Sisi secures Israel’s interests in Syria
Trump's Afghan approach favors Russia, analysts claim 08.2017
How the West whitewashes killing children in Iraq ... Madeleine Albright - The deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children was worth it 08.2017
Obama's 'red line' morphed into a 'red herring' and could then become a green light for Assad to continue his genocidal war 08.2017
The Iraqi regime’s sexual violence against female detainees ... Instead of dealing with the original source of the problem, Western powers decided instead to prop up the Iraqi regime under the guise of “fighting ISIS”, as was the case in Syria. The crimes of ISIS have been used to to make Western publics forget about the (often far-greater) abuses of regional regimes against which popular uprisings broke out – in Iraq, Syria and Egypt – and all because these regimes had a history of allying with Western interests. Today, all of these regimes are allied in their joint counter-insurgencies (with Egypt and Iraq both providing military support to Assad in Syria for example) and all commit the same type of crimes in their dungeons. 08.2017
After years of defending Assad against ‘US conspiracy’, Global Research celebrate US coordination with the Assad regime 09.2017
The much-underreported role of the US-led Coalition in supporting the Assad regime: ... more than 13.000 airstrikes in Syria ... almost all of these airstrikes have exclusively targeted areas not held by the Assad regime ... more than 2.000 Syrian civilians have been killed ... Assad regime welcomed the US-led airstikes ... revolutionary factions rejected US intervention ... US has also repeatedly targeted mainstream, 'moderate' rebel factions since 2014 ... Up to 200 anti-ISIS rebels have been killed in US-led airstrikes since 2014 ... during the fall of Aleppo in January 2017, the US bombarded rebel-held territory inside the city ... Kerry called the victims of Russia and Assad terrorists ... The US has been sharing the skies with the Syrian airforce since 2014, and the UK since 2015, jointly bombarding Syrian territory ... Since 2012 the US has vetoed the provision of anti-aircraft weaponry to the rebels ... US-led coalition ... joint bombing operations with the Syrian regime Airforce ... air cover to pro-Assad ground forces ... despite the fact that the Assad regime is on record killing more than 70 times the number of civilians as ISIS ... US also supported pro-Assad ground forces. Primarily, these include the Iraqi military's 'Popular Mobilization Units' ... more than 20.000 Iraqi fighters fight for the Assad regime in Syria ... US provided aircover to foreign pro-Assad forces ... main ally of the US-led Coalition in Syria is the SDF ... collaborating in areas under its control with the Assad regime ... US-led coalition also supported regional allies of the Assad regime ... Iraqi government ... Sisi ... Lebanese army ... US Special Forces have recently deployed in Lebanon to support a Lebanese offensive against Sunni insurgents ... The US and UK continue to legally recognize the Assad regime as Syria's sovereign authority, refusing to recognize the Syrian Interim Government ... Both the US-led coalition and the UK have long been coordinating intelligence with the Assad regime ... Contrary to popular perception, both US practical policy and statements have explicitly declared that it is against any 'regime collapse' or 'regime change'
Trump Administration Accused of Aiding Iranian Militias in Syria 10.2017
Assad's phoney 'anti imperialism' exposed 10.2017
Any serious observer knows that Israel has not been promoting 'regime change' in Syria. 10.2017
Rusya'dan İsrail'e Suriye sınırı güvencesi 10.2017
Steve Bannon: Turkey is more Dangerous than Iran, Qatar is like North Korea 10.2017
Does Israel attack Syria?
Stop the War is a fraud 10.2017
the Archive was only able to salvage around 20-30 percent of videos deleted from YouTube, adding that there are around 80,000-100,000 videos that have been permanently deleted. 11.2017
Former Trump administration chief strategist Steve Bannon spoke at a dinner of the Zionist Organization of America in New York City. He praised President Trump on his support of Israel ... Bannon "That's Why I'm Proud To Stand With Israel! That's Why I'm A Proud Christian Zionist!" 11.2017
Assad needs Israel and vice versa: FSA Breaks Siege of Beit Jinn but Later Retreats as Israeli Occupation Forces Intervene on Assad Militias’ Side
The official Russian narrative has constantly been that the Arab Spring was part of an amorphous regime change conspiracy, one that included villains like the Saudi regime and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, as well as favored scapegoats of the far right like George Soros and Hillary Clinton. Propaganda mantras around themes of “national sovereignty” and “radical jihaidsts” played well with a segment of America commonly referred to as “Trump’s base”, many of whom see anti-authoritarian movements as a sinister threat to their own worldview. ... Any fan of Sputnik or RT is already convinced that the Arab Spring and its fallout were part of a Zionist/Saudi/US plan to partition Syria and reshape the Middle East for America and Israel’s benefit. Anyone who reads Sputnik’s Arabic-language site knows that Russia killed dozens of Western, Saudi, and Israeli officers who were training terrorists in Aleppo in 2016. Anyone who reads RT knows that Syria’s lauded White Helmets rescuers are a front for “Al Qa’eda terrorists” and that the sarin attacks in East Ghouta and Khan Shaykoun are part of a Turkish plot to provoke regime change against Assad. Russian outlets have spent years cultivating a relationship with the American and European far right, carefully constructing a conspiratorial narrative against the democratic movements of the Arab Spring. 11.2017
12 Common Misconceptions about the Syrian Conflict 11.2017
#Putin And #Trump Assert The Independency, Sovereignty, Unity And Secularity Of #Syria 11.2017
Damascus confirms US official's visit to Syria 11.2017
Anti-Daesh envoy McGurk key in US arming of Iranian-backed militia, officials say 11.2017
Those who say there is no military solution in Syria are those who have deployed soldiers and have military bases in the country since the war broke out, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said Monday, criticizing recent comments made by U.S. President Donald Trump and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of a regional summit in Vietnam. 11.2017
Suriye savaşı bazılarının düşündüğünden daha uzun sürecek 11.2017
Resigned Syrian opposition figure: We were asked to accept Assad or leave 11.2017
There was no wave of mea culpas from the 'anti-imperialists' who denied the Bosnian genocide after Ratko Mladic's guilty verdict this week. That's because conclusive evidence, even criminal convictions, won’t stop those war crimes deniers, who are now actively whitewashing Assad’s war crimes. 11.2017
The alt-left is real, and it's helping fascists 8.2017
A lesson from Syria: it’s crucial not to fuel far-right conspiracy theories 11.2017
Aydınlık ve ulusal kanal yıllardır ÖSOya,Muhaliflere "teröreist" deyip rejmi destekliyor.Adnan beye hatırlatalm ki,Cerablus operasyonunu TSK'nın önünde yada yanında ÖSO yaptı ve TSK'dan da 10 kat fazla kayıp verdi.İdlib ve Halepte "terörist" olan muhaliflere Cerablusta ne oluyor?
More about Syria's airbases under control of Russia, Iran, US 12.2017
President Rodrigo Duterte told Russia’s ambassador to the Philippines that he believed Russian President Vladimir Putin would do the right thing in Syria 04.2018 Duterte Wants to Move Phillipines’ Embassy to Yerushalayim 12.2017
Ted Cruz urges recognition of capital on Jerusalem Day 05.2017 Ted Cruz: Syrian Rebels Fighting Assad 'Are Even Worse' Than He Is 12.2017
UK stripping the passports of Muslim aid workers and mainstream rebel fighters in Syria for potential targeting. This is one of the crimes of the false pro-Assad 'anti-imperialists', they are completely distracting from what 'Western imperialism' actually is doing. If you wanted to take a leaf out of their book and go full conspiratorial (where you can't 'prove' anything, facts are subjective), you can even argue that they're hired by 'the West' to do so. 12.2017
Irak isgaliyle birlikte Neoconlar ve Siyonist cevreler genis bir Islam karsitligi kampanyasi baslatti. Misir'da Mübarek'in lehinde, Mursi'nin aleyhinde propaganda yaptilar. Mursi'yi devirip yerine Sisi'yi gecirdiler. Diktatörler devrilsin demediler, diktatörler devrilirse Islamcilar iktidara gelir, bunu engellemeliyiz dediler.
Women join opposition police forces in Aleppo’s liberated areas
BBC report over police in opposition areas is biased: officer 12.2017 The BBC, which has also "allegedly" passed free Syrian interviewees' coordinates on to Assad's and Russia's forces, has a very cosy relationship with the regime.
Trump: ‘Para ödemeyeni Rusya’dan korumayacağız’
US national security adviser: Qatar and Turkey are new sponsors of radical ideology
General HR McMaster (anti-imperialist) attributed the rise of the Justice and Development party in Ankara to Turkey's growing problems with the West 12.2017
The Kremlin’s calculus on Israel is highly complex. Many elements are at work – Jewish lobby among Russian elites, powerful oligarchs, ethnic Russians’ role in Israeli politics, Moscow’s perception of Israel as a driver of US policies in the Trump administration, etc.
Comrade Corbyn supports Russian imperialism in Syria 12.2017
Russian trolls pushed graphic, racist tweets 12.2017
Christian Zionists also openly support Assad; Vice President Mike Pence, has served as Christian Zionists’ main channel to the White House; he took calls from evangelicals and emerged as the most significant force in the Trump administration bent on advancing Wednesday’s declaration on Jerusalem.
How Russia is fuelling a disinformation campaign to cover up war crimes in Syria 12.2017
Rus haber ajansının ''120 Ahrar Şam üyesi silah bırakıp teslim oldu'' iddiasını Ahrar Şam sözcüleri yalanladı. Rus medyas RT sık sık muhalifleri yönünde algı yapmasıyla biliniyor ve bu yüzden birçok ülkede yaptırma maruz kayılıyor.
Erdoğan: Syria's Assad a terrorist, impossible to continue with him 12.2017
Tillerson: Suriye'de Rusya ile birlikte çalışacağız ... New York Times gazetesine yılsonu makalesi yazan ABD Dışişleri Bakanı, Suriye'de Rusya ile birlikte çalışma ihtiyaçlarını ortaya koydu. 12.2017
But Mattis said that despite some minor problems, the demarcation line set up in Syria by the U.S. and Russia had held, and that he did not expect pro-regime forces to interfere with any rebuilding efforts. 12.2017
Turkey Reiterates Rejection of Assad Staying in Office ... “For us, Assad cannot unite Syria,” Cavusoglu said in an interview with the German news agency. “For us, such a system must not remain even for a transitional period. This is our position. He has to step down.” 01.2018
"Turkey says Russia, Iran must stop Syrian government violations" 01.2018
Anti-imperialist Israel: Israel hails Russia’s responsible stance on Middle East - Israel’s ambassador to Russia 01.2018
Turkey Eyes Syria's Manbij as U.S. and Russia Call for End to Assault 01.2018
The most direct blow to Russian “victory” was delivered by a series of attacks on the Khmeimim airbase, which remains the main operational base for all Russia forces in Syria, including the semi-legal private contractors (see EDM, March 16, 2017; March 22, 2017; January 11, 2018).
Rage after BBC's Antwan Khouri voices support for Assad, attacks FSA 01.2018
An oft-neglected Russian connection. One of the least-talked about questions is the coordination and cooperation between Israel and Russia in dealing with regional developments in the Middle East and how far this cooperation has gone in defending Israel’s security interests 02.2018
Russian Gun Group With Ties To NRA Backed By Right-Wing Extremists 02.2018
ZDF heute: "Dass Islamisten mit großer Brutalität gegen die syrische Armee vorgehen, wollen die Rebellen verschweigen" 02.2018
Verdiği akla baktığınız zaman ne diyor? Suriye'nin terörist başı, başındaki kişiyle bize görüşme tavsiye ediyor. Bu ne menem iştir ya! 1 milyon insanın ölümüne neden olmuş olan bir kişiyle bizi bir araya getirme gafletinde, cehaletinde bulunacak bir adam. 05.02.2018 CHP lideri Kılıçdaroğlu, "Açık ve net bir çağrıyı hükümete yapıyoruz. Suriye hükümetiyle derhal temasa geçiniz. Eğer Suriye'de toprak bütünlüğü sağlanacaksa, akan kan duracaksa, Suriye devletiyle, hükümetiyle derhal ilişki kurmak gerekiyor" 03.02.2018
Today, there is a virtual army of journalists who combine the shoddy journalism of Judith Miller and the virulent Islamophobia of Christopher Hitchens on behalf of a new crusade against the “Salafist menace”. But instead of serving as the lapdog of George W. Bush, they operate as cogs in the propaganda machine for the Kremlin and the Baathist state. Their hatred for “jihadism” runs so deep that they justify the bombing of hospitals in Idlib 02.2018
The so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights is promoting the criminal and murderous régime
More pro-Assad war crime denialism - "partisangirl" creates a video claiming to show "terrorists" teaching children how to fake a chemical attack - Turns out it's from a 2013 play for children on chemical attacks
A lover's tiff or the end of their alliance? Syrians won't be sad if they fight each other instead of bombing Syrians.
Why do left- and right-wingers in Germany defend Assad′s tyranny?
Why do Italian fascists adore Syria's Bashar al-Assad?
This is Vanessa Beeley directing her army of trolls to harass academics, journalists & news organisations. She is part of the 21stCenturyWire orbit, a Kremlin-friendly group of conspiracy theorists that includes @PiersRobinson1 of @sheffielduni & @Tim_Hayward_ of @EdinburghUni.
Indeed the Israeli Prime Minister during his current visit has hailed Modi as a ‘revolutionary leader’ and the public and private ties between the two states are hitting new heights. Preceding Netanyahu’s trip to India, Modi became the first ever Indian Prime Minister to visit Israel and solidified the need to work together in defense ... Most remarkably Indian support to the Syrian President Bashar al Assad and his government has taken a very public and strategic stance; the foreign, finance and intelligence ministers have all made trips to Syria regularly. 02.2018
Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, "Hala 'Esed ile bir araya gelelim' diyen zavallılar var. Yahu, 1 milyon vatandaşını katleden böyle bir katille siz neyi düzelteceksiniz, neyi ayağa kaldıracaksınız?" dedi. 24.02.2018
Vielleicht sollten die Herrschaften von der AfD den Aussagen seiner "Exzellenz", mit der Androhung von Terror- und Selbstmordanschlägen in Europa, vom Oktober 2011 lauschen, bevor sie ihn nach Deutschland holen wollen, um die Syrer zur Rückkehr aufzufordern.
Spiegel: Die Opfer in Ghouta sind Islamisten, man kann sie ruhig töten
Man muss sich ja nicht wundern, dass immer mehr Menschen glauben, das syrische Regime kämpfe ja nur gegen Terroristen, wenn selbst ein Korrespondent der ARD diesen Eindruck zu verkaufen versucht. Alexander Stenzel versucht tatsächlich, die massiven Bombardierungen durch das Regime und Russland, die Auslöschungen ganzer Wohngebiete und die seit Jahren anhaltenden systematischen Aushungerungen der zivilen Bevölkerung in Ost-Ghuta als eine Art Verteidigung und bloße Reaktion des Regimes darzustellen gegen die Islamisten, die Damaskus von Ost-Ghuta aus beschießen. Merkwürdig, dass ich vom Beschuss Damaskus' (und die Ost-Ghuta gehört ja übrigens zu Damaskus) durch die Rebellen in letzter Zeit so gut wie nichts gehört oder gelesen habe. 03.2018
Vergleich: West- und Ost-Ghouta
Bashar al Assad: "Let the Palestinian cause go to Hell"
In this speech following a conference with his primary sponsor Vladimir Putin in late 2017, the "Great Anti-Zionist" Bashar al Assad, says that since Arab nations failed to assist him and Putin to crush the Syrian revolution, Russia is a true defender of Syria, unlike Arab nations, adding, "let the Palestinian cause go to Hell."
In his address, Assad fawns on Putin, lauding the Russian forces and Syrians who died to save his regime, saying, "We seen no difference between the Syrian and Russian blood spilt in Syria. Maybe after one century from now our children will be taught in schools the Russians defended Syria as the Syrian champions did. If this [Arab nations' failure to defend the regime in the same way as Russia] is nationalism and Arabism, we neither want nationalism nor do we want Arabism. If those are Arabs, we don’t want to be Arabs. We want to be anything other than this. Let the Palestinian cause go to hell."
An Investigation Into Red-Brown Alliances: Third Positionism, Russia, Ukraine, Syria, And The Western Left ... During the Gulf War, Hafez al-Assad cooperated with the American coalition even as sanctions which caused thousands of civilian deaths were imposed on Iraq. This was accompanied by a policy of him maintaining peace with Israel, which was continued by his son Bashar. Bashar al-Assad has been no different, implementing extensive neoliberal policies, participating in peace negotiations with Israel, starting a slow detente between Damascus and Washington while cooperating with the CIA torture program of George W. Bush during his “War on Terror” ... And in 2011, during the NATO bombing of Libya, the Syrian regime provided French intelligence with information which led to the murder of Muammar Gaddafi in exchange of a period of grace and less pressure on Assad and his regime even as he was cracking down with extreme brutality on the protest movement in Syria. Far from being an anti-imperialist force, the Assad clan has been a consistent ally of American and Israeli imperialism, and leftist participants of the Syrian revolutionary movement such as Marxist Jihad Asa’ad Muhammad, and the Syrian Revolutionary Youth, a radical socialist movement which stood in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle and also faced persecution from the regime. ... the US has always feared a jihadist takeover in Syria – the American “War on Terror” never ended), and the CIA train-and-equip program to support the rebels, which was designed against Da’esh rather than the Assad regime, was terminated after being barely implemented. The American goal, beyond the initial platitudes of “Assad must go” of Washington during the early Arab Spring, has not been to seek “regime change” but to instead find an arrangement between the US-supported sections of the bourgeois parts of the opposition and the Ba’ath government for a transition of power which would preserve the capitalist regime which has been prevailing in Syria under the Assad dynasty ... The actual American military intervention in Syria since 2014 itself has, since the rise of Da’esh, been a War on Terror policy concerned primarily with fighting against Da’esh: the limited program to train rebels was explicitly aimed at fighting against Da’esh (which these rebels labeled as Obama’s “de facto alliance with Assad”), the cooperation with Rojava is aimed at explicitly fighting against Da’esh, the military and financial support to Iraq (an ally of Bashar al-Assad) is aimed at fighting against Da’esh and includes support for militias associated with the Popular Mobilization Units, the same Iraqi state-supported militias who support Bashar al-Assad and participated in the Ba’ath regime’s capture of Aleppo. As early as 2013, after the Ghouta chemical attacks, Obama decided to ask Congress permission before taking any military move on Syria (something he didn’t do for Libya) and accepted the chemical deal brokered with Russia through Israel, and had moreover been proposing to Vladimir Putin a coordination plan against the al-Nusra Front in 2016. Bashar al-Assad in 2017 even welcomed a potential United States intervention in Syria to cooperate with his government’s side of the war, and American strikes against the Syrian regime have been exceptions rather than the norm. Similarly, Israeli involvement and airstrikes in Syria against the Syrian state have been exceptions rather than the norm, and have instead been primarily directed at Iranian and Hezbollah targets. 03.2018
Fisk is not angry at an ambulance being bombed. Indeed, he heavily implies that the bombing was merited. Fisk devotes much of the article to implicating the Scottish charity that donated the ambulance. In his curious legal brief against medical aid, Fisk’s allies are not facts but suggestion, insinuation and innuendo. His method is insidious and part of a pattern. It merits closer scrutiny.
Achse des Grauens: Zionisten und Neocons unterstützen Assad, gemeinsam mit Neonazis. Im März 2016 veröffentlichte der US-amerikanische und proisraelische Thinktank Middle East Forum eine Liste unterstützter Projekte, auf der erstmals Journalistenwatch auftaucht. Die Fördergelder dürften zu den ersten zählen, die eine US-amerikanische Organisation an eine deutsche Plattform vergibt, welche die Neue Rechte bedient. 12.2017
Despite Russia and the Syrian-regime saying they're fighting al-Qaeda in Syria, the group's presence has been shrinking. (Actually there is no al Qaeda in Syria)
Russia is demonizing Muslim communities and Islam to advance its geostrategic interests in Myanmar, Syria, US, UK, Europe and elsewhere, and it's having genocidal consequences.
Gestern kam im Ersten in den Tagesthemen ein Bericht von Alexander Stenzel aus Damaskus, von wo er, als vom Regime zugelassener Journalist, aus Ost-Ghouta und Damaskus berichtete. Zum einen erschienen in dem Bericht Regime und Rebellen als ebenbürtige Gegner und zum anderen wurden die Regime-Propaganda nahezu kommentarlos wiedergegeben. Er durfte sogar ein vom Regime erobertes Labor zur Herstellung von Sprengstoff und "Chlorgas" besichtigen.
Warum fällt es der ARD so schwer, objektiv zu berichten und die Dinge beim Namen zu nennen? Kein Wort zu den Kriegsverbrechen und Menschenrechtsverletzungen des Regimes. Wenn er seriöse und zuverlässige Quellen braucht, kann er sich doch gerne an die UN wenden. Die haben die Anwendung von Giftgas durch das Regime festgestellt und nachgewiesen. Auch zur systematischen Folterung und Tötung von Gefangenen gibt es einen UN-Bericht mit unzähligen (55.000) Beweisfotos. Oder ist aus Sicht der ARD auch die UN nicht glaubwürdig? 03.2018
<<Alexander Stenzel sagte heute im Morgenmagazin, die syrische Armee kann die türkischen Aggression in Afrin nicht stoppen, weil sie gegen die Islamisten in OstGhoutah kämpfen muss. Er zeigt sich empört, dass jetzt auch Syrer syrische Städte plündern würden!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Herr Stenzel sie widern mich an, wenn ich Sie sehe, und hinter Ihnen das Symbol des Assad Regimes die "Assad Bibliothek" in Damaskus sichtbar ist.
Noch etwas seit 2011 plündern Milizionäre des Regimes genannt Shabbiha systemisch alle Städte, die sie betreten. Es gab den Sunniten-Market, wo man die geplünderten Gegenstande aus den sunnitischen Vierteln verkauft hat. Ganz offen und ohne Reue!
Wenn Sie das Massaker von OstGhoutah als Kampf gegen Islamisten abtun wollen, ist das ein Verrat an unseren Werten. Noch etwas für unbegabte Anfänger: Assad kann nicht gegen die Türkei Kämpfen, weil seine Mörderbanden keine Armee sind und nur Zivilisten massakrieren können.
Assad kann nicht die Türken bekämpfen, weil er ein Sklave der Russen und der Iraner ist, die der türkischen Offensive zugestimmt haben. Herr Stenzel Sie sind unprofessionell und lügen bewusst oder unbewusst.>> Zitat Ende 03.2018
Von Anfang an geplant: Das irakische Regime, das von den USA an die Macht gebracht wurde und am Leben gehalten wird, gehört zu den größten Unterstützern des syrischen Regimes.
Wer RT teilt, kann auch das teilen: Assad und Putin legen Syrien in Schutt und Asche: Die Schuld von Recep Tayyip Erdoğan 03.2018
Russia chose the beginning of the incursion into the northern villages of Hama and southern Aleppo. However, they encountered strong resistance and the ground forces, both the remnants of the regime's army and the Iranian-backed Iraqi Popular Mobilization militias, suffered heavy losses as a result of the confrontations in open land and these areas include a large human element and the stronghold of the most prominent military factions in northern Syria. The attackers had turned later to attack the city of Aleppo from the northern soft side in order to control the eastern neighborhoods and a direct a moral blow to the "Syrian opposition" and forced to enter into the negotiations that were already launched within the course of Astana only one month after the signing the agreement on the evacuation of eastern Aleppo neighborhoods in January 2016.
Anti-imperialist Trump and Putin? Facebook and Cambridge Analytica:
What You Need to Know as Fallout Widens 03.2018
Anti-imperialist oil: Patterson also recalled Mercer arguing that, during the Gulf War, the U.S. should simply have taken Iraq’s oil, “since it was there.” Trump, too, has said that the U.S. should have “kept the oil.” ... links to Moscow oil firm and St Petersburg university 03.2018
Anti-Imperialist Trump and Putin lol: John Bolton, der für den Tod von einer geschätzten halben Million Menschen auf Basis einer Massenvernichtungswaffen-Lüge #Irak mitverantwortlich ist, die er uns damals als UN-Botschafter verkauft hat, ist jetzt Trumps neuer Sicherheitsberater 03.2018
Anti-imperialist Flynn: in early March 2014, just after Russia had seized Crimea. American officials were weighing whether to impose sanctions in response, but Mr. Flynn was pushing ahead with plans to travel to Moscow to build on an existing intelligence-sharing initiative with his Russian counterparts. He also wanted to invite Russian military intelligence officials to Washington to discuss the threat of Islamist militants. ... During his tour in Iraq, he served under Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, running intelligence for the military’s Joint Special Operations Command, whose relentless campaign of raids and airstrikes hollowed out Al Qaeda in Iraq.
Günah cikariyor: Iraq War A 'Huge Error,' ee neye yaradi bu? Bedavaya kendisini temize cikariyor, hicbir bedel ödemiyor. Türkiye'yi de cok (!) seviyormus: “There's an ongoing coup going on in Turkey right now—right now!” Flynn told his audience. The Turkish military, he continued, was a secular institution, whereas the country was heading “toward Islamism” under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. His audience broke into applause
In November 2013, the president of the National Rifle Association, David Keene, was introduced as an honored guest at the conference of the Right to Bear Arms, a gun lobby in Moscow. "There are no peoples that are more alike than Americans and Russians," Keene said. "We're hunters. We're shooters. We value the same kinds of things." Keene underscored his friendship with Alexander Torshin, a top politician in the ruling party of Vladimir Putin; for the past three years
Katie Hopkins, Tommy Robinson ... Ms Hopkin’s hate-filled oeuvre includes referring to African migrants as “cockroaches”, tweeting after the Manchester attack last May about the need for a “final solution” and writing “dear black people: if your lives matter, why do you shoot and stab each other so much?” ... Ms Hopkins was able to be photographed with Mark Regev, the Israeli ambassador. She also tweeted about how she'd told him that she had “pencilled him in” as her fourth husband. Just above her latest tweets denying the ongoing genocide in Syria. 03.2018
George Nader, who's also an intermediate between Assad, Israel and Iran, as well as linking Trump with Putin, is a very busy little bee (and given the amount of sensitive info he has, he should turn down any offers of a cup of tea from Kremlin contacts). 03-04-2018: 'Special counsel Robert Mueller is reportedly investigating a consulting firm linked to a George Nader, an associate of Jared Kushner’s who serves as a senior adviser to an Arab prince.
The girl who appeared on Assad Regime news and claimed that she was kidnapped and imprisoned for years in rebels prisons in gouta... Had another photo from less than two months with Russian warplane pilot. 04.2018
Die ARD trommelt mit Lüders, Meyer und Kujat für Assad 04.2018
Senior British academics are spreading pro-Assad disinformation and conspiracy theories promoted by Russia, The Times can reveal.
Implication is sharing the same airspace as the Syrian regime and bombing in tandem for four years. Implication is being involved in blocking weaponry from third parties for years meaning that rebels have spent the entire war rationing ammunition and begging for weaponry. Implication is supporting regional regimes that have exported thousands of fighters to support Assad, not least Iraq. Without the US camp there, for instance, there wouldn't be 30,000 Iraqi fighters in Syria fighting a Holy War against the population, they'd be too busy fending off ISIS inside Iraq. In other words, you link support to a country like Iraq with them not actually interfering elsewhere. Implication is not having your main proxy force in the country, the YPG, as a regime collaborator that joined in the siege of Aleppo, has returned territories to the regime and supported both US and Russian airstrikes with abandon. Implication is sending your officials to coordinate "intelligence" and "security" to Damascus. Implication is still recognising the regime as the legal authority in Syria, meaning that they keep their seats in things like the UN etc.
Since 2014 he US has targeted anti ISIS rebel groups (including groups deemed to be "moderate") dozens of times more than they targeted Iranian militias. In fact, whilst the US has never supported a rebel military offensive (i.e. by groups which refused to give up simultaneously fighting Assad, not the SDF etc.) it actually has supported military offensives by pro Iranian militias in places like Palmyra
There's no way any airstrikes will be aimed at "regime change". US policy has been invested too heavily over the years in "regime preservation" (or "state preservation" as they called it, pretending it to be separate) for it to be changed now that Assad's foreign militias have successfully reoccupied various parts of the country. You won't find any aerial support for any rebel offensives or anything like that. The airstrikes if they take place will likely be heavier than the strike in 2017, but still nothing equivalent to the anti-ISIS airstrike campaign etc aimed at supporting local ground forces at retaking territory. Nor will you find the Southern Front or anything like that (frozen since 2015 by the US and Jordan who cut off any external supplies coming in from Saudi and Qatar) reactivated.
Western supporters of Assad are generally told that he is “secular”, but his mostly foreign Shia militias are incited to kill Syrian opposition civilians and combatants using explicitly sectarian extremist terminology and narratives. ... 04.2018
Assad, and especially Russia, go out of their way to saturate social media and the "alternative media" with misinformation and disinformation for one reason; they know it's effective.
Lucas noted that there has been an overlap between pro-Assad trolling, disinformation, and propaganda and support for the regime from the American alt-right and far right. As a case in point, notorious conspiracy trolls like Alex Jones and far-right figures like white supremacist Richard Spencer were promoting claims that the Douma attack was a “false flag,” a common conspiracy trope positing that mass casualty incidents are engineered internally to provide pretext for either government repression or military action: Is it a coincidence that #StormyGate, #MichaelCohenRaid, #MuellerWitchHunt are all heating up at the same time as the supposed chemical attack in #Syria and the world’s rush to war?
The US is intervening behind the scenes in Syria to the benefit of the Assad regime ... a coalition of 14 countries set up by the Obama administration in late 2014. In July 2016, the US-led coalition against Daesh began to coordinate with the Syrian-Russian campaign ... In 1991, when the US invaded Iraq, Hafez al-Assad, Syria's president at the time, signed on to the George H.W. Bush administration's "coalition of the willing," which was intended to drive Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait. In exchange for his support, Assad gained full dominion over Lebanon. The cooperation continued under President Bill Clinton's administration, when Washington shepherded negotiations for a peace agreement between the Assad government and Israel.
Das erste Bild zeigt die von den USA unterstützen Shietischen Milizen aus dem Irak zurzeit in Yarmouk/Damaskus (von der Imam Ali Brigade) sie kämpfen dort für das Assad Regime, nichts neues eigentlich da sie das seit Jahren tun. Die Fotos rechts zeigt Mitlgieder dieser und anderer Shia Milizen Brigaden mit feinster US Ausrüstung im Irak, von welcher die Rebellen in Syrien nur träumen können.
More than half a million Syrians have been killed since 2011. The vast majority of civilian deaths have been through the use of conventional weapons and 94 per cent of these victims were killed by the Syrian-Russian-Iranian alliance. There is no outrage or concern feigned for this war, which followed the regime’s brutal crackdown on peaceful, pro-democracy demonstrators. There’s no outrage when barrel bombs, chemical weapons and napalm are dropped on democratically self-organized communities or target hospitals and rescue workers.
Brian Ballard, viewed by some as the lobbyist closest to President Donald Trump, is working for an ally of Syria’s brutal dictator, Bashar al-Assad.
But many say Kucinich’s trips to Syria and others like it made by American and European political figures, where they frequently meet with Assad, do nothing but provide an appearance of legitimacy for a regime that according to the United Nations has committed “crimes against humanity of extermination, murder, rape or other forms of sexual violence, torture, imprisonment, enforced disappearance and other inhuman acts” over the past several years.
Aus einer Rezension zu Maybrit Illners gestrigen Erdogan Diskussion: "Kein Erdogan-Verteidiger sitzt am Tisch. Niemand grätscht dazwischen, um Relativierungen anzubringen, die eh nicht ernst zu nehmen wären." Schön, bei Erdogan sind sich die öffentlich-rechtlichen Medien einig, Erdogan Fürsprecher werden nicht mehr zu Diskussionsrunden eingeladen. Bei Assad, der abgesehen von den unzähligen Kriegsverbrechen, die mehrere tausend Seiten füllen systematisch Zivilisten nicht nur einsperrte, sondern zehntausende in seinen Kerkern hinrichtete, ist sich die hiesige öffentliche Meinung nicht einig. 04.2018
“[Israel and Russia] have this agreement to prevent any infractions.They [both] have this goal of preventing a major escalation,” says Evgeny Finkel, an assistant professor of political science and international affairs at George Washington University. ... “An ISIS or an al-Qaida governed state in Syria or a complete disintegration of Syria would be a worst-case scenario for Israel. In that sense, Russian and Israeli goals can co-exist,” he added. (Disinformation, they don't fear marginal groups, they fear representative governments cooperating with each other. This is the reason why they support torture regimes.) 04.2018
Following Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in 1990, for example, Syria had provided about 20,000 troops for the US-led coalition in Operation Desert Storm (it said they would be used to help defend Saudi Arabia but not to attack Iraq). In 2002, as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, Syria had also voted in favour of Resolution 1441 – instigated by the US and Britain – which declared Iraq to be “in material breach” of several earlier resolutions and threatened “serious consequences” if its “violations” continued. ... The story, recounted several times by retired US general Wesley Clark, is that he visited a former colleague in the Defense Department a couple of weeks after 9/11 and was told a decision had been made to go to war with Iraq. On a second visit several weeks later the ex-colleague told him of a single-page memo which went much further, proposing to “take out seven countries in five years”. ... Clark says he didn’t read the memo himself ... Clark said later it wasn’t necessarily a plan – “Maybe it was a think piece…a sort of notional concept.” In any case, it didn’t happen. ...
Alex Jones, a right-wing extremist with a vast following, unleashed a vulgar tirade against Trump on Friday over the president's decision to launch missile strikes in Syria 04.2018 Alex Jones: I support Israel. Alex Jones shot out a live Twitter broadcast claiming that the “false flag chemical attack could start a wider war”.
The hardcore Trump acolyte and anti-immigration zealot Ann Coulter called it a “faked attack”, and like many others, connected it to Trump’s recently expressed desire to leave Syria. 04.2018 Ann Coulter: Israel must be defended as last redoubt of the Globalists. 03.2018
In 2002 and 2003, millions of left-leaning demonstrators crowded cities around the world to protest against the Bush administration’s invasion of Iraq. All the while, conservative media, along with large segments of the liberal press, beat the war drums, encouraging the Bush administration in its project of regime change. But 15 years later, those on the right support Assad.
Tucker Carlson, the keynote Fox News host ... “All the geniuses tell us that Assad killed those children,” said Carlson. “But do they really know that? Of course they don’t. They’re making it up. They have no real idea what happened. And in general, Fox News hosts pushed back on the president’s bellicose remarks, largely evincing an anti-war sentiment. New recruit Tomi Lahren Trump in her final thoughts segment to “remember that it’s America first”, and demanded that the US pull out of Syria entirely. 04.2018
From the very beginning of the Syrian war there has been a tendency among a certain milieu of writers, academics, journalists and politicians to use the non-existent threat of a western war of "regime change" against Assad to support and justify the genocidal cause of Assad and his allies. For some people, the Assad Axis could murder as many Syrians as possible and these apologists-cum-supporters would be the vanguard of those justifying or seeking to enable it. And this is one of the interesting points of history regarding the subject of genocide and questions of different levels of culpability that surround this crime. ... This is the alternate reality, very deliberately cultivated, that enables genocide.
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